It was not advisable to stay here for a long time. After a little experimentation, the three of them confirmed that Frost was difficult to move. Then they drove a few more wooden nails into his body, then used a knife to remove the burning parts on the surface, and asked Li Buying to tie him up and take him away.

Brought to a secret location, Blade and Punisher slowly took care of the immortal vampire. Li Buying watched the magic power on him gradually decrease.

After two hours, when both butchers were a little bored, Frost's body regeneration speed finally slowed down significantly - he had no extra energy for regeneration.

Pure immortality without other things is just a wooden pile. The eyes of this vampire wooden pile are full of despair and fear of death.

After confirming that his regeneration speed had dropped, Li Buying wrote: [Let me do the final blow. My hidden sword is a magic weapon with abilities similar to those of the sun. 】

Raising his hidden blade, he aimed at Frost's neck and stabbed the hidden blade violently. The undead monster's eyes widened, and the positive energy carried by the holy silver paint completely wiped out his life!


The sharp scream of death made everyone take a few steps back. Li Buying still insisted on being beside Frost, holding the hidden sword firmly on it, watching the monster's body turn into ashes bit by bit.

It was like being exposed to the sun, completely disappearing in front of everyone.

"Damn it, it's finally solved. Is this the power of the [Blood God]?"

Dao Feng looked at the pile of powder on the bed and took a breath. At the same time, he felt uneasy about the so-called blood god. He felt that he should look for some ancient books to find out what the so-called blood god was.

"Now that it's over, I'll leave first."

The Punisher nodded to the two of them. He was here entirely as a volunteer and did not ask for anything. He simply left the temporary stronghold.

Li Buying's eyes narrowed as she looked at the ashes, and she nodded with Dao Feng, and then disappeared into the night. However, he did not go far, but hid in the alley and raised his hand slightly.

The gravity ball was taken out of the space by him, and the metal ball floated motionless in his right hand. Li Buying looked back at the temporary stronghold, as if waiting for something.

Soon Blade and Whistler also left this temporary stronghold, taking some ashes with them before leaving, but not all of them, just a small part of Frost's body, about 5%.

When everyone left, it seemed that the incident had settled. Li Buying stood on the treetops and waited quietly, observing the ashes in the stronghold.

The stalemate lasted for more than two hours, and the quiet Li Buying finally understood the situation.

The ash in the stronghold was swept up by the strong wind coming from nowhere, slowly condensed and changed its nature, and turned into a bat with flapping wings in a completely impossible posture.

The newborn bat's eyes were confused, but it soon regained its clarity. A very anthropomorphic smile appeared on its face, as if it was celebrating its new life.

Even though it turned into ashes, this ghost was still not dead. If the system hadn't prompted Li Buying to complete his mission, everyone would have ignored it.

This is not scientific, but it is very magical. I hope it is not the law of cause and effect or immortality at the soul level, but simply that there are still unburned cells in the ashes.

It is best not to transfer the soul, so that the main soul is here and the dust on the other side of the blade should not be a big problem.

Li Buying was not surprised by this method of resurrection, but found it troublesome. He raised the metal sphere and locked his gaze on the bat flying out of the window, and decisively activated his ability.

【Gravity Mastery】——

Frost, who flew out happily, suddenly hit something. He looked up and looked around but didn't see anything. Then the bat felt a sense of oppression coming from all around.

Before he could understand what was happening, the entire bat was instantly crushed by the inward gravity, leaving only a blood-colored ball the size of a fingernail floating in the air.

Taking the ball into his hand, Li Buying did not touch it. He took out the holy silver paint, aimed at the blood bead, shook it, and then sprayed out the magic silver paint inside.

A sharp scream seemed to ring in his ears. Li Buying stared at the blood beads that became smaller and smaller. When it completely disappeared into nothingness, he was relieved that the system responded.


The big event mission "Blade Runner" is completed, killing Frost, the long-term mission "Snake Seven Inches" is completed, rewards have been distributed, please select the abilities that need to be enhanced.

[Gravity Mastery] has been selected to enhance control capabilities.


Fortunately, it's not those weird and outrageous regeneration abilities.

After confirming Frost's death, Li Buying put away the metal ball and ran home, preparing for the next journey to another world, hoping to encounter a world with more development potential.

While running, he couldn't help but clenched his fists, and vague memories from the past emerged in his mind. The memory that he was sealed seemed to be related to...Lorna.

After returning home, Li Buying changed her clothes and entered the basement. She said to Ai Yi who raised her head: "Ai Yi, get ready, we are going to the next world."


Ai Yi did not raise any objections, stood up and helped Li Buying pack some necessary items, and quickly sorted out the required supplies.

He lay down on the bed to rest. After washing up the next morning, he entered the basement. Ai Yi immediately raised his hand and touched his fingers.

The moment the fingers touched, the mechanical girl was put into the storage space, her entire body stagnated, and all parts stopped functioning.

Through Ai Yi's situation, he also judged that his storage space was in a state of absolute time and space stagnation.

Li Buying confirmed that he had used the charging points to enter the next world. The light flashed and he once again arrived at the space filled with various universes. Just like before, a sphere came to him.

But when he saw this sphere, he fell into a brief silence. For no other reason than this sphere was a little brighter than the previous one, emitting colorful light.

A bad premonition enveloped him, but he still reached out to touch the sphere to get its information. Sure enough, his bad premonition came true.


Mission World - [DC Universe] (mainly based on movies and videos, the timeline is different)

Mission: Deal with any big incident or kill five villains.

Mission reward: Repair of damaged souls (20%), all learned magic proficiencies raised to the [Proficient Use] stage

(Note: Major event rewards and world rewards are calculated separately, and long-term tasks in the original world are valid in the new world)


After seeing the mission world, Li Buying fell into silence for a long time, and finally comforted herself: "This day will always come, right?"

Li Buying had thought about going to the DC world next, but he didn't expect it to go by so quickly. He was not ready to face Batman, Superman and so on.

I just hope that the system will not send him to Metropolis or Gotham City, Beach City and Central City... It seems to be very troublesome.

He stayed in the space for a long time without moving, and finally resigned and entered the DC world.

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