American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 159 Qingtian Wolf, Gongsun Chandler

"...Don't be ridiculous, I'm serious."

After Chandler was speechless for a while, he said seriously: "After hearing this case, the only sense of security left is completely gone. We should do something."

"It's not that we should do something, it's that the NYPD should do something."

Chuck said calmly: "This case is not complicated, it is very simple. The key is not whether you can do it, but whether you want to do it."

He didn't want to get involved in this case because it was different from ordinary cases. The American judiciary was completely unable to give this case a fair trial.

The six criminals are almost all characters who have been in and out of prison seven times. Even if they are new at the beginning, in the most powerful comprehensive college in the United States Prison, seven in and seven out are almost equivalent to graduate students in criminal practice at other universities. Guaranteed, I have obtained a more powerful doctorate in criminal practice.

The American judicial system is extremely tolerant of such 'talents'. Even if they are arrested, it is equivalent to going back to prison, their alma mater, for further studies. After they come out, they will probably all become doctoral supervisors in criminal practice.

It is too easy to solve the case. First of all, the comic book writer who has seen these criminals is still alive. He is also a painter, even a sketch artist. Secondly, considering the style of American law enforcement agencies that like to deploy undercover agents, it is really difficult to get some information. It's too simple. There might even be an undercover agent among these six people. Judging from the fact that there is no movement in the case now, this probability is still very high.

Because in addition to having a protective umbrella to prevent the detection of the case, the most likely reason is that these undercover agents have taken on the so-called "bigger target", and the art of trading made them choose to press the case.

Either way, Chuck didn't care.

In his opinion, what these heinous criminals need is not American art, but human punishment.

Someone will teach them how to behave.

Three hours' drive.

The three people arrived at the Parliament Building in Albany. They had been informed in advance and successfully entered the Parliament Building.

"OMG! It's so luxurious."

In the parliament hall, Chandler looked around and marveled.

"Kristen has been an intern here for 9 months. She came here at the beginning of her last semester. She was recommended by the school. I like her. She is cute, young and energetic. This is not a derogatory term. She works for the female senator."

The secretary introduced the situation he knew to Chuck and the others. As he was talking, Chandler had already touched the podium and picked up the gavel representing rights. He wanted to imitate the judge on TV and make the final decision.

"Don't do that!"

The secretary immediately stopped him.

"Feel sorry."

Chandler put it down calmly.

"Come down and I'll give you a podium and a gavel in your office."

Chuck looked at the top of Chandler's head and said seriously.

“It’s rumored that Christine is having an affair with the female senator’s husband?”

Detective Amy Santiago probed.

"Elliot Barson."

The secretary said: "He is the husband and staff of a female senator. We have heard this rumor, but no one believes it. There is no conclusive evidence to prove this."

"But the media doesn't think so."

Detective Amy Santiago looked at the secretary.

"Do you believe what the media says?"

The secretary looked at Detective Amy Santiago playfully: "If you have worked here as long as I have, you will have heard a lot of ridiculous things, but not many of them are true."

"Let's go meet the Senator."

Chuck spoke out.

"Thank you for your cooperation."

Detective Amy Santiago smiled at the secretary and followed Chuck to the female senator's office.

"The husband is his wife's staff, is that okay?"

Chandler complained: "That means that if I find a wife who is a congressman, I can directly participate in politics?"


Detective Amy Santiago smiled and said: "This is legal. As long as you can find a congressman wife, not to mention you can be a staff member, your children and their children's spouses can all be staff members."

"No need to bother."

Chuck said: "When you become a talk show star on the level of Deborah Vance in the future, it is not impossible to run for the leadership."

“Not everyone is President Reagan.”

Chandler shook his head and laughed: "Politics is played by elites after all, and there is only one President Reagan."

Chuck glanced at him and said nothing more.

You are still too young. The best way to be selected as a future commander is to become an actor first.

Chandler is now 26 years old. Thirty years later, he will only be 56 years old. He is in the prime of life and blessed with various passive tragic aura buffs. If he can become a nationally famous talk show actor in these thirty years, Gather the first batch of fans first, then there is really a lot to be done.


That’s right!

Chuck provides this kind of part-time job to Chandler. In addition to the fact that everyone likes to watch him tell jokes, it can soothe the nerves of Chuck and the others. The investment Chuck is talking about is not only the expected large return on investment in terms of money, but also More ideas.

