"Uh~~, where am I?" (Kryptonian)

Kara Zor-El, a girl who was only over ten years old but actually in her forties including her sleeping time, woke up from the soft bed and raised her hands to cover her forehead, feeling very dizzy.

She stood up from the bed in a daze and looked around. She found that the technological level of the place where she landed seemed to be pretty good. Although it was far from Krypton, at least civilization had developed.

After sitting blankly for a long time, she gradually sorted out her thoughts and memories, and asked and answered herself in Kryptonian language:

"I am Kara Zor-El, a Kryptonian. My current location is unknown. I am suspected to be a civilization that has just begun space exploration. I escaped from Krypton before..." (Kryptonian)

As she thought about it, her mood dropped. She huddled up and sat on the bed in her pink pajamas, her eyes full of loss and sadness. Her parents' death seemed like just yesterday, but she knew it must have been a long time ago.

After sorting out her mood, nervousness and vigilance followed. Although she seemed to have been found by people with good intentions, she was an alien who landed from the universe in a survival capsule. These natives would kill her. Not sure how.

When she was trying to find something to defend herself, there was a knock on the door. Nervous Kara thought for a moment and said please come in in Kryptonian. She was unfamiliar with the place and had to find someone to talk to to know where she was.

The wooden door without any technology slowly opened, and a girl smaller than her appeared in front of her. Kara was temporarily relieved. At least on the surface, there was no harm in picking up her child.

"Uh, you... hello, may I ask about this..." (Kryptonian)

Ai Yi walked up to Kara, listened to her unknown language and raised her hand to stop her from continuing to speak. She stretched out her index finger and tapped her ear, then pointed at her lips, shook her head and opened her mouth to say a few words.

Kara also understood that the girl in front of her probably couldn't understand her words. As for why she didn't think she was deaf, it was naturally because the words coming out of this girl's mouth were also some kind of language.

The mechanical girl took out the tablet, and an earth was immediately drawn on the drawing board. Kara looked at the earth and immediately understood that she had landed on this planet.

One picture after another appeared in front of the Kryptonian girl, and she gradually understood the situation of the planet. Also, she was currently picked up by two brothers and sisters on the planet. The reason why she was so calm was because they were not ordinary people. people.

As for the common law, he didn't elaborate on it, and Kara didn't choose to ask.

Ah, speaking of my clothes...

Kara's face suddenly turned red. After all, she was actually just a fifteen or sixteen-year-old child, and she was still a little shy when she thought of being seen.

After regaining consciousness, she shook her head and pointed to the door, hoping that the sister would ask the brother to come over and thank the two people in person. Ai Yi judged her meaning from her gestures and shouted: "Brother."

Li Buying, who was waiting outside, walked in and waved to Kara. The Kryptonian girl subconsciously reached out and patted her cheek to prevent her face from being seen by the two. She then got up from the bed and wanted to say thank you, but she didn't know the etiquette of this planet. How.

It was Ai Yi who helped her. Bowing and shaking hands were drawn on the tablet. She immediately followed it and said in Kryptonian: "Thank you so much."

The eldest brother in front of her smiled and waved to say that she didn't have to worry about it. The girl who was younger than her continued to draw. A blank circle and Kara's portrait appeared on the drawing board, as if he wanted to ask her where she came from.

Kara didn't know how to explain it, so she stretched out her hand and scratched a few times on the drawing board, blackening out her own planet. When she saw the cookies on the table, her eyes lit up, and she picked them up and crushed them directly, indicating that she came from a broken planet.

Guiding Kara to reveal his life experience, Li Buying pretended to be surprised. Ai Yi then used a tablet to open Superman's information and images for Kara to view, and showed that he was also a person who came from a destroyed alien planet. people.

Is there such a monster on Krypton?

Kara couldn't help but have question marks on her head, and then she danced and said that the Kryptonians looked similar to the people on this planet, and their strength was the same as them, but not so powerful.

The brother and sister nodded in front of her, and said that she could temporarily live here to learn knowledge on the earth. Then they took her to the location where the life-sustaining cabin was placed. Seeing the intact cabin, Kara patted it gently and looked at the two again. People express thanks.

