American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 602: Borrowing a Knife to Kill an Eagle (Part 2)

In the library of Wayne Manor, Bruce piled up a table full of various books, and Dick was still holding the ladder that was much higher than him and rummaging among the bookshelves.

Dick exclaimed after the "click" of the ladder over the bookshelf, and said, "Oh! Here's another book I haven't seen before!"

As he said that, he found a very worn-out book from the gap between the two bookshelves. After picking it up, he patted the dust on it with his hands, blew the cover, and opened the first page.

Then he ran up to Bruce with the book and said, "Mr. Wayne, look at this, this book is a little weird."

Bruce took the book, opened it, and found that it was an introduction to the nursery rhymes circulating in Gotham.

Every city has its own minor tunes. Although Gotham cannot be called ancient, its development history is very complicated. Therefore, it has also derived a unique musical atmosphere. Although in modern times, Gotham’s main music market is gang rap. , but there was also a period of time when gods and nursery rhymes were widely known.

This book is to introduce the tunes of various nursery rhymes, as well as the content of their lyrics, as well as the source story of the lyrics content.

The lyrics of most nursery rhymes in the world are very simple, basically two or three sentences are sung over and over again, which helps children memorize the key content of the lyrics.

However, one of the nursery rhymes in this book is very special, and that is the song "The Court of Owls, always monitoring your travel..."

That's right, the name of this nursery rhyme is called "The Court of Owls, Always Watching You Go". It even has such a long name, so the content can be imagined.

Every lyric of this nursery rhyme is different, and no lyric is repeated. It is more difficult to sing from beginning to end than memorizing poems.

However, this book records that this nursery rhyme was once the most widely circulated nursery rhyme in Gotham, and was sung by almost every child at that time.

Staring at Bruce with the text on it, he seemed to see that in the alley in the rain in Gotham night, the children sang "The Court of Owls... Always monitor your travel...", and behind them, many double owls lit up s eyes.

Bruce was keenly aware of the problem here, but he still looked at Dick and handed him the book. Bruce said to Dick, "Can you sing this song?"

Dick took the book, frowned at the long string of lyrics, and said, "I'll try."

Then, he stared intently at the book for about 20 minutes before he managed to sing the nursery rhyme, but he still stumbled and paused several times in between.

In addition to the very complicated lyrics, the tune of this song is also very awkward. Many people know that the key of nursery rhymes is higher than that of ordinary songs, because whether it is a boy or a girl, before the voice change period, the pitch is higher Yes, many of the tunes that are a little high for adults, are just right for them.

However, the tune of this song is very low. Even if Dick's voice-changing period is almost over, it is still a bit difficult to sing this song. Even if an ordinary adult sings it, the tune will be a little too low.

After a period of time together, Bruce feels that he already knows Dick better. He is a very smart boy and learns everything very quickly. However, he was absorbed in learning for 20 minutes before he managed to master this nursery rhyme. What about Tan's other kids?

They don't have the patience to learn a song. When survival is a problem, no one will concentrate on art.

However, this book records that for a long time, this nursery rhyme was very popular among children in Gotham. This is actually a very strange thing. Such a difficult song can be used by children. They passed on by word of mouth, which is almost impossible in the course of natural development.

Bruce thought more deeply, perhaps, the darkness of Gotham is not as simple as it seems.

There is a certain force that has been affecting the people who live here, since they were children, the dark force has affected them, and then the city of darkness built by these people affected by the darkness is called Gotham .

Finding that the nursery rhymes might be problematic, Bruce began to look for more books such as Gotham art history, and when he found it, he began to look at all the cities on the entire East Coast.

The most important city on the east coast is the Metropolis. There are more historical records about this city than Gotham. Bruce originally just took a look at the history of the Metropolis, but he suddenly discovered that a book that introduced the customs of the Metropolis A nursery rhyme was also recorded.

This nursery rhyme doesn't mention owls and darkness, but both of them have the same characteristics, that is, the tunes are ugly and hard to learn, and the lyrics are complicated, but they were all sung orally for a certain period of time.

Bruce suddenly realized that the enemy he had to face might not just be the darkness in Gotham. Before he had awakened and was still in an ignorant period, the roots of this behemoth had spread all over the country.

Discovering that the Metropolis may also have owls, Bruce immediately went to find Schiller.

Because his manor was bombed, Schiller returned to live at Gotham University. The repair of the manor took a certain amount of time. During this time, he was either in Victor's laboratory to help him adjust his wife's state, Or write papers in the library.

