American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 206 The sad and angry first lawyer: Your Honor, I object to his personal attack!

"It seems you don't like doing things wrong to people either."

Chuck said bluntly.


Harrison Pwell's face was ugly, and he forced out an eight-toothed fake smile: "I took this case for free! I am one of the most famous criminal lawyers in the country, and the most famous criminal lawyer on the East Coast!"

He likes to treat other people "wrongly", and of course he doesn't like others to use "wrongful things" against him!

"You gamble!"

Chuck said calmly: "Your BlackBerry vibrates once every 20 minutes, which is exactly the average interval between each horse race at the racecourse. You are receiving the results of the horse racing. Every time you receive the results, it will affect your performance in court." Emotion, you are not having a good day today, do you know why? Because the way you bet on horses is similar to the way you exercise the law, you always like to catch big fish."

"...The story is well written."

Harrison Pwell noticed the strange looks from others and forced a smile: "But I said, you can't prove it. In fact, this is all your conjecture."

After saying this, he was refreshed, his eyes sharpened again, and he was ready to blast Chuck for his Asperger's Syndrome.

Originally, he was going to use this as a trump card and not use it until the critical moment, because it is also a trump card. Although it can offset a large part of the credibility of Chuck's testimony, it may also bring about other people's suspicion of the mentally ill Chuck. Compassion and the imperative to be right for the sake of being right.

However, now he felt it was time, because he could no longer bear it anymore.

"The result of the fifth Marseille will come in eight seconds."

Chuck raised his glasses and said calmly: "8, 7, 6..."

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the BlackBerry placed by Harrison Pwell on the table. As Chuck counted down, each of the jury members showed their excitement.

And Harrison Pwell wanted to rush forward and put away the BlackBerry immediately, but he still knew that he could not do this because he was still rational. Otherwise, he would simply be asking for trouble. He could only hope that Chuck would miscalculate the time and only need to delay it by a dozen or so. In seconds, he could calmly put away his BlackBerry while taunting Chuck.

But how could Chuck be wrong.

Not to mention his proficiency in various gambling methods and super memory, let's just say that if errors occur due to unexpected changes, Anna behind the decorative eye sockets will naturally help him correct them.

So when Chuck's countdown ended, under everyone's gaze, the BlackBerry on the table vibrated on time.


The jury members were in an uproar, their expressions filled with shock and surprise.

You must know that being drawn to serve as a jury member is a legal obligation, but it is not a good job. In fact, many people will find various reasons to avoid this obligation after being drawn.

First of all, most people have to work to support their families, and being selected to be a jury member means taking time off. Many cases are delayed for a long time, which makes it even more troublesome. You may be dismissed by the time your job is over.

Secondly, when you are a juror, you have to squeeze into a small room and discuss the case with a dozen strangers. When you give a conclusion of guilt or innocence, you need to unanimously vote, and it is easy for so many people to get involved. It takes a lot of courage to make compromises against one's will.

These are considered minor troubles. Once the case involves a major drug dealer, the juror's life is really in danger.

So no serious person likes being picked as a jury.

But if you really fall for it, there is nothing you can do about it. After the initial excitement, the rest of the time is as irritating as a math class. Many jurors can doze off in the courtroom.

Just imagine that in this boring and irritable voluntary labor, a magical scene that is more exciting and exciting than a movie suddenly appears. What do you want these jurors to think?

Apart from sitting upright excitedly and looking at it with a face full of gossip, is there any other possibility?

"Why don't you pick it up, take a look, and tell everyone if you've transferred it?"

Chuck said seriously, and then imitated Harrison Pwell's appearance outside the court, pointing his index and middle fingers at his eyes, imitating his accent: "I swear everything I say is the truth."

Harrison Pwell fell silent, faced everyone's strange looks, and reluctantly said: "Your Honor, I object!"

"Against what?"

the judge asked.

"This has nothing to do with this case!"

Harrison Pwell said with suppressed anger.

"Judge, I object!"

The bald prosecutor stood up and said: "This is the defense lawyer's own request for witnesses to prove their abilities. Dr. Wolf is just proving this to everyone, very frankly."

"I object!"

Harrison Pwell yelled a little rudely: "This is beyond the scope of proving ability and is a personal attack!"

"What do you want me to do?"

The judge was having fun at this time and said uncooperatively: "Either you won't show us the information on your phone, or you will agree that his logical deduction and micro-expression observation are credible. Lawyer, you choose one!"

"...I admit that he has certain logical deduction and micro-expression observation skills, but this does not mean that he can personally attack me!"

Harrison Pwell said angrily.

