American Comics: The Succubus Starts, And Captain Marvel Is Hyped

057. The Flaws Of Earthlings, Loki Forms A Group!

One game down.

Tony Stark gets the hero name, War Machine.

But he was not happy at all.

Although this War Machine has more words, it is still not as good as Iron Man after all.

Handsome and nice to listen to, simple and clear.

But Tony Stark should also thank Dugu Yue for not giving him a name, War Machine.

Otherwise, it may be more difficult for him to accept.

With Tony Stark gone, the atmosphere among the Avengers on the space carrier has also relaxed a lot.

Tony Stark is always the biggest troublemaker and uneasy factor.

The remaining Captain America is a good old guy.

The consciousness is still stuck in the stage of working hard for the great cause of anti-fascism for all mankind a few decades ago.

As long as it is for the good of all mankind, he will carry it out without hesitation.

Bruce Banner's Hulk transformation is a problem.

An uncontrollable monster.

If it is not used properly, it will cause greater damage to one's own side.

In this regard, flower grower scientists have also given several alternative plans.

For example, put some equipment on Bruce Banner.

At critical moments, Hulk can be injected with a sedative or given an electric shock.

Make him incapacitated.

However, the specific success, as well as the drug dosage and voltage File size used, still need to be verified through actual combat.

In addition, the development of the Big 12 anti-Hulk armor has also been completed.

The shape and file size are very similar to [Veronica] in [Avengers: Age of Ultron].

It's just that time is too short and it hasn't been launched into the sky yet.

Instead, it is stored on the space carrier.

The quality may be a bit off, but the function is not bad at all.

You can pull it out and use it whenever you need it.

As for the color scheme, it is definitely the classic red and yellow color scheme.

In one word, good-looking, grand and classy!

And Bruce Banner also knows his own problem.

So after boarding the space carrier, I have been quietly studying instruments in the laboratory alone.

Find and locate the Tesseract by looking for gamma ray detectors.

In addition to joining in the fun, I watched a game between Tony Stark and Dugu Yue.

Other times, I stay alone and deliberately distance myself from others.

Avoid any possible crisis situations.

Peter's personality and ability are more similar to those of the original Spider-man, and he is also an introvert who talks little.

Ever since he boarded the aerospace carrier, he has been silently controlling the aircraft.

Listen to others talk, see the interior of the Helicarrier, and observe Bruce Banner's research from afar.

He doesn't talk, doesn't look for trouble, and has no sense of existence.

Not to mention Han Duoduo.

As a girl who grows flowers, although she has strength, she does not fight for it.

Just like an orchid in the empty valley, blooming quietly.

The performance of several people was much more harmonious than Tony Stark, who started to find trouble as soon as he boarded the helicarrier.

And just when the Avengers were dealing with their relationship with each other.

The information department also found Loki's location through facial information comparison.


"That person is in New York!"

Unlike the original plot, Loki did not go to Europa to search for rare elements.

Su Ye had already prepared all the required materials for him in advance.

These are all conditions agreed in advance.

Now, Loki only needs to find a place to install instruments and equipment.

The place Loki chose was the rooftop of the Ao Group Building in Manhattan.

The reason is that it is high enough and the construction style is in line with Loki's flamboyant personality.

What Loki didn't expect was.

As soon as he arrived on the roof of the building, he saw a strange man wearing green clothes just like himself.

This man stepped on a green glider, tilted his head, and looked like he wanted to be beaten.

Both of them are not very friendly people, and they started to fight when they disagreed.


The missiles launched by the Green Goblin glider collided with the magical energy launched by Loki in the air, making a roar of huge amounts.

Then, the two began a long-range bombardment.

Explosions continued.

And soon, Norman Osborn's disadvantage became apparent.

His glider was too small and had limited ammunition capacity.

After running out of ammunition, they can only start to seek a close breakthrough.

Norman Osborn is no exception. He wears a Green Goblin Flight suit, which has strong protection. He thinks that I have an advantage in close combat.

However, when he charged fiercely, he wanted to gut Loki.

As a result, Loki used an unconventional over-the-shoulder throw and fell directly from the Green Goblin glider.

Norman Osborn was a little confused.

"Aren't you a magician?"

"Why are you so good at melee combat?"

Loki snorted.

"I have lived fifteen hundred years."

"In these long years, I have been surrounded by a group of rough guys who only know how to use their muscles."

"Do you think I won't be affected at all?"

"I just don't like close combat, it doesn't mean I'm not good at it!"

In the distance, Su Ye, who was paying attention to the situation here with Telepathy, couldn't help but sigh.

For Asgard, a group of aliens who call themselves the gods.

Their biggest reliance is actually not their body, but their age.

A life span of several thousand years is enough for them to learn many things.

Created too many miracles.

Whether it's martial arts, magic, or even technology, it's the same.

They don't need to be like Earthlings.

It takes twenty or thirty years to learn from scratch.

It will take another ten or twenty years to accumulate experience.

The time until we can truly stand on our own, become a master, and lead the advancement of science and technology will only last for a mere twenty or thirty years.

The people behind need to repeat this process.

If the life span of people on earth is extended.

It doesn't take thousands of years, as long as it can be raised to an average of one hundred and fifty years old.

Earth's technology will also soon usher in an explosion of huge amounts.

Think again about the level of Asgard's magical technology shown in the movie.

Su Ye could only sigh again.

Such good ability is wasted!

Among the Asgardians, Loki is considered to be worthy of his ability.

In terms of magic, he studied under the Asgard God Queen Frigga and received the true inheritance.

All kinds of illusions, Hypnotic Ability, and energy magic, even Thor, an arrogant man, have nothing to do with him.

Moreover, just now, he also showed strong close combat ability.

Su Ye also couldn't figure it out. The screenwriter weakened him in the movie.

Or was he deliberately hiding his clumsiness?

After all, he finally became the God of Stories, able to control countless infinite universe timelines.

It is not impossible to go back to the past from the future and change your personality.

After Loki knocked down Norman Osborn, he directly took out his personal stick.

Pointing at the other person's chest, he clicked it.

Just as Norman Osborn was about to stand up and fight back, the eyes in his helmet were instantly filled with blue light.

Then, he 510 knelt down.

The ferocity on his face disappeared and turned into unconditional loyalty to Loki.

"Sir, what can I do for you?"

Looking at Norman Osborn's performance, Lu Ji nodded with satisfaction.

"Are you just one person?"

"Are there any partners or teams?"

Norman Osborn nodded immediately and began to call his companions to the scene.

The first one to appear was the driver of the Rhinoceros.

A bald man with a gangly face and a somewhat vicious look.

Then, the transformation effect temporarily disappeared and the lizard doctor Kurt Connors returned to his original appearance.

Both of them looked like ordinary people now, and were easily controlled by Loki.

But Max Dillon, the electro-optical man who finally arrived, was a bit difficult to deal with.

This guy can fly, and can control electric current, and his attack power is quite powerful.

But Loki is not helpless.

He first used a duplication technique, creating dozens of Loki duplications to confuse Max Dillon's attention.

However, when the other party was deceived and started to use electric current to attack duplication.

Loki made an invisible jump and appeared behind Max Dillon.

As soon as the psychic scepter appeared, Max Dillon became Loki's subordinate without any surprise.

Returning to the rooftop of the building, Lu Ji gave a disdainful crooked smile.

"Hmph! Earthlings!"

"There may be a few people with good abilities, but this brain is really not enough!"

"That Su Ye......"

An evil thought suddenly came to Loki's mind.

As the god of trickery, he can cooperate with others.

But he will not accept that he is being led by others.


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