Far away from the SHIELD building, the spacious road was tightly blocked, but there were no ordinary people inside. The streets were filled with Hydra agents and special forces.

They ignored the safety of the residents and were constantly exchanging fire, not to directly stop the aircraft carrier, but to arrest and protect Pierce respectively.

His helicopter crashed during the flight, but unfortunately he was okay, and now many agents are trying to protect him.

Due to Li Buying's actions, Pierce's order to lift off the aircraft carrier made the whole thing go completely crazy. Steve Rogers and others did not have that much time to prepare a solution.

The only solution for now is to hold Pierce hostage and have him order his subordinates to destroy all the motherships.

Basically, there is no need to worry about this. The lower levels of Hydra will almost never betray the higher levels. Most of the lower levels are guys who have been brainwashed by "faith".

What makes the mutants feel dumbfounded and angry is that both teams have a large number of mutant warriors.

A small portion of the management team wore no threat devices, while a larger portion wore more or less bomb bracelets and the like.

The two sides continued to fire, and the mutants' power mostly played a supporting role. At this time, they were actually evenly matched.

Of course, the main reason is that there is no way to throw weapons of mass destruction into the city, and those high-level officials still have to consider the consequences to some extent.

In contrast, countless missiles are being launched towards the aircraft carrier on the sea. Nick Fury has informed some high-level officials through anonymous messages of the situation after the aircraft carrier has risen to high altitude——

All those who influence the rule of Hydra will be targeted by the mothership, which means that all high-level officials in the United States may be included.

How could those who cherish their lives allow such a thing that threatens their lives to take off? They decisively sent all the troops they could to deal with the mothership.

However, although one of SHIELD's strategic weapons had been destroyed before, it was because of Loki. It was only at this moment that it showed its true power when faced with those missiles.

The aircraft carrier erupted with an extremely violent electromagnetic wave, and all missiles with tracking capabilities failed and fell into the water. At the same time, the weapons above the airship aimed at the missiles that had not been shot down, detonating them in the air in advance.

The entire aircraft carrier was impregnable, and there was no way to destroy it. When everyone was very anxious, the appearance of a figure directly broke the status quo.

The classic blue, white and red shield flew out from the crowd, spinning in the air and ejecting at high speed. It kept hitting the heads of the Hydra warriors, causing them to fall to the ground one after another, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

Someone stood up and rushed over, hoping to take this opportunity to grab the shield. However, the shield instantly turned back at a weird angle in the air and flew directly back to one of the men's hands.

There seemed to be music playing all around, and everyone looked at the man standing in the car. Many people showed excitement: "Captain!"

Captain America looked at the team of Hydra agents in front of him, looked farther away and frowned hard.

Raising his shield to block sniper bullets, Captain America jumped off the roof of the car and began to discuss countermeasures with everyone. After a conversation and a plan, he immediately disappeared.

"Fire! Fire damn it!"

With several similar roars, the firepower from Captain America's side became more fierce, suppressing Hydra's troops.

The Hydra warriors resisted vigorously, but suddenly a shield shattered the window of a street store and flew straight out, constantly ricocheting among the crowd in unscientific ways.

Many people's attention was attracted by the shield, but no one noticed that there was a figure quietly passing through the Hydra army in the store where the shield flew out.

"Hurry and grab it!"

The shield didn't kill many people, but it completely disrupted Hydra's formation and seriously interfered with their attacks. The commander immediately shouted, asking mutants with grabbing abilities to stop the shield.

The mutant with super speed jumped high and tried to catch the flying shield, but suddenly there was a hole in his head, and then the body fell to the ground.

If you don't have much defensive ability to dare to jump up like this in a gun battle, it's more or less a serious problem.

Fortunately, the strength of the shield gradually weakened. Just when Hydra thought the matter was about to end, the shield falling in the air suddenly seemed to be attracted by something and gained power again!

Steve, who rushed behind the large army, raised his palms and pointed them at the shield, and a little electricity leaked out of the gloves on his hands.

This is the equipment Tony left for him, two magnetic gloves used with the shield. With these two magnetic gloves, he can guide and control the shield, and can even re-apply power.

The re-energized shield bounced off a few times and then flew into the building. Only then did the Hydras realize what was going on, and immediately sent people to stop Captain America from moving forward.

However, they had no way to stop Steve, who was determined to move forward. With the equipment provided by Tony, he could be said to be like a fish in water and quickly broke into their temporary stronghold.

When he rushed in, an iron fist suddenly blasted out from the door. Captain America put his shield on his chest in time to block the powerful attack. He looked up and was shocked by the appearance of the man in front of him.


Steve shouted loudly, but his old friend on the other side ignored him and attacked expressionlessly. At this moment, Pierce's triumphant voice came from the building:

"Oh, my dear captain, isn't it nice to meet your old friend."

The culprit of everything was currently sitting on the comfortable sofa in the underground safe room, with a confident expression on his face.

In fact, this is exactly the case. As long as Captain America cannot catch himself, then after the aircraft carrier takes off, no human being will be able to stop Hydra's great cause!

In fact, neither Hydra nor SHIELD knows one thing, that is, Thor has returned to Earth, at least not yet, and he hides it pretty well.

"Damn it, what did you do to Bucky!?"

Captain America had a fistfight with Bucky. Because he was restrained and merciless, he had no way to compete with Bucky and was losing ground.

The iron fist hit the wall, holes were punched out one after another, and Pierce's disgusting voice came again:

"It's just a little brainwashing. No need to make a fuss. And compared to this, shouldn't you be more concerned about the aircraft carrier? Look at the sky, Winter Soldier, break the wall."

