【"Baz, remember this: your time limit is to hunt eighty-one Lindo within forty-eight hours!"

"Don't worry, I will complete the ceremony as scheduled!"

In response to Baluba's reminder, the locust monster Baz responded confidently, and then turned and left the dim abandoned aquarium.

Not long after, more than 20 innocent citizens were selected by the locust monster Baz.

As sacrifices for the Kikiru ceremony, they were thrown from the top of a high-rise building and died on the spot.

On the other hand, after receiving the news from the police, Red drove the newly acquired Experimental Tracker 2000 to the scene of the crime as soon as possible, and then successfully rescued a police officer from the locust monster.

As for his arrival, the locust monster Baz was also interested at the moment, and actually jumped down from the high-rise building and said condescendingly.

"Long time no see, Kuuga!"

"Next, come and compete with me, Zi Ba Zi Ba!!"

After saying that, Ba Zi pointed to the abandoned circular building not far away that was not blocked by many obstacles, motioned Red to follow, and then jumped up and disappeared in front of the police officers.

Seeing this, Red also transformed into the red omnipotent form of Kuuga without fear.

Then he followed the pace of the locust monster and came to the abandoned circular building to fight with it.

But in this battle, Red faced the locust monster Ba Zi, who had super jumping ability, and fell into an unprecedented disadvantage.

Because the jumping speed of the locust monster was really too fast and too amazing, once he jumped, Red couldn't attack him at all, and could only let Ba Zi keep ravaging him.

In the end, the locust monster seized the opportunity, grabbed him and threw him down from the top of the circular building dozens of stories high.

"Boom! Explosion——"

With a sharp roar,

Red's red body fell heavily onto the solid concrete floor.

Instantly, countless cracks appeared on the ground, and smoke and dust spread all around.

But even with such serious injuries, Red still did not give up. Instead, he quickly wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and climbed up from the broken ground.

"Whoosh......Even if I risk my life, I will never allow you to continue killing!"

Then, he let out a roar.

With this shout, the Yaguru Spirit Stone on Reid's waist seemed to sense the host's belief, and it actually burst into a blue light at this moment, and then the red flesh armor on his sturdy body began to transform into azure flesh armor!

So far, a brand new Kuuga stood in the psychedelic luster of the light curtain.

At the same time.

The light curtain also marked a paragraph of flowing water-like text next to this brand new Kuuga.

Kamen Rider Kuuga/Blue Dragon Form: When an evil thing appears, turn its hundreds of skills into invisible, and calm the evil warrior like flowing water!】

"It seems that Red's talent is even higher than we thought."

On the open-air balcony of the cliff villa, watching Red on the screen present a new form, Pepper raised her thin eyebrows in surprise, and then said to Tony beside her

"It seems that he has only experienced four or five battles, but he has completed two evolutions in succession. No wonder he was chosen as the host of the mysterious belt."


"And compared to this, I am more concerned about the information revealed by the female Gurongi named Baluba."

"You mean......Kikiru, who brought about the ultimate darkness?"

"Yeah." Tony Stark nodded, then picked up the cheeseburger he had prepared earlier, took a big bite and chewed it, while speaking out his guess:"I think the demise of the super ancient civilization has a lot to do with the Kikiru ritual that brought about the ultimate darkness."

"Is that so?......"

Hearing this, Pepper fell into deep thought, but after a while she shook her head and replied:"Although you said so, the existing intelligence is still too little. The only clear thing is that the Gurongi people need to participate and hunt humans according to different rules and time limits."

"Based on this information, it is impossible to guess their purpose."

"So, now we can only wait patiently until the light curtain reveals all the mysteries for us."

After saying that, Tony swallowed the remaining cheeseburger in his hand, and then looked at the light curtain in the air again, patiently waiting for it to reveal the mystery from the ancient times for him....

【In the psychedelic screen, Red transformed into Kuuga in the form of a blue dragon. With just a light leap, he jumped from the broken ground to the rooftop of the circular building and stood in front of the locust monster Baz.

""Hmph! Did you finally use the blue form?"

Looking at the familiar figure, Baz snorted coldly from his ferocious mouthparts, and then swung his fist at Red.

This time, Red, who had mastered the Azure Dragon form, was no longer at a disadvantage like before. Instead, in just a few rounds, he beat the locust monster back again and again.

During this period, even if Baz used his specialty, the jumping flying kick, he could not touch Red at all.

This is the flexibility displayed by Red in the Azure Dragon form.

Although compared to the almighty form, the Azure Dragon form is weakened in both strength and defense.

But correspondingly, Red's agility will be greatly improved, which enables him to easily keep up with the speed of the locust monster Baz.

【Writing a book is not easy~~~New book needs support~~~I hope everyone can support me by voting and giving flowers.~~~Or review the author's book~~~Thank you very much~~~】

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