American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 136 Waving middle finger

"Chandler, are you okay?"

Seeing that the scene was unusually quiet, not surprisingly, Monica spoke first, looking at Chandler with concern.

no way.

This is her personality, a passionate hostess type, and this incident was also caused by the videotape brought by Chuck.

It was her turn to come forward, both emotionally and rationally.

"What's wrong with me?"

Chandler laughed at himself: "I'm so good."

"your face."

Monica became more and more worried, pointing at Chandler's heavily scarred face.


Chandler touched his face, grinned and said, "I'm really fine."

"It's over, Chandler is crazy."

Joey also became worried: "Is there anyone in this world who slaps himself and gets a concussion?"

"Theoretically yes."

Chuck nodded: "As long as your hands are strong enough."

"That is not bad."

Phoebe smiled and said, "It seems like Chandler didn't have a concussion, because his hand strength is not as strong as mine."


Chandler was immediately unconvinced.

He is an eight-foot tall man. Although he has always been misunderstood as being gay, his hands are no less powerful than Phoebe, a girl.


Phoebe, the eldest sister who lived on the streets as a girl, is not afraid at all.

"Stop it."

Monica interrupted, giving Phoebe and the others a wink to stop irritating Chandler and save him some face.

As Chandler's old friends, they are aware of Chandler's strength, and the reason why Chandler laughs at himself is, as Chuck said, the unfortunate habit of using jokes to defend himself since childhood.

But there is a limit to jokes. If the limit is exceeded, no matter how funny Chandler is, he will completely break his guard.

Men look strong, but often their defenses only break in a moment.

"Chuck, you've gone too far."

Seeing that Monica and the others were ignoring the real cause, Ross angrily defended his friend: "How could you show Chandler this kind of video?"

"I don't have a little movie tape."

Chuck said bluntly: "It's not like you."


A certain doctor of paleontology who often visited small movie and video stores secretly was stunned.

"You are all overthinking."

Chuck said calmly: "When you first watched the video, you all laughed happily, which shows that you like this talk show very much. Later, Deborah Vance mentioned a friend and made fun of Chandler's family affairs. It's not that it's not funny, but you didn't dare to laugh because you heard that this was Chandler's family matter, and Chandler was laughing heartily from beginning to end, until the end, he was under your long and quiet and strange gaze. He stopped laughing, and then gave himself a big thumbs up. Ask Chandler, whether he did this because he couldn't afford the joke, or because he felt that he couldn't accept the joke under your pressure? "

Everyone looked at Chandler.


Chandler jumped up, as if he was enlightened: "I actually beat myself up for you!"

"You are quibbling!"

Ross felt that Chuck was just here to watch Chandler have fun and didn't believe Chuck's explanation at all.


Chuck looked at him: "Where did you know these things? Did Chandler learn it from his daily self-deprecation? And how did Deborah Vance know these secrets? It can only be Chandler's. Dad told her, since Chandler and the others broke the news about all these things, then who do you think can’t make this joke?”

"Public opinion is really powerful."

Joey's eyes lit up.

"Come on."

Phoebe curled her lips and said, "I talked about my mother's suicide and the sadness of me living on the streets since I was a child. I haven't seen you take my feelings into consideration like you do about Chandler's feelings."

Monica was silent for a moment, enduring it again and again, and finally couldn't help but yelled at Phoebe: "Can it be the same? How many times did you not tell these things to yourself that day? During the holidays or when you meet someone who needs help. Sometimes, you can even say it eight hundred times a day! How else do you want us to take your feelings into consideration?!"

"ok, ok."

Phoebe raised her hands in a gesture of surrender, then shrugged and said: "Chuck, I understand what you mean now, who can't take a joke anymore."


Monica almost died of anger.

"What the hell!"

Chandler touched his face, which was a little painful from being slapped by his big brother, and complained: "How could I do such a stupid thing."

"Because you are a born comedian."

Chuck said: "You have a special talent in comedy. You completely integrate comedy elements into every word and every move you make. You beat yourself up. Although it is abrupt, but aside from Ross's unreasonable accusations, you can pull away. The emotions are brought in from the perspective of the audience. This is actually a slightly exaggerated comedy. Some people need to rehearse in advance, but you use it naturally. This is the best talent, better than even the best actor."

"It really is!"

As a professional actor, Joey closed his eyes and followed Chuck's instructions to bring the audience in. He immediately pursed his lips and nodded with an expression of deep understanding.

