American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

$680, all tactics change and boarding! .


At this moment, the fighting situation is becoming increasingly chaotic on various battlefields.

The Leman Russ tanks with their tracks rotating were firing at a very terrifying artillery speed, constantly covering and bombarding the fragments of small hulks used as shelters by a large number of Chaos believers.

A larger number of Skitarii vanguard soldiers were also quickly thrown into the battlefield by the mechanical wise men.

Without any fear at all, they struggled to stop the Chaos believers from trying to expand the battlefield.

At the same time, many Raven Guards jumped down from the cabin of the Thunderhawk transport aircraft and performed Shadow Step in the air.

In conjunction with the potholes on the ground, those man-eating sharks who had no habit of motivating them with war cries and just charged headlong launched a swift and powerful counterattack towards the demon engines that showed their terrifying figures from time to time!

Buzz buzz——

Accompanied by a pair of propulsion devices that continuously burst out with bright energy.

The tall body suddenly flew above the ground.

Rorschach, who was dancing the Blood Scythe and the Forgebreaker Warhammer back and forth in his palm, had a terrifying aura that was invincible.

A large number of Chaos believers who were integrated with mechanical cables and other creations suddenly swept out of a battlefield.

The next second, before waiting, a large amount of blood and minced meat splashed over the golden vibranium power armor.

The buzzing metal ten rings and the anima rays that are enough to melt the thick shell of the demon engine are also under the control of Rorschach, constantly emitting terrifying power that is difficult for the enemies of chaos to resist!


After Luo Xia landed heavily from mid-air, he suddenly stopped the magnetic boots under his feet.

A familiar mechanical sound suddenly reached his ears from the communication channel.

"Lord Primarch! I have arrived on the battlefield! What are you going to do next?"

At this moment, Rorschach took a deep breath after hearing Raditus' words.

He said in a deep voice to the other party without hesitation:

"Leditus, you should have brought the experimental transmission device of the time platform with you before coming, right? Try to calculate the internal coordinates of the Ark of Omen immediately! I will lead the Astartes to carry out large-scale gang-hopping tactics! "

Rorschach finished speaking.

The mechanical sound from Raditus was quickly transmitted back.

"Lord Primarch! The time platform that has not undergone any basic experiments hastily used teleportation. The risk factor is too high! Although the teleportation object will not merge and overlap with any matter due to the safety correction technology of the teleportation function, once the coordinate calculation is wrong or Due to the limitations of teleportation technology, all Astartes including you will be thrown into the cold void!"

"In this way, you are no different from human targets thrown directly in front of the enemy!"

However, at this time, Luo Xia, who was wearing a skull helmet, suddenly turned his head.

A beam of anima rays with the Mind Stone as the main body, suddenly fired out, quickly penetrated a small demon engine that was sneaking around and wanted to launch a sneak attack.

The next second, Rorschach's emotionless voice shouted to Raditus in the communication channel:

"Leditus! This is an order! Execute it immediately!"

"If you don't want me and the Astartes brothers to die in the void on the spot, then give me 200% of your energy to calculate the teleportation coordinates! Remember, I always believe in the ability of you, the mechanical sage. ,do you understand!"

"Oh Messiah, if something happens to you accidentally, that guy David will tear me alive without the Emperor coming to me... Come on, Lord Primarch! Let's take a gamble! Bless the Emperor! Bless the God of All Opportunities!”

At this moment, Raditus, who seemed to be completely aroused by Rorschach's words, quickly entered the state.

It responded to Rorschach enthusiastically.

Rorschach suddenly drove the propulsion device behind the vibranium power armor and flew into the mid-air.

He also immediately issued an order to all Astartes through the communication channel:

"The Astartes present will divide about two-thirds of their manpower to gather in the direction of Reditus! The Void Brothers of the Devouring Shark or the Battle Brothers of the Raven Guard can do it!"

"Tiberus! You lead my Terminator Guards to take over the command authority on the ground battlefield, and the battle here will be left to you!"

The next second, Rorschach's tall body suddenly drew clear tracks in the red night sky while avoiding concentrated fire attacks from many demon engines while flying quickly towards the position of Raditus!

Boom boom boom——

After Rorschach successfully arrived at the predetermined location, surrounded by the roaring wind and the strong smell of blood.

Under the control of Raditus himself, the five-meter-tall miniature Knight Titan has flipped out a metal module with a length, width and height of about half a meter from the inside of the huge mechanical body!

At this moment, the complex internal structure of the metal module, like a Rubik's Cube, began to rotate back and forth irregularly.

Wisps of blue transmission energy light also continued to escape from the gaps!

The infused energy from the Space Stone seemed to be causing the slightest movement of the Mind Stone.

Luo Xia, who also made Mohu sense something, subconsciously raised his hand and touched the soul gem on top of the skull helmet.


Almost at the same time.

The Raven Guards, who repeatedly performed Shadow Step, jumped out from the shadows of the surrounding building debris. Holding power claws and bolters, they nodded in Rorschach's direction.

Many of the man-eating sharks, whose broken power armor was covered with a large number of cracks and enemy blood, also carried chain saw weapons covered with minced meat, and quickly arrived at the original body like a rampaging steel chariot.

"Lord Primarch, there are currently thirty-six members of the Raven Guard Company, and more battle brothers are still fighting inside the battlefield!"

"The man-eating shark, the third company commander and the fifty-one void brothers are at the disposal of the original body at any time!"

The next moment, a champion of the Raven Guard and the captain of the third company of the Sharks stood within the scope of Rorschach's eyepiece, carrying a total of eighty-eight Astartes.

"Very well, brothers, I won't say any more. We are about to embark on a very risky gang-hopping operation. The mission goal is to completely destroy the huge Ark of Omen and eliminate the Chaos believers and possible existences on it. The Chaos Astartes!"

Rorschach, wearing a skull helmet, spoke to everyone.

He extracted a large number of melt bombs from the simulator's storage page on the spot and threw them in front of everyone.

"Judging from the current fighting situation, this is a one-way ticket with no return."

"All of you may never see the light of the next dawn, but this is our ultimate destiny as Angels of the Emperor, as Astartes!"

"Astartes, tell me what your duties are!"

"Dedicate yourself to the will of the Emperor/Voidfather/Primarch!"

"Tell me, Astartes, what is the will of the Emperor and the Primarch!"

"Fight to the death——"

At this moment, a huge palm wrapped in golden vibranium was lifted above his head by Rorschach.

In a low voice, he shouted loudly to the Astartes in front of him whose fighting will was gradually reaching its peak:

"For the Emperor—"

Rorschach's words had just finished.

The angry roars from the eighty-eight Astartes resounded throughout the surroundings, and even vaguely echoed over the increasingly fierce battlefield!

"For Rorschach—"

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