American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 196 Fatty: Chuck is great, my dad said so!

"But Amazing Amy is also very powerful."

The little girl was very happy with her father's affirmation, but after being happy, she looked at the magical Amy who was being sought after by others, and raised the old book in her hand: "She was a slugger when she was my age, not like me. Just play with you, dad."

"You're better than her!"

The little girl's father smiled meaningfully: "Because you have nothing to fear when facing me."


When the little girl heard this, she hugged her father's arm and laughed: "You are my father. I only love you, so how can I be afraid of you?"

"In this alone, you are already the most powerful."

The little girl's father touched his daughter's head and smiled from the bottom of his heart: "I can guarantee it!"

"All right."

The little girl leaned her head back against her father, looking at Amazing Amy signing the autograph alone and her parents behind Amazing Amy who didn't care about Amazing Amy and only talked and laughed with themselves. She suddenly felt that what her father said was too right. Not worse than Amazing Amy.

After waiting in a long line, it was finally the little girl's turn.

Amazing Amy looked up at the cute little girl in front of her, holding her old book, and couldn't help but smile: "What a cute little sister, what's your name?"


The little girl happily handed over her old book: "Amazing Amy, I like you very much and hope to be like you."

"Okay, Penny."

Although Amazing Amy was already immune to this kind of conversation and was even very disgusted in her heart, because she knew that the Amazing Amy that others talked about was a projection in the book and not herself, she took the old book with an unchanged smile and opened the title page. The younger one showed an American fake smile with eight teeth and said, "What do you want me to sign for you?"

"Just sign it: Penny will be the one to marry Ernie, not Rosie!"

The little girl Penny immediately said what she had thought about for a long time.

"Who is Ernie?"

Amazing Amy asked casually while signing.

"You don't know about Ernie and Bit?"

The little girl Petunia looked at Amazing Amy in surprise.

"Oh, that Bit and Ernie."

Amazing Amy suddenly realized.

Just talking about Ernie, she had no idea who it was, but when it came to Bit and Ernie, she knew they were characters from the American Sesame Street puppet show.


The little girl Penny longed to talk to Amazing Amy more, and immediately introduced her enthusiastically: "When I was in the first grade, my good friend Rosie and I made an agreement to marry Bit and Ernie together when we grow up. "

"Then you found out you were both going to marry Ernie, didn't you?"

Amazing Amy smiled.

"how do you know?"

The little girl Penny covered her mouth and looked at Amazing Amy in surprise.

"Because Ernie is more handsome."

Amazing Amy tells the truth.


The little girl Petunia suddenly burst into laughter.

"Are you okay?"

Someone from behind urged impatiently.

"It's only when we agree, do you have any objections?"

The father of the little girl Penny was watching his daughter communicating with her idol with a smile. When he heard these embarrassing words, he immediately turned back to look at the yeller.

"Of course I have opinions..."

The man was about to get angry, but when he saw the indifferent look in the eyes of the little girl Petunia's father, his head suddenly went blank and he forgot all the words he said. He only felt cold all over and lowered his head, not daring to confront the little girl Petunia's father. See.

"Who else?"

When the father of the little girl Petunia saw that the other party had relented, he looked around with indifferent eyes and softly said that classic saying.

Even the "thorny head" who yelled at the beginning didn't dare to say a word, and the others were naturally wise enough not to look directly or talk to him.

"This is my dad!"

Seeing this, the little girl Petunia didn't think there was anything wrong with this at all. Instead, she introduced her idol to her with great pride.

Amazing Amy nodded with a reserved smile, and then said to the little girl Petunia: "Penny, it's signed. Let's see you next time if we have a chance, okay?"

"But I still want to say a few more words to you."

The little girl Penny pouted in disappointment: "We came all the way from Omaha."

"so far?"

Amazing Amy was a little surprised, glanced at the little girl Petunia and her father, and said thoughtfully: "Are you on a father-daughter trip across the country?"


The little girl Penny suddenly lowered her head with guilt.

She originally wanted to use this opportunity to talk to her idol more and gain exclusive benefits from her fans, but she didn't expect that her idol would see right through her.

The fact is that she didn't come here specially at all, but was on a road trip across the country with her father and happened to pass by here.


Amazing Amy called out.

"All right."

The little girl Penny could only confess: "My father takes me to travel across the country. My brother is jealous to death, but I am my father's slugger."

After saying this, he immediately raised his chin proudly: "We are going to Hollywood in the future, and I will be a big star in Hollywood in the future!"

"you can."

Amazing Amy glanced at the little girl Penny's father, who had returned to a normal smile, and encouraged him with a standard smile on his face.

"I feel so too."

