American Comics: Starting with Obtaining Spider-Man’s Powers

Chapter 70: First Entering the DC Universe Central City

Chapter 70 Entering the DC Universe for the First Time—Central City

Central City, rare rainy weather.

Pedestrians without umbrellas on the road hurried to convenience stores or hid under the eaves of various nearby shops. While secretly saying something bad, they either waited for the rain to stop or bought an umbrella and left.

Compared to Metropolis, which is always being attacked by alien creatures or super-powerful villains, or Gotham City, which actually has a lower crime rate than New York but still exudes low pressure, Central City seems particularly peaceful and tranquil.

Although there are many villains who are hostile to the superhero Flash here, these villains can still be said to be "very ordinary" compared to the super monsters and terrifying mental illnesses in those two places.

Oh, except for the villains closely related to The Flash, like the Reverse-Flash.

In the dark alley, a puddle on the ground was stepped on by a man wearing a spider mask. He looked up and looked around. After discovering the camera, he immediately raised his hand and released the liquid metal.

"Ai Yi, delete what the camera captured and forge our identities. Be careful of the artificial intelligence in this world and don't alert them."

"Understood, the modification has been completed."

After Ai Yi appeared, he immediately tampered with what was captured by the camera, then entered the network to carefully avoid the powerful artificial intelligence, and began to quietly add data to the official data.

Soon, a young man named "Li Buying" appeared in these data. His resume from childhood to adulthood was not clearly recorded, but his history could be seen more or less.

Looking at this extremely strange world, Li Buying looked extremely cautious. He looked up at the dark clouds. He was actually worried about Batman's super satellites. He lowered his head and asked Ai Yi again:

"Where are we now?"

"Master, we are in Central City. Please don't worry. Batman's control over this place is no better than Gotham City. We will not enter his field of vision immediately. Next, I will make your identity more complete."

"Okay, let's hibernate for a while. I should come to this world more often in the future."

Compared with the previous two worlds, Li Buying is not as anxious and busy in this world as before, because he is likely to enter here many times in the future, so it is best to be careful.

As for "gods" like Manhattan, like the gods of the Marvel Universe, it's a good thing that they don't intend to care about an ant like him who likes to run around.

After confirming that Ai Yi gave him the identity of an immigrant, Li Buying put away Ai Yi and walked out of the alley. He was penniless and did not plan to use Ai Yi to transfer some money to himself, but planned to rob the rich and give to the poor. things.

He walked in the rain and searched all the alleys, pricking up his ears to listen to the sounds around him, and soon heard yelling and extortion coming from an alley.

Li Buying immediately rushed over there. When he arrived, what happened in front of him was a very familiar situation. A group of people gathered around a man with glasses, took out a knife and tried to get some money from him.

Well, this man with glasses is not a reporter.

After confirming that this guy was not a reporter, Li Buying kicked one of them over. Without showing his super power, he waved the guy who was robbed to leave, and then started the world's first battle.

After knocking all these people to the ground, Li Buying quickly searched for their money, left the alley, took off his hood, went to the store to buy an umbrella, and walked alone on the streets of Central City.

With the principal in hand, he found a hotel to stay in according to the plan given by Ai Yi, and then released the mechanical girl again. Ai Yi connected to the Internet and gave Li Buying the current situation of the DC universe.

Things are okay, "Man of Steel" has just happened, Clark defeated General Zod, Batman is still guarding those psychopaths in his own Gotham City, and guys like Green Lantern and Green Arrow are starting to become more active.

Generally speaking, this universe, like the Marvel universe in which he lives, is in its infancy.

On the other hand, Central City is more like a TV series. Barry Allen does not hide in his small basement like in the movie, and often interacts with people from the [Advanced Laboratory].

After confirming the current time point, Li Buying breathed a sigh of relief. At least he was not allowed to fight Steppenwolf as soon as he came up. Like Marvel, he was given some development time.

"Can you find out what happened in Central City recently?"

Ai Yi nodded slightly: "The Flash has just appeared, and people with superpowers have begun to appear throughout Central City. Currently, the ones being solved by the Flash include Denton Black, who has the ability to clone, and Kyle Nimbus, who releases deadly poison... "

Can a villain in a TV series who is eliminated in just one episode be considered a big deal?

Li Buying frowned slightly when he thought about this, but decided to try it first anyway, and if it didn't work, he would kill five villains slowly.

This matter is relatively easy for him. The only thing he needs to pay attention to is Barry Allen. The Flash will definitely stop his killing behavior, but the Flash in this time period in the TV series seems to be a bit weak and has not exceeded the speed of sound.

Ai Yi, who was reporting, suddenly got stuck. She raised her head and said to Li Buying:

"Master, the latest news is that some people were struck by lightning and died. The camera captured them having contact with a human named Farooq before they died."

This news made Li Buying immediately get up and go to the site of the incident under guidance to check the situation, while Ai Yi continued to stay in the hotel and made long-term plans and calculations, preparing to buy a house through some "regular" methods.

Under the guidance of the mechanical girl, Li Buying came to the crime scene, watched the police in action from a distance, and saw Barry Allen at the scene.

The Flash was currently observing the situation of the scorched corpses and talking to people in the cutting-edge laboratory.

[Master, we have found Faruk’s location. Do you want to go there? 】

After opening his phone and seeing the message and the location marked on the map software, Li Buying rubbed his temples and finally decided to kill four villains first, leaving the last one behind so that he could find a way to leave at any time.

Take your time, you have to take your time, this is the DC universe, it has great potential, he will inevitably come to this world in the future, so be careful not to be exposed.

Warning in his mind not to be impatient and looking at the Flash who didn't notice him, Li Buying patted his cheek and got up and headed towards the location of "Electric Man".

Urban power plant in Central City.

Farouk, whose eyes were covered with dark circles, looked up at the power plant in front of him. He did not rush into it, but was prepared to wait for the dead of night before going in to draw power.

What he didn't expect was that someone was already watching him.

Li Buying, who had arrived a long time ago, merged with the environment and looked directly at the superhuman in front of him who was preparing to absorb electric energy.

Withdrawing from the mimicry, Li Buying walked quietly behind this guy. He had no intention of fighting Farooq who had absorbed all the electricity. He raised his hidden sword and instantly pierced his chest and wiped his neck!

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