American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

1024. A gathering of heroes and one Zhuge Liang!

In fact, no one knows what conspiracy is brewing on Bawei, which has been occupied by Chaos for a long time.

Only Rorschach and the other three loyal primarchs were vaguely aware of something strange because of the special blood between the primarchs.

However, time is passing quickly.

Baal Prime, where the three loyal Primarchs have temporarily gathered, has officially entered a state of enthusiastic preparations for war.

Even though the Primarchs did not give any pre-battle speeches in advance to boost morale.

But every mortal warrior or Astartes smells the anxious smell of another large-scale war.

Not long after, the vast majority of the Astartes troops were assigned to the two fleets of Indomitable and Scourge by Regent Guilliman, who had the greatest battlefield command ability among the Primarchs.

Millions of intelligent control legions and the divine machines standing on the earth have become the absolute main force on the ground battlefield.

And because Regent Guilliman has no idea how the invasion from the local universe will unfold.

He had to order the fleet masters to temporarily distribute the two huge fleets of Scourge and Indomitable evenly throughout the Baal system.

In this way, a large number of main ships can choose to provide strong support to Baal Prime, or they can turn around and evacuate the battlefield after receiving the order from the original body.

During this period, under Rorschach's deliberate mediation.

The relationship between Omegon and Regent Guilliman seems to have softened a lot.

At least the two sides can calmly conduct some battlefield layout and intelligence exchanges, instead of exchanging ideas with fists and kicks like when they just met.


Dong dong dong——

At this time, it was located deeper underground in Ax Angel Castle.

In an abandoned passage with a thick layer of dust on the metal floor, the collision sound of heavy magnetic boots could be heard one after another.

The next second, Rorschach, wearing vibranium power armor, arrived here with a huge figure that far surpassed that of an ordinary heir.

His slightly narrowed eyes glanced back and forth at the unfamiliar sights around him.

After no abnormality is found.

After pondering for a moment, Rorschach quickly raised his vibranium palm and turned it over suddenly.

A hypercube maze that was emitting green light instantly fell into the depths of the huge palm!

Buzz buzz——

In an instant, the huge body belonging to Rorschach disappeared into the dim abandoned passage.

Only one hypercube maze is left floating up and down in mid-air!

Even though Rorschach was quite honest with Regent Guilliman.

But he and Omegon still had some things they had been hiding from each other.

In fact, the traitor Primarch had been treated like a prisoner for so long.

The Lord of Steel, Perturabo, did not destroy everything in the hypercube labyrinth, showing his incompetent rage.

On the contrary, after the three people had an in-depth discussion.

The other party who temporarily gained a small amount of trust from Omegon and Rorschach also received an extremely important research task.

To a certain extent, even Perturabo has successfully ascended to become a demon prince.

But since its belief is that of chaos and division, and there is no master above its head, some things can still be exploited.


The interior of the hypercube maze is getting brighter and brighter.

Rorschach's two magnetic boots landed heavily on the ubiquitous silver-white metal floor, making a low buzzing sound.

He turned his head slightly, and his cold gaze was immediately in front of a large number of operating technological equipment not far away.

I saw AI Stark who was having an academic exchange and Perturabo who was as big as a hill.

And in the technological equipment in front of the two people and around them.

Countless tiny nanorobots named 'Extremis Viruses' are slowly squirming, as if they have real life.

"I once envisioned the existence of silicon-based life in my mind, but I didn't expect that I could see it with my own eyes now, thanks to your great help. I remember your name is Perturabo, right... Anyway, it's this All this allowed me to completely make up for the major flaws of the 'Extremis Virus', greatly enhancing the closeness and reproduction speed of countless nanorobots, and laying a firmer foundation for us to truly control this terrifying force."

At this moment, AI Stark, who was standing aside, raised his hand and patted Perturabo's thick metal arm while talking endlessly to him.

And within Rorschach's field of vision.

He clearly saw that Perturabo's huge, metallic face repeatedly showed his true disgust for hating intelligence, but the other party forcibly restrained his intention to do anything on the spot due to a promise or threat.

"Tony, your mission has been completed, and it seems to have been done well. Reditus probably needs more help from you, so leave the matters here to me."

At this moment, Rorschach, with an indifferent expression, slowly drove the vibranium power armor and stepped forward.

He said calmly in the direction of AI Stark.

Subsequently, Rorschach did not wait for AI Stark to make any reply.

Still in control of the hypercube maze, he easily sent the other party out of the prison.


"A mere hateful intelligence dares to pick on me. Boy Rorschach, if it wasn't for the sake of you and Omegan, I would have killed it myself!"

Perturabo, whose cold eyes moved back and forth, stared at Rorschach who came nearby.

Its mouth and nose subconsciously let out a huge cold snort full of metallic hums, and it growled with gritted teeth:

"One more thing, these 'Desperate Viruses' you control are indeed very powerful in terms of destructive power, and can even be said to be extremely terrifying, but you won't put all your hopes of winning the war on this nano frenzy that can get completely out of control at any time, right?"

"Tsk tsk, can't even Guilliman think of a solution in his little head? No way? No way?"

Faced with Perturabo's slightly sarcastic questioning.

Rorschach, who showed no emotion on his bronze face, took a deep breath and said slowly:

"This is just a back-up plan for survival. Some of the back-up plans are even being quietly carried out in another universe. As a loyal Primarch, I have done everything I can."

"If this resistance war is still lost, then I am willing to accept my fate and can only choose the old method of Regent Guilliman to fight for an important opportunity for the human empire and the emperor to launch a counterattack."

However, Rorschach's low voice had just fallen.

The cold sneer from Perturabo suddenly resounded in the surrounding air!

"Haha, Rorschach, I've already told you the only way to win!"

"With my in-depth understanding of Chaos and even the Supreme Heaven, do you think the Chaos Gods who are high above will easily allow those terrifying foreign enemies to invade the Milky Way?"

"I still advise you guys, who are loyal and extremely stubborn, to temporarily abandon your many prejudices and contempt for Chaos. Choosing to join forces with Chaos to fight the enemy is the best choice!"

"Otherwise, don't blame me for speaking harshly... I think the three of you will definitely die!"

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