American Comics: The Succubus Starts, And Captain Marvel Is Hyped

058. Chitauri Massacre, The Reincarnation Of History

Loki already had a plan in mind.

But he also knew that now was not the time to execute it.

Now he and Su Ye are still partners.

The invasion plan for Earth needs to be pushed forward together.

Everything must wait until the end of this plan, or when it is close to the end.

Definitely, for some things, the roadbed can be laid out in advance.

On the other side, Su Ye has been using Telepathy and paying attention to the battle here.

Definitely also noticed Loki's little thoughts.

But he didn't take it too seriously.

After all, the two are just partners, and no one controls the other.

So it's normal for Loki to have small thoughts.

He is originally the god of trickery, and no matter who he follows, he can never be sincere.

Besides, Su Ye originally had many plans that she hid from Loki.

Therefore, it depends on who plans further and whose Ability is stronger.

And there was one thing that Loki didn't know.

Although he holds the spiritual scepter in his hand, the ownership belongs to Su Ye.

When Su Ye held the spiritual scepter in hand to improve Telepathy Ability, she also gave the scepter a spiritual brand.

After the imprint is activated, the mind scepter will lose the ability to carry the Mind Gem.

At that time, holding a person's hand on the scepter will be like holding the Mind Gem directly.

The powerful energy overflowing from the Mind Gem is likely to burst a person directly.

With his Demigod Body, even Star-Lord, who is comparable to a cripple, cannot hold up the power of an Infinite Gems.

Although Loki claims to be a god, in terms of performance, he is not much better than Star-Lord.

And as long as he gets backlashed by the Mind Gem.

Su Ye will immediately appear next to him and easily take away the spiritual scepter.

And as long as he is within the range of Su Ye's Telepathy, he can activate and deactivate this brand at will.

Now, Su Ye's Telepathy range is enough to cover the entire earth.

So as long as Loki does not leave the earth, this mind scepter does not belong to him.

After Loki incorporated Norman Osborn's team, he soon commanded Erik Schavig and others.

The Tesseract's excitation device was sent to the rooftop of the Aoshi Group.

Just when the Avengers on the space carrier, following the traces of Loki discovered by the S.H.I.E.L.D agent, formed a group and prepared to come to arrest him.

A blue beam of light rose into the sky.

Shooting directly thousands of meters into the sky.

Then, in the sky, a huge amount of blue chrysanthemums slowly unfolded.

Inside the chrysanthemum, there is a dark starry sky.

And in the starry sky, there are densely packed Chitauri soldiers waiting for them.

At this moment, the Battle of New York officially breaks out!

As the blue chrysanthemums bloomed, countless Chitauri soldiers began to scatter like dumplings.

That scene, viewed from a distance, was a bit strange and beautiful.

Just, for New Yorkers.

This is not a question of whether it looks good or not.

When the countless terrifying Chitauri fell down like skeletons.

When they begin to attack everyone they see indiscriminately.

The whole of Manhattan was in chaos in an instant.

There were explosions, roars, and cries.

On the streets, people were scrambling to escape, and there was no order or civilization at all.

Those gentlemen who usually talk about modern civilization and wantonly attack others in newspapers and on the Internet for not respecting human rights and not caring for women and children.

Became the fastest runner.

Letting women and children go first has become the biggest joke.

The New York police on the road were still trying to maintain order.

However, in the huge crowd of fleeing people, the uniforms on their bodies and the guns in their hands could not bring anyone any sense of security.

Many police officers who wanted to forcibly control order were directly knocked to the ground by the crowd.

As countless people stepped on them, they could never stand up again.

Some people with guns in their hands also tried to fight back against the Chitauri soldiers.

Unfortunately, however, small-caliber pistol bullets hit the Chitauri soldiers.

It's like a mosquito or fly scratching an itch, it's of no use at all.

Although large-caliber rifles and submachine guns can cause a certain impact on Chitauri soldiers.

But not enough to be fatal.

There must be machine guns with larger caliber and higher rate of fire, or even artillery, to cause devastating damage to them.

Moreover, the tenacity shown by these Chitauri greatly exceeded everyone's expectations.

They are like robots and zombies in science fiction works.

Even if the arms and legs were broken, the body was maimed.

As long as there is one part left that can move, it will continue to attack humans.

I can't feel the pain at all, I don't know what fear is, I only have the instinct to kill the enemy.

This horrific scene is not to mention a battle.

Just looking at it is terrifying.

And what's even more unacceptable to everyone is.

Not only does this thing look scary, it is also very powerful, and the weapons in its hands are also quite explosive.

All laser guns, with one shot, can produce more power than a howitzer.

There are also a variety of powerful throwing high-energy weapons.

If you throw it away casually, it will cause a lot of casualties.

The situation is completely one-sided.

"Back then, the ancestors of Yingjiang used firearms to slaughter Indians wantonly. This is probably what it looked like."

In the void, Su Ye was invisible and suspended.

As far as the eye can see, Manhattan has turned into a battlefield.

But in his heart, he suddenly remembered a line from [Iron Man 3].

[1864, in the Ward Creek area of ​​Colorado. 】

[Soldiers of Eagle Sauce, take advantage of the time when the warriors of the simple Cheyenne tribe are out hunting. 】

[They took the opportunity to massacre the old, young, women and children who stayed in the tribe. 】

【And occupied their land!】

Although this line comes from a villain, and it is a bad Joker-like villain.

But it's not an exaggeration.

Moreover, what he said was just the most common crime among the many crimes committed by the Eagle Soldiers.

The numerous crimes committed by the former Eagle Soldiers against the aboriginal people of this land can only be described as too numerous to describe.

It's just that they have now transformed and become the beacon of the world, the upper class people all over the world.

And he has learned to use superficial beauty to cover up his human-like and animal-like nature.

And, they use some high-sounding reasons to arbitrarily attack those in the world who they don't like.

He never mentioned his past crimes.

As everyone knows, the indigenous people, whose population originally numbered over 10 million, were basically on the verge of extinction due to their massacre.

The remaining two to three hundred thousand were never given an apology.

And even in modern times, they are still suffering inhuman torture.

The current tragic situation is indeed unbearable to look at.

But if you think about it objectively.

This is nothing more than the reincarnation of history.

Heaven's way is reincarnation, no one is spared by heaven, everything is fate, and no one can control it at all.

If the dead souls of the aboriginal people had not gone far.

If you see this scene, you will probably smile happily. (Li Hao),

Su Ye stood quietly in the air.

There is no hostility in my heart, and I don't have the heart of a holy mother.

He was just a bystander, silently watching the killings of the Chitauri soldiers below.

Only when I saw some people who were interested in flower farming being targeted by Chitauri soldiers.

Only then would he take action, using Telepathy to remotely cut off the mental connection between the Chitauri soldiers and the mothership.

Let them freeze on the spot and lose their combat effectiveness.

With Telepathy, Su Ye can directly see people's truest thoughts.

No matter on the surface he says he has no regrets in entering China, in fact he is just showing off his patriotism for personal gain.

He is still a die-hard Yingjiang on the surface, but in fact he is silently contributing to the motherland.

It can all be clearly felt by Su Ye.

No one who should give up can escape.

There must be no less people who should be saved.

There will never be a situation where you save the wrong person.

As the number of Chitauri soldiers increases, the number of people and scope affected becomes larger and larger.

The heroes of the Avengers finally arrived on the scene.

and began to intervene in the battle. .

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