American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 190 Jane: You are so familiar with the detective, isn’t it because of his daughter and niece

"Are there any criminals around here?"

Jane looked at Detective Rostenkoski: "Can you get the latest news on the nearby criminal circle?"

"You mean Scarlett sells calves?"

Detective Rostenkoski finally understood what Jane meant and shouted in disbelief: "No way!"

The chairman of the women's committee, who was the top housewife in the town, suddenly turned into a criminal. This turn of events was too big to be imagined.

"Detective, how do you explain the continued deposit of this large amount of cash?"

Jane looked at him in surprise. He clearly mentioned depositing large amounts of cash regularly, and everyone looked at each other knowingly.

"I thought……"

Detective Rostenkoski subconsciously wanted to say something, but he swallowed the words he spoke and waved his hands: "Forget it, I may have been wrong. You should be right."


Jane twitched the corner of her mouth and glanced at Chuck.

Chuck looked calm.

He knew what Detective Rostenkoski was thinking. He was not necessarily a criminal when he suddenly deposited large sums of cash on a regular basis. Compared with the identity of the deceased, it was more reasonable to go back to the past and engage in the profession with the oldest heritage of mankind.

Ordinary people, such as Hailey, the eldest sister in Alex's eyes, even if they are engaged in this ancient and inherited profession, they do not have the ability to make money as much as selling calves. After all, it is just a labor-intensive industry where you can earn hard money.

However, the career of the deceased’s husband and his status as the chairman of the women’s committee of the deceased gave him the opportunity to come into contact with a large number of wealthy and well-established people. With this status, he could earn a premium income comparable to calf trafficking.

It's just that death is the most important thing. Even if Detective Rostenkoski thinks of this, it's hard to say it in public without confirmation.

"Whether it is or not, just ask someone to find out."

It was difficult for Jane to break Detective Rostenkoski's male brain circuit, so she suppressed her complaints: "Detective, can you please invite that Gloria Pritchett to come in and have a chat?"


Detective Rostenkoski went out to invite him in person, just in time to relieve the discomfort caused by Jane's look just now.

"Do you think I'm right, or Detective Rostenkoski?"

Jane took advantage of this opportunity and couldn't help but complain to Chuck: "Is it true that men's first reaction is She Huang instead of She Du?"

"This is normal."

Chuck said calmly: "The emperor bets on the calf, the emperor is the oldest, and it also involves the need for reproduction, which is engraved in human DNA. Most people can not involve the bet and the calf, but they can hardly avoid an emperor. Character."

"It's really scientific and reasonable."

Jane rolled her eyes at Chuck who was too honest and calm.

The words may be true, but the taste always feels a little wrong.

"Gloria, this is Dr. Chuck Wolfe, the Bureau's consultant, and this is his assistant, Jane Banner."

Detective Rostenkoski led the Colombian girl, whose figure and Beth Bolander were childhood friends, in and introduced the two parties.

"Yeah, yeah, I know you."

Gloria pointed at Chuck excitedly: "You worked as an accountant for my husband Jay. He often talked about you and said you would be successful."

"Mrs. Pritchett."

Jane spoke up to draw attention to herself: "You are one of the members of the town's Women's Committee. You must be very close to Scarlet, right?"


Gloria's expression darkened: "I can join the Women's Committee only because of Scarlet. She is a very good friend and never discriminates against us outsiders."

Speaking of this, she said excitedly: "You must find out who killed her!"

"We will work hard."

Jian nodded and said, "Do you know what enemies Scarlet has?"

"She has no enemies."

Gloria shook her head: "Everyone likes her very much, except Claire, but there is absolutely no way it is Claire!"

"I heard that in addition to being a housewife and the chairperson of the Women's Committee, she also sells homemade jewelry part-time?"

Jane didn't dwell on whether Claire was the murderer or not and went straight to the point.


Gloria showed her side face to everyone: "Did you see it? These are the earrings made by Scarlet. They are very artistic. She is so talented. Such a good person represents my biggest fantasy when I came to the United States. But Why do we encounter such terrible things in a place like Ping'an Town? This is not Colombia, it should be very safe!"


Jane couldn't help but glance at Gloria's domineering figure, then glanced at Chuck, and said insincerely: "Many people come to settle in Ping An Town because of the word Ping An."


When Gloria saw Jane agreeing with her, she became even more excited. She waved her arms and glared to strengthen her tone: "This is not what I imagined America should be like at all!"

"Welcome to the real America."

