American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 141 The clown is actually me!

"Is it okay to speak human words?"

Susan complained: "You can't even do anything?"


Chuck shook his head: "Your IRS was engaged in telecommunications fraud by a customer service staff with an Indian accent. This was the first thing Mr. McGough thought of recommending to me when he knew I liked interesting cases. But after a little research, I chose Give up."


Susan was puzzled: "I know it's not friendly to women and there are no partners strong enough for me to trust. I really don't dare to go there, but shouldn't you be afraid of this?"

"You're wrong. Gender has never been an issue over there, and race is even less of an issue."

Chuck said: "The reason why I gave up directly was not because of what you think, but after figuring out their criminal chain, I knew that there was no way to investigate it. The real criminals all stay in India, and you have never been there. , you don’t know the situation there at all. As soon as you get close, people will be watching you, and then everyone will become your enemy. So what if you catch someone? If you catch one person today, there will be ten or hundreds of them tomorrow. Talented people More and more, the amount of money being defrauded will only get bigger and bigger.”


Susan was speechless, and after a while she was unconvinced and said: "Then according to what you said, don't handle any cases, because all cases are not isolated cases, they all happened one after another, and they continued Repeating."

“That’s why I mainly get involved in novel and interesting cases.”

Chuck said calmly: "The rest has nothing to do with me."


Susan said angrily: "In your eyes, as long as our insistence on investigating the case is not interesting, doesn't it mean nothing?"

"For me, yes."

Chuck nodded: "For most people, yes."

Susan still wanted to refute, but when she met Chuck's eyes, she suddenly thought that although she had won the case, at most the IRS had collected a large amount of taxes. For the Gambino family, it was just a loss. A large amount of money does not break the bones. You can still do what you should do. For ordinary people, it is still the same as you should do. There is really no difference, and you can't help but feel a little unmotivated.

At this time, Chuck's phone rang, and it was Monica calling: "Chuck, come here quickly, Mr. Huck is dead."

"I'll come now."

Chuck agreed, nodded to Susan, and left.

"This guy."

Susan looked at Chuck's leaving back, shook her head, gathered her mood, and left.

Downstairs from Monica's apartment, Mr. Huck's apartment, a group of people gathered here.

When Chuck came over, the door was already open, and a group of old friends were inside looking at the pile of messy things and complaining.

"Chuck, you're here."

Monica saw Chuck standing at the door and hurriedly greeted him: "How dare you imagine that Mr. Huck passed away."

Having said this, she approached Chuck and whispered: "I heard that he was still holding a mop when he died. The administrator thought he was sweeping the floor, and Rachel suspected..."

"I asked, it was sudden cardiac death."

Chuck shook his head: "A very normal way to die."

On the way here, he called Detective Amy Santiago to check it out.

"They say I am so happy."

When Chandler heard this, he immediately joked: "Now is the real happiness~death~"


Monica gritted her teeth and glared at Chandler: "Are you still making such a joke at this time?!"

"Feel sorry."

Chandler reached out to his mouth and pulled it, making a zipper gesture.

"What makes me feel even more uncomfortable is that Mr. Huck actually left his inheritance to us."

Monica said with mixed emotions: "I always thought Mr. Huck hated us..."

"He really hates us. In his will, he called us the girls who live upstairs and make a lot of noise. You are No. 1 and I am No. 2."

Rachel answered: "What's more important is that the inheritance has no money at all."

"That's true."

Monica looked around: "But even though they are all garbage, he did not choose to leave these to his twin brother in New Mexico, but to us. What does this mean?"

"It means he loves his brother."

Rachel complained: "So he doesn't want to trouble his brother and came all the way just to inherit this garbage dump? Who would? Unless his brother is a garbage collector, otherwise this is the heavy love of his brother."

At first, she was extremely touched that Mr. Harker, who had always been at odds with them, actually left them an inheritance. She immediately asked the key question: "Now let's talk about money."

But unfortunately, the lawyer who came instantly shattered her expectations, because Mr. Huck didn't keep a penny.

This made her moved instantly.

Although she suspected that Mr. Huck's death was related to them, she was not the only one who stamped her feet and made noise. It was originally because of Chuck and Monica.

Besides, when these things didn't happen, they gathered normally without making any noise, and Mr. Huck would find trouble for no reason from time to time.

So it was just an accident and she didn't think it was their fault.


