American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

638, Mobile Hive and Inquisitor Plan! .

Brightly lit base hall interior.

The four Captains and Champions of the Raven Guard stood in the shadows like metal statues, performing basic guard tasks against the original body.

Even if Iron Man David wanted to let the other party take a rest first, he was rejected or even ignored by the Astartes.

Until Rorschach, who was sitting next to the metal round table, spoke.

The loyal Crow Guards drove the power armor and followed the leading automatic servo robot out of the base hall.

Then, David, the iron man with flashing blue light in his eyes, began to make other reports to Rorschach, who was eating and checking many documents.

As the saying goes, everything in the world has yang and yin.

Not everything is developing for the better.

In fact, bad things happen as a constant.

Alien invasion.

In fact, people all over the world have fallen into a kind of restlessness about impending disaster.

Many people began to purchase large amounts of supplies within their means and look for suitable hiding places.

And this is a series of choices made by those with middle-class income or above, or those who live a rational life.

As for those people at the bottom who live in a precarious situation, have no food to eat, and even have criminal records themselves.

Today's world seems to be a rave party before the end of the world.

Just take Europe and Oceania, which Rorschach can currently control, as an example.

The number of crimes everywhere has shown an exponential upward trend.

And the probability of similar vicious events that can make people angry is far beyond Iron Man David's expectation to some extent.

Even the superheroes who joined the Tribunal of Revenge and some wild heroes joined in the rectification of local public security, and the execution methods became increasingly fierce.

But correspondingly, the antagonism between the people and the system and the long-term maintenance of a high-pressure mentality have also increased the chance of success for people to activate superpowers.

This can be judged based on the number of people killed and missing in the Weeper Company.

Faced with all kinds of weird superpowers, even the Astartes sometimes capsize in the gutter.

"Today, the number of people who have been made into heavy combat servitors by Reditus alone, who has a serious criminal record, and due to the rare nature of his superpowers, exceeds that of a company, not to mention those who were killed by the Astartes. The criminals were executed on the spot.”

"So, the two helicarriers currently under the personal command of Captain Bucky and Adjutant Jessica have been traveling in Europe for a long time. The intelligent control corps carried on them are to prevent large-scale riots from happening, causing irreparable loss of resources.”

At this moment, Rorschach, who was quietly listening to Iron Man David's words, suddenly stopped chewing food.

He raised his hand and picked up a page of documents on the metal table, turned to the iron man David beside him and asked softly.

"David, what is the Inquisitor's plan?"

Iron Man David shook his metal head slightly when he heard Rorschach's question.

The blue light in its eyes flashed towards Rorschach and said:

"My lord, you may not have noticed, but this is actually the follow-up to the Mobile Hive City Plan... You don't have to look for files, let me do the talking."

"By studying various local historical documents and video materials, I found that if we want to solve the problems we are facing now, we must allow countless restless people to gain a sense of security and a certain level of living security. Repression and even killings alone must It cannot fundamentally solve the problem.”

"And when Raditus met me before, he occasionally grumbled and gave me some inspiration."

"It was complaining that these local super-powered criminals were more difficult to manage than the people of the hive city, and it was this sentence that made me find a solution."

"If we eliminate the inherently bad elements among the people, we will find out why the local people set off demonstrations and riots from time to time. It is because they do not have the same assets and abilities as the rich to resist the drastic changes that are taking place today. world situation."

"What we can do is give them a stable place to live and food rations that will keep them hungry, and modular mobile nests are enough to solve 80% of the problem."

"According to the ideas given by Raditus later, each mobile nest is actually part of a super-large titan with mobile capabilities, and can even be combined and divided with each other. If more modularity can be designed in advance If we look at the drawings, we can even add large long-range weapons to them, making these mobile nests our final trump card.”

"Of course, unless the entire Terra is completely destroyed, the basic functions of these mobile hives are limited to ensuring the daily life of the people."

At this moment, Rorschach, who heard Iron Man David's words, once again forgot to chew.

Even as the original body, he had to give a thumbs up to the crazy ideas of Iron David and Reditus.

"Okay, let's assume that everything goes well and we can completely quell the resistance of the local people. Then how do you plan to manage them? Although I don't care about the consumption of resources, and in the future, with the increase in the number of ships and the development of space technology, Sharing, we can also colonize the universe to obtain more resources, but before that, the materials consumed over time are not a small number for us. "

Rorschach swallowed hard the last bite of food in his mouth.

He focused his attention on the skull of the Iron Man David and spoke slowly to him.

"My Lord, we are not philanthropists. We can provide free supplies to the old, weak, sick and disabled, but for young and middle-aged people, they actually have few choices. Either they enter the mobile nest city to become a worker and obtain certain supplies safely, or they stay in the increasingly chaotic outside city until they starve to death or die in criminal activities."

"For now, in order to stabilize the situation, we can even give up the more convenient and fast automatic servo robot cluster and let the trained workers become part of the production line. Each mobile nest will get one or several production lines according to the number of people, and the production line can be used to manufacture various parts on the ship or other vehicle equipment. Of course, for safety reasons, the parts produced in the same area cannot be assembled, but are completely dispersed, and finally the most important assembly steps are performed by the automatic servo robot."

At this moment, the Iron Man David, with blue light flashing in his eyes, spoke to Rorschach from the shallow to the deep.

Rorschach, who lowered his head and pondered for a while, picked up the document printed with the Inquisitor's Plan again and motioned the Iron Man David to continue explaining.

"Now that we have temporarily solved the problem of livelihood security, we need to bring a sense of security to the people."

"The patrols of the Astartes can indeed play a lot of roles, and mortal warriors may also be able to do so, but not all Astartes are weepers, and they cannot stay in a fixed place for a long time, and they need to participate in possible battles."

"Then the existence of an idol who serves as a judge, jury, executioner and other positions is the most intuitive embodiment of the people's sense of security."

"At present, I have a nearly perfect candidate for the Inquisitor, a tough guy who hates evil, the middle-aged man named "Punisher."

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