American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 145 Accompany you to face your emotional troubles and help you resolve the depression in you

"Chuck, stop it, this is too much."

Monica felt a little sorry for her brother, but she also complained in her heart.

This is not the first time.

When she met Chuck for the first time at the farm, she found that her brother and Chuck were not getting along. At that time, she advised her brother not to compete with Chuck.

Later, she and Chuck got closer, and she also discovered that Chuck was petty. Every time after being provoked by her brother, he would come back with wave after wave of insults, making him unable to stand down, so she tried to persuade her brother again.

Don’t be too addicted to food!

"Ross is not a perverted criminal."

"I didn't say that, you misunderstood."

Chuck shook his head.

"Rose, did you hear that? This is all a misunderstanding!"

Monica immediately smoothed things over with an exaggerated smile.

Unfortunately, all she got in response was Ross's angry glare.

If he didn't dare do this to Chuck, wouldn't he dare to be angry with his sister?

And if it wasn't for the fact that his sister didn't love herself so much and had to take the initiative to send her to him, why would this annoying guy always appear in front of him, and it would be so uncomfortable to criticize him.

"Not to the level of a perverted criminal."

Chuck glanced at Ross: "In that case, I would not recommend Dr. Beverly Hofstadter, but would only recommend you to read Jim Gideon's book, in the field of serial killers, He is professional."


Everyone was speechless.


This is the misunderstanding in your mouth.

"Ross and your little cousin don't have the guts."

Chuck ignored everyone's expressions and continued: "So this pervert is usually just as obscene as a pervert, but not perverted and criminal."

"I'm not vulgar!"

Ross yelled: "I won't lead anyone bad!"


Rachel, who knew in high school that her best friend Monica had a crush on her brother, also didn't believe it: "Although Ross is a little weird, he is not obscene if he takes the infatuated route."

Phoebe couldn't help but smile, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"What's wrong?"

Rachel looked at Phoebe in confusion: "Am I right?"

"Ah, yes, yes."

Phoebe said holding back a laugh.

Last year, Ross had been cheated on by his lesbian ex-wife, and she and he almost had a scene downstairs on the pool table in the bar that was not a café at the time.

I didn't think it was anything before, but now based on what Chuck said, Ross was not divorced at that time. He had just found out that his wife had cheated on him. When she comforted him, he immediately became excited. Now that he thinks about it, it seems a little wrong. .

Especially when Rachel said that Ross was taking the infatuated route, she felt a little want to laugh for no reason.

"Monica, does your little cousin like comics?"

Chuck ignored Rose's incompetent rage, just looked at Monica and asked the question of his soul: "Do you like Wonder Woman?"


Monica's mouth twitched, speechless.

How could you not like it!

Her brother Ross seemed to like these the best too.

"That's not me influencing him!"

Ross said frantically: "His dad has all kinds of Wonder Woman comics and Playboy magazines..."

He couldn't go on anymore, but everyone looked at him strangely. Chuck calmly asked everyone the key question: "So how do you know?"

How do you know if you haven't seen it? If you have watched it and become like this now, like to secretly go to the video store to look for short movies and even have impulses and actions on your cousin, that just proves Chuck's point of view. Due to the influence of the environment, you have been exposed to these movies too early since childhood. Stimulation sources will continuously raise the stimulation threshold and further move away from normal people.

Rose was speechless.

He did go to his cousin's house when he was a child, where he discovered his uncle's collection, and then opened up a new world... But he is not a pervert!

"Don't worry."

Chuck said seriously: "Your situation is not serious. Go find Dr. Beverly Hofstadter. She will accompany you to face up to your emotional troubles and help you resolve the depression in your life."


The corners of Monica's mouth twitched.

Because of Peggy's relationship with Little Sheldon, she knew Beverly. Like Beverly, she still accompanies you to face your emotional troubles and helps you resolve the depression in your life?

I'm afraid that once I see her, I will be even more troubled and depressed.

She finally figured it out. When Chuck quarreled with others, he was really quarreling from outside to death, and her brother was also serious about it. Why did she have to offend Chuck!

A party ended in a hurry with Rose's livid face.

Monica secretly decided that in future gatherings, she would not call her Ross when Chuck was around, or she would not call him Chuck when Ross was around, so that her brother might be able to live a few more years.

Two days later.

Chuck's mountainside house.

Monica came over to spend the night and said to Chuck: "Tomorrow is the New Year. Can you come over and wait for the New Year's bell with us?"


Chuck shook his head: "I don't like parties, there are too many people."

"There aren't many people..."

Monica concealed it, but when she met Chuck's eyes, she couldn't continue.

Because as a passionate hostess and obsessive-compulsive disorder, she holds a New Year's party in her apartment every year. Everyone loves her party, so there are so many people coming every time.

