American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 127 The smile gradually solidified, I am having fun now.

When Susan saw Jane's expression, she immediately understood what was going on. A playful arc appeared at the corner of her mouth, and she twisted her waist and stepped forward: "I am Chuck's friend. Well, his stepfather introduced us."

"He's not my stepfather."

Chuck shook his head.

"I was introduced by my aunt."

Jane's face looked a little reluctant.


Susan looked at Jane.


Jane didn't like Susan's expression and tone, and didn't want to talk to her. She just looked at Chuck: "Chuck, why are you here and still talking to her?"

After saying this, she couldn't help it anymore and said sarcastically: "Is she also an experimental subject? 777?"

"She didn't proactively express any intention to participate."

Chuck said straightforwardly: "777 has passed. Now if there is an arrangement, it will be 888."


Jane's face froze, which did not comfort her at all.

The 77th experiment of No. 7 was overtaken by the one named Monica. In such a short period of time, it was repeated 11 times...

"Dr. Wolfe."

Jane's boss saw some clues and asked tentatively: "Are you coming here this time?"

"I'm an IRS consultant."

Chuck said: "She is Agent Susan Green, the IRS fiscal commissioner, and we are in charge of this case."

"I am in charge of this case."

Susan corrected dissatisfiedly.

"Hello, Agent Green, I'm David Russon of the FBI's Las Vegas Division."

As expected, Jane's boss reached out to Susan enthusiastically: "This is my colleague Jane Banner. It's up to us to cooperate with you this time."

"Hello, Agent Luzon."

Susan shook hands with him, then extended her hand to Jane, who was a little dazed, and said with a half-smile: "Hello, Agent Banner."


Seeing that Susan was the terrifying IRS financial commissioner in the boss's words, Jian guessed that Chuck and her only had a working relationship, just like her previous relationship with Chuck, so she cheered up and stood up subconsciously.

They are actually about the same height, because Susan wears high heels without morals, so Susan looks taller, but she also has many advantages.

"It's time to meet the target."

Chuck reminded: "If you want to talk about anything, there will be plenty of time to talk in the future."

"Let's go."

Susan saw that Jane was relatively simple and could not stand teasing. She was feeling interesting when she suddenly heard Chuck's voice and suddenly she was no longer in the mood to continue teasing Jane.

Because it reminded her of the scene a few days ago when Chuck kept choking her. At that time, she seemed to be just like Jane now, so dizzy and confused that she didn't know why.

"where are we going?"

Jane’s boss intentionally lightens the atmosphere.

“The Deborah Vance Show!”

Susan explained in a low voice as she walked away.

"Vance's talk show?"

Jane's boss subconsciously complained: "How old is our target? Is he seventy or eighty years old?"

As a world-class gambling city and tourist destination, Las Vegas not only has major casinos, luxury hotels, and the convenience of casual weddings to attract tourists, but also has various shows.

Magic shows, aerial shows, adult shows and other shows are full of people who are obsessed with life and money.

There are also famous talk shows among them.

This is a very famous talk show stage, bringing together outstanding talk show actors from all over the world.

Deborah Vance is one of them, and has been stationed here all year round for decades. She is the number one talk show in the city.

It's just that decades have passed, and now that she is an old person, it is actually difficult for her to keep up with the times. Most of the people who are willing to support her are the same aging fans from the past, and they are becoming fewer and fewer.

Jane's boss, as an FBI agent stationed in the Las Vegas branch, naturally knows about this well-known figure, so he is surprised that there are still people who are her fans.


Chuck said.

Not everyone becomes famous in the industry before they are twenty like Chuck. The target person was in his thirties when he became famous. He has been in charge of the Gambino family's accounting books for more than forty years and is now 73 years old.


Jane's boss twitched the corner of his mouth.

Well, what they are looking for is really the old grandpa.

That's not surprising.

Deborah Vance was able to stay on the Las Vegas talk show stage all year round. Naturally, she was extremely prosperous back then. It is normal to have a 73-year-old fan.

A group of four people came to the talk show scene.

Chuck and the others came in time to ensure that the target person was attracted to the talk show, so it was almost over when they came.

On the stage, a beam of light shone on an old lady dressed in buling bulings. She was carefully dressed, holding a microphone, and performing a talk show with ease.

"As you know, I have a friend Helena. I'm not sure how to define him or her, and I can't use it, so I can only use TA to refer to her.

In short, Helena told me, a code of wealth. Do you want to know how to become a world-class Liu Bei novel writer?

have no idea?


You're in luck, listen up, I'm going to tell you now.

