Time goes backwards.

"I see."

After listening to Li Buying's story, Ai Yi's appearance began to reshape, and soon it became exactly the same as him. His cheeks moved slightly, gradually forming a rich and changeable face.

Joy, anger, sadness, joy...

After the two talked, they assigned the work to be done next. Ai Yi disguised himself as him and got on the train, pretending to be cautious, while he went to do some big things so that the [Weaver] could be discovered by the people.

The only question now is what big thing to do, for which Li Buying has already set his sights on the target - of course the old friend Jin Bing whom he has never met before.

Although raising pigs, that is, letting Jin Bin continue to cultivate substitutes, and then harvest them, sounds very tempting, but Li Buying does not want to capsize in the gutter later.

If you can solve Jin Bin, you must solve him as soon as possible.

Li Buying asked Ai Yi, who was disguised as herself in front of him: "Ai Yi, can you find the specific location of Kingpin, that is, Wilson Grant Fisk?"

The eyes of the super artificial intelligence moved slightly, suspended other data access, and searched for data about Jin Bin in the Internet network.

Through big data deduction and calculation, Ai Yi, who had just taken shape and was not long connected to the Internet, had already locked the target in just one minute.

With slightly bright eyes, it looked at Li Buying and said, "Master, the target has been locked."

After learning Jin Bin's location from Ai Yi, he has not left New York and is now hiding in the underground base of a large company he funded.

"It's worth noting that I found a recording of you on his computer. Do you want to play it?"

Ai Yi continued to explain. After Li Buying nodded, his voice changed. Two completely different male voices came out of its mouth. His eyes widened when he heard the word Hydra. And clenched his fists.

No wonder, it turns out that they want artificial vibranium, probably to develop some dangerous weapons. Speaking of which, there is a mole in SHIELD who can pass this news to Nick Fury when he has time.

Li Buying, who was a little dazed, looked at Ai Yi: "Anyway, let's solve the current crisis first. Is there any way to bring up the three-dimensional graphics of Jinpin's underground base?"

"Retrieving data... Please give me a digital item, such as a mobile phone or smart watch."

Ai Yi stretched out her finger, and the liquid metal on her fingertip turned into a data plug. Li Buying took out the mobile phone from the storage space, and it immediately transferred data to the mobile phone after taking it.

Two minutes later, he got his phone back, which already contained a large number of pictures and photos of three-dimensional models.

While lamenting the ease of use of artificial intelligence, Li Buying immediately recorded these pictures and models in his mind to build that huge underground base.

Jin Bin’s location, security personnel’s movement time and location, all equipment...

"Can you disable those cameras and other security equipment for me?"

"Don't worry, I can keep them working while completely ignoring you."

After receiving the affirmative information, Li Buying's muscles twitched slightly, and he subconsciously touched his chin and looked at the photos of the two "mercenaries" protecting Jin Bing: "Okay, let's start taking action."

Finally, we can take care of Kingpin. As for Hydra - wait for me.

Why do you feel so much like a villain speaking?

Shaking his head to throw away the messy thoughts, Li Buying took out his wand and raised the head slightly.

The first step is to focus your awareness on the goal you need to achieve. The goal needs to be as specific and clear as possible.

Closing his eyes, his mind pictured an empty utility room in the company building, and the surrounding debris was clearly remembered.

Step 2 - Make up your mind and think that you must move to the target, and let the thought of going there fill your brain and your body.

The utility room gradually became clearer, and Li Buying took a deep breath, silently thinking about where he wanted to go.

Step 3 - Turn around in place, feel your body become void, and move calmly.

Recalling the feeling of emptiness he felt every time he traveled through time and space, Li Buying used his wrist to move the tip of the wand and shook it slightly, clicked the wand into the air, and shouted at this moment:


Rotating to the right, Li Buying's body felt distorted, gradually shrinking to a point and completely disappearing in front of Ai Yi.

The owner disappeared. Ai Yi, who had been connected to the company's underground base, looked at the utility room through the camera, and he did appear there.

When Li Buying looked up at the monitor, Ai Yi controlled the monitor to shake up and down to show that he was in control.

Dealing with the owner's affairs, it started its own two-threaded operation, crawled out of the sewer and headed to the hotel. The expression on its face kept changing, and finally settled on "caution".

The cautious "Li Buying" arrived at the hotel and immediately went to the station, and then there was a scene seen by SHIELD agents.

Walking on the road, Ai Yi found that she still had a lot of leftover performance.

In order not to waste this performance, it immediately focused its remaining attention on the computers in the underground base, leaving only some to deal with unexpected events.

Controlled by three threads, it began to secretly break through the firewall, which it considered very backward——

decoding! access!

"Fortunately, nothing went wrong."

Looking at the monitor who nodded slightly, Li Buying put away the wand. As the spiritual excitement came, the seemingly lazy black liquid on the mask trembled slightly.

They slowly regrouped into a spider, as if it had just woken up.

After confirming that there was no one outside, Li Buying opened the door and appeared directly in the corridor. At a glance, he saw countless monitors scattered throughout the corridor. If Ai Yi hadn't been there, he might have forced his way in.

Oh, he couldn't even find anyone without Ai Yi.

After confirming his position, Li Buying had a red dot of his own on the three-dimensional model in his mind, and then walked forward quickly, his footsteps light and silent.

When he came to the corner, he immediately leaned against the wall. The spider silk that had been wrapped long ago began to imitate, and his body was directly integrated with the environment.

The next second after he completed his mimicry, a security guard holding an automatic rifle appeared at a right-angled corner, and the two of them just passed each other.

Li Buying moved again. The security guard was only one meter away from him and still couldn't detect his movements.

Traveling through the network of security personnel, Li Buying continued to approach Jin Bin's room according to the route planned by Ai Yi.

All the electronic facilities on the road were compromised by Ai Yi. About 5 minutes later, he stood in front of the room where Kingpin rested, without arousing the vigilance of anyone in the base.

Li Buying did not enter it immediately. There were two more mercenaries inside, but in fact they were probably Hydra agents.

Ai Yi did not search for their past achievements on the Internet in a short period of time, and directly searched for information on Hydra, which was still a bit unsafe for the newborn Ai Yi.

Therefore, Li Buying had to rely on himself to fight these two mercenaries.

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