What Chuck lacks most is imagination and logical deduction ability.

"Hello Senator Basson, I'm Detective Amy Santiago, NYPD, this is Dr. Chuck Wolf, consultant to the Bureau, and this is Chandler Bing, Dr. Wolf's assistant."

After meeting the female senator, Detective Amy Santiago nervously introduced herself.


The female senator nodded to the three of them, and her eyes quickly fell on Chandler: "Mr. Bing, who are you, Nora Bing?"


Chandler's mouth twitched and he said helplessly: "It's my mother. Does Senator Basson know her?"

"We know each other, we met at a cocktail party."

The female senator smiled and said: "Nora is a very outstanding woman, and you have a good mother."

"Haha, you are so funny."

Chandler smirked.

The female senator was stunned and didn't say anything. When a man came out of the inner room, she looked at Detective Amy Santiago: "This is my husband Elliot, Detective, is there anything we can do?" ?”

Detective Amy Santiago looked at Chuck subconsciously.

"Was there anything unusual about Kristen's behavior on the day she disappeared?"

Chuck asked.

"No, she was very happy. After finishing her work at six o'clock, she left."

said the senator's husband.

"Leaving after six o'clock."

The female senator corrected.


The husband of the female senator glanced at his wife and nodded.

"She has some problems at home."

The female senator hesitated to speak: "Her biological parents passed away, and her stepmother called her several times that day. She has always had a bad relationship with her stepmother."

"Typical Cinderella."

Chandler teased.

"What's the meaning?"

The female senator frowned.

After Chandler explained the Cinderella story, Chuck looked at the couple and said, "Now the question is, who is the prince?"

"Oh, please!"

The female senator immediately showed an unbearable expression: "We all know what you mean, let's open the skylight and speak frankly. If you want to know if she has had an abnormal relationship with Elliot, I can tell you clearly, no! These are all groundless rumors!”

"Come from nowhere!"

Chuck looked at the female senator: "The prince doesn't have to be him."

"What do you mean?"

The female senator's expression changed.

"Does he mean Kristen is intimately involved with someone else?"

Detective Amy Santiago was startled and quickly added: "After all, there are other staff in this parliament building."

"We don't know that."

The husband of the female senator continued: "After all, Kristen is just an intern and is not familiar with us. Her private contacts are all assistants and interns of other congressmen. These things will not be told to us. .”


Chuck nodded and stood up: "Thank you for your cooperation."

"Is this the end?"

The husband of the female senator was stunned.

"Christine's desk is outside, right?"

Chuck asked.


The female senator nodded.

Everyone left the inner office and came to the outer room. Chuck put on gloves and began to check Christine's things, and then ordered Detective Amy Santiago: "Pack all these and file them."


Detective Amy Santiago agreed and took action immediately.

"Did you find anything?"

the female senator asked.

“Christine is a collector.”

Chuck took out a vial from the drawer, filled with sand.

"She must have had one of these from every beach she visited."

Chandler sighed knowingly: "She really knows how to be romantic."

"Since she has such a personality, she must have collected her prince's things."

Chuck looked at the female senator and his wife: "Pack her things back and go to her apartment later. You will definitely find something."

Detective Amy Santiago packed her bags, loaded them into her car, and the three of them left the Capitol.

"Do you really doubt the female senator?"

Detective Amy Santiago said with a headache.


Chuck shook his head: "I'm sure it's her."


Detective Amy Santiago was puzzled.

"Because she is not an antisocial pervert, and her acting skills are not high enough."

Chuck said, "And it's unfounded."

"You mean the rumors are true."

Detective Amy Santiago wondered: "Did the female senator's husband really have an affair with Christine, and then the female senator killed Christine out of jealousy?"


Chuck shook his head: "The one who had an affair with Kristen was not the husband, but the wife."


Detective Amy Santiago and Chandler shouted in unison.

"What's so strange?"

Chuck said bluntly: "I said everything was groundless."

"How can this be seen?"

Detective Amy Santiago was shocked.


Chandler complained: "Less is much more hidden than gay. I haven't seen Ross in love and been married for so many years without any discovery."

"You told me."

Chuck looked at him.


Chandler was stunned.

"Yes, it's you!"

Chuck said seriously: "You have said before that you like the female senator the best. Doesn't this conclude?"

Chandler: "..."

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