American Comics: Starting with Obtaining Spider-Man’s Powers

Chapter 155 Returning to DC and picking up aliens

The black mist allowed Li Buying's gravity to ignore the magic shield and attack the beast directly, but this was not the most fatal thing to it. At least this blow did not have the ability to kill it, but it was mixed with silver powder. Everything seemed different.

The beast demon can feel that this power comes from a certain dimensional demon, and the purpose of its creation is specifically to target evil creatures like it.

The silver powder exuding golden light, Li Buying's force field attack, and finally the fog that can ignore the magic shield, this combo directly makes the beast unable to resist, and can only choose to face death!


Struggling constantly in the swirling golden-black smoke cloud, the demon tried to climb out of the vortex, but it was like a small boat encountering a huge undercurrent. It could not break free no matter what, and could only feel the drama coming from its body. It hurt, and the skin and even flesh began to burst into flames.

The gravitational wave tore its body apart, and the demon soon turned into ashes. Even its soul couldn't escape, and it could only drink in hatred.


Li Buying, who was floating in the air, exhaled after receiving the message from the system. However, he did not choose to fall directly to the ground. His eyes swept across the seemingly peaceful forest: "Hey, everyone, I have been watching for so long. It’s time to come out and meet me.”

As he spoke, he once again activated gravity control without special effects, using it to press against certain points where the line of sight came from. Several figures used their own methods to escape from the gravity attack, including flaming skulls, hairless women, and darkness. There is a man in a magic suit and a white bird-headed man.

let me see……

The four "people" were wary of each other, especially the flaming skull glaring at the man in the suit. Li Buying found that he could almost guess the identities of everyone present except the white bird-headed man...

Li Buying pretended to salute a little and said hello, and at the same time showed a kind smile on his face. He was mainly directed at the demon in a suit and tie, and then named them one by one: "Ghost Knight, Ancient One Mage, Mephistopheles" , I wonder who this is?”

"I am Kong Su, just a little god passing by. Don't pay too much attention to me."

The bird-headed man in white clothes looked at the two strongest among the four, with a trace of vigilance flashing in his eyes. The retinue of Emperor Weishan and Mephistopheles, the terrifying dimension lord, were obviously more powerful than him, a small local god. Much.

It is the Egyptian moon god Khonsu and Moon Knight's immediate boss.

Ghost Rider stared at Mephisto closely: "I received news that there might be villains from the Hand here, so I came over. I didn't expect that you would take care of them first."

"Oh~, Master Gu Yi, my contractor Johnny Blaze, Mr. Kong Su, and this Mr. Li Buying."

Mephisto acted politely: "I just followed Johnny. If it weren't for Mr. Li, he might face an opponent he couldn't solve, and he might need my help."

"Who needs your help?" Ghost Rider said in a hoarse voice, seeming to want to take action at the slightest disagreement.

Gu Yi narrowed his eyes and ignored the grudges between the two, focusing on Li Buying: "I just came to see what the person who broke the future is like."

Li Buying nodded: "I think everyone has already seen it, so let's just say goodbye?"

If he could, he would naturally want to deal with Mephisto's incarnation here, but after thinking about it carefully, he decided not to do it. There was no benefit in dealing with the incarnation. On the contrary, he might let it attack him later, so it was better to wait for the other side to attack first.


Kong Su came here to take a look because he accidentally sensed a huge fluctuation in magic power. The main reason he stayed here was because he was worried that Li Buying would come directly. Seeing that no one had any intention of fighting with him, he disappeared.

Mephistopheles took off his hat and saluted, and then left without caring about the Ghost Rider behind him. Johnny yelled and quickly chased after him, but he was always just a short distance away.

As the three people left, Gu Yi still stayed here, with a wise light in his eyes: "Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course, please."

He agreed while preparing for battle, and did not think that Ancient One would not take action against him, because the duty of the Supreme Mage was to maintain stability, and he might also be an unstable person in the eyes of Ancient One in a sense.

