Hearing what Dr. Christine said on the screen, countless viewers in reality showed confused expressions.

No, as a doctor, you want to do an autopsy at the slightest disagreement. You must be the most dangerous guy, right? ?

When netizens were complaining,

Christine herself also showed a look of astonishment.

Especially when she saw that Stephen Strange, who was still pursuing her madly a few days ago, was now moving furtively, as if he wanted to stay away from her temporarily.

She felt like crying but had no tears.

In the end, she could only pick up the coffee on the table and drink it as if it was beer, as if she could get herself drunk in this way to get rid of this embarrassing scene on the screen....

【""What do you mean?"

Johnny Stone frowned slightly, seeming to have heard the hidden meaning behind Christine's words, and asked

"Simply put, he is the same as those guys before!"



Facing Johnny Stone's question, Christine still kept a smile on her face, but her eyes became solemn unconsciously:"Before, I dissected the remains of the unconfirmed life form provided to me by the Security Department, and found that the cell tissues in them are almost the same as Mr. Reid's physical condition."

""Eh! Then I will become very powerful!"

Hearing this, Reid didn't care that his clothes were not fully put on yet, and ran out of the X-ray examination room, and then asked excitedly


Seeing Reid like this, the solemn look in Christine's eyes instantly disappeared. After a long pause, she turned to Johnny Stone and complained,"Hey, what's wrong with this guy's brain circuit?"

"Just get used to it, that's just the way he is."

Seeing Johnny Stone acting like he was used to it, Christine couldn't complain any more, so she straightened her expression and got straight to the point.

"Specifically, the muscle tissue is strengthened, and the nerve tissue is also strengthened."

"Especially the right leg, its strengthening features are most obvious!"

"These characteristics basically match the physical characteristics of unconfirmed life forms."

At this point, Christine turned to look at Red again and asked in confusion,"So, what is your relationship with those monsters?"

Facing Christine's question, Johnny Stone took over the topic directly. After a brief explanation, he asked,"Compared to these, Red should not be in any danger of life, right?"

"So far not yet"

"So far!?"

"To put it simply, the foreign object in Red's abdomen is spreading something like nerve tissue, causing his body to undergo drastic changes."

"There aren't any big problems right now, but if that thing spreads to the brain, the worst result will be turning into a creature that is completely different from humans!"

"A completely different creature! ?"

"Well, it will become like an unconfirmed life form, a biological weapon that exists only for fighting!!"】

After hearing this conversation, public opinion on the Internet once again set off an uproar!

——"No way, according to what Dr. Christine said, won’t Red... also become a monster that kills humans in the future! ? ?"

——"Impossible! Red is a warrior who protects everyone's smiles. It is impossible for him to be controlled by the belt so easily!!"

——"This is hard to say. After all, Red's power comes from this belt. Since it can give the host power, it can also push him into the abyss of destruction."

——"According to what you said above, I have a bold guess. Do you think it is possible that the super ancient civilization was destroyed due to the loss of control of these belts? Don't forget, that group of weirdos who called themselves Gurongi also wore belts around their waists!"

——"It's entirely possible, perhaps... in the ancient times, that group of Gurongi might have originally been humans!"......

In the New York branch of S.H.I.E.L.D.,

Nick Fury arranged a laboratory specifically for Bruce Banner.

Hawkeye Clint Barton, who came to visit Dr. Banner, saw the conversation played on the screen and said seriously:

"Banner, it seems that young man is very likely to become like you in the future."

"No, that young man named Red is in more trouble than the Hulk in me."

"Oh, what does this mean?"

"Although the Hulk in my body is violent and irrational, at least I can still control him before I transform, and this control will last until the moment I die."

Dr. Banner looked worried, looking at the picture on the screen, and slowly explained:"But the young man named Red is different. From the moment he put on the belt, the transformation of his body has been irreversible."

"Even if he doesn't use the belt now, the power similar to nerve tissue will transform his body little by little until it is completely transformed!"

"Doesn't that mean......"

Hearing this, Barton's expression suddenly changed, and his eyes looking at the light curtain gradually became worried.......

【On the screen.

Just as Johnny Stone was asking Christine how to solve Red's physical condition.

At this moment, Gurongila Baluba Die, who was hiding in an abandoned aquarium, summoned a group of new Gurongi monsters in order to complete the Kikiru that brought about the ultimate darkness, and then started the next round of rituals.

Moreover, the Gurongi participating in the ritual this time was the locust monster Zi Ba Zi Ba, who was known as the strongest monster of the Zi Group.】

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