The little girl Penny was even happier and started to talk to her idol: "When I see Hollywood, my dad will take me to Silicon Valley to see Bill Gates! He is the richest man in the world! He is also the pride of our Omaha!" "

"Why is Bill Gates so proud of you Omaha?"

Amazing Amy was no longer in a hurry to end this conversation, and was happy to chat with the little girl Penny to learn more about the dangerous man next to her who looked ordinary but occasionally domineering.

"You don't know, don't you?"

The little girl Penny said proudly: "Others may not know it, but I discovered it. Bill Gates bought a lot of land there. There is a farm next to my house, so I am actually Bill Gates, the richest man in the world." His neighbor! My dad said that Bill Gates is not only the richest man in the world and a technology superstar, but also the largest farmer in the United States. We have many farms there, and my family also has a farm, so Bill Gates is the pride of our place. , are you right?"

"Ah, yes, yes."

Amazing Amy gives a thumbs up to the little girl Penny’s brain circuit.

"But I don't think there's anything great about being a farmer."

The little girl Penny raised her chin and pointed at the country: "The largest farmer in the United States has no interest in being a star when he is in disgrace all day long! I really don't know what Bill Gates thinks!"

"What do you think?"

Amazing Amy asked with a smile.

"I think so."

The little girl Petunia tilted her head and glanced at her father: "Land is the most basic, stable and indispensable wealth. It is very profitable, but it is a pity that it is not glamorous."

Amazing Amy understood that this kind of argument was beyond the imagination of a little girl. It was clearly a parrot that she heard from her father, and she was just learning it now.

However, this also made her more curious about the mysterious father next to the little girl Penny. How can ordinary farmers have such insight and dare to predict that the world's richest man who has quickly amassed massive wealth through technology will transform into the largest farmer in the United States in the future? This tradition is known as backward status.

"Otherwise, being the largest farmer in the United States would actually be quite interesting."

The little girl Penny didn't notice that the idol's attention was not on her. With the idol listening, she became more and more excited: "When the time comes, I will hold the world's largest bull-topping game. I will definitely get the first place!"

"Bull-jacking game?"

Amazing Amy said casually.


The little girl Petunia nodded repeatedly, stretched out her hand and gestured: "It's just like going up to the cow with the calf. I can directly push the calf to the ground!"

"so smart?"

Amazing Amy was stunned when she heard this, and couldn't help but focus on the little girl Petunia who was talking wildly. Although this little girl was a bit voluptuous, she was still an eight or nine-year-old girl. She really couldn't imagine this. She can knock a calf to the ground.


The little girl Penny didn't believe her idol when she saw it, and hummed: "Of course! Otherwise, why do you think my dad calls me Slugger?"

Saying this, he stretched out his hand in the air and made the motion of holding a baseball bat to hit a ball.


Regardless of whether she believed it in her heart or not, Miraculous Amy recognized on the surface that the little girl in front of her had the talent of "making miracles happen with great force".

"You're awesome too."

After the little girl Petunia giggled, she looked at Amazing Amy with envy: "What does it feel like to fall in love with Detective Chuck?"

"You know Chuck too?"

Amazing Amy smiled.


The little girl Petunia nodded: "He has been so popular recently. My dad said he is very powerful, so he is really powerful."

"You two have such a good relationship as father and daughter."

Amazing Amy looked at the father and daughter, a trace of envy flashed in her eyes, but she quickly suppressed it and smiled at Penny: "Do you want Chuck's autograph?"

"want to!"

The little girl Petunia nodded repeatedly, then looked around: "Is he here now?"

"Not here."

Amazing Amy smiled and said: "But you can leave your address, and I will ask him to sign all my books in the series and send them to you, okay?"

"Very good!"

The little girl Penny clapped her hands and applauded: "In that case Rosie will definitely regret ignoring me even more, haha!"

Ever since the two little girls discovered that each other only wanted to marry Ernie, the two best friends had a falling out and stopped paying attention to each other.

"What's going on here?"

At this moment, Amazing Amy's parents, who were chatting happily in the back, noticed that the queue was still and the crowd was restless, and came over.


Amazing Amy shook her head: "Is this Penny and her father?"

After saying this, he looked at the little girl Penny's father and asked with his eyes what to call him.


The father of the little girl Penny glanced at her and slowly said a name.

"Oh, Penny, thank you for loving Amazing Amy."

Amazing Amy's mother skillfully started to chase people away with a smile: "You have already got your signature, and there are many people waiting behind you. You don't want others to be disappointed, right?"

"All right."

The little girl Petunia pouted and gave up her seat without saying anything.

"I already have your contact address and will definitely send you the signature you want."

Amazing Amy shook the paper with the contact address: "If you are interested in the future, you can write to me and I will reply."