The girl really felt the kindness of the humans on this planet, and she couldn't help but smile. Thinking that she hadn't introduced herself to them yet, she immediately pointed at herself: "Kara...Kara."

Later, Kara also learned the names of these two people. The elder brother was called Li Buying, and the younger sister was called Ai Yi. Watching the two of them walk out of the room, Kara lay on the bed with her eyes open, having a hard time falling asleep.

"Finally done. It's really hard to communicate with someone who speaks a different language."

After finishing today's exchange with Kara, Li Buying stretched, while Ai Yi followed him step by step: "When the sun rises tomorrow morning, she will notice the changes in her body."

"Well, it should be so. After all, sunlight has a very quick effect on Kryptonians. The reason why they are almost the same as ordinary humans now is mainly because they just came out of the life-support module, and the sunlight reflected by the moon is too weak. Let's rest today. Move to the metropolis tomorrow or some time.”

Then he used Kara as a contact to meet Superman, and naturally joined "Superman vs. Batman".

As for Batman's possible countermeasures, Li Buying is not worried at the moment. This is the real world and not a comic book. Batman can't find something out of thin air that can make Li Buying weak, and he will hide it himself. strength.


Early the next morning, Li Buying was woken up by a short scream, and he felt like something was slapped on his face. He opened his eyes and saw that the glass water glass placed next to the bed had already been filled with tears due to the scream. The scream was shattered, and the other glass was in a similar situation.

While yawning, he stood up, took out his magic wand and cast [Restore as before], and the shattered glass began to repair itself. Li Buying got dressed, walked downstairs, knocked on Kara's door and entered.

Kara had stopped screaming and stared at her radiant arms in surprise. The sun's rays were adsorbed on her skin as if it were materialized. A steady stream of energy was pouring into her body rapidly. She could even feel herself changing. Gotta get strong.

Hearing the sound of the door being pushed open, Kara subconsciously looked toward the door. Li Buying, wearing cool clothes, appeared in front of her. She didn't know what she saw, but suddenly turned red with a blush on her face.

Is this the awakening of ability?

"Ai Yi!"

Li Buying called Ai Yi, and the mechanical girl entered the room belatedly. Kara anxiously drew with her hands and feet, and Kryptonian language kept coming out of her mouth. Ai Yi played the video of Superman and gave it to Kara to watch again.

Kara finally realized that something was wrong. The earth seemed different from her hometown. The Kryptonians here seemed to have some inexplicable changes. Could it be that the people in the image were really her compatriots?

The Kryptonian girl's eyes glowed with hope. When she opened her eyes slightly, the energy gathered in front of her eyes and emitted extremely weak rays, which scared her so much that she fell back. The rays followed her eyes and swept across the roof until she Close your eyes and disappear.

Kara shook her head, took a few deep breaths to signal herself to relax, and her eyes slowly returned to normal. Looking at the messy room she had made, she didn't know how to apologize to the brothers and sisters. Li Buying took out a wooden stick in front of her. He waved slightly and spoke an unknown language.

Everything in the room quickly recovered under her surprised eyes. Kara, whose worldview had been somewhat shocked, couldn't help but look at the wooden stick. Could it be some high-tech item?

Seeing Li Buying approaching, Kara suppressed her perspective ability. The boy put his hand on her shoulder and patted her, while Ai Yi drew Superman, the three of them, and things similar to vehicles.

The Kryptonian girl understood, which meant that the two of them were willing to accompany her to find someone.

A warm current emerged in her heart, and Kara nodded vigorously, her eyes full of gratitude. Although she didn't know what other people on the planet were like, the two people in front of her did help her a lot.

Instead of rushing to find Clark in Metropolis, Li Buying chose to teach Kara to control her power first. After all, whether it was the heat rays from the eyes or the strange power, it would not be easy to deal with if it were exposed.

Over the past few days, she had seen the Kryptonian spaceship, the Kryptonian transformation device, and the battle between General Zod and Superman through more online videos, and she suddenly understood what was going on.

If Zod's transformation is successful, he will surely live on Krypton again, right?

When such thoughts arise in her heart, she will blame Superman for stopping all this, but she will look at Li Buying and Ai Yi guiltily.

