American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 128 Please be a human being

"You're good too."

Chuck gave his own comments on the legendary predecessors in this industry.


The bald old accountant shook his head helplessly when faced with such condescending comments from a newcomer in the industry.

"Mr. Sternberg, we need your help."

Susan spoke.

"I'm just an old man who likes to watch comedies. I can't help you with anything."

The bald old accountant shook his head.

"The Ouyang Feng Group, including the Gambino family, has been in charge of the accounting books for more than 40 years. What is in those accounting books is not cold numbers, but children who have been poisoned and families that have been destroyed."

Susan was moved: "You can help us stop this and save the future!"

"Dr. Wolfe, do you know how I ended up on this path?"

The bald old accountant did not look at Susan, but looked at Chuck with interest.


Chuck nodded.

"Then please tell this IRS agent."

The bald old accountant smiled and said: "Why would a top accountant whose abilities are recognized by everyone be willing to give up an upright and prosperous life and have to go into this muddy water?"

"Because you don't have a CPA certificate."

Chuck was concise and to the point.


The bald old accountant said with great emotion: "Do you dare to imagine that an accountant whose ability is recognized by everyone cannot register as an accountant?

I was born in a poor family, and my family had no money to support me in college. I dropped out of school early and struggled in society for a few years. I was really unwilling to repeat the dull life of my father all my life.

I want to build a career and live a good life.

Fortunately, I found that I still had talent, especially in the accounting field, so I first went to a small accounting firm to do odd jobs and secretly became familiar with how to be an accountant.

Then I spent money to find a fake certificate provider, made myself an accounting certificate, and applied for a job at a major accounting firm. My ability amazed the interviewer, and I was admitted without any doubt.

In the next few years, I worked very well in that large firm. My boss valued me very much. I had a high salary, status, and several beautiful girlfriends. Just when I thought I was about to reach the peak of my life, I The certificate was found to be fake, and then everything changed.

I was made redundant, my reputation spread throughout the industry, I could no longer find work in the industry, my girlfriends broke up with me, and my world was ruined.

Fortunately, gold shines wherever it is, and not everyone only values ​​the certificate.

I was invited into a different accounting path, which I'm not proud of, but it certainly saved me. "

Having said this, he looked at Chuck and asked: "Dr. Wolfe, do you think that CPA certificate is really that important?"


Chuck shook his head: "All certificates are just stepping stones, ability is the most important."

"That's it!"

The bald old accountant was very happy when he saw Chuck saying this: "Without that certificate, I can still prove my worth. I am who I am!"

"Your value has been proven long ago. No matter whether you are a gangster or a white man, what you really care about is your ability rather than your certificate."

Chuck looked at him calmly: "Do you think you were fired because your certificate was fake? Your boss really didn't know your certificate was fake?"


The bald old accountant was stunned. After many years of experience, he immediately understood everything after Chuck broke through a cognitive limitation. He laughed at himself: "Indeed! I'm so stupid. I haven't thought clearly about it for decades. Such a simple question, I should have thought of it a long time ago. What really got me fired was not because of the fake certificate, but because I found out there were problems with some of the company's accounts and asked more questions!"

After saying this, he shrugged at Susan and smiled bitterly: "You see, right? I still think people are too kind."

"After all, there are only a few evil people, and the majority are good people."

Susan took the opportunity and said: "As long as you are willing to help, kind people will always make up the majority. In this way, kind people like you who want to take the right path will have hope and a future."

"Where were you when I first wanted to take the right path?"

The bald old accountant had a sneer on his lips: "Why didn't you show up to help me, a kind person like me?"

"That's a remnant of an era."

Susan shook her head: "Let's put it aside for now, and now let's talk about asking you to help us help more kind people. This is not only helping them, but also helping yourself."


The bald old accountant sneered: "Here it comes, here it comes, here comes the classic trick. You are so harsh when asking for help. Those who don't know think that I am racking my brains to ask you, the 'Earth Ball Leader', for help." Why, if I don’t agree, will you fall out? If I don’t help you, I’m either being kind or extremely evil.”

"Mr. Sternberg, don't get excited."

Susan said calmly: "I'm just stating a fact. This time we come to find you, and the news will soon spread to those people. Helping us is helping yourself."

"Did you think you were the only one who found me in these forty years?"