But since it’s a movie version, it should be easier to talk to?

"What do you think of this world, and what do you want to change this world into?"

Gu Yi asked a very profound question when he came up. Although Li Buying knew that she might ask this question, he still found it a bit troublesome when he actually encountered this question. He thought for a moment and couldn't help asking: "Isn't what I have done enough? Explain something?"

"That's enough, I just want to hear what's on your mind."

Gu Yi raised his eyebrows, and his voice was as calm and kind as ever. Li Buying quickly responded after hearing this: "I like this world, and I feel that I can be more stable around me."

This is all he wishes for the Marvel world. At least before he can create his own universe, he still needs to talk to various characters in this universe to maintain a certain balance.

Gu Yi didn't say anything after hearing Li Buying's answer. He just smiled and then disappeared in front of him.

These magic sticks are really mysterious.

Seeing that there was no follow-up battle, Li Buying relaxed a little, stretched out his hand and pressed his temple, ascended back to his home, quietly entered his room, listened to the slight breathing of Lorna next door, and his face became more gentle.

He really didn't have any big desires, just wanted his relatives around him to live in a better world.


It had been about ten days since the consecutive battles with the Black Phoenix and the small battles with the devil.

Thor left early, Professor X taught everyone the Krakova language through his ability, and Li Buying had been conducting combat experiments on ether particles on Krakova Island.

Since using ether particles to affect reality in the duel with Devilmon, directly allowing his force field attack to ignore its magic shield, he began to study how to use the reality gem to maximize his strength.

It turned out that ether particles can indeed change reality, but there is no way to change it at will, at least Li Buying's body can't stand it.

He had thought about using the Reality Stone to destroy Thanos who was countless light years away. When he thought about it, the ether particles did condense, but his spider sense immediately sent an alarm, and the energy of his body was also rapidly depleted, which scared him to give up the idea immediately.

It seems that using the Reality Stone can indeed deal with Thanos, but the price is one for one, which Li Buying cannot accept.

However, in the case of conforming to physics or with less impact, he can modify it at will, similar to magic, spending energy to achieve what he wants to do, such as freezing water into ice, turning fossils into mud, and other similar behaviors.

There is also the Mind Scepter that he just got. Li Buying gave it to Ai Yi, who studied the electromagnetic fluctuations emitted from it, trying to use it to make his program more perfect. But unfortunately, there has not been much progress so far.

"Ai Yi, are you ready?"

Li Buying, wearing a new version of the combat windbreaker, asked the mechanical girl. After resting for so long, he was finally ready to travel through time and space again, and wanted to go to the DC universe to get the [Space Adaptive Field].

In this way, when going to space, there is no need to use gravity to protect yourself all the time, and you can have more spare energy to fight.

The mechanical girl opened her eyes and unplugged a lot of data cables on her body and stood up. She nodded in a dress and said, "I'm ready."

"Let's go."

The bright light flashed in front of his eyes as always. Li Buying appeared in the vast big box after a long absence. Several worlds he had experienced were placed in front of him. He raised his hand and clicked on the largest one, and the task bar immediately appeared.

What surprised Li Buying was that the task reward actually changed, but it was right, his soul had been repaired.


Do you want to return to the DC universe?

Mission: Stop Superman's death and kill Doomsday.

Mission reward: Genetic optimization, derivative use of gravity control [Space Adaptive Field]


[Genetic optimization]?

Li Buying raised his eyebrows. He thought that after the essence of life was improved, the genes did not need to be optimized. It turned out that the two were different. Speaking of it, his life should also include the soul. Does that mean that in addition to the body, the soul is also improved...

Thinking about these things carefully, he raised his hand and clicked on the confirmation. This time, he clearly felt a strong spatial fluctuation.

Reappearing from the house he had left, Li Buying looked up and looked around. He called Ai Yi out at the first time. A large amount of data kept appearing in the eyes of the mechanical girl, and she began to take over the hidden hand left by the DC universe again.