"Is this a personal attack?"

Chuck looked at him: "I have seen the cases you took over. In those 579 cases, you used these contents 567 times to prove the untrustworthiness of the plaintiff and witnesses. In your legal concept, To prove something, you need to prove that the person speaking is trustworthy. Do you want to deny my inference?"

Harrison Pwell didn't dare to answer the call because compared to the previous inability to prove the truth or falsehood, Chuck had already pointed out a very convenient way to verify the truth or falsehood of his words. He only needed to check his phone to find out, so he couldn't lie. We can only resort to the American trick: neither admit nor deny!

"This is a personal attack!"

Harrison Pwell looked around at him, looking around at the jurors with a look of sorrow and indignation. But unfortunately, all the jurors and the judge were not sleepy anymore. They all opened their eyes wide, as if they were watching a blockbuster movie, holding their breath. Staring at it, afraid of missing any details.

Especially for these jurors, this may be the most exciting and exciting day in their ordinary lives. They don't care whether there is a personal attack or not. Their eyes are full of "Don't stop, no matter how exciting it is!"

"I didn't make any personal attacks."

Chuck said bluntly: "Otherwise, I won't just mention your socks, inflated breasts, fake watches, and financial crisis. I will say that your secretary is wearing your white shirt with your blood on it. It was you who shaved." It accidentally scratched and dripped. You tore her shirt off. The corner of her shirt exposed in her briefcase should be her original shirt. Since she didn't have time to change and wore your shirt, her lips are new. Judging from the depth and uniformity of the lipstick you applied, it took less than two hours for you to turn up and down. It must have been in your Porsche 911 sports car on the way to the court. I know that your lawyers are most particular about suits and leather shoes. They must be in the car. I will prepare spare suits and white shirts.”

With every word he spoke, everyone's eyes followed his gaze, going back and forth over the slight wound on Harrison Pwell's chin, the red on the collar of the white shirt under the secretary's jacket, and the lipstick on the secretary's lips. After a quick glance, everyone believed it, and the gossip in their eyes became even more exciting.

Chuck looked at the female secretary: "Does he usually tear your clothes off, or did he just start recently? Did he tear off your clothes after looking at the mobile phone? If so, then you should be careful. With the casino's failure, you are facing a financial crisis. He may have violent tendencies in a crisis, and he remembered to find the earrings he dropped in the car."

The female secretary was startled again and again and reached out to touch the empty ear on the left, where there should have been an earring that was symmetrical to the right one.

"You have a wife."

When Chuck saw Harrison Pwell's pale face and wanted to refute, he immediately used an American trick to directly interrupt the spellcasting and looked at him: "This can be seen from the wedding diamond ring in your hand, but the inside of your diamond ring It is very smooth and the size is a little larger than before, which shows that you often take off the diamond ring. Obviously this is not for your secretary lover, because she knows that you have a wife and does not need you to take off the ring often, so in addition to your secretary lover, you also There were other extramarital affairs.”

At this point, Chuck said to Chief Randy Tischer who was sitting in the audience: "Chief Randy Tischer, give her your business card."

"Okay...but why?"

Chief Randy Tischer stood up, took out his business card, and asked his doubts belatedly.

"Because she might need it."

Chuck analyzed: "From the behavior of Harrison Pwell often taking off his ring, not only can it be inferred that he has a lover other than his secretary's lover, but it can also be inferred that he still cares about his wife's feelings for one reason or another and does not want to Divorce, and the secretary obviously does not want to be just a simple lover of the secretary, so they will face a showdown in the future. According to FBI crime data, the number of murders caused by lovers forcing the wife to marry and the husband not willing to divorce accounted for love murders. 23% of the cases, the husband being a celebrity accounts for 84% of the 23%.”

Seeing that his lover's secretary was horrified and at a loss, Chuck said calmly: "Don't worry. In the past, if no one knew about your relationship, once you asked for a closer step, there was a high chance of being 'suicided.' It's been revealed, and until he finds a brilliant plan that he thinks will get him off the hook, you'll be fine."

After saying this, seeing that the secretary's lover's face did not improve at all, Chuck added bluntly: "Of course, even if he thought he found it and actually took action, I believe Director Randy Tischer would not be He cheated and will get justice for you.”

Harrison Pwell's lover secretary: "..."

"I object……"

Harrison Pwell had completely lost his previous spirit, and he murmured feebly in a daze.

Seeing this, the judge shook his head: "The court is adjourned now and will reopen at 9 a.m. tomorrow!"

