American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 192 Jane: Mrs. Boland, let me ask you, what do you want to do with such curls?

"I see."

Claire ignored the daily problems between her gay brother and her father, answered a phone call, and then hung up. Facing everyone's gaze, she pursed her lips and said, "Chuck and the others are looking for someone to talk to again."

"That's good news, isn't it?"

The old white man Jie smiled and said, "I told you that Chuck knew what he was doing."

"He's not investigating now."

Claire said with a grimace: "It's that detective assistant of his. He seems to be training her. Damn it, when training can't be done, you have to train on this case! If he investigates it himself, this case will be terrible." It’s over now, and we don’t have to worry about this suspicion anymore.”

"How do you know he's not training her at other times~"

Phil showed a playful smile, but after being glared at by his wife Claire, he could only put away the smile that all men understand.


To his relief, his father-in-law Jie, who had always looked down upon him, also smiled, and was the only one among the four men and two women in the room who understood him.

Peaceful Town.

"Dr. Wolfe, when I went back last night, I told you about your return to town to handle the case with me. My wife insisted that I invite you over for dinner. When I got up in the morning, she couldn't help but remind me about it. The children After hearing this, I almost didn’t want to go to school. You also know that they all admire you. Fortunately, Bernie hasn’t left yet, so they all went to school obediently.”

Detective Rostenkoski drove Chuck and Jane to their homes and started talking to them. After all, everyone has a job, even housewives.

She has to work as a chef to make breakfast for the children, and as a driver to send the children to school. Afterwards, she has to clean up, shop and prepare dinner, etc. A series of things are waiting for her. These may seem like trivial matters, but they are really Being busy consumes a lot of time and energy. A full-time housewife with many children has no leisure at all.

Although the police who need their assistance can also let them go to the police station for questioning, they are from the same town. Elections and police station finances rely on these taxpayers, so when it is not necessary, it is convenient for others and for yourself. .


When Jane heard this, her heart moved and she glanced at Chuck.


Detective Rostenkoski suddenly showed an old father's smile: "Bernie (nickname) is my eldest daughter, Bernadette Marian Rostenkoski. She is 12 years old this year and attends St. Marion School. , despite her young age, she has been helping the family for a long time. Without her help, it would be really difficult for my wife to take care of so many children by herself. Bernie is really the precious daughter God gave to our couple."

"I believe."

Jane smiled in agreement.

It seems that the daughter that the patrol said was young and developed well at a young age should be this Bernie.

"St. Marion's School? Sounds like a parochial school?"

"Oh yes!"

A trace of helplessness appeared on the corner of Police Officer Rostenkoski's mouth: "My wife is the most devout believer and is always overly worried about Bernie, so she insisted that Bernie go to her alma mater when she was a child... However, St. Marion's School is a semi-boarding school. It’s a semi-day school for girls, and Bernie doesn’t live on campus.”

"So fine."

Jian nodded and said: "No matter how outstanding you are, you are still a child at the age of 12, and children need the long-term companionship of their parents to have a happy childhood, which cannot be replaced by anything else."

"That's what I mean!"

Detective Rostenkoski nodded happily: "This is one of the reasons why I insist. Even God cannot replace the role of parents in their children, not to mention that many times the person you meet in boarding is not God..."

After saying this, his expression changed slightly and he stopped.

He is not an ordinary ignorant person. As a senior police detective, he is used to the darkness in society. He knows that the ugliest souls are often hidden under many glamorous appearances. Even in the so-called place of God, shepherding sheep for God, Those who claim to be God are even more worthy of vigilance.

The filth hidden there is even more shocking.

Therefore, even at the request of his devout wife, he wore a cross necklace around his neck and prayed before eating, but he never backed down from the beginning to the end on the issue of whether his daughter should be boarded at St. Marion Church School.

In the end, he persisted and convinced his wife on the grounds that his eldest daughter Bernie could help the family take care of her younger siblings and the children in day care by attending day school.

"You did the right thing."

Chuck took the rare initiative to comment.

"Ha ha."

When Detective Rostenkoski heard what Chuck said, he immediately let out a hearty laugh: "When we have dinner tonight, you must say this to my wife in person. We all trust your judgment! Even my wife!" "

"Dinner tonight?"

Jane smiled and said: "You don't mind if I can help you? You are a police detective. You know our profession and are used to darkness. What you need most is to be exposed to the good life of a happy family to dilute this negative impact and let yourself Keep a good attitude.”

"Of course I don't mind."

Detective Rostenkoski slapped his forehead: "You are the ones I invite!"

Having said this, he looked at Jane in the rearview mirror and said with a smile: "It can be seen that Dr. Wolf values ​​you very much, so you are also tired of cutting wood."


Jane is not immune to vulgarity. When she hears the word "Timber Hunter", she, like everyone else in the world of American dramas, trembles, whether they are good or evil, and her eyes reveal the unique feeling of being treated as a "Timber Raider".