"Master, please help me arrange the processors on the earth here."

"Okay, leave it to me."

Li Buying nodded slightly. There were still processors left in his hand. He quickly arranged them in various corners. In this way, Ai Yi's computing power could surpass most computers, and only steel bones would be a little more troublesome.

Ai Yi selected some uninhabited storage addresses. He raised his wand to perform phantom shift, threw the box containing the processors directly on the ground, and used gravity to control the soil to swallow them.

About two hours later, Ai Yi's processors were buried all over the earth. She collected data and said: "It has been about a year and a half since we last came here. Superman and Batman have not yet fought, but from the database search traces on Batman's side, he is indeed preparing to fight Superman." "Is kryptonite originally on the earth, or is it because of Zod's environmental modification device?" "There was kryptonite on the earth, but the amount was very small, and the environmental modification device caused the earth to have more kryptonite." Listening to Ai Yi's analysis, Li Buying took out the headgear from the storage space and used the slight fluctuations controlled by gravity to affect it. The image that appeared this time was not a spider, but a constantly rotating black vortex. In terms of the intensity of the battle to be involved in later, the weaver's vest is temporarily useless. Later, he will act as the [Massive Source] to help Superman. After helping Ai Yi fix the processor, Li Buying left his big house and went outside. He was currently in a third-tier city in the United States. There were no super villains or superheroes, so his daily life was very peaceful.

He walked on the road and observed the surroundings, went to a convenience store to buy some things he needed, and then returned to the room, wanting to wait quietly for the day when Superman and Batman would fight.

However, as soon as he sat down, he felt the sound of the spider sense. After turning on the gravity sense, he also found that something like a meteorite was falling from the sky, and the direction seemed to be... right above his head.

He looked at the sky and couldn't help but wonder if there was any special metal that was going to fall. Then he was a little nervous, fearing that he was going to hit the Doomsday on Krypton.

Turning on the invisibility mode of the clothes, Li Buying opened the window and flew toward the "meteorite" that emitted strange fluctuations. After taking off, he couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw the "meteorite"——

What fell was not a meteorite, but a device similar to a life-support capsule.

So is it an alien monkey or a girl with pink hair and a heart-shaped tail?

He complained in his mind. Since the landing point of the life-saving capsule was in his own direction, Li Buying raised his hand to control it with gravity and slowed down its falling speed. He slowly fell with it and brought the life-saving capsule in. In your own house.

"No one noticed."

Li Buying put down the life-sustaining capsule and asked Ai Yi. The mechanical girl shook her head: "No, this life-sustaining capsule has some kind of blocking ability, which can prevent the prying eyes of satellites and the like and create an invisibility effect."

He returned his attention to the life-saving cabin. For a moment he didn't know what was inside. He held the holy cabinet with his left hand and asked Ai Yi to try to crack it.

If there are any monsters inside, he will deal with them directly. If he can't deal with them, he will release the space-time force field to temporarily trap them, and then look for foreign aid.

But before Li Buying could let Ai Yi crack it, the landing capsule slowly opened and spurted out cold air. He immediately narrowed his eyes and made an attack stance, with invisible force field spikes ready to move.

Afraid of being unsafe, he used ether particles to render special effects on the force field spikes, and added abilities such as [Armor Break], [Fixed Damage], and [Paralysis]. The spiral spikes immediately appeared in the real world, burning with flames. People have a sense of danger.

A cold mist filled the space. As the mist gradually dispersed, Li Buying's eyes changed from vigilance to shock. At the same time, he thought about whether he had really become the male protagonist in the light novel.

Huddled in the life-support cabin was a girl, or girl, who was about ten years old and had long curly blond hair. Her snow-white skin looked like it had not been exposed to the sun for a long time. She was not wearing any clothes, and there was still some frost hanging on her eyelashes. .

Li Buying roughly knew her identity when he saw the blond hair——

[Supergirl] Kara Zor-El.

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