Seeing the jury members looking over with unfinished expressions, he reminded: "Defense lawyer, I hope you will adjust your state and know what you should and should not ask. I think from today on, you will be very opposed to simply asking questions." A personal attack for the sake of personal attack, right? You should focus on the case itself!"

With that, he banged the gavel, declaring the trial to be over.

Some of the smart members of the jury immediately thought they understood what the judge really meant. They whispered to each other, and then everyone smiled expectantly.


Looking at the first criminal lawyer on the East Coast who was directly blinded by Chuck's repeated attacks, this one-sided massacre, although it is very exciting because of Chuck's incredible ability, but if there can be a back-and-forth confrontation, then It will definitely be more exciting.

Your Honor is your Honor after all. This means that you have a high level of fun. Let the defense lawyer take a moment and adjust his condition. Considering that the other party is the number one criminal lawyer on the East Coast, tomorrow is really worth looking forward to.

The judge left the seat immediately after knocking the gavel. Gold, who had gone to jail and wore a smart and elegant white suit today to appear in court, pushed Harrison Pwell who was absent-minded and said in a panic: " Harrison, are you okay?"

For Harrison Pwell, it might just be a humiliating loss of a case, or the complete collapse of his marriage, lover, and few remaining properties, but for him, this is a first-degree murder case!

Even though this is New Jersey, where there is no death penalty, and even if you go to prison and your sentence can be reduced continuously, your final sentence may not even last ten years, but it is still a prison sentence after all.

He didn't want to stay in it for a day anymore. Some artists were just as good as they wanted, but he would rather take the straight and not seek the best!

But even if he had already doubted Harrison Pwell's ability, seeing how sharp Chuck was, where could he find a character more powerful than the number one criminal lawyer on the East Coast to deal with Chuck?

Now he can only pray that Harrison Pwell can regain his strength and display his true ability as the first criminal lawyer on the East Coast, otherwise he doesn't know whether he can survive until he is released from prison.

In other words, even if he survives it, will he still be the same when he comes out many years later...

"rest assured!"

Harrison Pwell, who was stimulated by these words, gave him a stern look: "I can do it!"


The braided Gold could only nod and was taken away by the bailiff.

"let's go!"

Harrison Pwell took a deep look at Chuck, said something to his secretary lover, and walked out.

The secretary's lover stood there hesitantly.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Harrison Pwell looked ugly: "You don't really believe his nonsense, do you?"

"But I really love you, and you once said you loved me..."

The secretary lover stared at him and said only one sentence, needless to say the rest. Chuck's words completely touched her heart, especially considering that she did have further thoughts and that Chuck said he was suicidal. Big data scares her.

People in the West generally believe in God, and are generally superstitious and believe in supernatural powers. However, Chuck's ability to observe and deduce micro-expressions, which is even better than a psychic's ability to read minds, made her not only believe in it, but also couldn't help but think that he was God. Warning her through Chuck's words.

In this case, how could she continue to follow her lover boss like before?

"Here's my business card. If you need anything, just call me."

Chief Randy Tischer handed over his business card again.

Under the gaze of everyone, the lover's secretary hesitated and reached out to take the business card.

"son of a bitch!"

Harrison Pwell directly transformed into a son of the beach and left with a sweet breath.

The reason why he is so active in this case is because, as Chuck said, he likes to catch big fish and wants to ride on Detective Chuck's hot spots, step on Detective Chuck to a higher level and successfully sell books, so that he can spend his time betting on horse racing. caused a financial crisis.

He thought this was a very simple case, because Chuck's Asperger's Syndrome was the biggest flaw in his eyes, but who would have thought that before he could make a fuss about this point, Chuck would just rely on his eyes to see it. The gambling and extramarital affairs that he had tried hard to hide for a long time were exposed!

This is the result of his hiring senior investigators to investigate hard for a long time before he can treat others "not rightly"!

And how long did it take Chuck?

The time of one look?

How can you fight this!

When he thought about his powerlessness in the face of Chuck, and about the betrayal and departure of his lover's secretary just now, and the possible family turmoil when his wife knew about the extramarital affair, he could only restrain himself by cursing "Son of the Beach".

He now really wants to drink something and smash things!

"How did it end?"

Jane and Chandler, who had been waiting outside to appear in court, came in and asked in confusion.

"You don't know, it's so exciting..."

Chief Randy Tischer said that he narrated the trial process like a cross talk, and his admiration for Chuck was beyond words.

Jane was silent for a moment and said expressionlessly: "So, in fact, you can handle this trial without any preparation on our part?"

"I told you."

Chuck knew what she meant and reminded him bluntly.

Jane, who has repeatedly confirmed this and paid a huge price for it: "..."

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