American comics: My luck is a little bit better!

Chapter 078 I asked you to blow up the villa, not to blow yourself up! (1/2)

At this time, Stark was a little confused.

He looked at Luo Bai carefully from head to toe, and still couldn't believe that Luo Bai had a power that could devour the entire universe, and this power was still tempting Luo Bai.

After all, Luo Bai looked no different at this time, and there was nothing wrong with his expression.

Thinking of this, Stark couldn't help but complain: "If you hadn't told me. I can't see any clues from your current state."

"Mages need strong willpower and mental strength. After all, there are too many temptations in this universe." Luo Bai explained.

"OK, you can still talk to me so calmly now. I think you should have learned how to control the power in your body now, right?" Stark asked tentatively.

Luo Bai smiled and said, "Of course, I was just joking with you before. You know I have always had good luck, so I can control it well."

"That's good." Stark breathed a sigh of relief.

That was close!

I almost thought I was going to be eaten.

Fortunately, Luo Bai's willpower is strong enough... He is worthy of being the Supreme Mage.

But then again, Luo Bai's luck is really good.

Traveling to the multiverse can also "pick up" a powerful force.

Although Stark may not understand how powerful the power of the goblins is, he can understand this luck.

It's like a person suddenly picked up a lottery ticket on the road, and then went to redeem the prize and found that he won 100 million.

When you receive the prize, the country may ask you to pay some taxes, but... the rest is earned in vain.

Thinking of this, Stark couldn't help but sigh: "Putting aside your strength, I found that your luck seems to be quite good. It's just that your strength has always been very strong, so I seem to have overlooked the fact that you are very lucky."

"This is normal, after all, luck is also part of strength." Luo Bai responded with a smile.

As soon as the voice fell, the doorbell suddenly rang throughout the villa.

"Did you make an appointment?" Luo Bai asked.

Stark shook his head and explained, "No. A few days ago, when I was being interviewed... I gave my address to reporters all over the world on impulse. So it's normal for someone to come to my house."

Luo Bai suddenly realized and replied, "I remember. I saw the news about you on TV before I came to see you."

When it comes to this, Stark is a little helpless.

"I admit that I was too impulsive at that time. At that time, the Mandarin had been creating panic. Nine bombings occurred in New York within a week. He even appeared arrogantly on TV to threaten and injured Happy. People were panicking, and all the reporters were asking me why I, as Iron Man, did nothing. I was fed up. So I impulsively told him my home address." Stark said.

Luo Bai could understand his behavior, so he didn't say anything more.

The two went up to the first floor of the villa together.

As soon as they reached the first floor, they saw a strange blonde standing outside the door.

The beauty was dressed very ordinary, and at first glance, she was the kind of woman who was doing academic research.

After Stark agreed, the beauty walked into the house.

After the beauty came in, Stark asked, "You are not the Mandarin, are you?"

The beauty was a little surprised and asked awkwardly, "You don't remember me?"

Stark realized at this time that the beauty knew him. He apologized and explained, "I have a bad memory. I don't even remember what I ate this morning."

The beauty didn't seem to want to talk so much nonsense with him. She just said very seriously, "Tony, I have something very important to tell you. I hope we can talk alone. You know what I mean."

If it were other things, Stark would definitely agree.

But now Luo Bai was standing next to him, and he immediately refused: "I trust Luo Bai very much. I feel safe when he is around."

The beauty seemed a little surprised and asked in confusion, "Don't you want to know those things? About the Mandarin."

"I want to know who you are now." Stark asked.

As soon as the voice fell, Luo Bai spoke, "She is your ex-girlfriend, Tony. Her name is Maya Hankerson."

Stark was stunned.


After thinking for a long time, Stark nodded and replied: "I seem to have a little impression, but why do you know about the Mandarin?"

"Because she participated in this matter." Luo Bai replied.

Before Maya could explain, Stark subdued her in the next second.

"I suggest you confess everything, otherwise I can't guarantee whether I will hurt you. Although I don't want to hurt women." Stark warned.


It can be seen that Maya's face was angry at this time.

She couldn't understand, so she asked a soul-searching question: "Stark! I am your ex-girlfriend. Anyway, we once had a relationship. You didn't even give me a chance to speak and believed what this man said and attacked me?"

Stark didn't understand and asked hurriedly: "Is there anything strange about this?"

Maya asked angrily: "Of course!! In your heart, I don't even deserve the opportunity to refute?"

"If Luo Bai said he participated, then you must have participated. I completely believe him, so I won't believe a word of your rebuttal. Explain. What is your relationship with the Mandarin." Stark said seriously.

Maya: "..."

I TM!!!

Maya took a deep breath, and she seemed to want to explain.

"I can swear, I didn't..."

But before she finished speaking, Stark interrupted: "To be honest, you should know that I hate the Mandarin. Don't make me hate you too."

Seeing that Stark didn't listen to any explanation, Maya finally compromised.

