American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 207 The Unyielding First Lawyer: Detective Chuck is just a man, not a god!


The bald prosecutor came over and praised: "I have fought with Harrison more than once, and this is the first time I have seen him being retorted and left speechless."

"We've won this case."

Chief Randy Tischer cheered: "The jury loves Chuck, I can tell."

"How did you tell?"

Chandler's daily joke: "Because this time, like you, they didn't doze off with their eyes closed?"


Director Randy Tischer ignored Chandler's teasing and nodded seriously: "Such a wonderful showdown, more exciting than the movies, who can sleep at all?"


Chandler found that he had met his nemesis. Almost all of his taunts were automatically filtered by the naturally stupid Director Randy Tischer. This feeling was not pleasant.

"We can't take it lightly yet."

The bald prosecutor shook his head: "Harrison is, after all, the number one criminal lawyer on the East Coast. Although he has been defeated by Dr. Wolf for the first time, it does not mean that he cannot fight back."

"But the jury should already know what kind of lawyer he is and what kind of person he is."

Jane suppressed the pain of double losses and said in a low voice: "A cheating and violent gambler, the jury will still believe him?"

The jury is responsible for determining guilt or innocence. These ordinary people are not professionals. They choose to believe or not based on their feelings. If the image of the defense lawyer is such that they don’t even pretend, it will be difficult for them to make a decision. Publicly choose to believe the conclusions of the defense attorney and the defendant.

That’s right!

As long as the defendant and the defense pretend, even if some people know that one of them is guilty and the other is a professional litigator, they still choose to believe them for one reason or another.

Because although the jury members are randomly selected from all eligible citizens, before the jury is formed, the plaintiff and defendant lawyers will go through it to screen out those they think are problematic, leaving so-called impartial jurors.

But since they have been screened, it is naturally in line with their values. Ordinary jurors who insist on their ideals and know that the defendant has problems, and professional litigators who do not tell the facts and only treat people wrongly, have no chance of walking to the jury box.

Otherwise, with Harrison Pwell's attitude as a professional litigator, how could a truly conscientious jury have allowed him to win hundreds of thousands of times?

This is outrageous!

Because the defendant and the defense lawyer put on a pretense to publicize to the outside world that we may not be guilty, even if this may be infinitely close to zero, but as long as we grasp this, those jury members who are originally inclined to them will be able to pretend that we are not guilty. When you have doubts, you can't use a good person's excuse to convince yourself to convince others.

If there is no pretense at all, then the juror will have to stop being a human being and continue to make unreasonable noises and firmly stand on the side of the defendant and the defense lawyer.

At that point, the judge can directly dismiss the jury and select a new jury in order to influence public opinion.

“A cheater or a gambler can win his wife’s forgiveness, and a prodigal son can’t get back his money.”

The bald prosecutor was well-informed and immediately gave Harrison a possible comeback: "As long as your acting skills are high enough, you can not only offset these negative effects, but even win people's favor. As for violence, this has not been confirmed. It’s normal to tear and tear your clothes or something, right?”


Jane glanced at Chuck and was speechless.

Indeed, if the lover’s secretary does not come out to speak, it is indeed impossible to use this to describe Harrison Pwell as violent, because it is indeed possible that it is just pure fun.


Chandler tightened his clothes and looked at Chuck with a funny expression, letting him express his ridicule without saying anything else.

"He can't do it, can he?"

Jane ignored Chandler's daily teasing and frowned: "Once his wife finds out...the key is that the court will be held tomorrow, and he only has one day."


Chuck was concise and to the point.


The bald prosecutor sighed: "This is very possible, because if Dr. Wolfe is right, then Harrison is facing bankruptcy because of gambling, and Harrison's wife is just a housewife, living a wealthy life, all thanks to Harry Sen, it's not difficult for Harrison to convince her. I've seen too many situations where the couple has no feelings and even hates each other, but for the sake of profit, they can still act loving in public."

Jane was doubtful, but when she followed Chuck back to the mountainside villa and turned on the TV, she saw that Harrison Pwell had been on the local hot news. He took his wife with him and confessed to his wife in public, saying that he only loved My wife will also quit gambling completely in the future. As expected, my wife also forgave him. It really put on a drama of a prodigal son returning without money, and even included a little advertisement for a new book.

"Thank you Dr. Wolf for making me realize who I really love and what I really need. The only one I love from the beginning to the end is my wife, and all I need is this job of upholding justice and justice for all people in need, I may have been a little confused and off track before, but with Dr. Wolfe’s enlightenment and my wife’s forgiveness and love, I returned to my original intention.