I learned it, I learned it. This is the first trick I learned from a scumbag who came to New York after high school to pursue his dream of acting in the entertainment industry. He had no systematic acting training, other than playing a small role with his seniors on the set of TV series.


I learned skills from senior TV drama stars, such as how to recite lines by smelling farts. When you can't remember those complicated lines, you should first pretend to smell something special, and use this expression to attract the audience's attention, and then give yourself Memorizing lines delays time.

What I learned from following Chuck was the Tao!

"Do you really think so?"

Chandler looked at Chuck with great emotion, and for a while he didn't even feel the mark of Dabi Kabuto on his face.

You know, although he uses self-deprecation and ridicule as a defense, he does not use anything else to defend himself. This is because he particularly likes comedy, and making jokes and making people laugh seems to be his innate ability.

He once had a dream of becoming a professional comedian and would write down funny jokes he came up with almost every day.

Then he entered the computer industry.


There is no way, dreams always make way for life. A few years ago, it was the era when the Internet was booming. Like countless young people, he poured into this industry with unlimited prospects.

Dreaming back at midnight, he thought about his dreams more than once. He thought that if his family were not so weird, his parents had not divorced, and his mother, a world-class Liu Bei novelist, had not remarried and divorced again and again, he would have squandered all the money he earned. He has had a male servant since he was a child. With a prosperous life, he doesn't have to give up his dreams due to the pressure of life.

However, he often quickly gave up these thoughts, because although he has not embarked on the dream path of a professional comedian, although he is often appreciated by his boss, he gets slapped on the butt, and he obviously doesn't like to lose it, but he takes the initiative to beg for it, and He doesn't like this job but has to do it, which is like Stockholm syndrome. Although he accumulates a lot of interesting jokes every day and is often misappropriated by his good friend Ross, who even uses his jokes to submit to magazines, he really likes it. This feeling of being surrounded by a group of old friends.

Jokes are for laughter, as long as you laugh, nothing else is important.

Even though he had already unconsciously looked away from his dream, he was still excited when Chuck said that he was a talented professional comedian.

This is a heavy recognition from a person of extremely high level!

"of course not."

Facing Chandler's moved gaze, Chuck shook his head naturally: "I have already said that Ross's unreasonable accusations aside, it means that although Ross's accusations are unreasonable, they are facts and the key. I am just providing you with a In addition to teasing you, why can't you grasp the point of the reasonable explanation you may need?"

Everyone: "..."

"I'll just call him a cold-faced comedian!"

Chandler, who had been silent for a long time, jumped up again, waved his fingers, and pointed out a fact emotionally.

This is also one of his classic exaggerated moves. He is not the only one who knows this move. Ross and Joey are both good at it. When faced with a surprising scene, they will jump up and wave their fingers to deepen the emotional appeal. .

Very normal.


Of course, it would be more harmonious if the finger Chandler waved this time was not his middle finger.


When Rachel saw this, she held her stomach and laughed.

Phoebe and the others also laughed, and the scene became cheerful again.

"Okay, stop making trouble."

Monica held her forehead.

Chandler was always a funny person, and now coupled with Chuck, a cold-faced comedian, the jokes seemed to be endless. If this continued, her life would become a joke.

This is not funny at all.

In the apartment, Ross was the only one with a dark face: "Since you said what I said is the truth, why do you still say that I am making unreasonable accusations?"

"Because you are making unreasonable accusations."

Chuck said bluntly: "The unreasonableness here means that there is not enough power to convince people with reason."

"I have no power?"

Ross rolled up his sleeves unconvinced: "I kept winning the Gaeller Cup rugby championship when I was a kid. Well, rugby doesn't have power yet?"

"runner up!"

Monica smiled bitterly without lifting her forehead, and directly corrected: "I have always been the champion!"

The rugby Gaeller Cup is actually played between Ross and Monica, brother and sister, either the champion or the runner-up.

"I bet you can't beat Phoebe."

Chuck said calmly.


Ross was so angry that he laughed: "You mean I can't even beat Phoebe? You're so humiliating!"

"Have it?"

The eldest sister, Phoebe, said with a smile.

"Of course!"

Ross said excitedly: "Phoebe, I'm not targeting you, I'm just really not angry with him for looking down on me like that. You are a girl after all. We paleontologists also have to go to archaeological sites frequently. In fact, you are not as weak as you think, oh!"

After saying this, he suddenly screamed out in pain, but it was Phoebe who reached out and pinched Rose's ear.

"What did you say?"

Phoebe put her other hand to her ear, as if listening.

Ross: "..."

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