American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 135: If you throw away your hands, you will be a big loser

Under Susan's command, the FBI arrested everyone in the Gambino family headquarters and sealed the headquarters. The subsequent identification department will enter to collect more evidence.

"Well done!"

Susan looked at Chuck who stepped aside and came over, and had to praise him.

If Chuck hadn't rescued the bald old accountant, this arrest would have been meaningless. As Mr. Gambino Jr. said, their business was all handled by large accounting firms like Drybeck.

Professional accounting people have already dealt with what needs to be done, leaving no room for the IRS to get angry.

"I know."

Chuck said bluntly: "You don't need me to teach you how to do it next, right?"


Susan twitched her lips: "No need."

There is already a key figure, a bald old accountant who is willing to cooperate. If the subsequent cases cannot be solved, then how can she be considered an elite IRS financial crimes agent?

"very good."

Chuck nodded: "Then I'm leaving. Remember to inform me of the follow-up results."

"Where are you going?"

Susan subconsciously stopped Chuck. Seeing Chuck stop and look over, she quickly explained: "I mean, you have nothing to do anyway, so why not continue to follow up on this case."

"There is no technical content behind it, and following up is a waste of time."

Chuck shook his head: "And I have something to do!"

"Do you have one?"

Susan smiled: "What can happen to you? It's not like you just flew over from Las Vegas and you have to fly back again, right?"

In her eyes, it was a blessing for someone like Chuck to meet Jane. There would be no other friends, and he would be alone when he returned home.


Chuck looked at her: "There's something wrong with your memory. I told you to give Deborah Vance's videotape to my friend."

"I remember."

Susan said seriously: "But I have serious doubts about your definition of friend."

"Is there anything else, my friend?"

Chuck said calmly.


Susan's mouth twitched.

She just said that there is indeed something wrong with the friend Chuck mentioned!

Chuck is gone.

Monica's apartment.

"Is that playboy coming again?"

Ross curled his lips in displeasure as he watched his sister Monica fall into a cleaning frenzy again.

"His name is Chuck, not Joey!"

Monica said angrily.


The handsome Italian guy Joey was very happy that he was cueed. He pursed his lips and nodded, looking like he was a playboy and he was proud of himself.

"Chuck is still very manly and has a dry sense of humor..."

Chandler sat there and muttered to himself, and then he felt something was wrong. When he looked up, he saw everyone looking at him, and immediately laughed at himself: "Did I speak too loudly?"


This was supposed to be something I muttered from my heart, not something others could hear.

Everyone gave him a blank look.

"Monica, please help me urge Chuck. The handsome young scientist he wanted to introduce to me last time is still nowhere to be seen."

Phoebe muttered, then shut up under Monica's glare: "I'm not in a hurry."

"You should be thankful to God that you can stay here, and you're still holding on to that handsome young scientist?"

Monica complained: "Last time, I haven't completely confirmed whether you are clean or not..."

Phoebe listened submissively at first, but when she saw Monica chattering incessantly and talking about Shushu, her mood suddenly rose. She stood up and shouted: "You already went to my apartment last time. I got rid of my rats and completely cleaned my apartment, what else do you want? Do I have to take off my clothes for you to check before you can safely let me see Chuck?"

With that said, he started to lift his clothes.

"Phoebe, don't do this."

When Rachel saw it, she quickly reached out and held Phoebe's hand.

She had no doubt that Phoebe was capable of taking off her clothes in public.

"Rachel, don't stop me."

Joey shouted dissatisfied: "Let Mr. Buffy argue with Monica. I've already seen Monica's paranoia and I'm not happy about it."

After saying that, he looked at Phoebe and Monica with bright eyes and smiled.

Women fighting has always been the most beautiful picture in his imagination. This is not because he has a problem, but because there is such a sacred rule in the brothers' code: a qualified brother, when he sees a woman fighting, not only cannot stop it, but he should also be the first to stop it. Immediately notify other brothers to come and take a look.

What's more, this is a more exciting scene than women fighting.

Rachel is obviously not a brother!

"Me too!"

Chandler agreed with a smile.

Joey immediately looked at his good roommate as if he was indeed a good brother.

Rose swallowed his throat and didn't dare to say a word, but his eyes said everything.


Monica glared at several men and compromised: "I believe you are fine, right?"

"This is what you said."

The anger on Phoebe's face disappeared instantly, and she put down the hand that had been trying to lift her clothes, and said with a smile: "Don't hold on to this again next time, or I will ask Chuck to come and check me in front of me Do I have woodlice on my body? You know, he is the most professional."

"Okay, that's enough!"

Monica immediately raised her hand to indicate that the topic was over.

Chuck's other experimental subjects were enough to upset her, but at least she couldn't see them out of sight. If she let her best friend get involved, her life would be unbearable.