After hearing Pierce's order, Bucky hit the damaged wall with his steel arm with all his strength. The sun shone in, and Steve subconsciously looked at the sky.

Although he couldn't see anything, he could tell from Pierce's words that it was too late to catch him and stop his plan.

"Hahaha, now will be the era of Hydra, and it will be my era!"

Pierce shouted arrogantly. The computer in front of him showed the characters calculated by the "Zola Algorithm" as a threat to Hydra's rule, and he was ready to start cleaning up these members at any time.

If someone were here, he could see everyone's name——

Stephen Strange, Peter Parker, Frank Castle (The Punisher), Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic), Victor Von Du Mu (Doctor Doom)…

The most serious threat is Li Buying standing in the middle of the SHIELD building!

The beam weapon on the first aircraft carrier that flew to high altitude began to change direction, aimed at his location, and began to slowly accumulate power.

Just when the members of Hydra were complacent and Captain America looked desperate, the huge screen erected on the street suddenly lit up again, playing exactly what was happening on S.H.I.E.L.D.

A group of superpowers are standing on high-rise buildings, showing an inexplicable style.

"Master, please be aware that the flying aircraft carrier has locked onto you."

"Okay, broadcast the situation here to the whole world and ask Magneto and Professor X to come over."

Li Buying learned that the aircraft carrier had taken off and locked itself, and immediately ordered Ai Yi to broadcast the scene on the building and notify two other important people.

At this time, most people in the world saw Li Buying and the superpowers who originally belonged to Hydra behind him. Soon Magneto and Professor X were also brought over by the panting Red Devil.

Pierce's heart stopped, and he suddenly realized that something was wrong. Many people besides him stood up subconsciously.

Among the mutants, Magneto and Professor

Magneto, who knew the script in advance, looked up at the aircraft carrier thousands of meters away that posed a great threat to his life. Li Buying's voice came from beside him:

"Leave that to me, and you guys will be responsible for the speech."

Eric Lensherr looked back at the white-haired Quicksilver and the red-haired Scarlet Witch, and at the same time looked at Li Buying meaningfully.

He didn't expect that the child he had met before was actually a person with super powers, and was in the same group as the [Prophet] and [Weaver].

Magneto pushed Professor X forward, and the two announced loudly:

"I, Magneto, Eric Lensherr——" "I, Professor X, Charles Francis Xavier——"

"We hereby declare our alliance."

"To all fellow mutants, those with super powers who are constantly being persecuted, and the people who love them."


As soon as he said this, the whole society was in an uproar. The top leaders of several countries stood up directly, and the superpowers behind the three people who originally belonged to Hydra gradually became excited and excited.

At this moment, they felt that they were involved in a major event that affected the direction of the world.

Magneto exudes a cold aura: "We will resolutely fight against those forces that persecute fellow mutants and friends with superpowers. We will ensure that the good will not cry and the evil will never be tolerated."

These mutants are coming for real. Everyone is aware of this.

Iron Man, who was on vacation, stood up instantly, his eyes full of seriousness and confusion, and finally put on his suit and flew to New York;

In the Fantastic Four building, Mr. Fantastic, who was trying to figure out how to deal with the aircraft carrier, stopped and watched the broadcast inside intently;

The top leaders of countries that often experimented with mutants and superpowers and did not treat them as human beings became panicked. They kept calling top leaders of other countries and contacting the military, hoping to find that country that had not yet been established and completely destroy it. destroy;

The street heroes are confused about the sudden changes and can only choose to wait and see. However, people like Daredevil realize that the world is about to change.

When Magneto and Professor X team up to say these words, there will only be two situations for mutants -

Either you don’t make it through and you fall to the bottom completely, or you make it through and rise to the top.

Fortunately, not all countries officially hate mutants. Unfortunately, there is a superpower that is eyeing mutants.

The two wanted to continue talking, but the direction of the aircraft carrier's beam shifted. As they said those words, the "Zola Algorithm" became slightly confused and quickly calculated a new future.

The threat from the X-Men and the Brotherhood has reached its peak. In addition, there are Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver and others. The top ones have also been replaced by Magneto and Professor X.

The charged beam was instantly launched. Li Buying, who was prepared, raised his hand to release the shield. The violent energy beam hit the shield without any intention of penetrating it.

Several more attacks came from a distance, the energy and attacks gradually strengthened, and exceeded Li Buying's protection limit without using gravity.

He immediately took out the gravitonium and rebuilt the shield, using the protective force field of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube on it. The shield that originally seemed to be cracked immediately stabilized.

It's just that because of the influence of the live broadcast, someone in a small country saw Gravity's incompetent rage.

The two settled down, and Magneto, who was always ready to release his powers, continued to give a speech to Professor

As for the ordinary people, they currently have a welcoming attitude. After all, they feel that once the evil mutants described by the officials leave, their lives will be much safer.

During the speech, the other two aircraft carriers also flew into the sky and aimed their full attack here, but they could not destroy the shield built by Li Buying no matter what.

Not long after, the two finished their speeches, and just as the Red Devil was about to take them away, Li Buying pointed to the group of people behind him: "Take them away too, and I will handle the rest."

The figures on the building disappeared without a trace, but the aircraft carrier did not change its target. In fact, after Li Buying took out the gravity gun, the target of the three carriers had always been him.

When everyone left, Li Buying took a deep breath and knew that it was time to pretend. His whole body floated under the influence of [Gravity Control]. In addition to the gravity, the Holy Ark also came into his hands.


ps: The amount is still the same. Two chapters of 2,000 words are combined into one chapter of 4,000 words. This makes it easier to write, and you don’t have to think about how to break the chapter in the middle ()

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