Hulk gradually sank into a peaceful sleep, and Banner seemed to be pulled up to the surface by a pair of strong hands.

In the eyes of the people around him, because of Li Buying's light touch, the Hulk quickly began to shrink, and then regained Bruce Banner.

Banner, who had woken up, shook his head vigorously and seemed to be still a little confused. Li Buying looked at Dr. Banner who had returned and subconsciously wanted to raise his hand to look at his palms. He stopped his movements abruptly and pretended that he knew this would happen. things happen.

WOC, is the power of the tiger so powerful? Is it still used in this way? Is it because he absorbed part of Mr. Negative's power?

There was a turmoil in his heart, but Li Buying was calm on the surface, and the spider on the mask trembled slightly, as if he was enduring it and not crawling around.

He raised his hand and pulled Banner up. Tony, Captain America and Thor all came closer and looked at the weaver in front of them in disbelief. Tony was the first to ask:

"how did you do it?"

[The prophet is a magician. He has already anticipated this situation and gave me some gadgets in advance. I will leave first. 】

Taking out his mobile phone and typing for a few people to check, Li Buying pricked up his ears and heard the footsteps behind him. He nodded slightly to a few people and was about to leave, but was pulled back by Tony: "Wait, your prophet told you where the Rubik's Cube is. ."

[No, the prophet only told me that this invasion will make all major powers realize the danger and temporarily choose to achieve an image of unity and cooperation on the surface. 】

"So what he's saying is that he knew where the Rubik's Cube was, but couldn't stop the invasion in advance!?"

Captain America's voice became louder. In his opinion, this was an act of completely indifference to the people. Li Buying did not speak after hearing this, but just nodded towards him with his mask.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer. Li Buying simply stopped running and jumped straight down from the hole made by Hulk!


Captain America yelled when he saw this, but Tony was not worried at all: "He should be fine, and he doesn't want to commit suicide, so how is Banner's condition?"

Bruce's naked body clasped his hands: "It feels the same as usual, Hulk fell asleep peacefully."

While several people were talking, a group of soldiers appeared next to the superheroes. Thanks to Li Buying's help, most of the aircraft carrier was not damaged. It could still barely fly at this time, but it was about to fall.

Tony stopped talking to everyone and drove the armor to repair some important parts. Black Widow, who came with Hawkeye on her back, put him down, looked around and picked up the weapon, preparing to clean up the remaining people controlled by Loki.

The American team also temporarily put aside their worries and followed Tony's footsteps. Banner and Thor, who had nothing to do, looked at each other. A somewhat embarrassed Banner looked at the fallen Hawkeye and said:

"Emmm, dear God of Thunder, could you please help bring him to the reception room? I'm sorry about what happened before."

"It doesn't matter, Asgard respects the strong."

Thor did not blame Banner. He raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder. He grabbed Hawkeye with one hand and walked towards the reception room. Banner was going to see if there was any data left in the computer.

Before the explosion, he had found another echoing wave through the energy wave of the Mind Scepter, which was probably the location of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

Falling straight from the sky, Li Buying activated his phase ability and appeared in the alley just before landing. It was only then that he had the chance to make the action of "looking at his palm and squeezing it hard".

The Tiger Power was more useful than he thought, and could actually turn the Hulk back into Banner, although it required a lot of energy.

In addition, he could feel that this energy had other uses, but Li Buying had to find a new, weaker dual personality villain to study this power.

After all, it's easy to overturn the one who is stronger. What if two of them are separated like the Tiger Talisman, and one of them escapes, causing the other to be unable to fight back.

"Anyway, let's talk about this later."

Li Buying murmured to himself, raised his hand and took out the magic wand to cast a spell on his face to eliminate the deformation and return it to its original state. He asked Ai Yi about the current situation:

"Ai Yi, how is the situation with Loki?"

[Loki has gone to Stark Tower to activate the Cosmic Cube. The Avengers are still trying to find a way to make the aircraft carrier crash land. Dr. Banner expects to find the location where the Cosmic Cube is opened soon...]

Listening to Ai Yi's calm voice, Li Buying relaxed his muscles and quietly rushed to the vicinity of the building, thinking in his mind about how to quietly pocket the Universe Rubik's Cube without arousing any suspicion.

Time passes little by little. The people of New York City currently know nothing about the crisis and are still living a busy and ordinary life. Suddenly, the air raid siren breaks the peace.

The people looked up to the sky in surprise and didn't know what happened, but planes flew in one after another and began to use loudspeakers to notify all the people of the impending air raid.

However, before the people were completely dispersed, a sky-wide beam of light lit up from the top of Stark Tower and shot into the sky, and a huge portal appeared under the blue sky!

Through the huge portal, Li Buying, who was hiding in the alley, squinted his eyes. He could see the universe on the other side of the portal. Small black dots fell from above, followed by more huge spaceships. Get out of it.

It finally started.

"Ai Yi, let Magneto and Professor X see the first-hand information."

【clear. 】

The mechanical creations continued to fall. Li Buying climbed above the Stark Tower and saw the Avengers gathered together. He was not prepared to go over and hide himself in the roof, waiting for the opportunity to appear. .

He wanted to try whether gravity combined with his own abilities could destroy the device that stimulated energy.

When a battle with aliens occurred near Stark Tower, other forces hidden in New York City were also passing this picture to their own organizations.

Every country on the planet that was capable of competing suddenly fell silent, and a sense of crisis arose.

At the same time, in other areas of New York City, various superheroes also discovered alien monsters that were constantly escaping, and immediately fought against them.

"Damn, what are these things!"

In Queens, Spider-Man used spider webs to wrap around two guys who were about to attack the people, and used all his strength to throw the two alien soldiers out. The two thrown out collided with the other two and fell to the ground, dead or alive...

In Hell's Kitchen, Daredevil waved his long stick in the narrow alley to attract the attention of alien soldiers. After defeating them, he kicked the alien weapons behind him...

Mighty Man, Iron Fist, Blade, Fantastic Four...

These superheroes tried their best to minimize the damage to the people. They looked at the beam of light in the distance and wanted to rush past it, but they were unable to do so. The main reason was that the distance was too far and there were alien soldiers blocking it.

The Human Torch was just running rampant through New York City. However, after passing by, he saw the scene of the battle between Thor and Loki. He was just about to intervene when he was directly shaken away by the aftermath of the two people's explosion and crashed into the building and almost fainted.

After that, the Human Torch didn't dare to get close, and flew to Iron Man's position to ask what was going on.

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