This is not unfounded.

Her two best friends, Phoebe and Rachel, have good faces and figures, and they are not vegetarians.

Let’s not talk about Rachel. She is more beautiful than her. In the past, she was the only one who envied Rachel’s male partner.

Phoebe is not a light-hearted person either. She once took over her ex-boyfriend instantly.

These are all criminal records.

She should not take the jokes coming from their mouths entirely as jokes and should be careful.

Boom, boom, boom.

Boom, boom, boom.

Boom, boom, boom.

There was a rhythmic knock on the door, and the six old friends said in unison: "He's here!"

Monica glanced at everyone threateningly, straightened her clothes and hair and went to open the door: "Chuck, you're here."

"I am coming."

Chuck walked in and nodded to the others.

"Where have you been recently?"

Rachel smiled and asked, "I haven't seen you for a while."

"Las Vegas."

Chuck told the truth.

"Las Vegas?"

Everyone shouted in unison.

Compared to Rachel and the others' envy, Chandler's eyes shrank.

"You went to Las Vegas?"

Monica's smile was a little forced. It was a resort and she had always wanted to go there but hadn't been there yet.

Who did Chuck go with?

"Working on the case."

Chuck nodded and took out a video tape from his pocket, which instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"You're not going to make a video of your visit to Las Vegas and show it to us, are you?"

Chandler joked: "Then it's equivalent to us taking a trip?"

"I am about to make a movie with Al Pacino. When I become a big star, I will pay for everyone to go to Las Vegas together."

Joey said proudly.

"Did you get the part?"

Chandler said in surprise.


Joey proudly said: "My agent said they are very satisfied with me and think I am the most suitable."


"You're going to be hot!"

Everyone started congratulating Joey.

They all know that Joey is currently competing for a role in an important movie, and Joey's most admired actor is Al Pacino. Now that they see Joey succeeding, they are all happy for him.

"What role do you play?"

Ross asked curiously.

"Not sure yet."

Joey shook his head at first, and then said confidently: "But I believe it must be very revealing. This is an Al Pacino movie!"


Monica was perfunctory for a moment, then brought the topic back up, looking at Chuck expectantly: "I have never been to Las Vegas. This video will allow me to visit it in advance. I like it very much."

Now that he has brought all the video tapes back to show her, it seems that he is actually working on a case and not going to Las Vegas for an experiment with some experimental subjects.

"Not for you."

Chuck stepped away from Monica's outstretched hand.


Everyone was stunned.

"It's for you."

Chuck handed the tape to Chandler.


Although Chandler never expected it, he still joked to himself immediately: "I was just joking, I don't dare to become Monica's love rival."

Looking at Monica's knife-like eyes, he swallowed back the words 'that's going to kill people'.

"What Chuck gives you, you take it."

Monica said with a smile, "Look what it is?"

"Monica, don't do this."

Chandler felt uncomfortable all over and was too scared to pick it up.

"It's a tape of Deborah Vance's talk show."

Chuck did not let them continue to think about it and revealed the truth: "I remember Chandler said that he liked Deborah Vance, which happened to be where I was working on the case."

"So this is ah."

Monica's face looked much better.

It makes sense to bring a gift for a friend.

“Deborah Vance’s talk show?”

Chandler jumped up, took the videotape excitedly, and exclaimed exaggeratedly: "It's actually Deborah Vance's talk show?"

"Who is Deborah Vance? Are you so excited?"

Rachel said amusedly.

"Deborah Vance, famous stand-up comedian and in my eyes the greatest stand-up comedian."

Chandler exclaimed: "My dad took me to see it when I was a kid and it was so funny."

Seeing that everyone was unimpressed, he immediately added: "Let's put it this way, you think my words are humorous. Do you know why?"

"Because of your unfortunate family since childhood, you use jokes to protect yourself?"

Chuck said bluntly.


Chandler paused: "This is only part of the reason. The other reason is because I like Deborah Vance. I think she is my best role model because she is funny and humorous. Thank you so much, Chuck!"

"As long as you like it."

Chuck nodded.

"Open it quickly and take a look."

Everyone was also excited by what he said and urged.


Chandler took out the video tape and put it in the VCR to play it. Everyone sat together and watched Deborah Vance's talk show.

At first everyone was laughing.

Especially Chandler, who was laughing so hard that he was leaning forward and backward, but gradually the scene became quiet.

When the video ended, under the gaze of everyone, Chandler waved his hand and gave himself a big showdown.

"Teacher Bin, don't do this."

Chuck said calmly.

Seeing that Chuck didn't move, only trying to persuade him with a strange name in an emotionless voice, everyone said: "..."

PS: Pictures and movie sources of important characters are basically included in this chapter of Qidian. If you don’t know much about the characters, you can take a look.

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