001 controlled the Titan to hide in the darkness and remained motionless, pretending to be completely damaged, waiting for Li Buying to return to him.

It found that another Vanguard-class Titan was approaching quickly at this time. When it was about to talk to Li Buying, his voice appeared in its ears.

"001, I'm back. Let's go to the air force base to seize the Holy Ark together."

001 looked back at Li Buying. His appearance did not change much, but it analyzed from his emotions and expressions that his master had undergone some internal changes that the machine could not identify.

Its analysis was correct. After sensing the time force field, Li Buying was deeply attracted by this great power. When he used gravity to master it, his emotions were also slightly affected.

The understandable statement is that he fell into a state similar to "entering meditation" or "enlightenment", and he has not recovered yet.

The time force field copied by Li Buying is not complete. He still needs to go to the place where the Holy Ark is, get close to the Holy Ark at this point in time, and completely combine the force field.

001 said nothing, raised his hand and lifted Li Buying into the Titan cabin, and drove him quickly to the air force base. After running on the road for a while, he asked for the specific plan.

"Master, how are you going to get the Holy Ark?"

"How else can I get it? Of course, I will kill my way in. How many Titans can I control if I give you several Titans?"

The sub-body checked itself, estimated the lowest value and said: "Conservatively, I can only control ten Titans at most. I can't control them as unlimitedly as the mother body."

"Then use this Titan to get in first. If you see other Titans on the road, I will help you control them."

The reason why the gravity gun was not used to solve all the problems was mainly because Li Buying wanted to experiment with the force field model he had just obtained. In his opinion, there were still many unsolved mysteries in the force field model, so he had to experiment with it.


After a period of rushing, Li Buying drove the Titan back to the vicinity of the spaceship, cleared the debris that had been accumulated before and boarded the spaceship, and asked the sub-body to drive the spaceship immediately towards the air force base.

Quickly approaching the company and the hunter's territory in the air, he also heard their deployment through their built-in channels.

After learning about their tight defense, Li Buying decided to use the characteristics of his spaceship hunter to deceive everyone, and then take the opportunity to enter the base and make a big fuss.

"By the way, 001, do I have all of Kate's identity documents?"

001 gave him good news: "Of course, except for photos, bodies, genes and other biological entities that cannot correspond to computers, all other information I have saved is the same as the information owned by the hunter, including verification codes and passwords."

"Okay, then we sneak in first, don't rush to kill people, wait until you are sent to the Titan's concentration point and quietly start to invade and control other Titans, I'll go get the holy cabinet."

After re-deciding the next task, Li Buying soon saw a large air force base. When his spaceship was detected by radar, a large number of turrets were pointed at him.

001 immediately sent a signal, sending out Kate's unique serial number in the hunter, the single password for this operation, and various confidentiality certificates, and the door finally opened and let him go.

Before landing, Li Buying raised his head and transformed himself into Kate's face. He also put on a layer of pilot clothes over his sweatshirt. The spaceship slowly landed in the warehouse. After he opened the hatch, he saw about two or three ordinary soldiers.

"Hello, Mr. Kate."

They did not bring any testing equipment. It was obvious that they were just here to greet a pilot.

But that's right. If every pilot had to undergo a complex identity review, and genes, fingerprints, and everything else had to be tested, mercenary organizations like the Hunters would probably have been impatient.

"Hello, I'm late. I was blocked by the border army not long ago." Li Buying took off his helmet to show Kate's face and greeted several people.

His body muscles were always tense to prevent the other side from seeing that he was not Kate's half-robot.

The other side did not investigate too much. After a little formality, they let Li Buying leave and asked him to park the plane at a designated location and store the Titan at another designated location.

It took about 30 minutes to handle all the matters. Li Buying successfully mixed into the base. At the same time, 001, which was placed in the warehouse, also took action, corroding the Titans around it.

Walking in this base, Li Buying sensed the direction of the [Time Force Field] and moved forward, and soon came to a place guarded by heavy troops.

The members driving the Titan stopped him outside and said indifferently: "No entry here."

He looked at the position where the weak gravitational waves were emitting outward. Because the gravitational waves emitted by the Holy Ark itself were too weak, it could not affect other force fields, but as long as there was a slight resonance...

Li Buying took a few steps back and pretended to leave, typing to ask whether the sub-body was ready for combat.

[It will take another 5 minutes so far, and there is an accident. It seems that the border troops are rushing here. ]

[Is the distance very close? ]

[It will take about 1 hour and 25 minutes to arrive. ]

[It's okay, we have plenty of time. ]

He walked away while typing, and his face under the mask had returned to its original state. After five minutes, Li Buying walked towards the guard position again.

[Wait for my order. ]

This is the second time he has come here. His strange behavior has long attracted the attention of the Titans guarding the Holy Ark. Just as they raised their weapons and wanted to speak, Li Buying immediately activated [Gravity Mastery], which directly strengthened the time force field.

The fluctuations emitted by the holy cabinet were suddenly increased by Li Buying, and Titan's movement of raising the weapon fell into a sluggish state, and the speed became slower and slower, and finally even stopped.

Within a range of about a hundred meters, everything was strangely stagnant, and seemed to be disconnected from the outside world.

Time outside is still passing as usual, and space is still changing, but inside it is completely still.

No, if you look carefully, it's still moving, but the speed has been completely slowed down.

Some people standing outside the force field quickly noticed this strange phenomenon and hurriedly notified the upper level. A large number of Pilots and Titans approached here, looking at the blocked area and being endlessly tangled.

Cuben Blisk, the top leader of the Apex Hunters, also came here. Looking at the stagnant people, he immediately got through the phone call from the company's upper echelon and the mission publisher, General Mader, and sneered:

"What is going on? Didn't you promise that what you were escorting was completely normal?"

"This has never happened before. There must be a problem on your side!"

Instead, General Mader blamed Blisk, and the two faced each other tit for tat. Just less than five minutes later, the stasis field suddenly disappeared, and everyone returned to normal operations again.

At the same time, a special alarm sound representing the loss of the Holy Ark also immediately sounded.

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