In fact, she was mainly curious about this Bernie.


And that cousin's daughter.

"Okay, here we are!"

Detective Rostenkoski stopped the car, looked out of the car, and said to Chuck and Jane: "This is Mrs. Heather's home. She is a member of the town's Women's Committee, a strong and good woman. "

Speaking of this, he sighed: "It's a pity that my life was not very good. First, my husband died young, and now my only daughter, because she has reached a rebellious age, drove wildly with her friends outside at night, hit a big tree, and died directly."

"What a misfortune!"

Jane heard this and said with emotion: "I am very familiar with the rebellious period of girls. I was also very rebellious back then. I made an appointment with my best friend to run away from home together, but my parents found out and forced me to stay. I fought with them for a long time."

"and after?"

Detective Rostenkoski looked at Jane with a pleading look on his face.

Poor parents in the world. Although my eldest daughter Bernie is very caring, she is also 12 years old and is about to reach the rebellious stage. Looking at what happened to the rebellious daughter of Mrs. Heather's family, even if he does not agree with his wife's treatment of her daughter, If you ask for too much, sometimes you can only accept it with ambivalence.

For example, you are not allowed to ride a bicycle...

"No matter how much trouble I made, they just didn't agree with my idea of ​​traveling around the world alone. My mother quit her job to accompany me. When my father took a break, he and my mother drove me around in the car."

A happy smile appeared on Jane's face: "Sometimes I traveled directly from east to west, across thousands of kilometers to see my sister. I was very unhappy at first, because what I really wanted at that time was not to see the new world outside, but free.

But time passed day by day in this kind of company, and suddenly one day it seemed that the rebellious period had passed, and I no longer had any trouble.

Then news came from my best friend who left alone.

She didn't go with me, but she still insisted on running away from home to take a look outside. She was coaxed into the evil organization's farm and became a walking zombie.

I still can't forget her dull eyes after she was found and brought back by her family, and the scene where she took off all her clothes and went swimming in the river naked without caring about everyone's presence.

Her mother's sad reprimand was explained by the fact that this was just the most common living habit on that farm...

At that moment, I was extremely grateful that my parents had to work so hard and patiently to force the decision to keep me despite the sadness that I didn't understand. "

"damn it!"

Detective Rostenkoski got out of the car, cursing.

You don't need to think about it to know what happened to your best friend who ran away from home. The United States has the largest number of evil organizations in the world. If you enter a place like that, your body is not completely broken, but your brain is probably broken as well.

This makes the old father with more than one daughter at home feel a damn sense of belonging.

Jane also got out of the car, looked at the single-family house in front of her, and looked at Detective Rostenkoski inquiringly: "How is she now?"

"I have been holding back my sorrow and still working hard for charity."

Detective Rostenkoski said with admiration: "A rare good woman!"

The three of them came outside the house and knocked on the door: "Mrs. Heather, it's me."

"Mike, you're here, come in."

Mrs. Heather opened the door and let everyone in: "Tea or coffee?"


"No thanks."

"No thanks."

Detective Rostenkoski said, and both Chuck and Jane shook their heads.

"That's Dr. Wolfe's habit."

Detective Rostenkoski saw Mrs. Heather looking at Chuck and Jane with a surprised expression, and quickly explained: "He does the same when he goes to my house."

"I've heard about it for a long time."

Mrs. Heather nodded, brought Detective Rostenkoski a cup of coffee, and then sat across from them: "If there is anything I can do to help you, just ask."

Detective Rostenkoski looked at Jane.

"Mrs. Heather, you are a member of the town's Women's Committee and also attended last night's party. Do you have any opinion on this case?"

Jane asked: "Who is the first suspect that pops into your mind?"


Mrs. Heather shook her head hesitantly: "I really don't know, and living in a small town, the last thing you should do is spread random rumors without evidence. That will cause a lot of trouble to the person being fabricated."

"Sorry, I understand."

Jane glanced at her: "But do you know where Scarlet got so much cash?"

"That much cash?"

Mrs. Heather bowed her head.

"Yes! You can earn $5,000 in cash per week."

Jane asked: "Ping'an Town is not big, and you are a member of the Women's Committee. You and Scarlet are often together. Even if you don't know who the suspect is, at least you have heard about things that can make so much money." Bar?"

"I don't really know."

Mrs. Heather hesitated and said, "But I did see Scarlet using another mobile phone. She often went to the next town to buy jewelry for jewelry."

"Damn it!"

Detective Rostenkoski cursed silently, and when Jane looked over, he explained: "There are many ghosts gathering in the next town, and a new mobile phone also fits the characteristics of a gangster. Although it is incredible, Scar Wright, the chairwoman of the women's committee and the top housewife in town, really seems to be selling calves."

"You're not surprised."

