American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

613, Death Watch: Death of Time (IV)

【After dozens of seconds, you gradually moved away from the Hruds who were in a state of irritability.

【You took a deep breath again and subconsciously moved your hands and feet, which were somewhat slow to react. 】

【You also carefully put away the 'entropy' lightsaber, intending to study this extremely special alien weapon later. 】

【You immediately controlled the power armor that was constantly spraying energy to reach the top of Captain Slaer and others. 】

【Under the scorching sun rays that were slowly rising. 】

【You can clearly see through the helmet eyepiece in mid-air that the green-painted Thunderhawk gunboats are parked on a church square full of vehicle wreckage. 】

【Around these Thunderhawk gunboats, there are even some Astartes who are still stubbornly maintaining their offensive postures, but looking inside from the dark gaps revealed in various parts of the power armor, I am afraid that there are only broken power armors that have experienced the decay and aging of time. ]

[Obviously, the first close contact between the Sons of Medusa and the Hrud was not so harmonious. ]

[You immediately sent a hand signal to Captain Slay and others below to move forward quickly. ]

[In order to save time and evacuate as soon as possible, or perhaps your identity as the Primarch played a significant role. ]

[These Sons of Medusa, who always believed in eliminating the weak, actually clamped the mortal warriors under their arms, and then drove the power armor to charge in the direction of the Thunderhawk gunship. ]

[At this moment, you turned the skull helmet again and carefully scanned the ruined city within a few kilometers.

[You seem to have accidentally discovered some weaknesses of the Hrud. ]

[That is, even if they can resist the sunlight and carry out a certain degree of activity, it may be the habit and instinct of the nocturnal aliens or other unknown reasons. ]

[If they didn't directly launch a life-threatening attack on the Hrud, they would rather hide in the caves under the ground, staring with a pair of completely black eyes, constantly spying on any movement in the outside world. ]

[You thought about it briefly and temporarily remembered the habits and instincts of this alien. ]

[You then controlled the power armor and leaned over to fly towards the church square where the Thunderhawk gunship was located. ]

[Soon after, Captain Slay and others finally arrived at the location where the Thunderhawk gunship was parked. ]

[After a careful inspection by a forge craftsman brother who knew a lot about flying vehicles. ]

[Only one of the several Thunderhawk gunships that looked almost unchanged could still start the engine device. ]

[The rest of the flying vehicles were accidentally affected by the Hrud's "entropy energy" force field, and more or less had some faults that could not be repaired on the spot. ]

[Simply, even the cabin of a Thunderhawk gunship is enough to carry all of you. ]

[Boom boom boom——]

[Accompanied by the violent roar from the lost-mass engine.

[The green-painted Thunderhawk gunboat faced the scorching red star and quickly rose to the sky. ]

[At this moment, you slowly took off your skull helmet while sitting inside the cabin, and everyone present, whether Astartes or mortal warriors, was obviously much more relaxed. ]

[However, before you could ask the Astartes sitting opposite you about some follow-up matters. ]

[The Terminator veteran Captain Slay suddenly turned the red-glowing mechanical eye and said to you with a serious expression. ]

["Dear Primarch, it's best to check your physical condition after you arrive on the frigate.\

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