American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

164. Holy Black Frenzy: The Emperor Champion of the Black Temple (Part 2)

[In the first week, the think tank director Horadrim led you to familiarize yourself with the interior environment of the flagship of the ‘Eternal Expedition’.

[According to the other party’s introduction, although the Black Templars also built fortress monasteries on every conquered planet. ]

[But more often, that is a place to recruit new blood. They would rather stay in the fleet to repair and prepare for the next expedition. ]

[Soon after, an expeditionary force that had just completed the expedition returned to the huge fleet led by the flagship. ]

[Marshal Ludo Dus, who is equivalent to the position of company commander in an ordinary regiment, welcomed your arrival with great enthusiasm. ]

[So, the news that the new Emperor Champion had been born spread throughout the fleet. ]

[As many as dozens of Astartes monks from the Crusaders came to see your image. ]

[At first, you felt relieved and happy about the hospitality of your fighting brothers. ]

[But when the other party began to repeatedly ask you about the interpretation of the prayer praising the Emperor, you had to deal with a few words with an awkward expression. ]

[As the number of people increases and time goes by. ]

[You gradually become dissatisfied with the Black Templars' obsession with the Emperor's Prayer and their religious style. ]

[Especially when you accidentally encounter an ordinary Astartes who dares to show disrespect to the Librarian Horadrim. ]

[You immediately step forward to reprimand him. ]

[Your reckless behavior is stopped by the Librarian Horadrim. ]

[The other party tells you with a gentle expression that not all Astartes are like this. ]

[Only some Astartes who hate or even hate psychic power are so rude. ]

[And they also recognize the sacrifices and contributions of the Librarians to the Black Templars, but they occasionally cannot control their words and deeds. ]

[You take a deep breath and fall into silence. ]

[You begin to choose to follow the Librarian. ]

[One is to avoid the pilgrimage of countless Astartes monks, and the other is to understand the daily experiences of the think tank brothers. ]

[At the same time, you also launched an investigation into the recent actions of the Black Templars with the privilege of the Emperor's Champion. ]

[You need to know in advance why the Emperor asked you to come here. ]

[With the enthusiastic help of the think tank brothers, you accidentally found out that the Black Templars are launching up to three expeditions.

[A large number of monks far exceeding the Astartes Codex are still on the expedition to the empire. ]

[With doubts, you found the think tank director Horadrim to verify. ]

[The other party told you that there is no need to make a fuss, and it is just a daily warm-up exercise for the Black Templars. ]

[You couldn't help but blink your eyes, sighing at the wealth of the Black Templars and the command courage of the Grand Marshal. ]

[In the second week, you still couldn't find out when the terrible war would come. ]

[The three recent expeditions of the Black Templars dealt with the greenskins, the Tyranids, and a heretic warband of unknown origin, and all of them have achieved great victories. ]

[You have temporarily given up the pursuit of unknown intelligence. ]

[You are prepared to wait patiently for the war to come. ]

[However, your recent eccentricity seems to have caused dissatisfaction among some Astartes. ]

[They believe that as the Emperor's champion, you are not very devout in your faith in the Emperor. ]

[First, you refused any battle brother to ask you for your understanding of the Emperor's scriptures. ]

[The second is that you have been hanging out with the think tank brothers for a long time, which undoubtedly increases your risk of being "harmed" by uncontrolled psychic energy. ]

[You sneered at the simple and straightforward little thoughts in the rumors. ]

[You did not listen to the advice of the think tank director Horadrim. ]

[You found Marshal Ludo Dus alone and asked to have a "friendly match" full of brotherhood with the battle brothers of the expedition. ]

[Marshal Ludo Dus thought about it again and again, and he finally agreed to your request. ]

[Obviously, he also had some knowledge of the rumors circulating from within the expeditionary force, and hoped to suppress the invisible discrimination of other Astartes against the think tank brothers. ]

[You left the other's cabin with a smile on your face. ]

[A few days later, countless battle brothers who were still in a state of repair gradually became excited. ]

[The explosive news that the Emperor's champion was about to challenge the entire expeditionary force spread like wildfire, and any Astartes who thought they were capable of dealing with it could volunteer to sign up. ]

[You didn't care about it at all, and even wanted to try it. ]

[You got a pious chain from a hermit who recognized the think tank. ]

[This specially made alloy chain can firmly bind your weapon to the power armor, and it will not be detached until the battle is over. ]

[This not only expresses your firm belief in the Emperor, but also solves the problem of weapons being easily lost during fierce attacks. 】

【You slowly wrapped the pious chain around the metal arm armor on your right arm, but did not tie it to the black sword. 】

【You chose to calm your increasingly restless inner emotions by sitting in meditation. 】

【In the third week, the long-awaited "friendly match" began. 】

【A castle lord (lieutenant) from the Sword Brotherhood challenged you first. 】

【You gladly accepted the other party's invitation. 】

[You drive the finely crafted 'Armor of Faith' and put on a white battle robe with a black cross on the chest. ]

[You put on a metal helmet with a crown of thorns on your forehead. ]

[You use your metal arm wrapped with pious chains to hold the two-handed giant sword 'Black Sword' in one hand. ]

[You pass through the complex passages inside the ship and enter a large training ground with a large area. ]

