American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 14 The three Chaoying brothers and sisters, you are just a Hello Kitty

"What's going on here?"

When Chuck and Hailey appeared at the door of the villa, Bran, who had been looking over here, saw it immediately, and then ran out in surprise: "Are you okay?"


Haili didn't want her mother to worry, and was afraid that her mother would stop her from asking her brother for useful techniques in the future, so she endured the pain in her body and smiled heartily.

But before she finished speaking, her smile froze.

Because the mother Bran’s first reaction was not to see her, who was obviously injured, but to Chuck.

Even if she is smart, knows human nature well, and understands her mother's subconscious guilt and compensation for doing this.

But knowing it is one thing. When faced with such a strong contrast, even she couldn't help but feel a little unhappy: "Mom, I'm still quite fleshy, so Chuck's hand doesn't hurt."

"What nonsense are you talking about? It will still hurt no matter how fleshy you are."

Bran didn't look back and replied very motherly.


Seeing her own mother become a stepmother, Hailey could only turn to the bald director who came out of the study after hearing the noise.

"This is what you strongly requested, isn't it?"

Although the bald director felt sorry for his daughter, he couldn't help but stab the black-hearted little cotton-padded jacket.

"This life is unbearable."

Haley pretended to look at Chuck and lamented.

Chuck ignored her and went upstairs.

"Is this a real beating?"

The bald director came over to support his daughter. After taking a closer look, he immediately took a breath and his face changed drastically.

"What do you think?"

Hailey complained: "Co-author, do you think we are joking? Even if future dangerous elements will joke with me, do you think Chuck is the kind of person who is willing to joke around?"

"do not talk."

The bald director felt distressed and angry at the same time: "You talk about danger and gunfire, how can you get to that point? Even if you move to Washington, DC, the area where our home is is an absolutely safe area. You are simply looking for trouble." ! Bran, you help her in, and I’ll go talk to Chuck.”

"Never say absolutely!"

Seeing that her father was really angry, Hailey quickly grabbed her father who was about to go to Chuck to argue, and said with a smile: "Absolutely safe places do not exist at all, and do you want me to stay at home all the time? I will go to college in the future." what to do?"

"You deserve to be hurt to death!"

The bald director wanted to ask what this had to do with the university, but when he caught a glimpse of his daughter's eyes, he was worried that he would hear another violent argument that would not only make him unable to listen but also make his wife extremely worried. He could only swallow the words that came to his mouth. He cursed sadly.

"I'm going to find some medicine to apply."

At this time, Bran finally began to care about the real injured, and trotted off to find medicine.

The bald director carefully helped his daughter sit up, and after Bran came with the medicine, he lifted up his clothes a little, and the couple's expressions changed again.

Just now they saw that their daughter was still joking and talking back, and they thought that even if the injury was not severe, when they saw that the originally white and tender skin was already bruised and swollen, they were shocked and shocked.


The bald director shouted loudly.


Although Bran also felt sorry for his daughter, when he saw that her husband was furious and seemed to be angry at Chuck, he immediately comforted her husband.

She didn't want her poor son, who was finally found, to be separated from the family.

"Don't worry, these injuries only look serious."

Hailey held on to her father tightly and said with a smile: "Chuck is really powerful. He strikes in a measured way. This is exactly the effect I want."


The bald director was not moved at all this time. Although he did not throw away his daughter, he still shouted loudly upstairs.

"use this!"

Chuck had already cleaned up and walked down with a bottle of medicine. Ignoring the furious bald director and the somewhat gloating Hailey, he gave the medicine to a worried-looking Bran: "You follow me and learn how to use massage." Assists in the release of medicinal properties.”

With that said, he motioned for Hailey to sit down, then applied the ointment on the palm of his hand, and while slowly massaging the bruises, he calmly introduced Bran to how to do the massage.

Bran took notes, asked questions, and tried from time to time.

Haili bared her teeth from time to time, but she always praised it: "This ointment is a bit interesting, it doesn't look like a commercial product."

"It's a private secret specially formulated to treat such injuries."

Chuck nodded and said, "It works wonders."

When the bald director saw this, he was so angry that he couldn't let it out, and he felt very uncomfortable holding it in.


Bran imitated and suddenly burst into tears.

"what happened again?"

The bald director said helplessly: "I'm not angry again."

"That's not it."

Bran cried, "It's so hard Chuck."

The bald director and Hailey: "..."

Are you serious?

Who is hurt and who is in pain?

"Chuck, you still use this?"

Bran ignored the speechless father and daughter and looked at Chuck with great self-blame and pity: "Are you often injured? Otherwise, why do you always have this?"

The bald director was stunned for a moment, and then he understood the reason why Bran was crying.

“Be prepared.”

Chuck didn't mean to explain more.

Although he has passed the stage of being tempered, sometimes he still needs to use these ointments for treatment.

After he made money for this kind of miraculous ointment, he spent a lot of money to buy up almost all the supplies and store them for later use.

After massaging for a while and teaching Bran the basics, Chuck let Bran do it while he went up to wash his hands.

Not to mention brothers and sisters, we should also pay attention to the distinction between men and women. Even he himself really doesn't like to have more contact with others.

I almost overdosed today.


"This ointment is really good. Can you give me a little more?"

Hailey was lying on the bed and asked with a smile when she saw Chuck coming in.


Chuck nodded.

This sister is not peaceful at first glance. She will definitely be beaten and injured in the future. This kind of miraculous ointment really needs to be kept on hand.

"I have a friend who is a doctor. If you want to study medicine, I can introduce you to him."

Chuck looked at her.

"There's no rush at the moment."

Haili thought for a while and smiled: "You didn't say that, don't pretend too much. I went to study with your doctor friend when I was only 13 years old. It's really eye-catching."

"That's fine."

Chuck agreed.

Moreover, that doctor friend has a bad temper, which even ordinary people can't stand.

"I heard that I have a brother?"

Haley lay there, looked at Chuck for a while, and suddenly said: "What is he like? Is he the same as us?"

Chuck thought of the current situation of the brother he had not seen for many years, and said after a moment of silence: "His name is Frank. If you don't want your mother and Mr. McGough to be scared, don't ask about him in the future, and don't try to track him down."

"Looks like us."

Hailey couldn't help but smile.

She always knew she was abnormal and worked hard to hide it.

But now it seems that she is not lonely at all. She still has relatives who can reveal her true self without surprising or worrying her.

This is awesome.

"no the same."

Chuck corrected and reminded: "In comparison, you are just a Hello Kitty at best."

Hailey: "..."

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