American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 209 Surrender and lose half? The queen's gambit begins!

in court.

Everyone was in a state of shock.

no way!

Chuck's approach completely subverted their common sense and achieved what they thought was impossible.

In the courtroom in the world of American TV series, in order to impress the judge and jury members, both the plaintiff and the defendant's lawyers will try their best to grasp the points that the judge and jury members can accept and feel more, continue to strengthen them, and then use some points to make the jury feel better. The group members believed their story.

But no matter how rich his language skills are and how sincere his expressions are, they can never achieve the impact of Chuck's casual reproduction of evidence that makes everyone irrefutable and controversial.

Such a big 2-ton marble column is standing there full of cracks but without any cracks at all!

Thousands of completely irregular gravels are perfectly combined, what else can be said?

Say no?

A coincidence?


Even in the magical real world where one dares to say that this is a large-scale weapon with a pinch of washing powder, what Chuck showed is indisputable evidence!

"Defense lawyer?"

After the judge was shocked, he looked at Harrison Pwell.

"Your Honor...I have no objection."

Harrison Pwell walked back to the dock in a daze.

"Okay, let's collect this evidence for the jury members to refer to."

The judge made his decision.

Harrison Pwell turned his head to Gold, who had reacted from shock and was worried about his fate, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "How is your acting skills?"

"What's the meaning?"

The braided Gold looked at his lawyer in confusion.


Harrison Pwell looked at him, and then at Chuck who was looking at him calmly. His eyes struggled for a while, and finally he shook his head and said nothing. He stood up and said to the judge: "Your Honor, I need to talk to you. The prosecutor will discuss it.”


The judge understood that Harrison was ready to admit defeat and seek a plea bargain, so he nodded and approved this approach.

Harrison Pwell looked at the bald prosecutor and motioned to come forward. When the bald prosecutor approached, he whispered: "Congratulations, Charlie, we accepted the previous plea agreement."

The bald prosecutor was smiling, and was about to make a few jokes before agreeing, when he caught a glimpse of Chuck's expressionless gaze. He suddenly felt something in his heart. He signaled Harrison to wait a moment, walked over to Chuck, and said, before Chuck While shaking his head, he walked back and said helplessly to his personal friend Harrison: "You should have agreed a long time ago."

"What does he mean?"

Harrison glanced at Chuck and said angrily: "I have already admitted defeat, do you think he is still going to kill me all the time? Charlie knows about me. Do you think I have no chance of comeback? Don't be too confident, you have already If you win, why waste time and energy on continuing to gamble? There are many cases that he doesn’t know about, so don’t you still know the necessity of plea bargaining? "

"Oh, of course I know."

The bald prosecutor sighed: "It's just that he is so powerful, I have already won. If I still accept your plea bargain under this situation, it will not be justified. I'm sorry, Harrison."

The reason why plea bargaining exists is naturally impossible. There are so many cases in the American TV drama world every year, and each case is very cumbersome to fight. If everyone puts their best effort, each case will be protracted and there will not be that many cases at all. Legal resources are available for consumption, so there is a plea bargain. By pleading guilty to a misdemeanor, you can avoid being prosecuted for a felony, which greatly saves legal resources.

He, the prosecutor, had repeatedly urged Harrison to accept the plea agreement before the trial. At that time, if Harrison accepted, no one could say anything.

But Harrison was used to being arrogant and not only refused to accept it, but also mocked him severely. Now that the matter had come to this, Harrison chose to bow his head and give in. As a private friend, he could accept it.

But now, as a police consultant, Chuck is unwilling to accept it, and he is not willing to blatantly agree to let Harrison and the others accept the very favorable and favorable plea agreement at the beginning.

After the bald prosecutor finished speaking, he returned to his seat.

Harrison was angry, aggrieved and helpless. After struggling for a long time, he returned to his position.

"Defense lawyer, have you discussed this with the prosecutor?"

the judge asked.

"Your honor, I have no questions."

Harrison glanced at Chuck, shook his head at the judge.


