"New York is really full of disasters.~~"

SHIELD, Triskelion Building, Natasha had already walked gracefully into the director's office, standing side by side with Nick Fury in front of the huge French window, watching the future video on the screen with a focused look.

When she saw this scene on the screen, she couldn't help but look up slightly and sighed.

"The spider monster has not been dealt with yet, and now an unconfirmed life form No. 3 similar to a vampire has appeared. From this perspective, the future situation is not optimistic."

"Don't worry, since some tragedies have been known in advance, we will never let them happen again."

Knowing what Natasha was worried about, Nick Fury said slowly in his deep and magnetic voice:"Moreover, I have specially sent Coulson to take charge of this matter. We will never let these monsters escape from the seal so easily."

"Hearing what you said, I feel relieved."

Hearing this, Natasha couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, then raised her thin eyebrows and asked:"It's only eight o'clock in the morning, not even the usual working time, and you called me over."

"It seems that this mission is not easy, Director."

"Don't let your imagination run wild."

Nick Fury slowly turned his head and looked at Natasha with his only intact eye, and said in a deep voice:"This mission is just to let you observe a guy who may become a member of the Avengers."

"Oh? Do you mean......"Natasha subconsciously glanced at the light screen, and a thoughtful look flashed across her charming face.

"Well, it is the superhero introduced by the light curtain this time——Red"

""As far as the presentation in the future video is concerned, this kid is excellent in both character and courage, and is definitely capable of becoming one of us, so I hope you go to the State University of New York and observe him carefully for a while. If he meets the standards, then directly invite him to join us."

As he spoke, Nick Fury took out a prepared document from the drawer and handed it to Natasha, letting her know the living habits of the person she needed to observe this time.

Natasha took the personal information about Red and began to read it page by page.

Soon, she had a preliminary understanding of the person she needed to observe this time, and then slowly spoke.

"No problem, I'll take the task this time. I can also take a break."

"Well, I'll trouble you next."

During the conversation, Natasha had already left the director's office with Reed's personal information.

Nick Fury was left standing alone in front of the huge French window, his eyes deep and far away, looking at the light curtain that kept flickering and changing in the sky, and fell into deep thought....

【""Hello, hello, is there anyone inside?"

In the picture, Red had already arrived at the solemn main entrance of the Catholic Church. Then he slowly stretched out his hand, gently knocked on the door frame, and shouted loudly.

However, no matter how he shouted, no one responded in the seemingly quiet church. Only his voice echoed in the empty surroundings.

Seeing this, Red simply stopped knocking on the door and quickly walked to the side of the church. After searching for a while, he finally found a window that could be opened, and then climbed in without hesitation.......

"Sorry to bother you.~~"

Walking inside the closed and quiet church, Red muttered to himself softly while slowly opening a door in front of him, then carefully poked his head out, his eyes like searchlights, nervously and attentively observing the scenery in the main hall of the church.

He took in the neatly arranged seats, the solemn portraits of God hanging on the walls, the stained glass that became dreamlike under the influence of light, and the unique architectural style formed by the ancient Roman vault structure and the Latin cross. However, he could not find the figure of the priest.

This inevitably made Red feel a little worried, so he boldly stepped to the center of the main hall of the church and looked around attentively.

In the process, a strong look of worry quietly appeared on his face.

Although everything in the church was the same as usual, and there was not much difference from other Catholic churches he had seen before.

But Red always had a feeling of panic, as if......There was some kind of evil beast lurking in this sacred and solemn church, and it seemed that it would suddenly rush out from a dark corner at any time and devour him mercilessly.

He could even smell a faint smell of blood.

This made Red feel more and more uneasy, and he began to observe the surrounding scenery more and more quickly.

At this moment, when his eyes moved to the other side of the door, he was surprised to find that there was a cold and piercing gaze silently watching him through the crack of the door.

"Well......Hello, are you Father Hoss?"

Looking at the pair of eyes that were obviously cold, Reid suddenly woke up from his dream and remembered that he had entered the church without permission. He immediately smiled with embarrassment and apology, and asked carefully.


As he was speaking, the door with the seal of God suddenly opened, and a priest with short black hair and metal earrings walked slowly towards him from the side door with extremely heavy steps.

This frightened Reed greatly, and he mistakenly thought that the other party was looking for him to accuse him, so he waved his hands and shouted:

"Ah! Wait a minute, I heard that something happened to you, Father, so I......"

However, Red's explanation did not seem to change the priest's attitude at all. He was still furious.

But just as the priest walked to the middle aisle where the seats were neatly arranged, a glaring ray of sunlight suddenly shone into the church, scaring the priest so much that he instantly showed a horrified expression and stopped involuntarily.】

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