After closing his eyes and opening them again, the young man had completely adjusted his mentality and raised his hand to signal Ai Yi to open the door.

The electronic lock was quickly unlocked and opened, the alloy door slowly opened, and a room as magnificent as a palace appeared in Li Buying's field of vision.

And that damn fat man and two mercenaries were right in front of him!

Li Buying walked into it, and the three people who heard the sound turned around. What caught their eyes was a man in a black sweatshirt. The spider on the face of the man in black became active due to mental fluctuations, which clearly showed his identity. .


"...How did you find this place, weaver?"

Suddenly crushing the wine glass in his hand, the muscular fat man shouted in a deep voice. Vigilance, fear and anger flashed in his eyes. The bodies of the two mercenaries with colorless eyes tensed up and became alert.

Jin did not expect that his base could be penetrated so easily. Was it an insider? Or other issues?

The fear brought about by the unknown completely enveloped Jin Bin. At this time, he was no longer Jin Bin, as if he had turned back into the weak son of the gang leader.

The fingers moved slightly, and the hidden sword popped out of the cuff. Li Buying didn't speak. He didn't seem to say much about the dead man.

This world has a soul, and it would be bad if someone heard even a few words from Jin Bin.

Therefore, the Weaver only needs to be a silent assassin with clean strikes.

Looking at the killer in front of him who didn't want to say anything more, Kingpin gritted his teeth and stood up from the sofa and quickly backed away, not feeling that he could get involved in the battle of the extraordinary.

His two bodyguards moved forward. Li Buying squinted his eyes and noticed slight changes in their skin or muscles, and then one of them disappeared from his sight.

The next second, the spider sense activated instantly, and danger struck. He immediately jumped to a safe zone. What Li Buying didn't expect was that the spider sense reminder changed, and the danger came from behind.

Sensing the danger, he immediately threw his arm back, and the sharp spider silk shot out like dozens of silver needles, and the original danger was immediately lifted.

He began to adjust his dynamic vision. As his pupils contracted and expanded, the speed of everything in his eyes began to slow down, and the big man who disappeared reappeared in his field of vision.

He was moving at high speed and soon stopped next to another mercenary to catch his breath. There were many holes in the clothes on his body, but unfortunately they were all on the edges of the clothes.

A person with super powers? Is it a mutant or some other type?

Dang Dang Dang.

During the confrontation between the three, Kingpin kept knocking on the alloy door, and the fear in his heart further intensified. For some reason, the door did not obey orders at all, and could not be opened even after entering the password.

Amidst the sound of knocking, neither side dared to act rashly, and the air gradually became heavier. In the end, Li Buying was the first to take action. He turned his palm up and sprayed countless spider silks flying towards the two of them!


Sharp spider threads fell like drizzle, and the surface of the other person's body became smooth, even reflecting the light, and the extremely fast person hid directly behind the smooth person.

The sound of metal clinking sounded, and Li Buying narrowed his eyes slightly. He could basically judge the superpowers the two of them were showing now.

If one is fast enough, call him Weak Quicksilver, and if the other is about the same speed as a tombstone, call him Stone Man.

It seems that the attacks against them have to be more "soft".

Fighting thoughts were running quickly, and Li Buying stopped releasing the hardened spider silk with one hand.

The moment he stopped, the weakened Quicksilver hiding behind the stone man jumped out from there and approached him. However, somehow, the weakened Quicksilver paused and fell forward involuntarily.

It's like... your foot hits an obstacle.

Li Buying had previously improved and maintained his current dynamic vision in order to be able to keep up with the speed of weakening Kuaiyin, so he had already seen it the moment he ran out.

Seeing it didn't mean that the hand that sprayed the spider silk could keep up, but the spider sense predicted the final position of the weakened Quicksilver holding the dagger to attack him, and by inferring this, he could confirm his direction of progress.

Locking his next direction, Li Buying's mind moved slightly and his concentration was highly concentrated.

【Gravity Mastery】!

Huge force instantly pressed down on his feet, and the sudden weight gain directly broke the balance of the weakened Quicksilver.

As a result, like a certain superhero next door who was clearly said to be the fastest but turned out to be faster than him, he always suffered from deflation and fell forward as soon as his body became unbalanced.

Especially this weakened Quicksilver does not have special power protection.

Although he had adjusted his body shape as quickly as possible, he was still too slow, and a huge sticky and extremely tough spider web covered him.

The weakened Quicksilver's body threw forward with all his strength, but the spider webs still bound his legs. Once his legs were stuck, he could only fall to the ground.

Li Buying looked at the weakened Kuaiyin who was subdued by him out of the corner of his eye. At the same time as the spider sense appeared, he crossed his hands and raised them to continuously shoot out restraining spider webs.

The muzzles of the firearms that Kingpin, Thing Man, and the weakened Quicksilver took out from their arms and under the table were wrapped in spider silk and quickly solidified. Their entire bodies were completely entangled in the spider web within ten seconds.

The gun still fired, and bullets broke through the cobwebs and hit Li Buying. However, the person who moved the gun was extremely slow, making it difficult to hit him.

All their movements became very difficult after being bound by the spider web, and they were completely wrapped over time.

Only the stone man could break free of the spider web with brute force, but he still couldn't hit Li Buying because his body was too bulky.

What's even worse is that the paralyzing and lethal toxins begin to seep into their exposed skin.

Li Buying, who knew the structure of the underground base, was not in a hurry. The sound from here could not be transmitted, and there was no need to think that electronic calls would be useful. He just wanted to watch his prey struggle and die.

Just when he carefully used the spider web to slow down the stone man, the spider sense sounded again.

Li Buying looked back and weakened Kuaiyin, who took out some kind of injection from his pocket and pointed the needle at his pants, as if he wanted to penetrate his clothes and insert it directly into his body, regardless of whether it penetrated the main blood vessel.

Extremis virus? Super power enhancer?

The names of countless potions flashed through his mind, and Li Buying shot spider silk into his arm, but it seemed that he couldn't keep up with the speed.

At the critical moment, Li Buying narrowed his eyes slightly to increase his concentration, stared at Kuaiyin's palm, and activated [Gravity Mastery]!

The inexplicable force caused the weakened Kuaiyin's hand to pause for two seconds. He saw that the injection was about to pierce his skin, but he could not remove it.

The spider web hit his palm, leaving his wrist stuck to the wall in a bent and uncomfortable position, making it impossible for the injection to be inserted.

While Li Buying stopped Kuaiba from weakening, the stone man on the other side also took the opportunity to reach into his trouser pocket.

There was no way to completely restrain the stone man Li Buying. When he saw this, he could only pounce on him. When the stone man saw Li Buying flying towards him, he immediately raised his fist, and the swinging fist caused a fierce wind!

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