In Los Angeles, Hollywood was suddenly blocked for a whole morning, and then unblocked again near noon.

A large number of underground gang members returned to their respective territories with some caution.

Even many official forces in the Los Angeles government breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Renn moved directly into the Witch Castle.

Ren’s new maid group was very capable. It took less than two hours to restore the nearly ruined battlefield to its original appearance.

He was just a member of the Witch’s Castle, but half of it was gone.

Even old Gill, who was once looked down upon by many ordinary witches, suddenly became the immediate boss of these witches.

Old Gill was also a natural steward.

Compared to Firefox’s rough arrangement and Isabel’s busy schedule,”seven or eighty-seven”.

After Old Gil learned that Ren had recruited all the witches into the maid group, he was only shocked for a short while, and it took him less than half an hour.

The maid group, which was originally very chaotic, became more orderly in their actions.

And Renn soon lived the happy life of a noble lord.

Of course, the happiest moment was when counting the collections and wealth of the witches.

These witches have strange methods and long lifespans, and the wealth they have accumulated is simply more arrogant than those vampires.

In addition to the worldly wealth of today.

What surprised Ren even more was the magic, books, extraordinary materials, etc. collected by the witches.

Strange plants, stones, metals.

A wide variety of animals, insects, and sea creatures.

Bizarre aliens, souls, blood, bones, sharp corners, etc.

These things all have more or less extraordinary properties, and many of the materials even have magical powers.

A sudden burst of wealth is a good thing.

The collection of more than a hundred witches who have lived for thousands to hundreds of years is simply extremely rich.

Even though there are many things in it, Ren can no longer use them.

But apart from what Ren needed, what was left was still enough for Isabel and Old Gil to cultivate their witchcraft heritage to a very high level.

In fact, the extremely large basic material library can directly satisfy the prototype of the Lingbao version of the supercomputer.

You must know that Zola now, as the immortal version of the immortal intelligence, can only provide various help within the scope of Longzhu Island. At most, it can use the lunar jade ring as a signal source to operate within a very small range of the outside world.

Ordinary supercomputer machines greatly limit Zora’s functions.

But once Zola’s supercomputer body is turned into a prototype of a spiritual treasure, it can be connected to the island protection formation.

By then, with the help of the Zhoutian Galaxy Formation, Zola can completely use starlight as a signal.

Theoretically speaking, as long as Zola has a deep enough understanding of the laws and essence of starlight, its signal coverage can cover the entire universe.

Of course, that is not what a mere prototype Lingbao body can carry.

But even it cannot cover the universe.

With the carrying capacity of the prototype Lingbao, it is easy to cover an entire earth.

At that time, Zola can do a lot more things.

The upper level can assist Ren in his practice, the lower level can roam freely on the Internet, and the middle level can use the power of starlight to project, communicate, search, etc. around the world.

It’s so beautiful, it’s so beautiful.

After counting the collections of most ordinary witches in the witch castle.

Ren was very neat and tidy and divided the entire witch collection into four parts.

One for himself, one for Isabel, and one for Zola to upgrade the supercomputer body.

The last portion was given to Old Bill for free deployment.

Watching years of collection being divided up.

The younger witch servants couldn’t help crying after seeing this scene.

Renn didn’t care about this and rubbed Isabel’s face. After a little luck, he opened the collection of the chief witches like a treasure chest.

“Wow, Ren, we’re rich. It’s the potion, it’s the finished potion.”

“There are so many, this is a transformation potion, this is a body porcelain potion, this is a youth potion……”

“Wren, good Wren, you know……”(If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ever since she came into contact with Natasha, Firefox and others, Isabel has changed from being arrogant and naive to a coquettish and annoying little goblin.

For example, now, looking at the large number of finished medicines, Isabel’s mouth is watering.

On the other hand, Ren was a little bit regretful……

These potions are extremely valuable to ordinary people, and even to many Western creatures, extraordinary witches, etc.

But for Ren, these things are of very little use.

But it was so happy to see Isabel.

Ren didn’t disappoint, and gave all the potions to Isabel with a wave of his hand, and asked her to agree to unlock a few postures.

And just when Isabel excitedly took Old Gil to choose the potion.

Wren inadvertently discovered some slightly strange things in the collections of the chief witches Agatha, Blair, and Shipton.

A wizard’s hat, a strange statue, and a round golden sphere.

At first glance, these three collectibles appear unremarkable.

But every time Renn’s eyes pass over these three collections, he feels like he’s missed an opportunity.

After all, Western extraordinary people, witches and their like have some tricks up their sleeves.

Even Ren, with ordinary eyesight, cannot see through the secrets of these three collections.

As a last resort, Enya can only temporarily activate the Sky Eye state.[]

When he looked at the three collections again, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on Ren’s face.

These witches are so well hidden.

The golden sphere is an existence similar to a magic puppet, but the technology and materials it carries are extremely amazing. At the core of 3.0, there is even an indelible aura of innate Geng Gold.

Good stuff, absolutely good stuff.

Renn doesn’t care about this magic puppet or anything.

What Ren cares about is the missing core inside the golden sphere.

That core is definitely a top-notch spiritual material comparable to the branches and leaves of the world, the eternal fire, and the heart of Gaia.

Jennifer, who was on the side, saw Ren staring at the golden sphere.

Jennifer, who had begun to adapt to her career as a maid, immediately said:”Master, this is the golden warrior of the dark elves, but this golden warrior lacks the immortal core.”

Renn raised his eyebrows and said:”Dark Council Ten The dark elves in the three seats?”

Jennifer said:”Yes, master, the dark elves are the remnants of the original inhabitants of Helheim among the nine realms left on the earth.……”

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