American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 121 A punch, a monster and a world-famous painting

"All right."

When IRS agent Susan said this to her boss, she could only nod in agreement, but she didn't agree with it in her heart.

The case is hers.

She has the ability to do it well and doesn’t need any consultants!

"now it's right!"

When the bald director saw that she agreed, his smile suddenly became more personal.


IRS Agent Susan was speechless when she saw her boss smiling and laughing at her. However, she did not doubt that the boss had any bad thoughts towards her. Instead, she roughly guessed what the boss meant: "This young consultant and Director you?"

"Chuck is the son of my wife and ex-husband. He is a very outstanding young man..."

The bald director began to promote Chuck incessantly.

no way.

At home, his wife has told him more than once that Chuck is getting older and it would be great if he could have a companion. He works outside and meets a lot of people. If he meets a good and suitable girl, Be sure to keep an eye out for Chuck.

At first, he turned a deaf ear to him. It was not appropriate for Chuck to look like him.

But after nagging too many times, it is no longer a question of whether he is suitable or not, or whether he should pay attention or not, but that he must find a good partner for Chuck, otherwise the family will most likely be uneasy.

It just so happened that one of his subordinates, Susan, was exceptionally good and suitable in all aspects. He felt that his ears could finally be free.


The Davenports.

"Chuck, are you going back now?"

Cheryl heard the news and hurried out of her sister Tracy's room.


Chuck nodded.

"How about staying a few more days?"

Cheryl looked forward to it: "My sister is still in shock. If you are here, she can feel more at ease. Let's spend Christmas here. Can we go back together after Christmas?"


Chuck shook his head: "You will inevitably be shocked in the future, just get used to it."


Cheryl couldn't laugh or cry.

"Because you are rare mirror twins."

Chuck said bluntly: "You are still good-looking. It is easy for you to attract perverts. This time you are just frivolous. Next time you may meet a mad scientist or a playboy who wants to try something new."

For example, a certain steel man.

"You think I'm beautiful?"

Cheryl immediately threw away all the frightening words in the future and happily grasped the key points.

"Just over baseline."

Chuck nodded.


Cheryl Hehehezhile.

Growing up, she had heard countless people say she was beautiful, with a score of 90 or above, and even more exaggerated praise of 100, but none of them could compare to Chuck's score of just over 60, the baseline.

"I am leaving."

Chuck didn't continue to look at her and giggle, and turned around and left.

His favorite comedy master, Stephen Chow, performed scientific research in a certain classic comedy movie, and it was someone else who took the initiative.

Let alone someone with his personality.

Back to New Jersey.

Time has come quickly to Christmas.

Chuck drove to Washington, DC.

The McGough family's new home.

"Chuck, you're here."

Former mother Bran, accompanied by the bald director, happily greeted her at the door.


Chuck nodded: "Mr. McGough."


The bald director smiled and said, "You are welcome to celebrate the festival."

Chuck looked to the empty side.


The bald director immediately understood what Chuck meant, and coughed lightly: "Your sister Hailey is waiting for you at home, and she wants to surprise you."

When he said this, he grinned.

"Come in quickly."

Bran was also helpless towards his daughter and could only call his son in. As soon as he entered the door, he shouted "Hailey! Your brother is here, come out quickly! Don't mess around!"

"I'm behind! Let him come here! Alone!"

The girl Hailey's voice came from far behind the house.

"I'm going."

Chuck nodded at the two of them and followed the sound.

The bald director opened his mouth, but finally chose to shut up and said to himself: "It is better for them to resolve the conflict between their brothers and sisters themselves. I am too old to deal with it."

Chuck pushed open the back door and entered the backyard. There was a room in the backyard with the door closed.


Hailey's voice came from across the room.

Chuck walked over, and as soon as he pushed the door, a basin of cold water poured down on his head. Chuck punched it, and the basin that was about to tilt down immediately flew out. A rope under his feet was wrapped around Chuck's feet, and he tightened it. When he was about to be pulled to the side, Chuck was standing on an iron bridge. With a strong step, the person on the other end of the rope was immediately pulled over.

I saw a petite red figure following this strong pulling force, turning over and rolling, already under Chuck, and hitting Chuck's vitals hard.

Chuck nodded slightly.

This move is fast, accurate, and ruthless. It seems that my sister Haili is not only very talented in attacking the enemy's vital points, but she has also worked hard.

For most people, this trick would work. It is the most practical trick for the weak to defeat the strong.

Thinking like this, Chuck's palm was already blocking the incoming fist.

After the fist hit Chuck's palm, it retreated as soon as it touched. The petite red figure grabbed Chuck's arm with one hand, and turned into a claw with the other hand, grabbing Chuck's eyes hard.

Chuck nodded again.

