Nine Realms, Helheim, Dark Elves, a series of words directly refer to the plot of”Thor 2″.

Under Jennifer’s explanation, Renne quickly learned some ancient secrets.

Helheim was once the hometown of the dark elves, one of the overlords of the nine ancient realms.

However, in the War of the Ancient Gods, Malekith, the leader of the dark elves, was defeated by Odin and lost the ether particle, the treasure of the town group, as well as the home territory of the dark elves.

Later, Odin rewarded his eldest daughter for her great achievements in the war.

Helheim became the fiefdom of Odin’s eldest daughter Hela. Under Hela’s influence, it became the kingdom of the dead.

Later, Hela launched a coup in Asgard, was transferred to Odin and sealed to Helheim.

At this point, Helheim disappeared into the nine realms.

Of course, it didn’t really disappear, but was hidden by Odin with the help of the power of the World Tree.

As for the Golden Warrior, when the Dark Elves were at their peak, they used etheric particles to fuse the immortal golden spirit to create the most powerful war puppet, which once caused the entire Asa clan to suffer heavy losses.

Rumor has it that after the Dark Elves were defeated, all the Golden Warriors were destroyed by Odin.

There are no complete golden warriors in the entire universe.

24 The immortal core that Yu Ren wanted to obtain has not appeared for thousands of years.

The matter involves the grudges between Odin and the dark elves.

For a moment, Ren didn’t want to get involved with those dark elves just because of some spiritual materials.

Carefully put the golden sphere into the lunar jade ring.

Renn’s eyes looked at the weird statue again.

On that statue, there is extremely rich power of darkness, power of faith, and even an aura similar to divinity.

Through the deepest core of the statue, Renn could see a dimensional world completely shrouded in darkness.

And when Ren’s eyes turned to that dimensional world, an extremely powerful aura was alerted.

Dimension Demon, Dormammu.

Hey, this is the statue of Dormammu, which contains the world coordinates of the dark dimension.

The so-called world coordinates are like a door connecting two dimensions.

Since it is a door, it may be a single door or a double door.

The shocking sword intent instantly wiped out the breath that was submerged in it.

Renn cast hundreds of sealing runes in succession to completely seal the statue, and then asked the Five Yin ghosts to wrap it up and hide it in the Taiyin jade ring.

Renn was also convinced by these witches, and he really dared to put anything into his collection.

If only Nadomammu knew that there was such a nearly physical dimensional gate.

The other party may not have given up the energy to feed, but he will come over and completely take away the dimensional door.

When he turned around, he threw this thing into the Liangyi Dust Formation.

Use the power of the world’s creation and destruction to completely destroy it.

Otherwise, this is a time bomb that can explode a dimension demon at any time.

Looking at two collections in a row brought a surprise to Renn.

After the roller coaster-like excitement, when Renn finally looked at the wizard hat, his mood became much calmer.

However, this calmness only lasted less than a second.

See through the celestial eye.

Renn clearly saw that this wizard hat was actually a well-hidden folding storage space.

In that space, there is a majestic dragon bone hidden.

And it’s not that kind of Western keel, it’s a complete Eastern divine dragon keel. There are even traces of being chiseled and cut, and a section of bone was scraped off.

This dragon bone aura has a feeling that Ren is very familiar with.

The soul mobilizes memory.

This familiar feeling was soon discovered by Ren. It was actually the aura of Mrs. Gao who was killed by him in the Chinese District.

Mudd, this is the dragon bone that the Hand has been searching for. long time ago.

When Renn first began to sacrifice the bones to the gods and demons, Renn actually sent people to search for the existence of the dragon bones.

After Ren received 300 years of mana cultivation from Serena, his energy and energy skyrocketed. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Renn also used his spiritual consciousness to sweep through the Nuoyue underground, trying to find this dragon bone.

Who would have thought.

This dragon bone that was supposed to be hidden under Nuoyue was actually stolen long ago by Agatha, the dark witch.

This Agatha really deserves to die.

I am the king of contract breakers, but the other party dares to steal my things.

Ren’s annoyance with Agatha was once again increased by three, and he was waiting for the next meeting to leave a deep enough impression on the other party.

However, Ren was still very happy that the keel could be returned to its original owner.

With this dragon bone, Ren can truly refine his own bones of gods and demons to the level of the soul.

Wait for the Bone God and Demon to upgrade.

In his own hands, he has two basic means that are enough to rival a Heavenly Father-level existence.

Especially the Bone God Demon, after reaching the level of Yuan Shen, he can initially arrange the Twelve Yuan Chen Formation and continuously draw energy from the long river of time.

Defend enemies on your own, support with supernatural powers, assist in practice, etc.

At that time, Renn will be equivalent to having an extra clone of the Soul Realm.

This is the real foundation.

With this magical treasure, Ren’s combat power can be regarded as truly stepping into the Heavenly Father level, instead of just relying on the blood-transforming magic sword to bluff people like before.

Thinking of this, Ren 607 even had the urge to sacrifice the bones to the gods and demons.

But right now.

Owen, who had been presiding over the peripheral protection work outside the witch castle, came to Renn under the leadership of a witch servant.

“Boss, someone from the Triads outside, brought a person with a hidden identity, saying he wanted to see the Boss”

“The man said that he had an appointment with the Boss for a long time, and I didn’t dare to make the decision, so I came over to ask for instructions.”

Hearing Owen’s words,

Renn had already anticipated the coming person. With a sweep of his mind, he discovered that the person coming outside the Witch’s Castle was indeed Obadiah Stan of the Stark Group.

Maybe he was in the Stark Group. The reason for his hometown in Los Angeles.

But Obadiah Stan was cautious and hid in the Triad team and wore a black cloak.

Renn laughed.

But this Obadiah Stan was related to the Ark reactor. Obtain.

As for the Ark Reactor, it is related to Ren’s important matter of extracting the Emperor’s Liquid through the intersection of the lunar sun and the lunar sun.

This matter cannot be delayed.

It seems that the matter of refining the bone gods and demons needs to be postponed for a while.

It’s urgent. Then, Ren waved his hand and said,”Yes, the other party is my guest, please bring him in.””[]

Thanks to book friend [Xingchen] for the reward..

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