American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 122 No one knows more reason than me

A delicate miniature tranquilizer dart was fired from the bracelet on Hailey's left wrist.

It has to be said that Hailey is a freak of the Chuck family who not only did not get scrapped but became stronger and stronger during the cruel training. Her fighting talent is off the charts. At this time, she has mastered the angle accuracy of the tranquilizer dart fired by the bracelet.

The landing point of the tranquilizer dart was aimed at the vein in Chuck's neck.

"Holy shit!"

Just as Haili sneaked in quietly, smiling and preparing to tease her unsmiling brother and watch his jokes, the tranquilizer dart that was shot at Chuck was caught between two fingers, leaving Haili stunned.

"This unscientific!"

“No one knows science better than me.”

Chuck waved his arm, and the tranquilizer dart he held directly hit Hailey's neck.


Hailey only had time to utter a single letter before she lost consciousness.

Chuck reached out and grabbed her red hood, causing her to hit the ground mindlessly.

Originally, there was something wrong with this little sister's head. If she was injured again, God knows what would happen, so Chuck tried not to hit her head with the previous beatings.

In the front house.

Bran, the former mother, suddenly became sad again.

"what happened again?"

The bald director was helpless.

"It's Christmas."

Bran was sad and began to shed tears.

"Isn't this a happy holiday?"

The bald director advised: "Chuck is here, and we still have Haley."

"It's just because Chuck came here that I feel bad."

Bran said ashamedly: "He is such a good child, and I am a very bad mother. It was on Christmas that I left that home and left him, woo woo woo."

"That's it."

The bald director grinned.

In the past, he would have opened his mouth and said, "This is not your fault. It is human nature and right to pursue freedom."

But now, he also has a child, who is still a little cotton-padded jacket. Although he has a bit of a black-hearted tendency, he has become a little bit older. If his daughter was abandoned by her mother at Christmas, he would not be able to bear it.

"I still remember Chuck's anxious shouting when I left. Why was I so cruel at that time."

Bran continued to shed tears: "Now look what Chuck did? He is so good."


The bald director opened his mouth, but no words came out.

He was wondering, is there a possibility that Chuck doesn't care at all?

I don't care about the past, nor do I care about you as a mother, so why do you look so nice?

The bald director who called Chuck to invite him over for the festival felt that this possibility was not impossible.

It's just that he didn't dare to say it.

At this moment, Chuck came over carrying Little Red Riding Hood and Haley who had fainted like a chicken.

"What's going on?"

The bald director's face darkened.

"She's sleepy."

Chuck continued walking upstairs, motioning with his eyes to Bran to follow.

"I'm sleepy."

Bran immediately followed and said with a smile: "This little monkey might as well take a rest."

"Wait in my study."

The bald director could only suppress his heartache for his black-hearted little cotton-padded jacket and said to Chuck's back.

Chuck carried Hailey into her boudoir, put her on the bed, reminded Bran to give her some medicine and massage, then went to the bathroom to clean up, and then went downstairs to the bald director's study.


The bald director wanted to keep a straight face because he couldn't control his anger, but when faced with Chuck's almost expressionless face, his straight face couldn't help but crack open and put on a smile. .

Chuck nodded, glanced around, and sat down.

"I know you like to be clean. Mommy cleans you every day."

The bald director smiled and said, "Even my study is no exception."

Chuck looked at him without speaking.


Seeing this, the bald director knew that Chuck was really indifferent to similar normal greetings, which further confirmed his immature guess.

Chuck really just didn't care.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

The bald director shook his head, suppressed these thoughts, and said: "I came here this time to ask you to help handle a case. I am now in the audit department of the General Administration, focusing on financial crimes. Do you know who I am targeting?"

"Dark money."

Chuck said calmly.


The bald director nodded and praised: "You really understand. This is what I am mainly responsible for."

"No, that's the only thing you're responsible for."

Chuck corrected him straightforwardly: "The taxes paid by the rich at the top are all avoided in a legal and reasonable way. The taxes paid by tens of billionaires are even zero. You can't collect them and you don't dare to collect them.

Those at the bottom who have no money are precarious and need welfare subsidies to get by, but you don’t get them.

The majority of tax collectors are the middle class.

They have houses, cars, and children, and their lives are relatively stable, and their individual strength cannot resist you. As long as you don't push them to the limit and make them suffer, you law enforcement agencies can survive.

If you suffer them a little longer, your life will become more relaxed.

But if it continues, they, who have been squeezed to the limit, will unite and shout Baga Maga.

Normal people from the upper, middle and lower levels are already like this, leaving little room for imagination.

