The decentralization line was blocked, and there were armed helicopters in the sky that needed to be dealt with. From a distance, more than a dozen black spots were approaching quickly. At the same time, Ai Yi was sure that the missiles on these aircraft were already aimed here.

"Miss Storm is responsible for shooting down the helicopter, and Miss Lorna is responsible for preventing those missiles. Mr. Robert, please help seal the road on the other side of the rock wall with ice. When their large force arrives, it will at least make the road muddy. "

"I don't know if you can understand it, Miss Storm. If you can, you don't need to go to such trouble. You can solve it by yourself."

Ai Yi said, taking out a stack of data from her arms and patting it on Storm's hand. It was a weather weapon found in Hydra's database that only existed in the data but had not yet been produced.

The information contains the conditions and required data for the formation of violent storms. Theoretically speaking, as long as Storm can understand the data and control it, she can create a storm with the least amount of energy.

In this world, Storm can ignore the laws of physics and create a global disaster with all her strength, but if she can follow the trend, the power required will be much less.

"...No, I can't learn it in a short time. I'd better just cause a storm."

Storm was attracted by the information, but quickly remembered that this was not the time to do this kind of thing, so she temporarily returned the pile of things to Ai Yi. She was just an ordinary person with a slightly higher IQ and could not reproduce immediately. situation on the data.

Raising her hands high and pointing at the sky, Storm took a deep breath, her eyes were wrapped in white energy light, and as she waved her hands, the clouds in the sky quickly gathered.

This is an uninhabited forest, and she doesn't have to worry about whether her actions will cause casualties to innocent people!

The clouds were spiraling downward, and an extremely huge tornado was taking shape, quickly enveloping the helicopters. When the tail of the tornado pierced the ground, all the helicopters were no longer able to resist this powerful force.

They were tied around the tornado, or they would be directly involved in the hurricane machine and destroy everyone. There was no other choice.


Storm, who created the tornado, took a deep breath: "This is enough to trap them for more than ten minutes."

"Keep moving forward, the ship is not far ahead."

It was confirmed through the Internet that this special force was completely blocked nearby. Ai Yi turned around and left with a large number of mutants. William Stryker was blocked on the other side by boulders and muddy roads and could only rage helplessly.

"Quick, send those highly mobile people after us!"

He couldn't help but roar loudly, but at this time, a higher-ranking officer gave him other instructions——

Immediately head to the sea near Brooklyn to prevent the aircraft carrier controlled by Hydra from taking off.

After a long period of review, the government, which realized the seriousness of the problem, finally realized that SHIELD had really been completely infiltrated by those remnants, and there were not many people who could be trusted.

Nick Fury and Captain America, who were labeled traitors, can be trusted. As for the rest...

All in all, it was related to their own personal safety. Those senior officials immediately summoned the nearest army and asked them to deal with the aircraft carrier.

William, who had lost the X-Men, suppressed his anger, turned around and ordered everyone to get in the car and rush there quickly. Now that he had lost the X-Men, he should first deal with the matters ordered by his superiors.

Ai Yi slowed down and said to everyone: "Don't be so anxious. They are all going to intercept and prevent Hydra's plan. We can take our time."

As Li Buying and Hydra attracted a lot of attention, the members of X Academy boarded the ship smoothly, and the ship was not blocked.

Lorna stood next to Ai Yi and asked worriedly: "Hey, Ai Yi, brother, he should be able to come back safely."

"Definitely. Don't worry. Human beings can only deal with the masters within ten fingers."

Sure enough, when the ship completely reached the high seas, Li Buying and Magneto's arrogant speeches at the SHIELD building caused an uproar.

Turning the perspective to Li Buying again, he waved his right arm back slightly, and the vehicles in the parking lot instantly floated into the air and quickly twisted into spike-like objects.

Still aiming at the Hydra agents who had attacked him, Li Buying instantly swung out all the steel thorns, and they immediately flew into the building at extremely high speeds and stabbed those agents.

It's a pity that these agents are already prepared and either avoid or directly destroy the steel thorns.