Monica interrupted dissatisfied: "This shows that he loves us. Although he often comes to us for trouble, it is actually because he is too lonely and wants to communicate with the outside world. He pokes the ceiling and we stamp our feet in response. For him, It’s just a kind of communication, so poor Mr. Harker.”

"Using a stick to communicate sounds very familiar~"

Chandler couldn't help but laugh at Chuck and Monica.


Monica was completely speechless and just looked at Chandler with murderous eyes.


Phoebe came out of the room, holding a notebook in her hand: "Look! Mr. Huck has recorded everything."

"I am Kangkang, I am Kangkang."

Chandler quickly escaped from Monica's death gaze, ran over and took the notebook from Phoebe's hand, opened it and read: "April 26, huge noise, the Italian guy came back with a new partner, haha, it's really Remember the details."


Phoebe stood behind him and smiled.


Chandler glanced at it and his smile suddenly froze, but when he met Phoebe's half-smiling gaze, he was good at self-deprecation and simply read out: "April 29th, loud noise, Italian gay roommate bought Got the dryer.”

"Mr. Harker really recorded everything and did it in such a humorous way."

Phoebe said with a smile.

"Come on! Is this considered humorous?"

Chandler said unhappily: "Humor comes from people like me, not from Mr. Huck who keeps a straight face all day long..."

After saying this, he couldn't go on because Chuck looked at him expressionlessly.

"Well, you can be dry and humorous with a straight face, but Mr. Harker is definitely not one of them."

Chandler immediately spoke smoothly.

"It's really hard to say."

Ross also took a large photo album from the inner room and walked out. He glanced at Chuck, shook his head and said, "There is nothing special about having a straight face and a sense of humor. Many people are like that, including Mr. Huck!"


Chandler didn't believe it at all.

"Look if you don't believe me."

Ross unfolded the large photo album in front of everyone and read out the signatures of his classmates on the album: "Huck, you can make me laugh even in nature class. You are the funniest kid in the school."

"The funniest?"

Chandler yelled, "That's impossible!"

"If you don't believe it, look, he was quite cute when he was little."

Phoebe reminded.

Chandler grabbed the photo album, flipped through it, and commented: "It's not cute, it can only be considered normal... Hey, he was actually chosen as the class clown, and so was I."

After saying this, he looked a little off, and continued to scroll down: "He plays the recorder in the orchestra, and so do I. He is a member of the model club, and so do I."

At this time, there was noise from upstairs. Everyone looked up and Chandler murmured: "This noise is really loud."

Seeing the noise coming one after another, Chandler picked up the mop impatiently, looked in the direction of the sound and poked at the ceiling.


Phoebe covered her mouth, looked at Chandler in disbelief, and pointed at Chandler: "Mr. Huck is upper body."

She believed in those gods and ghosts the most, and she often felt that the ghosts of the deceased old people were possessing her.


Chandler reacted belatedly, threw away the mop that Mr. Huck was holding before he died, and shouted in horror: "OMG! I am Mr. Huck!"

"I think you should say mom!"

Chuck corrected and reminded.


Everyone burst into laughter.

In fact, this is a habit of Chandler. When he is surprised, he likes to shout "ba", which is not dad's dad, but just a syllable that expresses surprise.

But when Chuck said this, the meaning was completely different. It immediately reminded everyone of Chandler's weird family. It seems that Chandler really has no father now and only has two mothers.

"I know what happened. It must be Mr. Harker's spirit."

After Phoebe smiled, she nodded repeatedly, and then waved to Chandler: "Hi, Mr. Huck, are you okay?"

"It's not that Mr. Harker has a crush on me, it's that I'm simply another Mr. Harker."

Chandler shouted: "Look at our interests and hobbies, look at what others say about us, remember Janice? Every time we broke up, she would say, Chandler Bing, you will die alone like this, OMG!" Mr. Huck’s present is my future, and Mr. Huck is myself!”

"Not exactly the same."

Chuck shook his head.

"What's the difference?"

Chandler laughed at himself: "If you want to say that I'm more handsome than him, then don't say it. I know, it doesn't affect the outcome."


Chuck said bluntly: "Mr. Huck poked the ceiling with the mop, and you most likely did the opposite."


Everyone laughed again.

"But it's the same for you."

Monica looked at Chandler mockingly: "It's all happiness~dead, huh?"

Chandler: "..."

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