American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 195 Uninvited guest at Amazing Amy’s autograph signing: Slugger, you are the best!

"Mrs. Heather? Why?"

After being shocked, Detective Rostenkoski rationally abandoned the technical issues and suppressed the thought that flashed in his mind, 'Since you can judge this way now, did you also notice it at the party crime scene?' Start thinking about what Mrs. Heather's motivations are if Chuck is right.

"My daughter was hit and killed while taking drugs."

Chuck glanced at him.

"Ah, yes!"

Detective Rostenkoski suddenly realized.

In fact, it’s not that he didn’t think of this immediately, but that it had been some time since Mrs. Heather’s daughter hit a tree and died. Although it was unfortunate, it was not a criminal case. Among police detectives like him, there was not much popularity, and now Although he knew Scarlett was selling calves, it was still difficult for him to completely connect the head of the town's women's committee with the calf criminals subconsciously.

"She put all this responsibility on Scarlett, the drug seller, but why did Mandy do it?"

After muttering to this point and meeting Chuck's gaze, Detective Rostenkoski touched his bald head and racked his brains, thinking: "The calf criminal said that Mandy wanted to take over Scarlet's calf trafficking business...could it be that Mrs. Heather is going to kill Mandy because of this?"

"It should be right."

Chuck said calmly: "She thought she became a good girl."

"good girl?"

Detective Rostenkoski looked a little strange.

"We have no choice but to eliminate harm for the people."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "And whether it's smoking, drinking or partying, as long as everything is for the family, I consider myself a good American girl."

"But if she had reported this behavior from the beginning, if nothing else, at least her daughter would not have been able to get the medicine so easily and then crashed the car while taking drugs."

Rostenkoski spat.

"Scarlet and Mandy thought so, too."

Chuck said: "Because her husband could no longer protect the family, Scarlett chose to take the path that was least appropriate. She said time and again that she would quit next time, setting new sales records again and again, and selling calves for a living. With the quick money, she throws lavish parties to prove that she is living a good life, an American good girl among good American girls.

Mandy stopped pretending and chose to directly take over the calf selling business. After all, as long as her mind slips, there will always be more excuses than solutions, and she will always be forced to do so in the end. "

"Damn good girl!"

Detective Rostenkoski cursed: "That's not what it is!"

Not only do you have to be a bitch, but you also have to build a memorial arch.

Although they are both housewives and have not had a job for many years, as long as they think about it, it may be difficult, but they will definitely be able to find a job.

It's just that these good American girls are obviously not willing to do hard work on their own, but only want to do easy and quick work.

This is New Jersey, which is adjacent to New York. The ideas and concepts are naturally similar. The tolerance for criminals and high-flying is extremely high, even higher than that of labor-intensive industries engaged in ancient traditions.

Therefore, if you want to have a good American girl with easy money and easy money, going to Baituo Mountain seems to be your inevitable choice.

"Let's go."

Chuck stepped outside.

Detective Rostenkoski called on the people in the forensics department to continue their work. Now that the suspect has been basically locked in, it will be much easier to find evidence later. Different from the planned poisoning at the last party, this time's passionate killing, as long as you look for it carefully, Most of the time you can find evidence.

Mrs. Heather's house.


Mrs. Heather opened the door and saw Detective Rostenkoski looking at her seriously, with panic in his eyes. She forced a smile and said, "What's the matter?"

"you tell me."

Detective Rostenkoski said solemnly: "Why?"

"I do not know what you're talking about."

Mrs. Heather avoided direct gaze.

"Just because Scarlet was selling calves and your daughter took drugs and crashed into a car, you chose to poison her and now you kill Mandy. What on earth do you want to do?"

Detective Rostenkoski chose to bluff her.

If Mrs. Heather could be forced to plead guilty, the workload would be greatly reduced.

Mrs. Heather wanted to continue to cover up, but when she heard that her daughter had taken drugs and crashed into a car, her expression immediately changed. She shouted with sorrow and anger in her eyes: "My daughter is only 15 years old. Now she is dead. In your mouth, she is just a trafficker because of Scarlett." Is it such a light word?"

"Your daughter is a daughter, but other people's daughters are not daughters?"

Chuck said expressionlessly: "You are a member of the town's women's committee. You should have spoken out for the women and children in the town, including your daughter, but what have you done? Not only did you enjoy yourself, but you also protected Scarlet in the town. Shang Madu, if your daughter didn't get into trouble because of this, do you think this matter is so trivial that you can ignore it? It's a pity that some things don't weigh as much as four or two if they don't go on the scale, but once they go on the scale, they weigh a thousand pounds. Can’t live.”

Mrs. Heather's face suddenly changed, with expressions of anger, shame, regret, etc. tangled together. Under the gaze of Chuck and Detective Rostenkoski, she shouted angrily: "What can I say? What can I do?" What?!”