Agents with special abilities walked out of the building one after another. He scanned their faces, and Ai Yi continued to display these guys' information and information on his contact lenses.

The main purpose of doing this is to prevent Li Buying from being solved by secret means. Some poisons and the like are hard to guard against.

Turning on the space mode of the clothes to create a sealed environment, his eyes were a little surprised, mainly because he saw two unexpected members-Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.

But the force field fluctuations they emitted were not as strong as expected, as if they had not been activated.

Speaking of which, there are mutants in this world, and they are probably Magneto's children. So the Mind Scepter only activates their potential?

Not all of the people in front of him were mutants, but also superpowers created by Hydra through experiments. Li Buying thought about the possible situation, raised a finger and pointed it in the air, and several sniper bullets floated in front of him.

Looking back at some very thin people, judging from the fluctuations in the force field, those people were quietly using their mental abilities.

He decisively turned on the electromagnetic disruption device on his clothes. The electromagnetic fluctuations generated by his mental abilities were directly affected, and those mental abilities could not take effect at all.

"You guys, come on together, I'm in a hurry."

He said something very arrogantly. Li Buying naturally knew that Pierce had left by car long ago, but he just wanted to wait for the aircraft carrier to fly up, so he still wanted to show his strength against others.

I want to hit ten!

Opening his hands slightly, the vibranium sound wave device in his cuffs was exposed to the outside world. Li Buying switched it to a large-scale interference mode, and the violent sound waves began to spread around and affect everyone's actions.


The sudden noise caused those Hydra members who were still wary of Li Buying's attack to cover their ears, and the snipers who were shooting from a distance felt distracted.

This is almost fatal to snipers, and it is difficult to even aim at Li Buying.

The moment it affected all the surrounding members, Li Buying decisively activated [Gravity Mastery]. The next second, a large number of metal objects in the cloak flew out, attacking those with super powers who were caught off guard again.

The three superpowers immediately raised their hands to try to stop it. It seemed that all of them were telekinesis. The three people combined their powers to fix the blade thrown by Li Buying in the air.

The blade was fixed in the air, and those superpowers immediately thought that Li Buying's body had become his biggest weakness, and they pounced on him without hesitation.

There were some subtle changes in the superpowers who rushed over, either showing traces similar to beasts, or their physical qualities were greatly improved, and Quicksilver was among them.

Facing the attacking superpowers, Li Buying showed no signs of panic at all. He raised his hand slightly, turned his palm down and pressed it hard!

The huge gravity field instantly suppressed everyone. Those who were closer to him were more severely affected. The ground collapsed, and those with super powers who were close to about two meters were directly crushed to the ground.

Some of them didn't know whether they were alive or dead, some vomited blood and were severely injured, and even more serious were those with superpowers whose bodies had not been enhanced.

The momentary loss of concentration caused them to lose control of their superpowers, which meant that the sharp objects fixed in the air could move.

The sharp edges that were originally fixed in the air and trembled slightly due to the conflict of abilities re-rotated, slicing across the necks of one superpower after another.

Just after killing about five people, the energy emitting red light locked them in place. Wanda, who was not yet the Scarlet Witch, gritted her teeth to stop the blades from moving forward, and subconsciously made a sound in her throat:


Li Buying watched their struggles. Some people resisted the interference caused by sound waves and gravity. They were pressed to the ground and took out lighters or some fuel and pointed them at Li Buying, trying to release the flames.

However, the fierce flames were blocked by the shield, and there was no way to get close. Whether it was the defensive side or the offensive side, the gravity control was impeccable.

He can also see that if the superpowers here are calculated according to the classification of mutants, they are probably only Delta level, which is the so-called Level 2 mutants.

"Master, some people seem to have control methods left by Hydra. You can try to remove them."

Just when Li Buying was about to deal with everyone once and for all, Ai Yi's reminder made him squint his eyes, and according to what she said, he found bombs tied to the limbs or necks of certain superpowers.

