【"This matter has nothing to do with you now, don't ask so many questions."

Johnny Stone didn't want Red to be involved in this matter, so he refused to answer the question without hesitation, and then took his hand without saying anything, and walked hurriedly towards the police car.

"Also, you should go to the hospital with me for a physical check-up now. That belt of unknown origin has been absorbed into your body, so it is impossible that there will be no other changes or effects!"

"Come on, it's just a small matter, there's no need to go to the hospital"

"Mr. Stone! Officer Sidis just sent an emergency report saying that a murder case was found in Greenwich Village. It is said to be very special, so we would like to ask you to come over."Just as the two were arguing, Officer John, who was originally in charge of guarding the police car, ran over in a hurry and interrupted the conversation between Johnny and Red.


Johnny Stone's face suddenly changed when he heard this. He didn't even bother to take Red to the hospital for a checkup. He could only quickly take out a pen and a notebook from his pocket. He quickly moved the pen tip across the paper, wrote down an address and a contact number, and then tore off the paper without hesitation and handed it to Red.

""Red, go to the Special Surgery Hospital later and find the doctor there. Tell her that Johnny Stone asked you to come. She will do a detailed examination for you for free."

After saying that, Johnny Stone and Officer John left the scene without stopping.

Red was left standing there alone, staring at the small piece of paper in his hand. His lips moved slightly, and he slowly read out the English words on it.

"Hospital for Special Surgery – Christine Palmer?"】


Christine spat out the coffee she had just drunk, then stared at the small piece of paper with her name and contact information on the screen with her eyes wide open and an expression of disbelief and shock on her face.

"this......This isn't referring to me!??"...

【"Ms. Sidis, I'm so sorry that I'm late because of something."

The scene changed, and outside the Catholic Church in Greenwich Village, Johnny Stone jumped out of the police car with an extremely urgent mood, then crossed the cordon and came to the side of a black female police officer, and went straight to the main topic.

"I wonder what you want to know from our Security Department?"

"I'm sorry to ask you to come all the way here."

Facing Johnny Stone's puzzled look, Officer Sidis first responded with a polite smile, then straightened his face and started talking about business.

"Actually, it was mainly the wounds on the dead body that concerned me."

"In the recent cases, all the victims have a common feature, that is, there are two teeth marks on their necks, which look like they were bitten by sharp teeth, and there is a large amount of blood loss from their bodies, which is like being sucked by a vampire. It is a completely extraordinary incident."

"So, I want to ask, is it possible that the two unidentified life forms that survived the accident last night were responsible?"

As he spoke, Officer Sidis took Johnny Stone to the body of the deceased, gently uncovered the white cloth covering it, and let him carefully look at the shocking wounds on the body.

Looking at the particularly obvious tooth marks on the body, Johnny Stone quickly frowned, shook his head repeatedly, and responded without hesitation.

"No, I remember that the mouth shapes of Unconfirmed Lifeforms 1 and 2 and the tooth marks on the bodies were completely different."

"Is that so?......"

Officer Sidis slowly lowered her head, closed her eyes, and showed a thoughtful expression.

After a while, she raised her head again, squinted her eyes slightly, looked at the scorching sun hanging in the blue sky, and continued to ask

"That......Mr. Stone, are you aware of any specific signs of fear of light displayed by the two unidentified life forms?"


Johnny Stone shook his head again, and then a puzzled look appeared on his face. He asked in confusion:"Ms. Sidis, this question should have nothing to do with this case, right?"

"Could it be......Could there be any unexpected changes in the meantime?"

"Well, because not long ago, we received a call from a drunk."

Officer Sidis spoke with a hint of hesitation and uncertainty:"According to him, he was attacked by an unknown monster last night and almost died. As a result, the sun rose at that time, and then the monster let out a terrifying roar and ran away."

Hearing this, Johnny Stone's eyebrows also knitted tightly, and he fell into deep thought. After a long while, he slowly spoke in a hesitant tone.

"Could it be......Is there a third unconfirmed life form here? ?"

After hearing this, Officer Sidis's face changed instantly. He subconsciously looked at Johnny Stone, but found that both of them had a solemn look in their eyes.

At the same time,

Red, who had overheard the conversation between Johnny Stone and Officer John, also rushed to the scene driven by curiosity. Through the conversation between a mother and daughter who were chatting next to him, he accidentally discovered a key clue that even the police had not noticed.

"Normally, this time period should be the opening time of the Catholic Church."

"But the church here has not opened yet, and there was a murder case next to it, but no priest came out to understand the situation. There must be something wrong!"

While thinking, Red, who was hiding in the crowd, subconsciously turned his head to look at the Catholic church next to the crime scene.

Then he quickly took a step and walked towards the church step by step.】

【Writing a book is not easy~~~New book needs support~~~I hope everyone can support me by voting and giving flowers.~~~Or review the author's book~~~Thank you very much~~~】

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