American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

624, Astarte: ‘Black Orc’ joins the team!

Chi chi chi——

Accompanied by plasma spheres that illuminated the entire ship passage.

A large number of mysterious aliens are within everyone's field of vision.

Swallowed and swallowed up by the gradually gathering energy tide, it completely disappeared into the extremely thin air.

Not long after, Rorschach, who glanced back and forth with the skull helmet, slowly lowered the heart of the furnace in his palm.

The Wailers in Terminator armor immediately carried bolters.

They surrounded the Black Temple who were still recovering from consciousness.

And these Black Templars, who had just experienced the mysterious alien parasitism, did not choose to stand up and resist.

They took a closer look at the Chapter emblems of the Lamenters.

And after cautiously staring at Rorschach, whose golden power armor was slightly reflective not far away.

He actually calmly put down the bolter and chain sword in his palm, and temporarily became a prisoner.

Winter winter winter!

Rorschach slowly activated the power armor and moved his magnetic boots to cross the crowd.

He lowered his skull helmet with a cold golden luster slightly.

In the blink of an eye, more than thirty Black Templars were present.

Successfully selected the most calm priest brother Astartes for questioning.

Afterwards, he successfully learned most of the experiences of the expeditionary fleet from the other party's mouth.

This group of Astartes is a regular expedition force sent to the Ghoul Star by High Marshal Helbrecher of the Black Templars.

With their zealous faith, they will purify all unclean things they encounter during their expedition in the name of the Emperor.

It also brings the wrath of the Emperor to those worlds that are tortured and persecuted by aliens and even heretics.

Everything was going very smoothly.

Even several fierce conflicts with the Skinners of the Necrons or the Chaos Astartes caused this Black Templar expeditionary force of about a hundred people to sacrifice more than half of their battle brothers.

But they are fanatical believers and always believe it firmly.

The souls of those battle brothers who unfortunately died will return to the Golden Throne and continue to fight for the Emperor.

However, when this expeditionary force completed a repair and supplies in a human colony in a remote star area, it planned to go deep into the Ghoul Star Territory again.

A great rift tore through the entire empire suddenly appeared due to the fall of Cadian.

It also caused them to temporarily lose any contact with the Supreme Marshal.

At the same time, countless psychic signals for help appeared like snowflakes and raindrops.

This undoubtedly made the entire Black Templar Expedition feel an indescribable sense of crisis.

They had to respond to some human colonial worlds that were threatened by chaos or aliens, and carried out continuous rescue operations.

"If I'm not wrong, the reason why we were able to attract the attention of mysterious aliens like Kryptos must be that one of the colonies we once supported had a shelter for them, and our arrival also Let them have a diverted mind."

At this moment, the brother priest from the Black Temple slightly turned the eyepiece of his helmet.

He raised his head and stared at Rorschach, who remained silent in front of him, and continued:

"But after the marshal who has been leading us on this expedition noticed the strange situation inside the ship, he mistakenly judged it to be Chaos erosion based on past combat experience."

"We carried out investigations one by one according to the most familiar exorcism methods, but more and more mortal crew members and servants began to resist our commands and orders. As a last resort, before we completely lost the right to command the fleet, we destroyed the entire expeditionary force. The fleet sailed to the most desolate star area, and then chose to trap and kill all the navigators and astropaths, completely trapping the expeditionary fleet, because in the eyes of the marshal, the only ones most closely involved with the subspace were these psykers. ”

At this moment, Rorschach, who had remained silent, suddenly spoke. He whispered to the priest brother:

"Why is the Black Templar still so...rigid and stubborn? Where is your marshal?"

"My lord, aren't you curious why not many mortals were found on the ship? That's because the marshal later learned that he had made an almost fatal mistake unintentionally, and he had to choose to summon all the mortals to fight against A massacre was launched at the cruiser's training ground in order to prevent the parasitic alien race from taking away any ships."

"All our battle brothers also participated in this massacre, but the Marshal was immediately parasitized by Kryptos who emerged from a mortal corpse, and it was only then that I recognized him This alien race has only been seen in the Inquisition materials, because I once served on the Death Watch for a hundred years. "

"At that time, those brothers who had fought alongside me had to exchange explosive bombs and swords against each other... In the end, the marshal was also beheaded by me personally. But when I accidentally looked back, I was helpless to find that almost all The fighting brothers who are still alive have been parasitized by aliens that are difficult to eliminate. "

At this moment, the brother priest from the Black Temple did not continue to speak.

But Rorschach also immediately understood what the other party had not finished saying.

The priest could not bear to continue killing those extremely familiar battle brothers.

Instead, he finally chose to stay in this immobile void coffin with his battle brothers and die slowly.

"Perhaps, it is a miracle that we can receive the psychic signal sent by the astropath before his death... Maybe the Emperor has blessed you."

At this moment, Rorschach shook his skull helmet slightly and said to the priest brother in a low voice.

"My lord, please forgive me for being presumptuous. I can recognize that these Terminators are Astartes brothers from the Weepers, but who are you? It is difficult for the Astartes to have such fine power armor that exceeds the specifications, right? Are you also a champion of the Weepers?"

At this moment, the priest brother slowly stood up from the metal floor after receiving Rorschach's gesture.

His puzzled eyes fell on the skull mask that was so close through the eyepiece.

At this moment, Rorschach took a deep breath inside the skull helmet.

He first glanced at all the Black Templars who were basically looking at him, and then stared at the priest brother in front of him and said calmly:

"I used to be a champion of your Black Templars..."

"But now, I am the 22nd Primarch of the Human Empire, and the Emperor's Angel who came to save you this time!"

As soon as the voice fell.

The pale golden skull helmet that originally wrapped Rorschach's entire head quickly retreated into the power armor below.

His bronze and resolute face was completely revealed.


At the same time, the priest brother who had just stood up quickly knelt on one knee, and the Black Templar Astartes who turned to face the direction again lowered their entire metal helmets in the direction of Rorschach without any hesitation!

Their gradually louder voices were full of fanaticism and offered loyal greetings from the Black Templars!

"Black Templar Expeditionary Force, meet the Primarch!"

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