Time in the fixed area slowly stopped, and Li Buying immediately passed between the Titans and entered the room they were guarding, and found a sphere almost life-size inside the room.

The sphere was composed of six-sided prisms, which completely blocked the fluctuations and energy of the holy cabinet inside, but in the end Li Buying activated the stasis force field.

He immediately stepped forward to smash the edge, and a dazzling blue ball emitting powerful energy appeared in front of him, with powerful fluctuations disrupting the surrounding time.

This is the Holy Ark, an ancient relic that can destroy an entire planet.

Li Buying took out the gravity force and adjusted the time force field. The impact of the Holy Ark on the outside world was reduced by his seal. After getting the Holy Ark, Li Buying immediately tried to change his mind, reversed the slowness force field, and placed it on a container next to it. .

The container, which was not affected by external forces, suddenly slipped to the ground as the force field increased. Nothing moved it to the naked eye, and it began to move around on its own.

Very well, slowness in turn means acceleration. The time field of the Holy Ark itself is slightly chaotic and needs to be controlled.

Using the energy to blast and produce a devastating space-time folding field is only the most superficial use. As for the life span that may arise, Li Buying feels that he has the ability to squander it. After all, his body is full of Dionysian factors.

The door to the storage room suddenly opened. A group of Pilots and Titans outside aimed their guns at the inside. Li Buying immediately applied the acceleration field to himself and left instantly before they saw him.

According to a well-known principle of relativity, if others slow down, they will speed up, and if they speed up, others will slow down. Li Buying majestically walked away from the scene among the stopped people.

Arriving at the location where the Titan was stored, Li Buying released the acceleration field and appeared in front of 001. The Titan controlled by the sub-body looked at him: "Master, I thought you needed my support."

"It doesn't look like it's needed anymore. Open the hatch. I'm going to put this in."

The surrounding Titans were awakened in an emergency, but Li Buying was not too panicked at this time. After throwing the holy cabinet into the Titan, he turned on the acceleration force field again, letting the force field wrap up the Titan controlled by the sub-body and him together.

"Leave these Titans to destroy, and we rush to the plane."


001 controlled the mecha and nodded, raising his hand to let Li Buying stand on his hand and heading to the parking lot together. He raised his hand to open the closed hangar door and walked in. He closed the acceleration field again, allowing them to smoothly enter the small spacecraft. .

Sitting firmly in the cabin, Li Buying waved his hands, causing all other aircraft around him to move away and clear the take-off runway. The next second, the spacecraft burst out with tail flames, pushing the entire ship out of the hangar and flying high.

The people in the air force camp didn't even react. He had already flown to a high altitude without any obstruction.

On the contrary, the company and the Hunters encountered trouble. Although 001 gave up controlling the remaining Titans because they were too far away, the other nine Titans were also implanted with instructions to cause chaos and were now wreaking havoc in the Titan cabin.

The jump engine started, and the spacecraft reappeared in outer space, and was still rapidly approaching the large spacecraft.

There was a sudden notification from the small spacecraft, and it seemed that the signal had been captured over there.

[Connecting to the main body...Starting to transmit data...1%...]

[Data transmission is completed, the sub-body is recovered and converted to main body driving. 】

"Master, I haven't seen you for 8 hours, 25 minutes and 42 seconds. Are you okay?"

Ai Yi's voice, which was more lively than 001, reached Li Buying's ears, making him feel safe and relaxed in the chair: "Not bad, the progress is going very well."

"That's good. Next, I will lead you back to the interior of the ship. To ensure safety, I will immediately activate the jump mode."

After successfully returning to the inside of the ship, Li Buying took off his outer equipment, stretched hard, and waited for the jump on the sofa in the main control room.

After the jump, Ai Yi confirmed that they were completely out of the danger zone and immediately informed his master that they could move as they pleased.

However, Li Buying had no intention of walking around on the spaceship. He came to Titan and asked the mechanical girl to open its door. The holy cabinet with dazzling light and huge energy appeared in front of him, which made him feel particularly beautiful.

Ignoring the radiation problem, Li Buying walked into the bedroom with the two spheres of Gravity and the Holy Ark, and began to study the mysteries of the force fields they emitted. At this time, Ai Yi, based on the previous plan, moved toward "The Master of None" "Pandora Planet".


The world mission is completed, the rewards have been distributed, and the soul repair level is: 60%.


Listening to the voice in his ears, Li Buying slowly opened his eyes in his bedroom, looking at the scene in the room he hadn't seen for nearly a month, as if he was in another world.

Especially the sun hanging in the sky and the tall buildings outside made him feel as warm as returning to his hometown.

In the previous mixed world, he did not successfully go to Pandora within a month. It still takes a little time to jump from one spiral wall of the Milky Way to the spiral wall on the other side of the Milky Way.

At least in the limited month, Ai Yi couldn't make the spacecraft jump over so quickly. Nothing happened along the way except heading to the transit planet.

Yes, nothing happened. The huge universe was more empty than Li Buying imagined. There were only a few planets with life, and they were very small on the scale of the universe.

Not to mention the ships made by humans, which are as small as a molecule. Outside the transit planet, he didn't see any passers-by.

As for the transit planet, Li Buying only stayed there for a while. The chaotic place was not suitable for him, and there were more precious treasures.

After buying what he needed, he went back to the ship and continued to drift in the starry sea, while studying the holy cabinet, the cosmic cube and the gravity hammer.

That's right, time, space and gravity, what can you usually think of?

After so many days of research, Li Buying finally achieved some results. In short, his strength has been greatly improved.

After sorting out his thoughts, he swung his arm back to the basement and released Ai Yi from the storage space. As for the holy cabinet, it was still in the storage space.

He then took out another achievement of this journey-

A large number of advanced processors and hard drives, powerful energy minerals, energy conversion devices, some mechanical assistants and other high-tech products that are enough to greatly improve Ai Yi's computing power.

After placing the processors all over the basement, Ai Yi controlled the mechanical assistant to connect them. Then her eyes lit up slightly, and a large amount of information from the Internet poured into her mind.

"Master, I think I should change my position."

Ai Yi looked at the crowded basement and said, Li Buying nodded and continued: "Where is good?"

"That depends..."

She turned her head and looked at her master: "Where do you think the country should be established?"

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