This has been a habit for many years, and it is difficult for her to change.

But she really wanted to wait for the New Year's bell with Chuck, because there was a traditional rule that after the New Year's bell rang, she should kiss the person she loved next to her.

"Have you forgotten what I said to Rose?"

Chuck noticed Monica's thoughts and reminded her.

"Which sentence?"

Monica was puzzled.

“The negative impact of premature exposure to stimuli on the normal psychological development of young children.”

Chuck said: "The same is true for color comics, magazines, and novels, and the same is true for kissing in public. It may not matter in the eyes of adults, but for children who imitate everything from adults, this is the stimulation of a role model. After trying it too early, they will become It will continue to escalate and then get out of hand. Haven't you noticed that Western children are generally precocious? Perverts are the number one in the world. Once those serial perverted murderers are caught, they are treated like celebrities. The more perverted they are, the more popular they are. Some are ardent fans who want to give birth to children with a high probability of inheriting abnormal genes, and these fans are the product of psychological distortion."


Monica glanced at Chuck and couldn't help but think of Peggy who had been scaring her, and she didn't know what to make of her expression.

Strictly speaking, she seems to have some problems.

"Rose won't tell."

Chuck did not continue to accompany her to face her emotional difficulties, and concluded: "Chandler is the best example."

Because of the weird family and unscrupulous parents, look at what a child can be twisted into. Gay people are so gay that they can’t speak without making fun of them. They are always unable to have a normal relationship. When they get close to each other, they find each other. There is no reason to avoid him. If he hadn't taken the comedy route, he would have been another DC clown.

"Speaking of Chandler."

Monica suppressed the weirdness in her heart and complained: "He has been immersed in the fact that Mr. Harker is his future, and there is nothing we can do to persuade him."

"This is simple."

Chuck said, "Leave it to me."

"You're not going to introduce Beverly to him again, are you?"

Monica was a little worried.

Chandler is already depressed enough. If Beverly is asked to accompany him to face up to his emotional troubles and help him resolve the depression in his life, she is really worried that Chandler will go directly to a mental hospital.

"Need not."

Chuck shook his head.

"Then tell me first."

Monica was really worried when she thought that Chandler was often teased by Chuck: "Chandler really can't stand the teasing anymore. You know, on the day Mr. Huck died, didn't we go up first? He was the only one. We stayed in that room for a whole day. When Joey found out and we went over, he told us that he had been sorting out everything about Mr. Huck all day and found that they were so similar that he really didn’t want to be with him. Mr. Harker also died alone in an apartment, and he also said that he wanted to raise snakes, and then he would not be considered lonely even if he was eaten a hundred times after he died."

Seeing that Chuck had no reaction, Monica took a deep breath and said slowly: "This is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that in order to avoid this possible future, he actually picked up the phone and called Janice. O~M~G~!”

In the end, she had to imitate Chandler's famous ex-girlfriend Janice and let out an exaggerated and classic exclamation.

Chandler's ex-girlfriend, Janice, is well-known in her circle of friends for her weird laugh and exaggerated OMG accent. She is a figure that many old friends dislike very much.

Well, except Rose.

Every time Chandler dumped Janice, everyone was very happy. Every time the two got back together, they smiled in front of Janice, but felt sorry in their hearts.

"It's normal."

Chuck said calmly: "There is no new person coming, and it is normal to break up and get back together with your ex."

"...The most terrifying thing is that Janice came to see him with a pregnant belly."

Monica paused, then continued to sigh: "This completely defeated Chandler. He actually disliked Janice, otherwise he wouldn't have dumped her so many times, but Janice is his safety net, and he can be used whenever he needs it. When he was alone, he would look for Janice, and he would succeed every time. But this time Janice was not only pregnant, but also married. This was a fatal blow to Chandler, who had always thought he was Mr. Huck. , so you must stop making fun of Chandler now, and tell me first if you have any way."

Chuck stated his plan.


Monica showed that this was indeed the case and shook her head resolutely: "If you do this, Chandler will really go to a mental hospital."

"rest assured."

Chuck said calmly: "Although a man's defense only breaks down in an instant, there are always people who are special. They are truly born comedians. No matter what setbacks they encounter, they can always respond with humor. They are true comedy protagonists."

"You think too highly of Chandler."

Monica still shook her head, she felt that what Chuck said was an excuse to continue teasing Chandler.

"I'm talking about little Leonard."

"He's the real comic relief guy, but Chandler's not bad either, and he laughs it off after the laugh," Chuck said.


Monica looked at him uncertainly.

"Believe me."

Chuck said sternly: "I will accompany you to face up to your emotional troubles and help you resolve the depression in your life. In fact, I am also a professional."

Monica: "..."

Ps: Everyone said that the title of the book Accounting Assassin was not good, so I asked the editor to change it. How about it?

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