American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

$165. Holy Black Frenzy: The Emperor Champion of the Black Temple (Part 3)

[You wrapped yourself up in the pious chain, holding the 'black sword' and turned away.

[Many Astartes of the Black Templars looked at each other in silence. ]

[Soon after, everything seemed to have never happened, and everyone in the regiment continued to train and prepare for the next expedition. ]

[The only thing that changed was the attitude of many auxiliary combatants towards you. ]

[When you went to repair the damaged 'Armor of Faith', the technical sergeants and the chapter priests showed you great enthusiasm. ]

[Not only did your fine power armor complete the repair quickly. ]

[You also received a gift carefully prepared by the technical sergeants, a bolt rifle blessed by the priest and equipped with a high-capacity drum. ]

[You gladly accepted the gift from the other party. ]

[Just after you returned to the base with the bolt rifle, the gift from the think tank brothers was also handed over by the think tank director Horadrim. ]

[An ancient iron halo, as the Emperor's champion, you no longer have to worry about the threat of any enemy long-range firepower. ]

[You hesitated for a moment, but chose to accept the good intentions of the think tank brothers. ]

[In the fourth week, a message from a wandering trader who has cooperated with the Black Templars for many years attracted your attention. ]

[A rebellion closely related to psychic energy seems to be taking place on an unnamed planet in the Calixis sector of the Hazy Star Region.

[The expeditionary marshal Ludo Dus, who is still in repair, obtained permission to carry out this expedition mission from the Grand Marshal. ]

[A crusader team is about to go to the rebellious planet to quell the incident. ]

[You discussed with the think tank director Horadrim and planned to follow this crusader team to check it out. ]

[Marshal Ludo Dus approved your request without hesitation. ]

[Soon after, a fast strike ship carrying you from the huge fleet of the Black Templars headed for the target planet. ]

[You unexpectedly met the leader of this Crusader team, who turned out to be the castle lord you had fought before. ]

[After seeing you, he did not show any special behavior, but just expressed the necessary respect to you. ]

[And the other party also introduced you, the Emperor Champion, to the battle brothers in the Crusader team, a group of new blood who had just joined the regiment. ]

[In the fifth week, the fast strike ship quickly rushed out of the warp and entered the Calixis sector. ]

[However, before you approached the target planet, several Storm-class frigates from the Navy Empire quickly approached the strike ship, and the terrifying laser array launched an attack. ]

[The regiment servants of the fast strike ship immediately entered combat status, and the void shields continuously blocked the attack of the laser array. ]

[The captain could not communicate with the frigate at all, and the astropath responsible for navigation could not control the psychic out of control.

[In the chaos, you personally led the Crusader team to end the opponent's life to prevent greater damage. ]

[You exchanged glances with the castle lord, who immediately went to the lower cabin to prepare the Thunderhawk transport. ]

[You temporarily took over the entire fast strike ship as the Emperor's Champion. ]

[You ordered the captain to lead the servants to guard the remaining astropaths, and to destroy them immediately if they showed any signs of losing control. ]

[At the same time, you also ordered the astropaths not to use even a trace of psychic power without receiving any instructions. ]

[Then, the weapon array of the fast strike ship burst into bursts of terrifying flames. ]

[The Tempest-class frigates were unable to resist, and after being hit repeatedly, they became metal wreckage in the cold void. ]

[You led the Crusader team into the Thunderhawk transport,]

[The Thunderhawk transport driven by the castle lord himself entered the void and quickly flew towards the target planet. ]

[An hour later, the Thunderhawk transport landed on the surface of the planet. ]

[As soon as you stepped out of the cabin, the cold rain and snow hit you in the face. ]

[You saw a pillar of light emitting a faint golden light from the dark sky where a snowstorm was happening. ]

[You couldn't help but open your eyes wide. ]

[You always thought that the legend that the Emperor's Champion could identify high-value targets actually came from the intelligence in the Chapter and the Champion's own understanding of the enemy. ]

[You didn't expect it to be so simple and crude. ]

[You once again confirmed the enemy's position. ]

[You expressed your concerns to the Castle Lord in the snowstorm. ]

[Faced with a rebellion that could sweep the entire planet, the small grudge between you is not worth mentioning at all. ]

["Once the Astropath uses psychic power, it will go out of control, which means that the nearby subspace is stirring up a terrifying wave... We must find a way to behead this psychic, find out the truth of the matter, and don't rule out the possibility that the other party has already controlled the entire planet." You narrowed your eyes and said to the Castle Lord. ]

[The other party's face seemed to flash with a hint of deep hatred for psychics. 】

【He told you without hesitation that the Crusader team would create an opportunity for you to decapitate the target, even if all of them had to sacrifice themselves. 】

【You nodded heavily to him. 】

【You put on a metal helmet decorated with a crown of thorns, and with your arms wrapped in pious chains, you picked up the bolt rifle on your back. 】

【The entire Crusader team quickly followed your steps and ran towards the target. 】

【As ​​the distance approaches, the icy storm surrounding you is gradually increasing. 】

【You suddenly remembered the various signs of psychic energy that the think tank director Horadrim had told you, including the statement that using psychic energy would lower the ambient temperature. 】

【You once again glanced at the icy weather around you. 】

【You think this is probably not a cruel weather formed by nature, but a special phenomenon caused by an extremely powerful psychic who willfully uses psychic energy. 】

【A huge team gradually appeared in front of you, and countless mortals from the native planets and the Astra Militarum troops had lost their minds and became flesh and blood puppets of unknown psychics. 】

【You and the castle lord raised the grenade guns without hesitation. 】

【However, the dozen or so new bloods following you seemed to hesitate, and their guns were always unwilling to point at the mortals in front of them. 】

【"The first lesson of becoming an Astartes Brother is to learn to discard unnecessary mercy when you step onto the battlefield! How long do you think these mortals can survive under such cruel weather conditions?" You raised your hand to stop the lord's anger from erupting. 】

【"Once the psychic power erodes and controls mortals... it is basically irreversible. In other words, when they encounter that unknown psychic, they have already lost their precious lives..."】

【You glanced at the silent new bloods with your bolt rifle, and slowly raised the 'black sword' with your other hand. 】

【"The only thing we can do is to chop off the head of that heretic traitor with our own hands and avenge the humans on this planet!"】

【"Astartes, follow me!"】

【"For the Emperor——"】

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