Seeing this, the judge said nothing and looked at the jury members who were enjoying themselves: "Jurors, you can go in to discuss and give a verdict."

Under the guidance of the bailiff who opened the door, all the jurors left with unsatisfied feelings.

Chuck and the others also walked out of the court and waited outside the court for the jury's final decision.

"you lose."

Harrison Pwell's wife said with a complicated expression.

"I haven't lost yet!"

Harrison Pwell's uncomfortable retort.

"you lose."

Mrs. Pwell looked at her husband and affirmed with her eyes: "You have already admitted defeat, psychologically! But this is not surprising. When encountering Detective Chuck, admitting defeat is not the worst outcome. Not admitting defeat may be."

"I don't!"

Harrison couldn't stand his wife's attitude of belittling him, and said regretfully: "I admit that he is very powerful, but I was not completely helpless just's just that this case is not worth my efforts."

This is the truth!

As long as he wants, he can still try his best and play the mental illness card. As long as Pigtail Gold's acting skills pass, it's not completely hopeless.

But in the end, he voluntarily gave up this plan without waiting for Pigtail Gold to speak.

Because it’s risky!

In theory, the defense strategy cannot be changed. In the beginning, he defended Little Gold as innocent. Now he has changed the defense strategy rashly. Not only is it against the rules, but the effect of winning the jury's trust is greatly reduced. More importantly, It's more serious. To be more serious, he may have his lawyer's license revoked.

Of course, his relationship with the judge as a golfer would not lead him to this point. If it were someone else who was prosecuting the case, he would be confident of reversing these disadvantages and using his superb defense skills to cleverly achieve his goal.

After all, this case involves the title of his new book: "Invincible: The Harrison Pwell Story"!

If we lose, the most popular title of this book, Invincible, will no longer be used.

Normally, he would definitely give it a go for the title of invincible!

But facing Chuck, he really had no confidence, because he had no idea that if he really took this step, Chuck would use methods that he couldn't think of at all, proving indisputably that his risk was meaningless.

Of course, he would not admit the fact that he was scared, especially in front of his wife.

It's just that as husband and wife, no one knows who the other is, and his wife is not like she used to to protect his face, she doesn't say anything, she just smiles and makes him extremely uncomfortable.

At this point, he had no choice but to wait for the jury to deliberate and give the final verdict, even if he wanted to risk it again.


For the first time, the bald prosecutor defeated his friend, who was known as the best criminal lawyer on the East Coast. He put aside his apology for not agreeing to the plea bargain after the other party gave in, and said excitedly: "Dr. Wolfe, this case is done! You It’s incredible!”

"he knows."

Chandler stood next to Chuck, tilted his head, and said jokingly: "We know, now everyone knows."

Jane said nothing, but the anger she had accumulated towards Chuck in the past two days in her eyes was suppressed by a touch of admiration.

"Dr. Wolfe, you like puzzles, don't you?"

Chief Randy Tischer focused on something different and asked what he was most curious about.


Chuck raised his decorative glasses, nodded and said, "I like puzzles."

New Hampshire.

Underground secret room.

When Anna, the girl in white, heard this, she couldn't help but smile. She couldn't help but picture a boy playing a puzzle with his hands and feet shaking unnaturally. When the last piece was missing, he screamed loudly, and a girl with hands and feet shaking unnaturally came up from the ground. Picking up a puzzle piece and handing it to him, he stopped screaming and took it in a daze, putting the puzzle pieces together.

The watch on Chuck's wrist vibrated subtly.

"I knew it!"

Chief Randy Tischer clenched his fist and looked at Chandler happily: "I said so!"

"you are amazing."

Chandler gave him two thumbs up.

It didn't take long for the bailiff to remind the jury members that they had made their decision, and everyone walked to the court.

The bald prosecutor beamed, while Harrison Pwell looked grim.

Because the verdict was issued in such a short time, it shows that the opinions of the jury members are very unified. After such an impactful trial just now, unless there is a supernatural force controlling all the jurors, no one will believe that the jury will give a verdict of not guilty. judgment.

If you are not innocent, then you are guilty!