"You've done a lot."

Chuck said calmly: "Killing Scarlet is to avenge my daughter, and killing Mandy is to remedy the situation and prevent her from continuing to harm children like your daughter, isn't it?"

Seeing a flash of fear and confusion on Mrs. Heather's face, Chuck said: "The matter is already very clear. Mandy was killed in a passion. The smell of your perfume was left at the scene, and the clerk has confirmed that Mandy was killed. Before the killing, no one had been to that room, and more evidence is being collected. Don’t you have anything to say? Or are you doing all this just because you also want to take over Scarlett’s calf-trading business?”


When Mrs. Heather heard this, she immediately broke her guard and shouted: "I did all this for my daughter and other children. How could I be doing this calf trafficking business!!!"

"say clearly."

Chuck looked at her: "The cause and effect! You also know the characteristics of the small town. If you don't confess now, in the future, even if you say you are doing it for your daughter and other children, not many people will believe it. After all, you yourself are taking drugs." , and it’s too reasonable for you to avenge your daughter by raising a child and try to protect other children in an attempt to protect other children. People know that high-flying people have no good or evil, no emotions, no bottom line, and high-flying people can do anything for themselves!”


Mrs. Heather shouted loudly: "I did all this for my daughter and other children! I didn't do it because I wanted to traffic in blood!!! I admit that I made a mistake by not choosing to stop Scarlett at the beginning.

But I also have my own difficulties, Scarlet is my best friend, and she takes this path, what can I do? Report her immediately?

I can not do it!

When I found out that my daughter was killed in a car accident while flying, I knew that God was punishing me, and I regretted it at that time.

But at that time, I didn’t have much hatred for Scarlet, let alone murderous intentions. What really made me unbearable was that she obviously knew it was her fault, but in just the past few weeks, she had recovered as before. She still holds lavish parties with the quick money she earned from selling calves, and stands on the steps looking down at us all, as if nothing has happened. She is still the dazzling number one member of the Women's Committee of Ping'an Town!

It was my daughter who paid the price! it's me!

So I want her to pay the price too! This way we can be clear about both! "

"What about Mandy?"

Detective Rostenkoski asked: "Did you kill her because she was going to take over Scarlett's calf business?"


Mrs. Heather gritted her teeth and said: "After Scarlet died, Mandy hastily stole the key to Scarlet's safe as the chairman of the Women's Committee, and wanted to continue to use the safe to store her belongings. There is no shame at all. ! I advised her not to do this, but she didn’t listen. I had no choice but to kill her in order not to make the same mistake again!”

Chuck looked at Detective Rostenkoski.

"Lisa Hesse, you're under arrest!"

Detective Rostenkoski took out the handcuffs from behind, handcuffed Mrs. Heiser and took her away.

Mountainside villa.


Jane, who was crazily involved and collapsed, heard the news and immediately sat up in her dying hospital bed. She looked at Chuck in confusion: "Without me, you solved the case in half a day?"

As she spoke, she became frustrated. She felt that she was so useless, in every sense of the word.

"It just happened."

Chuck said: "She just happened to commit another crime, and the smell of her perfume was left at the scene. This time there was no interference from the chaotic smell of the party, so it was easy to locate her."

"Easy for you."

Jane touched the wound, bared her teeth, and said with a wry smile: "But if it were me, it would be impossible to target her with the smell of perfume. If we delay this time, I'm afraid there will be a few more victims."

"We are only responsible for solving crimes."

Chuck looked at her: "Even law enforcement agencies are not responsible for preventing crime and protecting people, and we do not have this right or obligation."

"All right."

This was not the first time Jane heard this attitude expressed by Chuck. She did not dwell on this institutional issue. She lay down and looked at Chuck: "What should we do next?"

"That's up to you."

Chuck said bluntly: "After this case, do you still want to stay?"


Jane's mouth twitched.

Is this a case-by-case matter?

Isn't the point more important if she still dares to stay?


Jane looked at Chuck who looked calm, and a strange feeling swept through her body. She was afraid and eager, and she gritted her teeth and said, "I have decided!"

Again, as long as you can't roll to death, roll to death!

If he died, he would have repaid Chuck for saving his life.

"Okay, you continue to practice."

Chuck said calmly: "I'm going to attend the dinner at Dunfee's house tonight, and by the way, I'll ask Phil Dunfee, the real estate agent in town, to help you rent a house."

"You make the decision."

Jane nodded with some disappointment and some relief.

What was disappointing was that even if she stayed, even if the villa had enough rooms, and even if their relationship was so close, Chuck would keep his word and not let her live directly in the villa.

She was relieved that Chuck helped her rent a house. To a certain extent, he was sympathetic to her, which made her feel a little relieved deep in her heart.

After all, everyone needs their own private space.