The bald old accountant said: "Threatening me with this unscrupulous method, do you know what a good habit I learned in a large accounting firm is? That is, a large accounting firm will interact with a large law firm. For clients, one helps with accounting, and the other helps with legal disputes, a powerful alliance. Although I am no longer in a large accounting firm, my place also has strong enough legal resources. Even if you are from the IRS, if I don't have enough evidence, and I can't use your robber-like logic to force me to 'help' you."

Seeing that the bald old accountant was a little extreme towards them and unable to cooperate, Susan frowned: "Times have changed and people's minds have changed. In the past, they might have trusted you enough to give you a chance to prove your loyalty, but now you are old and have a weak heart. Maybe it has become softer, at least they may have this suspicion, so do you dare to bet?"

The bald old accountant's expression changed slightly. He was silent for a long time and looked at Chuck: "Dr. Wolfe, if it were you and me, what would you choose?"

"I wouldn't be faced with that choice."

Chuck said calmly: "Because I would never choose this path from the beginning. Liu Bei, Xuanyuan Broken Finger, and Ouyang Feng. The real most intolerable person is Ouyang Feng, because once he gets involved, it will be irreversible. Organic disease spreads, destroying not just one person, not just one family, but the whole world. With your ability, as long as you are willing, you can still stand out even if you don't work for the Ouyang Feng Group, but you are obviously better. If you want to take shortcuts and don't want to suffer any setbacks, and you like comedy, then you should know that all comedy masters are people who have suffered the hardships of life and still never forget their original intentions."


The bald old accountant was silent.

Although he was a bit dissatisfied with Chuck's "persuading others to be kind without suffering others' suffering", he understood that what Chuck said did make sense.

Take his favorite Deborah Vance as an example. Deborah was a huge hit back then and was on the cover of Time Magazine. She will soon have her own talk show on a prime time TV station. This will be the first Female stand-up comedians receive this honor.

It's a pity that everything stopped on that night. After recording the pilot episode, Deborah Vance discovered that her husband was having an affair with her best friend and her biological sister.

So she burned down her husband's house and left with their several-year-old daughter.

Because the impact was so bad, the pilot episode of the talk show's debut was directly sealed, the talk show also became obsolete, and the bright future disappeared. Deborah Vance could only come to Las Vegas and start over from here. Performing talk shows for tourists who come here lasts for more than 30 years, and his influence is greatly limited. It is completely different from being a nationally or even world-famous TV talk show star.

Even so, decades have passed and Deborah has made a lot of money. There is no need for Deborah, who is forced by life. Even if she is ridiculed, the hotel owner is an old friend who limits the number of appearances and mocks her for the money she has earned for him. Money is not as good as lobster, so she cosplayed as a lobster advertisement, but she still used all means just to keep her stage.

This breaking point in life is so similar to him.

As the most loyal old fan, the bald old accountant knew everything, which was one of the reasons why he liked her the most.

Maybe he couldn't do it, so he looked at Deborah Vance as if he was looking at his alternative life after the different choices in his life.

"If there's nothing else, I'm going back."

The bald old accountant forced a smile.

"this is my name card."

Susan handed over her business card: "If you have any questions, please contact me."

The bald old accountant didn't even look at her. He nodded to Chuck and walked out slowly.

"Let's go."

Susan was not impressed by the bald old accountant's disregard for her. She put away her business card and called to Chuck: "The next step is to see if they trust each other enough."


Instead of going straight out, Chuck walked backstage.

"where you go?"

Susan was stunned.

"Go get the tape of tonight's talk show."

came Chuck's calm voice.

Susan was stunned, then quickly followed, and said thoughtfully: "Do you want to study his psychology through video and make targeted breakthroughs?"


Chuck shook his head: "I just wanted to make a copy of the tape and take it home to show to my friends."

Tourists are not allowed to record stage shows in Las Vegas. This ensures that they can only be seen if they come to Las Vegas. This is a means to attract tourists.


Susan's mouth twitched.

She also heard Chuck talk about the friend Deborah Vance mentioned on stage before, who was the friend's former father. The weird jokes he made were all based on the real family experiences of the friend Chuck mentioned.

So is this friend really a friend?

She seriously doubted it.

Or is this the treatment you get from being a friend to someone like Chuck?

All right.

This is also very possible.


Luckily she wasn't going to be his friend.

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