Raising his arms, his hands seemed to be pulling something. These superpowers thought that Li Buying was going to kill them, so they subconsciously closed their eyes.

Some people were bleeding and collapsed on the ground. Some people were not hurt, but heard the sound of something being destroyed somewhere in their bodies.

They opened their eyes and looked a little dazed. All the bombs tied to their limbs and necks fell to the ground, losing their ability to explode.

The heavy pressure on his body suddenly lightened, and the annoying sound waves stopped. Before they could react, Li Buying raised his hand and waved, and Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch were called to his side.

"Everyone who survives, come with me."


Li Buying did not allow them to refuse, and activated his intimidation ability to scare them. The superpowers who had just been freed from their bonds and regained their freedom originally wanted to escape immediately, but now they became quiet again.

The young man in front of them became tall and awe-inspiring in their eyes, making them subconsciously shrink back.

Ignoring these mutants, Li Buying looked inside the building. Ai Yi took advantage of this time to completely crack the trap.

There is no device that can pose a threat to him, so he can enter easily.

Kicking open the door of the SHIELD building, Li Buying walked inside, glanced around, and gave orders to the group of people behind him:

"Find the Hydra members you know and deal with them all, do you understand?"


When they heard that they had the opportunity to kill those who had been experimenting on them, the eyes of the group of superpowers behind them showed excitement and violence.

And Li Buying led them to keep moving forward, opening one door after another of SHIELD to seek revenge.

Some of the agents who controlled SHIELD employees would resist to some extent, but before Li Buying could take action, the group of superpowers behind him had already activated their abilities.

If you can't beat the big brother in front of you, you can't beat ordinary people like you! ?

The devices they were forced to wear by Hydra not only had the ability to explode, but also automatically detonated whenever they tried to release their superpowers against Hydra members.

This is also the reason why superpowers obey the advice of Hydra. Now that the most important restraint has been removed, they will naturally want to recover their previous debts.

There were also some superpowers who did not choose to use their powers or were even unwilling to take action. Li Buying did not force them and quickly cleaned up the Hydra agents inside the building.

Naturally, some agents never choose to be exposed, and he only cleans up the agents on the surface. When he reaches the center of the floor, the device that Ai Yi mentioned before that hinders the activation of super powers is finally activated.

As a force field spread, all the mutants around him and those with superpowers transformed from the research institute felt a sense of powerlessness. This feeling of losing power shocked them.

All the agents from the upper and lower floors of the building gathered here. Wanda raised her finger, looked at the red energy on her fingertips, and gritted her teeth to break out.

But when she raised her head, she was confused. The Asian boy in front of her who had defeated everyone did not panic at all. He stood there and waited for the enemy to come.

Just when those Hydra members thought they had a chance to win, Li Buying raised his hand and tightened it as before, and the heads of all the agents who had gathered exploded!

"Let's go." Li Buying successfully destroyed the device that hindered the superpowers, and Li Buying took the rest of them forward.

Nothing could be seen from this passage alone. As soon as they turned the corner, the hell-like scene in front of them made some people with superpowers directly support the wall and vomit. Many people turned pale and covered their mouths.

The corpses fell to the ground, and their brains were smeared on the walls. No one could survive.

Soon he led these people to the top floor. Some of the higher-ups in Hydra who were starting to get scared finally wanted to ask for mercy. For example, a certain bald man with glasses, when he saw Li Buying arriving, he immediately knelt down and begged:

"Wait, don't kill me, I know where Pierce went!"


He came here just to destroy all the Hydras and bring peace to the world.

After slapping him to death with a wave of his hand, Li Buying finally entered SHIELD's main control room. After casually dealing with the agents who tried to take hostages and threaten him, he took out a data cable from his cuff and connected it to the computer in the main control room.

"Master, Colonel William Stryker and Captain America are going to intercept the aircraft carrier taking off from the sea. Two more carriers are now preparing to take off from the SHIELD dock."

Ai Yi's voice came, and the take-off locations of the two motherships also appeared on the screen. The underground dock was very close to the building.

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