Jian opened his hand: "By the way, how much does this earring cost?"

"You mean this one?"

Gloria touched her earrings, thought about it and said, "It's not expensive, only 20 US dollars."


Jane glanced at Chuck and Detective Rostenkoski and said tentatively: "It's so artistic and you like it so much. I thought it would be very expensive."

Gloria tilted her head and touched her earrings, smiling awkwardly but politely.

Everyone will understand.

You can get as much good words as you want without money, and there is no problem in spending a little money to support the Chairman's part-time job, but if they really have to spend a lot of money to buy these with the high premium of art, then I'm sorry, they can only be embarrassed and lose nothing. He smiled politely and said nothing.

No one is a fool!

Besides, if our Chairman really had such a high level of artistic accomplishment, people would have rushed to buy it. Why would they need to pay for it?

"A pair of earrings costs US$20, so other jewelry is almost in this price range?"

Jane looked at Gloria and said, "Even if this homemade jewelry is all profit, if you want to achieve an income of US$5,000, you still need to sell 250 pieces. Are there so many people in town buying it?"

"There aren't that many."

Gloria immediately shook her head.

Although Ping'an Town is not small and has many housewives and girls, not everyone is willing to spend this money.

Only those who met Scarlet often and were not short of money would be willing to spend money to buy or even buy a few more items.

But no matter how you calculate it, there can't be as many as 250 pieces.

"This is interesting."

Jane said meaningfully: "The volume of about 250 pieces is weekly and has been going on for several weeks, so the total volume may have exceeded a thousand pieces. Did you really not notice it at all?"


Gloria's eyes widened: "Even if we include the nearby towns, it's impossible to sell so many!"

"You are often with her. Do you think besides selling jewelry, what other part-time job can she have to earn so much cash?"

Jane looked at Gloria critically.

"Cash? So much?"

Gloria murmured a few words, then noticed Jane's gaze and stared: "Are you doubting me? Just because I'm from Colombia?!"

When she said this, she crossed her arms with her chest, matching the leopard print skirt and glaring expression on her body, showing her wild and ferocious nature: "In your eyes, anyone who comes from Colombia is a criminal, don't you! You think I am giving Si Carlite supplies calves and gives her so much cash income, right!"

"Don't get excited, I believe Assistant Banner doesn't mean that."

Detective Rostenkoski quickly smoothed things over: "Right, Assistant Banner?"

"I didn't mean that."

Jane was also a little confused. She just wanted to see if Gloria knew some inside information, so why did she get involved in this?

"Stop lying!"

Gloria's eyes widened, she waved her finger, pointed at Jane, and spat: "I'm very familiar with this look, this is discrimination! Oh, you are from abroad, so you are poor and ignorant, oh , you have a hot body but you married an old man, you must be greedy for his family property, oh, you come from Colombia where drug lords are rampant, so it must be related to the trade of cattle!

I'm done! This is all bullshit! Let me tell you, I am not afraid of you! My sister is also a police officer! He is still a senior detective in the Major Crimes Division of the NYPD 99 Branch. In this small place, he can be the kind of police chief! I will call her now to see if you also suspect that she is an undercover agent of the Colombian drug lord here! "

"Don't get excited."

Detective Rostenkoski said helplessly: "We really didn't mean it."

"Your sister is from the NYPD 99 branch?"

Chuck said, "Detective Rosa Diaz?"

"Do you know my sister?"

Gloria looked at Chuck in surprise while talking on the phone.

She didn't have any objections to Chuck, after all, Chuck never showed any emotion on his face from beginning to end.

"I have handled several cases in the NYPD 99 branch."

Chuck said, "Know her."

"That's even better."

Gloria glared at Jane: "Did you see that? I didn't lie to you! Let my detective sister tell you, you can't discriminate against us!"

"We really don't..."

Jane was speechless.

"Rosa, it's me! Your sister!"

The call was connected quickly. Gloria directly put on the external voice and spoke quickly to the other end of the phone. She was so excited that the Colombian dialect came out. Jane's head was dizzy when she heard it, and she couldn't help but look at Cha gram.

Spanish is spoken in Colombia, and Hispanics account for 14% of the population in the United States, almost as much as African Americans, and are the largest ethnic minorities.

Therefore, Spanish has also become a very important foreign language, especially for law enforcement officers. Knowing Spanish is even an important bonus in promotion exams.

Although Jane is not proficient in Spanish, she does know some Spanish, but Gloria has a strong accent. When she is excited, she speaks very fast, which makes it difficult for her, who is not proficient in it, to understand.

