American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

611, Death Watch: Death of Time (Part 2)

[You took a deep breath and then slowly exhaled.

[You fully understand the vigilance and alertness of these Sons of Medusa towards you. ]

[After all, not everyone can easily accept the help and kindness brought by a strange "little golden man" who fell from the sky. ]

["You can think of me as an angel sent by the Emperor, a savior from outside of time, and the 22nd loyal Primarch of the Human Empire." ]

[At this moment, your low voice echoed in the air around you. ]

[The living metal between the skull helmets slowly peeled off your entire head like a melted viscous juice, carrying a piece of vibranium module, completely revealing your bronze face and short gray hair. 】

【"What did you say? The primarch of the loyalists?"】

【"Wait, if my database is correct, it should be the living metal of the Necrons or some other alien technology... Moreover, the casting sophistication of the power armor you are wearing is far beyond the ordinary precision power armor. It is not a precious equipment that an ordinary regiment can easily afford."】

【At this moment, the leading Terminator veteran first carefully examined the power armor Spark Glory on you for a long time, and then placed the cold eyes hidden behind the eyepiece on your face. 】

【"In addition, no alien race or heretic traitor would pay such a high price to deceive an Astartes strike team that failed in its combat mission. Most importantly, my automatic premonition system has made a basic judgment on your previous combat data. You are a big man with combat power far exceeding that of the Astartes. Even if all of us present here pay the price of all our members dying in battle, the final chance of winning is less than 10%..."】

【At this moment, the cold and hard words of the Terminator veteran kept reaching your ears.

【However, just when you subconsciously thought that the other party's words would definitely end with a transition word like "but". 】

【"...Medusa's Sons Chapter, Machira Battle Clan, Terminator veteran Captain Slayer, led the surviving members of the strike team to meet the 22nd Primarch!"】

【The next second, as the Terminator veteran knelt down, the ceramic steel knee armor made an unexpected collision sound. 】

【The Sons of Medusa standing around also quickly dropped the bolters in their palms, suddenly drove the power armor to kneel on one knee, and lowered the metal helmet. 】

【The Mordian Iron Guards, who were only about twenty people left, looked at each other. 】

【With their expressions full of confusion and doubt, they had to kneel on one knee, and subconsciously performed the standard Sky Eagle Salute with their hands. 】

【You raised your eyebrows slightly, and even the corners of your mouth twitched a few times in a very hidden way. 】

【To be honest, you were just a little shaken by the 180-degree turn of the Terminator veteran's attitude. 】

【After all, there is no natural worship and closeness of the gene descendants to the gene primarch that is rooted in the blood. 】

【Whether these Sons of Medusa, who split from the Iron Hands Chapter because of the huge conflict caused by Morley's doctrine in the past, can recognize your identity as the primarch is still an unknown number worth thinking about.

【A few seconds ago, you were even ready to hit them. 】

【"Then get up first. Remember, I don't like others to kneel down to me, fighting brothers."】

【You shook your short gray head gently, and spoke slowly to the people in front of you in a low voice. 】

【"Now, can you explain to me in detail your combat mission this time? Also, what are those mysterious aliens that occupy the holy world? Why do they have the ability to age? How much do you, the Sons of Medusa, know about this?"】

【As soon as you finished speaking. 】

【Captain Slay, the Terminator veteran driving the power armor, quickly got up from the ground. 】

【He took off the dog-shaped metal helmet covering his smooth head, revealing a terrifying face covered with explosion scars from top to bottom and the other half that had been transformed with a mechanical prosthetic eye. 】

【"They are called space rats, or Hruds. This ancient alien is born with a racial talent called 'entropy energy'. The specific manifestation is that it can generate a mysterious force field about one and a half meters outside the body that can accelerate the passage of time."】

【"If that's all, it wouldn't be that difficult. Even the Mordian Iron Guard can easily eliminate them with a large number of heavy vehicles and long-range attacks. But once the number of Hruds reaches a certain saturation state, or even forms a nomadic tribe that can support migration, That would be a despairing and terrifying natural disaster for any world, because their racial innate ‘entropy’ force field would also grow rapidly stronger as their numbers increased. ”】

【“My Lord Primarch, unfortunately, what our Sons of Medusa Chapter encountered was a nomadic tribe of Hrud that accidentally migrated to the underground of the Holy Land World through a space-time rift, rather than the scattered number of alien races we learned about before our arrival. Otherwise, we would not have led a strike team with little heavy vehicle support and hastily launched an alien cleanup war with only a few regiments of the Mordian Iron Guard. ”】

[At this moment, the Terminator veteran Captain Slayer, whose mechanical prosthetic eye glows red, speaks in a low voice without any emotion, which gradually makes you fall into contemplation. ]

[According to the current situation, even with your desperate help as the Primarch, there are only nine Astartes and more than twenty mortal warriors. ]

[It is simply wishful thinking to want to fight against an entire tribe of Hruds. ]

[At the same time, you also vaguely remember that even the rebellious Primarch Perturabo during the Great Crusade suffered a great loss when facing this terrifying alien that can control time...]

[Even if you have experienced countless ways of dying, you don't want to experience the feeling of aging to death for the time being. 】

【"Battle brother, this is no longer a matter that can be easily solved by a strike team of the Sons of Medusa Chapter, or by a Primarch like me with brute force."】

【"We must ask the outside world for reinforcements that can arrive here. Where is your spaceship parked in the Holy Land World? Can we contact the astropaths there now?"】

【You quickly returned to reality from your hazy memory. 】

【The expression on your face gradually became solemn, and you immediately asked Captain Slay, a veteran Terminator soldier standing not far away, in a deep voice. 】

【"My Lord Primarch, all of us are here on a Sword-class frigate, which is now in the low-Earth orbit of the Holy Land World. But the problem now is that the time aftermath caused by the long-term release of the Hrud's "entropy energy" force field has seriously interfered with various bands. Even the short-frequency communication device inside the armor is estimated to have difficulty in successfully transmitting important information back to the ship. We can only complete a physical information transmission by snatching the flying vehicle."】

【At this moment, the Terminator veteran from the Son of Medusa slowly put the dog-shaped metal helmet back on his head, and then he said to you in a muffled voice. 】

【"Good news, there are plenty of flying vehicles in the city. The few Thunderhawk gunboats we temporarily abandoned around the front line should be intact. Bad news, we may need to pass through most of the Death City zone occupied by the Hrud."】

【"So, this strange Primarch, do you have any suggestions or opinions on this? As an Astartes, I am all ears."】

【At this moment, the other party's words that were obviously provocative just fell. 】

【And as the vibranium modules were heavily wrapped in countless living metals, they quickly spread to your entire head again. 】

【Your bronze face, which always maintained a calm expression, was completely covered by a pale golden hideous skull mask! 】

【"Well, there is no need for that. You have done well enough as an Astartes commander..."】

【"Next, it's my turn as the Primarch to fight a way out for you!"】

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