Dr. Wolfe is very admirable. He touched me a lot on this case and gave me more inspiration for my new book. I will write my truest feelings in the new book, but in the end, Detective Chuck is just Man is not God!

So I will stick to my original philosophy!

As long as there is any doubt, I will stick to the end and never let any innocent person have his life ruined because of an unjust, false, and wrong case!

Power must be locked in a judicial cage, because we have the most fair and reliable judicial system, so that we can have true democracy and freedom..."


Jane watched Harrison Pwell's actor-level performance throughout the whole process, and finally understood why he became the number one criminal lawyer on the East Coast. His shamelessness and acting skills surpassed everyone. He was Zanchak on the surface, but in fact he was La La. I asked Chuck to promote the new book, and praised it openly and secretly. What does it mean to be just a man but not a god?

There is only one god in the Western world, and that is God. In the eyes of Westerners, other gods are false gods. The connection between Chuck and God is used as a footnote to his original ideas of democracy and freedom. It is full of Malice.

"Continue tonight?"

Chuck ignored these and looked at Jane straightforwardly and asked.


Jane naturally knew what Chuck was asking. She turned her eyes from the TV and watched Chuck grit his teeth. Her attention immediately shifted from worrying about the case and criticizing the defense lawyer to Chuck.

Because a large part of the anger comes from the worry that the other party will regain his strength and win the lawsuit, and he will not get a good result now when a shameless person like the other party meets the even more shameless Chuck!

Chuck opened his mouth, showing his perfect teeth, and asked again seriously: "Will you continue tonight?"

"You already have a chance to win, so what are you going to do?"

Jane said a little annoyed.

"I told you a long time ago that this has nothing to do with the case."

Chuck said bluntly: "The combination experiment you all agreed on, I don't like the odd number!"

"...You still want to join in...?"

Jian hesitated, unable to speak out anymore.

"Has Director Randy Tischer told you the story of Detective Amon?"

Chuck confessed: "He is obsessive-compulsive, and so am I."


Jane stared at Chuck who looked too calm.

If you haven't heard the story of Detective Amon, you don't know how shameless Chuck's words are. And she has heard Director Randy Tischer talk about it, and she is very impressed by Detective Amon's obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Not to mention other things, just to make up the money, he only bought 10 eggs, and took out 12 dozen eggs and bought 2 more. He was framed as a criminal and was imprisoned. The bail was originally more than 900,000, but he also He has to round it up and ask the judge to raise it to 1 million, work as a consultant to solve cases, and retire immediately after solving 100 cases, because this is the perfect number for Detective Amon.

She originally only thought that she could get an even number from 1 to 2, but now she is very sensitive to the word double and can't say it out loud. But now what does Chuck mean when he says that he is also Detective Amon's obsessive-compulsive disorder?

Not a double, but a round?

Or is it a perfect 100?

The next day.

Outside the court.

Countless reporters gathered and aimed their guns at Chuck who arrived: "Dr. Wolfe, do you have anything to say about Harrison Pwell's press conference?"

"Dr. Wolfe, I heard you had a conflict with Evan Gold?"

"Dr. Wolfe, can you tell me what you think about your Asperger's syndrome? Do you ever experience hallucinations?"

"Dr. Wolfe, are you 100% sure that Evan Gold killed his wife?"

"I'm sure Evan Gold killed his wife and I can prove it."

Chuck said calmly, and surrounded by Chandler and others, he entered the court.

"God, I never thought I would become a muscle bodyguard one day."

Chandler felt uncomfortable being squeezed by the crowd. As soon as he entered the court, he couldn't help laughing at himself.

"Chuck, there's something wrong with this public opinion trend."

Jane actually doesn't miss Richard very much. She has never seen such a shameless person, but she can't help that she chose such a shameless person. Besides, there is only the difference between 0 and 1, 1 and 2, 1 and 10. What is the essential difference?

So no matter how unhappy I was, I could only ignore him with tears in my eyes, but now I felt something was wrong when I saw these reporters asking questions, and I couldn't help but remind him.

"It's normal."

Chuck said calmly: "The media likes to chase hot spots, and they like to create gods more than destroy them. Everything is for traffic. Besides, the number one criminal lawyer on the East Coast has won cases for so many wealthy people over the years. The media is not interested in him." It’s normal to be forgiving enough to speak up for him.”

“Shouldn’t the media be the fourth estate of justice?”

Chief Randy Tischer asked naturally.

"The words are good, but the tone is wrong."