Bruce found Schiller in a corner of the library and explained his purpose to him, but Schiller did not give him any clues for his investigation as he thought.

Bruce was a little puzzled, because Schiller had always shown great interest in the Court of Owls. He thought that Schiller had been investigating this organization and would have more clues than him.

Schiller sat on the other side of the library table and said to Bruce, "If you want to investigate this, I suggest you go to someone."


"Godfather Falcone."

This night, it rained again in Gotham, and no one would be surprised by this, but the rain was extra urgent this night, and when the rain beat on the glass, it covered up the footsteps of uninvited guests.

Godfather Falcone rested on the chair in the study, and a dark shadow spread along the window. After the thunder came from outside the window, the light that instantly lit up made the outline of the shadow clearer and clearer. The top has two pointed ears.

Falcone is like waiting for Batman, Batman is also observing Falcone, long time no see, the godfather does not look older, time seems to stand still on him, Batman stands in the corner, Ask him in a low voice, "What do you know about owls?"

"I know a lot..." Falconer folded his hands and placed them in front of him. He kept his eyes half-closed, as if he was about to fall asleep.

"I think you should have discovered that the kind of darkness I mentioned... the darkness that has been dragging this city into the abyss."

"It has been invading here, using various methods, economics, politics, culture, art, they are all-pervasive."

"Those dead owl court members are but a tiny fraction of them, and as long as darkness hangs over the city, the chaos here will never end."

"Is only Gotham with owls?"

After Batman had asked the question, Falcone sat upright in his chair, paused, leaned back in again, and said, "You got the point, Batman."

"I don't know if Alfred told you that he came to the Wayne family as a housekeeper. It was not the first time we met. When we were young, Alfred and Father Daniel met."

"We had a bizarre adventure for a monster's egg, and in the end, we chose. Put this unmanageable egg under the metropolis, do you know why we did it?"

Batman was silent and didn't answer, so Falcone asked himself: "When I was tracking down about my son, I found this dark force everywhere, and then I realized that Gotham is not the first One city affected will not be the last."

"In those days, the Metropolis was not so well-policed. I met a lot of friends there, so I learned a few things."

"I told you before, I didn't know their name was owls, I only knew that there was a murderer lurking in Gotham. I wasn't sure I could destroy them all at once, so I didn't dare to get to know them in depth."

"However, I don't have so many scruples to deal with the power of the Metropolis. I put that egg there, in fact, I want to lure the owls of the Metropolis to study it, and let them burn themselves..."

"The owl of the Metropolis..." Batman said as if to himself, his eyes spreading to the rainy night outside the window.

At this time, the thunderstorm outside the window was getting bigger and bigger. Through the rain curtain, the train from Gotham went all the way through the dark hills and meandered into another bustling city. The lights became the beacon of the East Coast, all night long.

In an alley that was not illuminated by lights, two figures climbed over the wall of the alley, and one of the men walked into the shadow at the end of the alley, crouched down, checked the traces and said : "... Found it. Those two people who pretended to be us were thrown here."

His companion, another woman stepped forward, she pushed her glasses, and the light reflected through the glasses revealed that she was the female doctor who exchanged information with Kayla during the day. She glanced at the alley, and then Say in Russian:

"The message Valeria gave me is that these two Philby Medal holders are not agents of the Special Security Service."

"You should know that since the death of Benjamin, the head of the CIA's stronghold in Metropolis, Valeria has been in the position of chief."

"She was able to consult the list of CIA agents stationed in the Metropolis and its surrounding areas, and at the same time, she could also use her authority to consult the list of personnel in the special security department, and she did not find these two people in the two lists."

Another man replied in English: "This shows that in addition to the KGB, the CIA, and the Ministry of Special Security, there is another force that is secretly watching here."

"The Philby list is likely to fall into the hands of this group of people." The female doctor took a deep breath and folded her arms and said, "The medal has returned home, no matter whether the list is still useful or not, the legendary agent Philby I must return to Moscow for my life's work."

The man stood up and looked at the dirt on his fingers. He twisted lightly with his thumb and forefinger, and the dirt disappeared along the rain.

"There are enough people here, there is no need for any mysterious organization to disrupt the situation, so..."

Indifferent and direct Russian echoes in this dark alley:

"Find it... destroy it."

------off topic-----

How did Schiller borrow a knife? (5 points)

(Jiagen has to wait for tomorrow, I can't finish writing today)


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