Jane looked at Mrs. Heather, who looked calm.


Mrs. Heather sighed: "Actually, some people in the town know everything they should know, it's just hard to say."

"you know?"

Detective Rostenkoski looked at Mrs. Heather with wide eyes.

"You are also one of the buyers, right?"

Jane looked at the room with a hint of deathly silence, glanced at Chuck, who always looked calm, and felt something in her heart.

"I know it's not good, but sometimes I need help getting through the pain."

Mrs. Heather covered her face and choked.

"Who else knows?"

Jian said warmly.

"Mandy, Patience, everyone on the committee knows it except Gloria."

Mrs. Heather wiped her tears: "There are also some needy housewives and men in the town."

"Gloria doesn't know?"

Jane looked at her and confirmed: "I heard that they are very close. Gloria was able to join the Women's Committee only because of Scarlet's recommendation."

"Probably don't know."

Mrs. Heather nodded: "Although Scarlet values ​​Gloria, we all know that Scarlet does not regard her as one of her own."

“Has anyone else in town bought it?”

Jian Xin said that 'small town housewife politics' was true, and asked: "Since selling calves will inevitably involve interest disputes, can you now tell me about the object of your suspicion?"

"I really don't know."

Mrs. Heather looked at Jane sincerely: "These things are all one-to-one. Only Scarlet knows best, and she will not tell others. As for the suspect, at first, like most people, I had no idea in my mind. There was also a flash of Vic, but he was a nice guy and it didn’t really look like him... so I really don’t know.”

When wives are killed, most of them are done by their husbands, so everyone has already had this concept. However, because there is no evidence, and it seems to have nothing to do with the good old husband this time, everyone just mutters in their hearts. Just a few words, never mentioned this in public.

After all, most, not all, are husbands.

Jane asked some more questions, stood up and said, "That's it for today. We will contact you if we have any questions later."

After leaving Mrs. Heather's house, Jane shook her head and said, "Ping'an Town is not safe either."

Seeing that Chuck didn't respond, Jane looked at Detective Rostenkoski, who looked a little sad: "Now it's basically confirmed that Scarlett is selling calves. Can we send someone to the next town to capture the person who provided Scarlett with calves?" Want to talk?”

"Leave it to me."

Detective Rostenkoski nodded vigorously.

The problem of gun crime is originally a long-standing problem in the United States. Gun crime is just like gun crime and cannot be solved. After all, Republicans like guns and Democrats like guns. Whoever comes to power will open the door to the things they like. How can it be solved? Yes.

As a police detective, he was used to it, and he was no longer surprised. But now that housewives have started to sell calves, it still feels like being stabbed in the butt. It's an eye-opener!

"The next family is the Bolland family."

Detective Rostenkoski suppressed the bad news and asked, "Beth Boland was at the party last night."

"Then let's go quickly."

Jane's eyes lit up.

The three of them came to a single-family house and rang the doorbell. They had communicated with each other beforehand, so the door opened soon, and Jane's eyes were immediately attracted.

Beth Boland!

The woman whose photo gave her great pressure, now looks at it. Although she is not as attractive as in the wedding photo, time has not left too deep traces on her face, especially against the extremely domineering figure. The small face still looks small.

Jane is not a traveler from the East, otherwise she would only use four words to describe Beth Boland.

"Mrs. Bolland, yesterday morning you and Scarlet went to the Girls' Club together. Can you tell me what you did there?"

After the greetings, Jane sat down and looked at Beth Bolland carefully.


Beth Boland glanced at Chuck subconsciously, with a hint of embarrassment in her eyes.

Jane's eyes narrowed and she looked at Chuck who was still calm. She also noticed Detective Rostenkoski's expression of lowering his head and touching his nose to suppress embarrassment. Only then did he realize that this question seemed to be a bit difficult for the other party.

It’s really not convenient to tell other men what you’re doing at a women’s club.

"How about you go out and wait while I talk to Mrs. Bolland first?"


Detective Rostenkoski stood up immediately.

Under Jane's gaze, Chuck also stood up and left.

"Can we talk now?"

Jian smiled and said: "This is an investigation, there is nothing I can't say. If it has nothing to do with the case, I will keep it confidential. Don't worry."

Beth Boland hesitated again and again, and whispered hesitantly: "Scarlet and I went for waxing hair removal..."


The corner of Jane's mouth twitched, and she looked at Beth Boland's small and delicate face and domineering figure, and then heard what the other party said about what she went to do, and then thought about it when the other party mentioned this, she glanced at Chuck, and said My aunt said that Chuck gave Mr. Bolander special treatment, and I couldn't help but think about it.

You must know that beeswax hair removal is definitely a pain for yourself and makes others happy. The type of "women who want to please themselves and their appearance". Beth Boland, who is in such a good condition, is still working so hard... She really wants to ask: "Are you so Juan, what do you want to do?"

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