First you start with a few European cities, use various euphemistic words to describe the indescribable, and then bang! You just wrote a book! "

The audience immediately laughed knowingly.

Americans have complicated emotions towards Europeans. Normally they are disdainful. After all, the United States is now the richest and most powerful country in the world. However, because it has no cultural heritage, they subconsciously have a special yearning for Europe.

In their eyes, Europeans are the most dissolute.

So when Deborah Vance mentioned writing a Liu Bei novel and choosing Europe as the location, it immediately made them laugh.

"do not laugh!"

As a comedian, Deborah Vance's favorite thing is the audience's heartfelt laughter, so her emotions also rise: "This is what his ex-wife, the world-class Liu Bei novelist, told him. It is the real password to wealth. Hurry up." record!"

There was another round of laughter.

"Is this a has-been stand-up comedian?"

Jane suppressed her laughter and was surprised: "I think she is very funny and awesome."

Jane's boss was a little embarrassed, and he was also confused. He had come over to watch Deborah Vance's talk show before, and it was not that funny at all.

"Because there are friends who provide good material."

Chuck hit the nail on the head.

"I know I know."

Deborah Vance waved her hands on the stage: "Who doesn't want a wife who is a world-class Liu Bei novelist and has an unparalleled beauty? It's a pity that no matter how beautiful the wife is, she can't compare to her own maid. After all, she is a professional." Service'~”

The audience burst into laughter again.

"Where does this friend come from out of nowhere."

Jane shook her head in disbelief: "How can it be like this?"

She thought it was a bizarre story made up by comedians.


Chuck said.


Jane said in surprise.

"I have a friend like this."

Chuck nodded.

"I know some people don't believe that a mere maid has such great charm."

On the stage, Deborah Vance spoke freely: "But there is one person who can prove what I say, and it is absolutely convincing. This person is this beautiful ex-wife, because she also competed for this maid. On Thanksgiving Day, thank you God."

The audience burst into laughter again.


Jane couldn't hold it back any longer, she burst out laughing and looked at Chuck: "Does your friend have this kind of experience again?"


Chuck nodded calmly.

"How can it be?"

Jane exclaimed in disbelief.

This incredible story is actually the same?

"Because the friend she was talking about was my friend's former father."

Chuck looked at her and named Chandler the Fun Guy.

That’s right!

He had long heard that the story on stage was the bizarre story of Chandler's parents.


Jane was stunned.

What a coincidence?


On the stage, Deborah Vance pretended to sigh: "The only person my friend Helena feels sorry for is her own son. If possible, she wants to completely eliminate the shadow caused by herself and her ex-wife on her son, but the childhood The shadow is difficult to eliminate, just like people's prejudice against people like him. He prays every day, and finally one day, he suddenly gets inspiration while watching TV. He doesn't need to pray to God at all, he only needs to do one thing. If he can realize all of this perfectly, that is, he should run for election and become a politician, lie, cheat, steal, and do anything to change the world's perception, and then his worries and regrets will completely disappear."

The audience burst into laughter.

The ridicule of the evils of politicians can almost be called the three classic vulgar jokes about shit and piss.

This is the last struggle of the Americans at the bottom who are unable to change the status quo.

I can't change it, why don't you just let me laugh at it?

"That friend of yours is this son?"

Jane looked sympathetic.

What a psychological shadow this must have.

"Let us wish him success, because no matter who comes to power, he will not do worse than this one."

On the stage, Deborah Vance finished her last joke, stood up, raised her hands, and shouted her classic closing words: "Good night, Las Vegas!"

Amid loud applause from the audience, she left the stage and headed backstage.

"It's time to get down to business!"

Susan reminded everyone to look at the bald old man in the front row who almost laughed: "Agent Lu Sen, you will lead Agent Banner to control the target person's bodyguard first and take him away. Let's talk to the target person privately. talk."


Jane’s boss agreed without asking anything.


Jane's boss led Jane to the bald old man and showed his ID to the man who looked very tough at first glance: "Sir, come with us."

The sturdy man frowned and looked at the bald old man.

The bald old man nodded.

Under the instructions of the boss, Jane confiscated the bodyguard's pistol and left with the bodyguard.

Susan and Chuck walked up to the bald old man and showed their IDs: "Agent Susan Green, IRS Financial Commissioner, this is Dr. Chuck Wolf, IRS consultant, Mr. Francis Sternberg, we need Let’s talk.”

This scene fell into the eyes of the bodyguard. Before he could continue to observe, he was pushed away by Jane and the others.

"Dr. Wolfe."

The bald old man raised his glasses, looked at Chuck in surprise, looked at him for a while, and sighed: "You are indeed young and promising."

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