But she believed Chuck would understand.

"She's talking about it, in her eyes."

Chuck said concisely.

"Tell them, tell them!"

Gloria, who finally finished speaking, glared at Jane fiercely and pointed her cell phone at Jane.

"They didn't say anything wrong."

A cold female voice came from the other end of the phone: "You are too sensitive."


Gloria was stunned and shouted dissatisfied at the other end of the phone: "I'm your sister! You actually speak for outsiders instead of helping me?!"

"You married the man who was supposed to be your brother-in-law. Why didn't you say you were my sister then?"

On the other end of the phone, Gloria's sister Rosa said coldly: "I met Jay first. He was originally going to find me, but you came over instead."

"Now is not the time to talk about that."

Seeing the gossipy light flashing in the eyes of Jane and Detective Rostenkoski, Gloria's fierce momentum stopped, she took the phone back to her ear and stopped her voiceover: "Also, you are not interested in Jay either. .”

"I'm really not interested in him."

Rosa's voice could still be faintly heard on the other end of the phone: "He is an old man in his sixties, so what if he has some money? I'm afraid you have to find excuses to avoid him when you need him, otherwise you will definitely be You died in bed, your so-called true love, he simply can't bear it."

"He's not who you say he is at all!"

Gloria shouted angrily: "And since you don't care about it, why are you still lingering on this topic?"

But it was her sister's words that caused many images to flash through her mind, and she suddenly realized that no wonder after the marriage, her husband not only did not dislike her for bringing her ex-husband's son, but also cared for her son very much.

She was like a wolf in her thirties. Every time there was an overtime game, her husband would go out for a while and then come back for a few seconds to prepare for the overtime game. Her son would unconsciously walk in and talk about his school life. , so that she had to suppress her tiger and wolf heart and patiently chat with her son.

I didn't think much about it at first, but now that my sister pointed it out, I suddenly realized that this was clearly because my husband, who was as smart as a self-made man, was good at taking care of himself.

If I continue to think more deeply, is my husband also afraid that he will legitimately 'accidentally kill' him, and then inherit his inheritance and raise a pretty girl happily?

The key point is that she really said this in a sarcastic tone, but she didn't mean it at all. She really loved him as a person, but it was something else. She was simply too wronged.

"Because what I give you is yours."

On the other end of the phone, my sister Rosa said coldly: "It doesn't count if you robbed me."


Gloria hung up the phone angrily, stood up and walked out.

Neither Jane nor Detective Rostenkoski made a sound to stop him.

Detective Rostenkoski sincerely felt that this matter could not be related to Gloria, so he would not offend the multimillionaire's angry wife again.

And Jane felt the same way, and the feeling of oppression given to her by Gloria completely disappeared.

Without him!

Except for the most eye-catching domineering body curves, Gloria's appearance simply does not meet Chuck's standard of beauty, and her personality and style cannot catch Chuck's eyes at all.

In this case, Jane's interest in her naturally disappeared.

"It's very late and everyone has children at home to take care of."

A police officer came over and whispered something, and Detective Rostenkoski looked at Chuck: "Can the follow-up conversation be postponed until tomorrow?"

Chuck looked at Jane.

Jane hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay."

"Okay, call it a day."

Detective Rostenkoski waved to his men: "They can go back first, but they have to reserve time for us tomorrow."

It's not just housewives with several kids who want to go home, the police want to go home too.

Handling a case is never done in one day. The kind of people who work all night long without rest in TV dramas are just dramas.

In the United States, the police are just a job, not even a job to protect people, but a job to ensure stability and to be able to catch criminals after they commit crimes after prioritizing their own absolute safety and life.

Everyone called it a day, and Jane and Chuck returned to the mountainside villa.

"You know Detective Rostenkoski well?"

Jane couldn't help but look at Chuck who was driving.


Chuck was concise and to the point.

"How did we meet?"

Jane asked curiously.

"He has six children in his family."

While driving, Chuck said, "It's not enough to support his children with all his income from being a policeman. His wife runs an illegal daycare class in the basement and has some tax issues."

"So that's it."

Jane was stunned and muttered subconsciously: "It's not because of his daughter and niece..."

"This is who I am in your eyes?"

Chuck glanced at her.

"of course not!"

Jane quickly explained: "I just said it casually."

"very good."

Chuck nodded: "Don't say it next time."


She didn't know why, but she always felt like this was weird.

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