[At this moment, except for the battle brothers who are on duty to guard the ship and cannot escape, almost all the Astartes monks have come here. ]

[You glance around the huge group of nearly a thousand people. ]

[You find that they are vaguely divided into two distinct factions. ]

[One group is a special team of pharmacists and technical soldiers who follow the monks' servitors, together with the think tank brothers. ]

[The other group is the battle brothers who are devout in faith and have only expeditionary battles in their hearts. ]

[You slowly retract your gaze. ]

[You stared at the Astartes Brother standing opposite you through the eyepiece of the metal helmet. ]

[Without saying a word, you raised the two-handed giant sword ‘Black Sword’ with one hand. ]

[“New Emperor Champion, it is my personal great honor to fight with you…” The unknown castle lord performed the regiment etiquette to you, and then raised a two-handed power sword from a distance. ]

[The next moment, accompanied by the low humming sound of the power backpacks of both sides. ]

[You launched a fierce charge towards each other. ]

[Your two-handed giant sword ‘Black Sword’ collided with the opponent’s two-handed power sword in an instant, making a huge roar. ]

[Countless Astartes Brothers’ eyes were fixed on any movement between the two of you. ]

[Even if some battle brothers saw your fighting moves clearly, they thought it would be difficult for them to resist a few times. ]

[For a moment, the entire training ground fell into a rare silence. ]

[Only you and the castle lord swung your weapons back and forth, and the loud noises of fierce collisions erupted. ]

[You gripped the hilt of the sword with both hands, and the powerful black sword slashed at the opponent repeatedly without stopping. ]

[Even if your fighting moves are not so exquisite, the fierce slashes with more and more power each time make it difficult for the opponent to resist. ]

[At this moment, as you swung the "black sword" with increasing power and aggressive steps forward. ]

[The castle lord, who was planning to change his tactics, suddenly stepped back a few steps, and took advantage of your movement before he retracted the two-handed power sword he held tightly in both hands to slash at your white shoulder armor engraved with countless prayer scriptures. ]

[You did not panic at all. ]

[You even took the initiative to step forward, intending to use the heavy ceramic steel armor to block the opponent's attack. ]

[Accompanied by a fierce and piercing sound, the two-handed power sword with a layer of azure energy field cut deeply into the inside of your heavy shoulder armor. 】

【However, just as the opponent was about to retract the power sword and continue to launch the next attack on you. 】

【You completely ignored the damage to the 'Armor of Faith', and while violently turning your tall body, the pious chain wrapped around the metal arm armor rustled and slid into your palm, pulling it towards the opponent's metal palm holding the hilt. 】

【At the same time, the two-handed giant sword 'Black Sword' tightly held in your other palm also came across, and the heavy sword spine hit the opponent's metal helmet. 】

【As long as this is implemented, even if the opponent is a strong Astartes monk, it will take several months of recuperation by the pharmacist to fully recover. 】

【"Spare the life under the sword--" The urgent shout from the think tank curator Horadrim reached your ears. 】

【But you did not intend to stop. 】

【You think that only in this way can you make the opponent understand some simple and easy-to-understand truths. ]

[The next second, a powerful telekinetic energy suddenly enveloped you and the castle lord. ]

[For a moment, you and the other party were both in a stagnant state. ]

[You seemed to see the panic and regret of the castle lord when he was about to suffer a heavy blow through the eyepiece of the metal helmet. ]

[A few seconds later, the powerful telekinetic energy disappeared instantly. ]

[You stomped on the metal ground hard, and the "black sword" that was swinging hard towards the opponent's head suddenly tilted upwards, and the terrifying sword spine rubbed the opponent's metal helmet. ]

[But a fast-swinging pious chain hit the metal palm of the castle lord without hesitation, and a loud roar broke out. ]


[A two-handed power sword fell with your action. ]

[The hesitant castle lord stood in place with trembling hands. ]

[One end of the pious chain fell to the ground with a crash. 】

【Your battle robe trembled slightly as you held the hilt of the ‘black sword’ tightly with one hand. The sharp blade dragged heavily on the metal ground of the training ground, leaving a dent as deep as an inch. 】

【“I lost… The Emperor’s Champion really deserves the title!” The castle lord, who did not tell you his name, performed a battle group etiquette with trembling hands and turned to walk towards the crowded surroundings. 】

【“Anyone else wants to challenge? Welcome.” Wearing the crown of thorns that symbolizes the Emperor’s Champion, you slowly scanned the crowd, and your low voice slowly resounded throughout the silent training ground. 】

[“I have fought in the void for the Emperor for many years… I have seen many mortal soldiers and fighting brothers who have sacrificed their lives for the human empire. I can’t tell you any great truth that will shock people, but I always believe that trust and respect are the cornerstones of all combat effectiveness!”]

[You stood straight with your back straight, leaning on the ‘black sword’ with both hands, and said to everyone indifferently. ]

[“From today on… I don’t want to see any Astartes monks show any disrespect to the think tank brothers and other auxiliary personnel. This is the first belief and lesson that I, the Emperor’s champion, bring to your Black Templars. You can be resentful in your heart, then take up your weapons and challenge me!”]

[“But before I really fall… whoever dares to disobey, hold it in!”]


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