After knowing that she was a Kryptonian, these two people still accepted her. They were never afraid that she was the same person as Zod, and they devoted themselves to teaching her a lot of earth knowledge. The very conflicting emotions made her a little entangled, and in the end she still The choice weighed on my heart.

After all, Zod has failed. She and Superman are probably the only Kryptonians. It can be said that the Kryptonians have long existed in name only.

On the contrary, Ai Yi noticed her entanglement, and after learning about it, Li Buying told Kara some "truths" - they were not actually native earthlings, they could be regarded as aliens like her, but they were aliens very early on. Moved here.

After seeing Li Buying's ability, Kara decisively believed this statement, and the entanglement in her heart quickly dissipated. Even when she became more dependent on the two of them, she still did not feel resentment towards the humans on earth.

This is not Krypton, but the hometown of people on Earth. It is natural for them to protect the Earth.

She was still angry at Superman's behavior and felt that Superman had betrayed Krypton, but Kara also understood that Superman, who had lived on Earth since childhood, had already regarded herself as an Earthling.

In short, it will take some time for the Kryptonian girl to adjust her emotions towards her only remaining compatriot. Fortunately, the time spent practicing controlling power allowed her to adjust quickly.

Since there is no way to recover Krypton, then live a good life on earth. This is also what her parents expect of her.

Over the past few days, Kara's power has finally increased from a rapid increase to a slow increase. It seems that it has been activated, and now it is slowly increasing the upper limit. Li Buying, who confirmed this, also decided to leave for the metropolis today. .

"Kara, let's go." (Mainland Chinese)

"Okay." (Mainland Chinese)

Kara nodded and said very awkwardly. In addition to the external superpowers, Li Buying also found that Kara showed "super intelligence" that Superman basically did not show in the comics. This girl from Krypton at least learned It can be said that language has made rapid progress.

In just a few days, I barely managed to learn the daily communication and words in Mainland Chinese and English. I think with the sunshine, maybe my thinking mode will not change, but my memory and language skills will definitely improve again.

Sitting in the car of unknown brand bought by Ai Yi, Li Buying drove it from a third-tier city to the metropolis. Kara, who was full of curiosity, went out for the first time. Looking out the window, from the busy traffic to the deserted area, everything seemed strange to her. novel.

For those with high EQ, it means that there is a natural beauty, while for those with low EQ, it means that the technology is far from Krypton, but Kara quite likes it.

Ai Yi continued to explain the knowledge on the earth to her. Kara was divided between listening and observing the outside world. Time also passed slowly, and soon she came to one of the most prosperous cities on the earth - the metropolis.

It was night, and the metropolis was brightly lit. Looking at the lights, Kara seemed to have regained some Kryptonian feeling, and couldn't help but feel sad and nostalgic.

Li Buying originally wanted to go to the metropolitan house bought by Ai Yi first, and chose to stay temporarily and wait for Superman to show up. However, as soon as they entered the city, a building with black smoke rising caught their attention.

The flames were burning in the building, and countless people were trapped inside and wailed. Kara looked at them and blinked, then looked at Li Buying: "Save me?"

"Do you need her to save them? Kara is just asking."

Ai Yi fully expresses the meaning of the Kryptonian girl. She has a good impression of Li Buying and Ai Yi who teach and even protect her, but others are just strangers to her.

In terms of personality, Kara, who just arrived on Earth as a teenager, is obviously not as empathetic as Superman, who has been on Earth since childhood and has kind adoptive parents, and has no social relationships with these humans.

Li Buying and Ai Yi, the only ones who have contact, also said that they are different from the people on earth here, so they are really just asking. Kara will definitely go if the brothers and sisters ask her to save them, but if it is not necessary, she Don't care about these human lives.

Li Buying shook his head: "Superman should be coming soon. You should be able to see him this time. If you can control your emotions, you can talk to him now. We will go with you."

"Okay, thank you Li Buying, Ai Yi."

Kara crossed the seat and hugged Li Buying, and then hugged the mechanical girl. At the same time, Li Buying and her raised their heads at the same time, feeling something flying over here.

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