At night.

The Dunphy family.

"Why haven't you come yet?"

The eldest daughter Haili, wearing heavy makeup and cool clothes, stood at the door and looked outside frequently.

"Because it's not time yet."

The second daughter, Alex, mocked: "You say you are a fan of Dr. Wolfe, but you don't even know that he is very punctual?"

"I want you to take care of it!"

The eldest daughter Hailey sneered: "I don't know who said that she is a rational follower of stars in order to better improve herself, but now she secretly cleans herself up and wants to show the beauty that she doesn't have."

The second daughter Alex, who had dressed up quietly, suddenly blushed: "I just tidied it up casually, unlike you who acted like a street girl. Sure enough, you can't blame dad entirely last time. Anyone who sees you like this, even if you don't That minivan advertisement will also call you like crazy, you are just like the TV commercial girl from Boland Automobile Dealership!"


The eldest daughter Hailey was immediately angry.

As a real estate agent in the United States, you need to advertise frequently to promote yourself. The advertising formats are also diverse. There are not only street billboard advertisements, but also advertisements printed on buses and pickup trucks. Of course, there is no shortage of TV advertisements on local TV stations.

Boland's car dealership is rich. The boss and his beautiful female assistant co-produced a TV commercial, which was directly played on a loop on the TV station.

Phil Dunphy, as an aspiring real estate agent, printed photos and phone numbers of his family directly on his minivan in addition to street billboard advertisements.

Because in his eyes, what a real estate agent sells is other people's trust in him. As long as others know that he has a happy family, he can win the trust of many people and let those people be the first choice when they want to rent, buy or sell a house. Time to think of him.

However, he made a habitual mistake. After being imprinted, when his wife Claire drove their eldest daughter Hailey to school, cars in the same car often whistled and winked at his wife Claire and their daughter Hailey, and in the end they even followed him and made phone calls, because The pictures of him and his son were not obvious. What everyone saw were the photos of Claire's mother and daughter and their phone numbers. Everyone understood them. At first, Claire felt that her charm was not diminished until her phone number was filled with calls. Only when people spoke more and more obscenely and unscrupulously did they discover the real reason.

"I told you."

As a father, Phil Dunphy should have scolded and stopped his two daughters from saying such things, but as an excellent real estate agent, he immediately looked at his wife to prove that although the original idea was bad, it was He has brought a lot of trouble to his family, but it is not necessarily his fault that caused all this failure, it may also be because Hailey is too ostentatious.

"Girls, stop it!"

Claire rolled her eyes at her husband and glanced at her eldest daughter Hailey standing at the door. Although she didn't want to admit it, she couldn't help but think in the direction of what her second daughter Alex said, fearing that someone would really pass by and think her daughter was... The street girl hurried over and pulled her eldest daughter Hailey into the house.

"Gloria, now that Chuck has solved the case, why are you still not happy?"

Phil Dunphy turned to look at his young stepmother-in-law and expressed concern.

"Should I be happy?"

Gloria glared and curled her lips: "Am I happy that Scarlet is a criminal, but I, a person from Colombia, the home of real drug lords, am not? Or should I be happy that everyone knows that Scarlet is a criminal? You're a culprit, but I'm the only one who doesn't know?"


After Phil Dunphy was stunned for a moment, he opened his hands and smiled: "Whether you come out of the mud and remain unaffected, or you don't know, it's a good thing!"


Gloria crossed her arms and leaned back: "Compared to the hidden discrimination of being excluded from the circle of friends, I would rather that I live up to my name!"

Phil Dunphy stopped smiling immediately and didn't know what to say. Fortunately, the voice of his second daughter Alex came to his rescue: "It's time, Dr. Wolfe is here!"

As Alex raised her hand to check the time, there was a knock on the door, and Dunphy's family all fell silent. Chuck's former client, Phil Dunphy's father-in-law, Jay, stepped forward to open the door and smiled: "Chuck , welcome to be our guest!”

New York.

Amazing Amy's new book signing is in full swing.

"Dad, she is so amazing."

An eight or nine-year-old blond girl held an old copy of "Amazing Amy's School Years: Third Grade" in one hand and held her father's hand in the other. She looked adoringly at the girl who was sitting there signing books for a group of book friends. Amazing Amy.

"Slugger, you will definitely be better than her in the future."

The little girl's father touched his daughter's hair, looked at Amazing Amy on the stage signing autographs, and then looked at Amazing Amy's parents who were accompanying her and were smiling because of their recent huge profits. He narrowed his eyes and smiled.


The little girl who was called by her father a slugger in baseball who 'works miracles with strength' confirmed happily.


The little girl's father nodded affirmatively: "Because you are my daughter! You are the best!"

Ps: Sorry, I came back too late last night. I was sleepy and tired, so I really couldn’t code it out. Sorry!

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