The little girl Penny suddenly became happy again and looked at her father: "Dad, did you hear that?"

"I heard you, Slugger."

Frank, the father of the little girl Penny, had a smile on his cold face again: "Of course you can write to her. Dad has her address and she will receive it."

Amazing Amy narrowed her eyes, looked at the leaving father and daughter, then looked at the contact address in her hand, thoughtfully, and didn't come back to her senses until her mother urged her to continue.

I was busy until nightfall before I had time to call Chuck.

New Jersey.

Peaceful Town.

At Dunfee's house, a dinner party is going on.

"I can't believe Mrs. Heather is the murderer."

Although Claire had already learned the news, facing Chuck at this moment, she still couldn't help but sigh in shock.


Gloria is still a little aggrieved by everything: "I am the most likely murderer, but it's a pity that I found out in the end that I am not even qualified to be a murderer because I am not white!"


The old white man Jie looked helplessly at his young wife.

"Chuck, right?"

The tall and plump Cameron couldn't help but interjected with his orchid finger raised: "Are you sure it's Mrs. Heather? You won't have arrested the wrong person, right?"

"Small card!"

Companion Mitchell immediately became anxious, wanting to stop his companion from trying to be dramatic at the center at any time.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing his companion like this, Cameron became more and more unhappy, and said the most correct nonsense angrily: "This is normal, isn't it? Anyone can make mistakes! There are too many unjust, false and wrong cases made by the police! "

"Mr. Dunphy, I need to rent a high-end apartment."

Chuck ignored these strange words and looked directly at Phil Dunphy: "Can you handle it?"

"Just call me Phil! If you want to rent or buy a house, ask Phil Dunphy, of course I can!"

When Phil Dunphy saw Chuck mention this, he was suddenly overjoyed. While agreeing, he glanced at his family quickly and proudly.

Claire and the others immediately rolled their eyes, knowing what Phil meant.

"Process it as soon as possible."

Chuck said this and stopped mentioning it.


Chuck's indifferent attitude made Cameron even more dissatisfied: "I'm talking to you! I know, are you afraid..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the old white man Jie who shouted: "That's enough! Cameron! I said before that I invited Chuck to be my guest tonight. You don't need to come over at all! Since you insist on coming, Don’t say that here either!”

"……What did I say."

Cameron wanted to say something else, but when he met the weird looks in his eyes, he suddenly remembered that his father-in-law Jay had indeed said that once Chuck didn't shake hands with him, it might trigger a reaction from him. Now, although there is no part about shaking hands, there is still Indeed, it almost triggered their common saying to the outside world, "You are homophobic", which suddenly made them look a little embarrassed.

"Chuck, I'm so sorry."

The old white man Jie apologized to Chuck helplessly: "I really don't want to be like this, but this big family...sigh."

"I understand, Modern Family."

Chuck said calmly.

Cameron opened his mouth, but under the strong hold of his companion Mitchell, and his father-in-law who was really about to fall out, he swallowed the words in the end.

He felt that Chuck's words were a bit sarcastic.

"Hi Chuck, I'm Haley."

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, the eldest daughter Hailey immediately pulled her collar and smiled charmingly at Chuck: "Nice to meet you, OMG! You are more handsome and elegant than in the magazine!"

Chuck nodded to her.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet again.

"Chuck, what kind of apartment do you want?"

Phil looked around and took over the topic with his head held high: "Do you live by yourself?"


Chuck shook his head: "I have already sent you the list of requirements. Just ask for it and look for it."


Phil quickly checked his mailbox and found that there were indeed new emails that he had not read. He shook his phone embarrassedly: "I was busy just now and didn't pay attention to read it! I'll read it right now!"

"Dr. Wolfe, does being a detective drain your energy?"

The second daughter Alex finally spoke under the encouraging eyes of her mother Claire: "After all, mathematics is your main career!"


Chuck looked at Alex: "The detective is just relaxing and doing mathematical research. What he needs is inspiration, and I can do two things at once. I don't need to stay in the office to do mathematical research."

"Wow! That's amazing!"

The second daughter, Alex, looked admiring: "I really wish I could have the ability to multi-task like you. Although I have learned a lot, I have already felt my limit. If I want to learn something new, I feel a little overwhelmed." If I could do two things at once, it would be a lot easier."


Chuck nodded bluntly.

Being able to do two things at once is very useful even for someone with his IQ.

Everyone: "..."


An RV was driving steadily, and Frank, the father of the little girl Penny, was driving. When he looked back from the rearview mirror, he saw his daughter lying on the bed, sleeping soundly and sweetly. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and then When I looked back at the road, my temperament had completely changed.

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