American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 603: Owl Nursery Rhymes (Part 1)

In the darkness of the night, Wayne Manor revealed a peaceful atmosphere. Dick, wearing pajamas and nightcaps, hugged the blanket and walked to his bedroom.

He had just finished the homework assigned by the teacher, fell asleep in the middle of the homework, and Alfred put a blanket on him and made him a little embarrassed.

Bruce is more concerned about Dick's grades. Although he doesn't have to be first, he must at least have a passable grade, and it's definitely not acceptable to fail.

Dick didn't like reading very much. He followed Bruce and wanted to learn combat skills and reconnaissance skills, but Bruce said he was not an adult and had to go to school, so Dick could only go to school quietly.

However, Dick is indeed very smart. He doesn't work very hard, but he can also get the top three in the exam. However, he really doesn't like rote memorization, and instead he shows his talents in various activities of the school.

And because he practiced acrobatics before, his physical coordination is very good, and he has an advantage in sports. He also participated in the high jump team of the middle school, which can be said to be a typical example of all-round development.

After returning to his room, Dick found that Elsa was waiting for him with a storybook in his hand, Dick walked over, took the storybook and flipped through it, saying, "Where are you talking about? Let me see... oh, this book I've read it."

Elsa stared at him with wide eyes, and Dick sighed and explained, "No way, we can't go to the library to get books anymore."

"You need a key to open the door of the library. The key is with Alfred. Now Alfred should be asleep. We can't disturb him any more. That would be impolite."

Elsa showed an aggrieved expression, jumped up, took the book from Dick's hand, and turned to leave, Dick grabbed her and said, "Don't be angry, we can do it without telling a story. Do something else, um, I think..."

"By the way, I also participated in the school's choir before. The teacher taught a few songs, but I didn't like singing very much."

Dick sat down with Elsa, he hugged the blanket, thought about it, and said, "A few days ago, Mr. Wayne organized the materials, and he asked me to learn a song. I think it's pretty good. I'll teach you. How about singing?"

Elsa tilted her head and didn't seem to know what song Dick was talking about, or that she didn't actually understand what the song was. Dick tried to recall the song and said, "Forget it, no, that song The song is too complicated for you, I have memorized the lyrics for a long time."

Elsa called, and Dick immediately turned to look at her and said, "Are you sure you want to learn? It's really difficult..."

Elsa nodded vigorously, and Dick said helplessly, "Well, you can't be angry if you don't learn it by then."

"I'll teach you the lyrics first." Dick stood up, ran to the bedside table, took out a pen, opened the storybook, found a space and started writing the lyrics.

Elsa put her head close, but she didn't know much about words yet, so Dick read as he wrote:

"The Court of Owls... Always monitor your travels..."

"The lyrics are really weird, aren't they? But the tune of this song is pretty good. I'll teach you to sing, Owl Court... Always watch you when you go..."

Dick hadn't experienced the previous fight with the Court of Owls, he didn't know there was such a thing in Gotham, and he read the book and said that this song was just a nursery rhyme, and Bruce didn't say anything about it. Showing some special attitude, so Dick just regarded it as a song.

Bruce felt that Dick, who had not received professional music education, could not understand the score, let alone sing the song completely.

However, Dick participated in a lot of activities at the school and joined the choir. He had a good relationship with the nuns who taught poetry, and he learned some basic elements of sheet music, and was able to hum the song while watching the sheet music.

But because he didn't learn it completely and didn't sing it seriously, the tune he hummed was an extremely simplified version, which was a bit weird with the complicated lyrics, but it was precisely because the tune was simplified that Elsa learned quickly.

Discovering that Elsa could hum tunes, Dick began to focus on teaching her lyrics again, but Elsa couldn't even speak, and she didn't know a few words, so how could she memorize such a long list of lyrics, so Elsa put the lyrics Also simplified.

In this way, the original complex, dark and gothic owl nursery rhyme has completely turned into a real nursery rhyme.

Maybe it's Dick's talent in art. The song here is really catchy. Except for the first two lines, "The Court of Owls is always watching you when you go," the rest of the words have been changed. It's easy to remember, but it also requires children's speaking logic, and the tune becomes more repetitive, which is nice and easy to remember.

It didn't take Aisha learned the song completely. It seems that she likes singing very much. After she learned it, she started singing non-stop, and even the pronunciation of the words became smooth. stand up.

After singing a few times, Aisha became more proficient. She clapped her hands happily. Suddenly, she was stunned, and then began to shake her head from side to side, as if she was looking for something. Dick looked at his reaction and asked, "What's wrong? ? Elsa? What are you looking for?"

Aisha showed a very confused expression. She opened her mouth and seemed to be biting on something, but she didn't bite anything. She sniffed hard, as if she could smell something, but there was nothing around.

This reaction of hers sent a chill down Dick's back. Dick shivered a little, hugged the blanket tightly, looked at Elsa and asked, "What the **** happened to you? Don't scare me..."

Finding that she didn't find what she was looking for, Elsa thought for a while, and then began to sing again. After a while, she opened her mouth, took a bite of the air, and sniffled again.

It seems that she found something, the nursery rhyme that Elsa started to sing loudly. Later, Elsa found that it was too troublesome to sing like this, so she further simplified the lyrics and tune, and finally the whole nursery rhyme was left with the first sentence , plus a simple tune that keeps repeating.

Elsa sang faster and louder. She sang with her mouth open. She sang and chewed twice, as if she was eating. Dick was so frightened that he hurried. Run out of the room and go and call Alfred.

After Alfred was called over, Elsa was still singing. Alfred didn't act rashly. He went to the phone and called back Bruce, who was studying the Ark reactor model in the Batcave.

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