"OK, OK. I'll tell the truth. I did participate in this matter. But I was forced, Tony." Maya said.

She seemed to want to pretend to be pitiful, but was exposed by Luo Bai the next second: "No. She was not forced, she was very willing."


Maya was silent, and she had to look at Luo Bai.

"Do you think you know a lot?" Maya asked angrily.

Before Luo Bai even spoke, Stark spoke: "Of course. He is a wizard. He knows everything. Nothing on the earth can escape his eyes. He protects the earth, so you should respect him. You can't talk to him like this!"


Maya was so angry that she laughed.

Her ex-boyfriend actually helped a man to madly attack her.

She once thought that Stark had some feelings for her.

But now it seems that her position in Stark's heart is not even as good as such a man.

Thinking of this, Maya gave up struggling: "Yes, I joined voluntarily."

"You actually joined the team of terrorists?! Why would I look for an ex-girlfriend with such a distorted outlook?" Stark said in disbelief.

Maya immediately retorted loudly: "Not a terrorist, Mandarin is just an actor. He is just performing for people all over the world. In fact, the manipulator behind the scenes is Killian."

Stark frowned.


He remembered that it was a man who had been very close to Pepper recently.

And Luo Bai had mentioned before that Killian would be his future enemy.

Stark had never figured it out before, but now he understood it all.

No wonder those reporters targeted him.

It turned out that this matter was aimed at him.

"What exactly does he want to do?" Stark asked hurriedly.

"He is creating the Extremis virus." Maya answered seriously.

"Extremis virus?!" Stark muttered, and he didn't know why he felt that he seemed to have some impression of this name.

Thinking of this, Stark hurriedly explained: "I seem to have some impression of this name."

Hearing him say this, Maya became even more angry: "You remember the Extremis virus, but you don't remember me?"

Stark said apologetically: "Although I'm sorry, why don't you explain what the Extremis virus is."

Maya took a deep breath and then explained: "The Extremis virus is a drug that can enhance the human body's various abilities, including strength, speed and reaction speed. It can even regenerate cells. It gives people super self-healing ability. It can make disabled people normal. We are still testing more functions. This is essentially a biological research."

Stark understood.

That is to say, Killian is studying a drug that can make disabled people normal and ordinary people become superpowers? ?

"Did he succeed?" Stark asked again.

Maya shook her head and responded: "It's not completely successful yet. There was a problem with the experiment. We found that most people who used the Extremis virus would have side effects... they would self-destruct."

Self-destruction? !

At this point, Stark suddenly understood.

In simple terms, Killian was conducting secret human biological experiments.

But because the experiment had side effects that would cause explosions, in order to prevent the M government from discovering the abnormality, he invited an actor to play a terrorist.

That actor was the "Mandarin" who appeared on TV.

He asked the "Mandarin" to issue a threat.

Thus, the experiment was covered up, making people think that the explosion was caused by terrorists.

After learning all this, Stark was a little angry.

"Maya, I can't believe you would help Killian do human experiments?? Do you know how many people were killed by those explosions?!" Stark questioned.

Maya immediately retorted: "Self-destruction is just a problem with the research. The Extremis virus is essentially a more powerful agent than the Super Soldier Serum, and we can improve it!"

"I don't want to know this, I want to know why you came here to see me today." Stark questioned.

Maya didn't hide anything and answered very honestly: "Killian wants to take Boz away. He wants to inject Boz with the Extremis virus. Then he wants to kill you."

"So you came here to remind me?" Stark asked.

"No. I came here to confirm whether you really live here." Maya sneered and spoke slowly.

Stark didn't seem to understand what she meant. In the end, Luo Bai reminded him: "Stark, your house is surrounded now."

Only then did Stark notice that his villa was surrounded.

The enemy surrounded Stark's home from all sides, sea, land and air, and could launch missiles to attack at any time.

Stark understood now.

It turned out that Maya didn't come alone, she came with a large army.

No wonder she said everything so easily, because these people were about to attack his house.

"Stark, I thought you would have some feelings for me. I didn't expect... Hehe. Goodbye Stark, you really deserve to die!" Just thinking, Maya spoke again angrily.

She cursed Stark, with a bit of hatred and confidence on her face.

She hated because Stark was ruthless.

She was confident that Stark's house would be blown up soon, and she could take the opportunity to escape.

But her wishful thinking was wrong.

"I suggest you don't be too happy for the time being. With Luo Bai here, my family may not be in trouble." Stark replied with a serious look.

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge explosion was heard.

Boom! !

In an instant, flames were everywhere.

Of course... it was not Stark's house that exploded.

But... in the sky...

The helicopter that was supposed to launch missiles at Stark's house exploded by itself.

One of the planes exploded, triggering some chain reactions.

As a result, several helicopters flying with it also exploded.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Explosions continued to sound.

The original 8 helicopters...only 4 were left.

Half of them were gone.

Maya: “…………”

You are here to bomb Stark’s house!!!

Not to self-destruct!!!

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