"Hmm, I think..."

When Captain America entered the laboratory, Tony and Banner were standing together and pointing at the screen, but they were not pointing at anything related to the Mind Scepter or the Cosmic Cube. They were talking about SHIELD's secret plan.

"Hey, how did you find this?"

Steve frowned slightly. After hearing Tony talk about "S.H.I.E.L.D. Phase II", he knew that he couldn't hide it, so he told the two.

Although people from SHIELD, including Fury, said that the study of the Cosmic Cube was for energy problems, now someone has developed a new energy source, and it's here.

Tony's armor has been replaced with a new energy source related to the Cosmic Cube. This energy experiment should have called him, why didn't he call him?

Captain America also had some doubts about SHIELD's approach, and later found the weapons left by Hydra in the past somewhere in SHIELD.

At first he didn't understand, but later combined with Loki's previous sarcasm, he immediately guessed that SHIELD was continuing to produce high-tech weapons related to the Cosmic Cube that Hydra had not completed.

"Ha, high-lethal weapons..."

Tony couldn't help but shrug. Stark Industries was once a weapons dealer, so what does this mean? It's all about ambition.

Banner felt disgusted, guessing that SHIELD asked him to come here not only to ensure combat power, but also to use his scientific research on weapons.

The three didn't notice that the Mind Scepter on the table was emitting a faint light.

After a while, the Black Widow who came to visit the prison brought Thor and Nick Fury into the laboratory and told Banner that he couldn't leave the laboratory because Loki might use [Hulk] to achieve his goal.

"No problem! Anyway, I have been under surveillance since I had that power!" Bruce Banner's voice was a little louder, and he pointed his finger at the "Phase 2" plan that Tony found and questioned Fury: "Nick Fury, can you explain why SHIELD wants to use the Cosmic Cube to develop weapons of mass destruction?" "First of all, SHIELD is not the SHIELD of the United States, but an organization jointly managed by major powers-" "Tsk... Oh, sorry, please continue, Director." Tony laughed out loud after hearing this, and raised his hands to surrender to Nick Fury who was looking over, while the director continued to say words that he did not believe, pointing to the slightly innocent Thor on the other side: "Of course it is to guard against so-called gods like him. Since Thor came to Earth, even before that, there were alien creatures coming. The production of high-lethal weapons is naturally to ensure the safety of the Earth!" Thor pointed his finger at Nick Fury's nose with dissatisfaction, and the discussion gradually turned into a quarrel. The laboratory was in chaos and no one was spared. On the table that no one noticed, the Mind Scepter continued to release a faint light that affected everyone's mind, and the quarrel became louder and louder. On this aircraft carrier, no one noticed that a plane had evaded the radar and quietly arrived at the flank.

Stayed in the narrow barrier with Loki, Li Buying quietly fiddled with his [Gravity Mastery] and found that the energy field and force field around him could be attracted by him.

And because of the formation of a small force field, it was very easy for him to destroy it. As long as he slightly guided one of the ranges in the force field to collapse, all other positions would also have a chain reaction and collapse together.

Li Buying, who learned of this, had just put down his arm, and the entire aircraft carrier suddenly trembled. He raised his head slightly and stood up, realizing that Hawkeye was coming.

"My people are here, what about you? How are you going to get out without me?"

Loki cast a curious look at him. Li Buying did not use gravity mastery. He looked up at the camera and blinked slightly. The mechanism of the cell door was controlled by Ai Yi, and the door was directly opened.

As the energy field around them disappeared, the two stretched their arms almost at the same time. Loki did not stay for long. He just looked at Li Buying deeply and left the place instantly.

He used his spatial ability to move directly to the cabin. The Mind Staff fell to the ground due to the explosion caused by Hawkeye. The Avengers around him immediately became alert when they saw Loki appear.


Quickly picking up the staff, Loki was not prepared to face these Avengers including Thor alone. He raised the Mind Staff and pointed it at Banner not far away: "Big guy, you should wake up."

A mental wave burst out from the staff and hit Banner directly. Unknown anger suddenly rose from Banner's heart. His eyes closed and opened, and his body immediately changed dramatically.

The muscles continued to expand, the skin turned green, the blue veins on his face appeared and disappeared, and a huge green giant appeared in front of the Avengers!

"Then everyone, I will take my leave first."

Showing a mocking smile to the Avengers, Loki disappeared directly on the spot. Thor was about to catch up, but the Hulk was fixed by Loki's hatred for Thor and punched Thor directly.

At the same time, Black Widow, who fell to the lower level of the cabin, also met Hawkeye who was about to destroy the aircraft carrier. The two faced each other, and the battle was about to break out.


Before Black Widow could make a move, a heavy blow came from behind Hawkeye's head. Li Buying shook his arm and nodded slightly to Black Widow, ignoring Hawkeye lying on the ground and ran towards Hulk's position. The system prompted him that [Snake's Seven Inches] was completed again.

After running over there, things had become a little dangerous. It didn't mean the superheroes, but the entire ship was about to be smashed by Thor and Hulk.

At this time, Thor did not use the power of thunder because of Tony's instructions, and simply used his physical strength to wrestle with Hulk.

At first, Thor could still suppress him steadily, but as time went by, the Hulk's power continued to grow stronger, gradually pushing Thor back. Tony and Captain America were unable to do anything for a while.

Li Buying immediately rushed forward and punched Hulk on the head, but it had no great effect. His attack was insignificant to Hulk.

But just when he touched the Hulk's body and wanted to take his hand back to try the magic, a strange feeling came from inside his body——

The energy of the [Tiger Power] that he could not activate flowed out from the limbs and along the arms towards the Hulk in front of him. The energy spread immediately after entering the Hulk's body.

Under the hood, a pair of black and white tigers appeared in the depths of Li Buying's pupils. They were close together and kept spinning. As the energy entered Hulk's body, the two tigers stopped spinning and changed completely.

They kept moving apart, sometimes turning upside down, and suddenly sticking together again, until finally the two tigers jumped up and down in their pupils, like yin and yang changing, and slowly disappeared.

In Li Buying's subconscious, he wanted to call out Dr. Banner and calm Hulk down, but the power of the tiger was directly operated under the influence of his subconscious.

The furious Hulk suddenly stopped moving, and the resentment in his heart temporarily stopped due to a cool force, and Dr. Banner's consciousness gradually surfaced.

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