With the growing criminal needs of Americans, and the accompanying Liu Bei, Xuanyuan, and Ouyang Feng industries, the massive amount of black money that cannot be put on the table will become a blue ocean market with unlimited imagination, which can provide revenue for the IRS. Provide new rapid growth points. "


The bald director's mouth twitched.

Is this what he should hear?

But although he didn't want to admit it, this was indeed his main job as a financial crime director.

"This case is about Ouyang Feng."

After the bald director adjusted his mentality, he said: "They are all cash transactions, which are difficult to track, so even though the bureau has repeatedly issued documents stating that as long as they are willing to pay taxes, all information will be strictly confidential, they still resist and choose whether or not It's not good to pay without paying, so every once in a while the bureau needs to catch a typical example.

The goal this time is very big and involves several big Ouyang Feng. I will let Agent Susan Green introduce you to the specific situation. She is the IRS financial specialist sent by the bureau this time. She is in charge of this case. You will serve as a consultant. , mainly accounting and auditing consultant, responsible for assisting, how about it, are you interested? "

He still remembered that what Chuck valued most in choosing a case was interesting, not anything else, so he asked specifically.


Chuck nodded.

This is a big case, and it also involves Ouyang Feng. There will probably be a famous scene full of Ouyang Feng outside. Such excitement will definitely increase the negative points.

Of course he's interested.

"That's good."

The bald director breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face.

Although Chuck seemed very difficult to get along with and had extremely high demands in all aspects, after meeting his requirements in all aspects and getting his approval, the bald director couldn't help but feel a sense of pleasure.

"Do you want anything else?"


When the bald director said this subconsciously, Chuck nodded naturally.

"……Tell me."

The corners of the bald director's mouth twitched.

"Have you ever said hello to the CIA?"

Chuck asked seriously.


The bald director was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Although this case involves transnational Ouyang Feng, it is mainly handled domestically, so it does not require the assistance of the CIA."

"That's not what I'm talking about."

Chuck shook his head: "What I'm talking about is whether you have contacted the CIA. Don't catch someone from the CIA in the end and release them directly when the time comes. I don't like to return without success and leave the matter unsolved."


The bald director was speechless and wanted to complain, but when he met Chuck's serious eyes and picked up the phone in the study, all he could say was: "Director Smith, I have something to communicate with you..."

That’s right!

The call he made was to the director of the CIA.

Although what Chuck said was very uncomfortable, the bald director had to admit the existence of this possibility after being speechless.

It can even be said that it not only exists, but is also very possible.

In fact, these rumors have long been known among the people, and they have even turned into jokes. Being in his position, it is natural for him to know more.

The United States is the largest Ouyang Feng market in the world. It has single-handedly supported Ouyang Feng all over the world. Under countless interest chains, there is only the possibility of expansion in the future, and there is absolutely no possibility of extinguishing it.

The CIA, which is responsible for all confidential affairs abroad, is naturally a link in this chain of interests, and can even be said to be the most upstream link.

What they say to agencies like the IRS is that since it cannot be banned, it must be controlled to keep this chain of interests in the hands of its own people to prevent funds from flowing into the hands of other terrorist organizations.

Therefore, from supporting Ouyang Feng to finally quitting the field and becoming Ouyang Feng, he followed Bingfeng's direction and opened up the upstream and downstream chains in one fell swoop to achieve industrial integration, reduce intermediate losses, and increase profits.

"He said he was not one of their people."

The bald director said to Chuck after hanging up the phone.

"Of course he wouldn't say it was one of theirs."

Chuck said calmly: "Otherwise, wouldn't it be legal to pay taxes?"

"...Then you still want me to contact them?"

The bald director also reacted and said speechlessly.

"That way you can fire freely and reasonably and legally."

Chuck said bluntly: "They deserved to beat their undercover to death."

"...It's really reasonable."

The bald director complained.

Now he finally knows why his little cotton-padded jacket is so dark. If you are close to red, you will be red, if you are close to ink, you will be black. With such a murderous brother, no matter how white his little cotton-padded jacket is, he will become violent and black-hearted.

He really wanted to reprimand him harshly, but he also knew that before he met Chuck, he was already powerless. Now under Chuck's influence, his daughter has become more assertive, not to mention that his wife blindly protects Chuck out of guilt. .

What else can he do except make a few comments.

Chuck looked back at him with a matter-of-fact look.

He is the most reasonable person.

Everything should be done in accordance with the law as much as possible. Only when it comes to free mental testimony, he will freely testify.


Of course, in his previous life, his soul came from across the ocean, and he believed in a saying: "The people's heart is the heart of heaven, and the heart of heaven is my heart."

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