This key offensive turned around flexibly and without any sense of sluggishness, which was great.

So he blocked it gently again.

Next, the petite red figure surrounded him and kept attacking his vital points. Every move and every move could be directly shot in a movie without NG.

Because these are real fights, life and death fights.

Whenever Chuck makes any mistakes, he will face extremely disastrous results.

After three rounds of actual combat attacks by the petite red figure, Chuck no longer just defended. He calculated the strength and punched the petite red figure in the stomach.


The petite red figure grunted and continued to attack.


Chuck gave his first compliment since coming over.

If you know how to attack, you should know how to get beaten.

Otherwise, if you are in danger, no matter how you hit others, they will be injured but not disabled. If someone hits you, they may just kill you.

It's hard to practice attacking, but it's even harder to practice getting beaten!

After all, there are very few people who can be cruel to themselves.

And under Chuck's careful calculation, he didn't punch any monster at all. It was obvious that his sister did not need his supervision and practiced being beaten ruthlessly.

However, appreciation is appreciation, Chuck's fist did not stop, and kept hitting the petite red figure.

Since his sister is so persistent and perseverant, it is rare for him to come here, so he must work hard to cooperate with her in actual combat training.

After all, this is Bloody John, and he belongs to a transnational criminal organization. His connection with the McGough family is not too secret, and the McGough family is still somewhat dangerous.

But because Mr. McGough is the head of the Internal Revenue Service, it is actually unlikely that any organization would be crazy enough to attack the McGough family.

But generally no one messes with the McGough family, but it can't stop sister Hailey's eagerness to try and find excitement.

Others don't mess with her, but she will mess with others.

So sooner or later she would still be beaten, and it might even be dangerous, so as an older brother, Chuck thought it would be best for everyone to let his sister get enough beatings from him.

"Stop fighting, that's enough, that's enough."

Finally, after receiving 108 punches and being beaten almost all over his body, the petite red figure finally shouted stop.

Chuck took advantage of the situation and closed his fist.

Hailey collapsed on the ground and looked at him angrily: "You're going too far! Not only do you want me to call and make an appointment, but you also fail to make an appointment every time! Do you think I'm your sister?"

"I've been very busy recently, so I don't have time."

Chuck ignored her accusation and said calmly.

"Are you really that busy?"

Hailey looked at him suspiciously.

"It's been really busy."

Chuck briefly introduced his recent trip.


Hailey's eyes lit up.

"Don't think about it, the coolest thing about you is the grass growing on your own grave."

Chuck said bluntly.


Hailey curled her lips: "You praised me just now!"

"Praising you is recognition of your progress."

Chuck looked at her: "But when it comes to overall strength, if you insist on going out to do things and be cool, you are still a scumbag who will not survive the first chapter."

"I'm not as bad as you say."

Hailey complained: "The world is not as dangerous as you say it is."

She said this, but her eyes showed that she had listened.


As the only girl among the three Chuck brothers, she is obviously physically weak, so unlike Frank, the irascible second child, she prefers to be steady.

"Today is Christmas, where is your gift?"

Hailey stood up with difficulty, looked at Chuck up and down, and pouted dissatisfied.


Chuck took a small box out of his pocket and handed it to her.

"what the hell."

Hailey curled her lips in dissatisfaction: "Aren't you from Texas? You don't give big guns for Christmas, why do you give this kind of small thing?"


In Texas, on major holidays such as Christmas, many families give each other big guns as gifts to show their love and friendship.

The whole family, men and women, old and young, all took a group photo with a big gun. It was a world-famous painting.

"This is not Texas."

Chuck said calmly: "I think you will like this more than the big gun."


After Haili finished speaking, she was not slow at all in accepting and opening the gift. When she opened it, she saw a bracelet lying inside. She was dissatisfied and said: "It's so ugly! It doesn't look good at all! Are you sure I'm really your only one?" younger sister?"

"Put it on!"

Chuck ignored her complaints.


Seeing that Chuck ignored her and just gave orders, Hailey picked up the bracelet and started playing with it. She soon discovered something was wrong, her eyes were filled with joy, and she quickly put it on her left wrist. With a slight press, a small thing shot out and was nailed on on the wall.

"Tranquilizer dart?"

Hailey exclaimed in surprise.


Chuck nodded: "There are 6 tranquilizer darts in the bracelet, with an effective range of 5 meters. If they hit the target, they will automatically inject a powerful tranquilizer. The dose can anesthetize a strong person. Use with caution if you are not in danger."


Hailey touched the anesthesia bracelet, so happy, and rushed directly towards Chuck to give him a warm hug.

Chuck blocked it by pressing his head again.

Hailey rolled her eyes as she was looking down at the ground. Her hand had already touched the bracelet on her wrist, and she pressed the bracelet towards Chuck's neck.

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