Chandler couldn't help but mocked: "Shouldn't it be said that the media is the fourth estate of justice~?"

"What's the difference?"

Director Randy Tischer looked at Chandler in confusion.

"Okay, no difference."

Chandler lowered his head listlessly.

If he needs to explain every joke in detail, then he will completely lose his original intention of teasing and ridiculing. This should be a matter of knowing a smile, and he can't do without teasing and ridicule as soon as he opens his mouth. If everyone can Like Chief Randy Tischer, that's his nightmare.

"Those media are all controlled by wealthy people. If you don't speak for them, how can you speak for others?"

Jane also understood and said angrily: "You give them money to buy a car and a house to live a decent life?"

"Although I am the director, my salary is not as good as Sharona's."

Director Randy Tischer, as always, failed to grasp the point and went off track with an awkward smile: "When she worked for Monk as a nurse in the past, although I was only a deputy director, because Monk was very stingy, my salary was higher than She is tall, and now she has left Monk to manage a nursing home by herself, and her salary is much higher than mine when I became the director."

"...They're coming."

Chandler was no longer able to complain about the crooked Randy, and reminded everyone to look outside the court. They saw Harrison Pwell, who was wearing a decent suit, did not drive his own Porsche 911 sports car, but drove out of an ordinary-looking black SUV. He got up and down, trotted to the passenger seat, opened the door, and let a beautiful young woman wearing sunglasses get out.

"Mr. Pwell."

A group of media reporters immediately swarmed them, surrounded them, and handed them over in a provocative manner: "Do you have anything to say about today's case?"

"Mrs. Pwell, do you have anything to say about the fact that Detective Chuck exposed your husband's affair at a glance?"

"Harrison was wrong, but he has admitted it. As a wife, for family, for love, and for the vows I made on the altar, I choose to forgive him."

Mrs. Pwell, wearing sunglasses, lowered her head slightly, avoiding the flash, and said quickly and fluently: "He made a mistake in this regard, but I have always believed in his dedication and value in his work. What he did was Everyone’s freedom should not be trampled on. This is the reason why I fell in love with him. As for Detective Chuck, I am grateful that he pointed out this fact and allowed our husband and wife to be honest in time so that we would not go further and further away. But if he just wanted to attack Harry Sen's efforts to protect freedom, then I can only say that in the choice of personal gains and losses and everyone's freedom and rights, I am not willing to let everyone's freedoms and rights face threats and tramples for personal gains and losses!"

After saying that, the couple walked out of the circle of reporters, entered the court, and came face to face with Chuck and the others who were watching the show.

"It's really exciting. Fortunately, I didn't drink too much. Otherwise, I would have read out all the paragraphs of the speech and the instructions for who was speaking."

Chandler couldn't help but scoff.

"You're so funny!"

Director Randy Tischer laughed: "How can anyone read out all the instructions in the speech? They are not stupid!"

"I'm mocking her for being a manuscript-reading machine with no emotions!"

Chandler was very happy to see that Chief Randy Tischer finally caught up with his thinking: "And how do you know that no one has done such a thing? It will definitely happen in the future! You think so, Chuck?"


Chuck nodded: "No need to do it again, someone has done this before."

"Sorry, Dr. Wolfe."

Mrs. Pwell took off her sunglasses and looked at Chuck apologetically.

"I see."

Chuck glanced at her.

"Dr. Wolfe, I'll see you in the courtroom."

When Harrison Pwell saw his wife sincerely apologizing to Chuck, his heart sank, his face turned green, and he quickly interrupted: "We are all human beings, and we all make mistakes, but don't let this affect the case itself, everything is still the same. Let the evidence in the case speak for itself!”

As he said that, he took his wife, who seemed to be at odds with each other, and went in first.

"Tsk, tsk, why do I have a feeling that this time the number one lawyer on the East Coast will be even worse..."

Chandler looked at Mrs. Pwell, who was beautiful and graceful, and couldn't help but marveled and laughed.

That is to say, he didn't know that there was an allusion to losing his wife and losing his troops, otherwise he would have told it directly.

"I don't think you need to speak!"

Jane has become more and more annoyed with Chandler, who is a bitch, especially since Chandler is Monica's best friend and always makes fun of him. In the past two days, she has been so uncomfortable that she can't help but want to fight him. .

Normally, she would have understood.

After all, American jokes always go down three directions. This is the convention, the crudest and most talked about, and there is no cultural barrier to the joke.

But these two days, she was really, really annoyed!

I don’t want to understand at all!

Just vent whatever you want to say!

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