There are only two outcomes.

The judge also walked in at this time and announced that the trial would continue. He took a look at the note with the result that the bailiff had obtained from the jury, and said to the jury members: "Please give the jury the final result."

It is customary to respect the right of the jury to declare guilt or innocence.

An older juror, as the head of the jury, stood up and said to the judge: "The jury members unanimously determined that the defendant is guilty!"


Chandler happily pumped his fist and then fist bumped with Randy Tischer who did the same.

The jury convicted and the judge sentenced him. Because this is New Jersey, which does not have the death penalty for first-degree murder, he was given a life sentence for first-degree murder.

No one cares what little braided Gold thinks anymore.

Everyone's attention is on Detective Chuck and the East Coast's number one criminal lawyer who failed for the first time.

"Well done, Dr. Wolfe!"

Harrison Pwell quickly adjusted his condition, walked towards Chuck, and smiled at Chuck: "You are a very great opponent, and I look forward to the next time we meet in court."

"Make it seem like Chuck is a lawyer."

Chandler mocked from the side: "Don't forget, he is a consultant to the police station, you are not your opponent. He crossed fields for prosecutors and easily swept you, the invincible number one criminal lawyer on the East Coast. I'm sure you are looking forward to it." once?"


Harrison Pwell's forcedly adjusted fake smile could no longer stretch, and he glared at Chandler with a sharp tongue. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and he pulled his wife away from the court.

"It seems that it is useful to have you with me."

Jane was no longer angry with Chuck because of his performance in court. Now she was sure that with their efforts, justice would not be punished. She was in a good mood and had no interest in Chandler anymore. He was previously disliked, but when he saw the number one litigator on the East Coast breaking his guard, he praised him honestly.


Chandler laughed at himself: "But no matter how hard I try, I can't be as useful as you to Chuck. After all, I'm just responsible for making fun of you. It all depends on my mouth..."

At this point, Jane was angry and disgusted again, Director Randy Tischer patted his shoulder to comfort him, and could no longer say anything.

Outside the court.

As soon as Harrison Pwell and his wife went out, they were surrounded by guns and cannons.

"Mr. Pwell, what do you think of this failure?"

"Mr. Pwell, will your book be renamed?"

"Mrs. Pwell, some people say that your choice to forgive Mr. Pwell is imitating Mrs. Florrick in Chicago. Do you have any opinion on this?"


Sharp questions were raised one after another, and Mrs. Pwell's face looked very ugly even though she was wearing sunglasses.

Everyone knows the famous Florrick couple in Chicago. After Mrs. Florrick chose to forgive her cheating husband for the sake of the family, she had the opportunity to become the former Chicago Attorney General of the Mei Piao Sect, a prison inmate, and the current good man Florrick in the future. After he was released from prison, he became active and prepared to run for Chicago Attorney General again.

And Mrs. Florrick also made a gorgeous turn, from a housewife to a strong working woman, and the couple simply won.

But this has clearly revealed to the public the ridiculousness of the so-called marriage and family under the shared interests of husband and wife.

Now that this was mentioned, Mrs. Pwell felt it was very ironic and a slap in the face.

In contrast, Harrison Pwell was in much better condition. Even though he had just broken through the defense, he still managed to smile: "Detective Chuck is well-deserved. He is indeed a very powerful detective. He used many incredible methods to make us I have a clearer understanding of the truth of the case. Although I lost the case, I still admire him because the truth becomes clearer and clearer as time goes by. There are only a few more people like him. We, as people, support the freedom of not unjustly accusing a good person. Lawyers with the bottom line can work less hard..."


Chandler and the others walked to the door of the court and were dumbfounded when they saw Harrison Pwell like this.

What kind of shame is this!

The bald prosecutor couldn't stand the looks Chandler and the others were looking at him, and explained awkwardly: "The case has been lost. The more he praises Dr. Wolfe now, the more people will know how powerful Dr. Wolfe is." offset the negative impact of his failure to the greatest extent possible.”

Having said this, he glanced at Chuck and sighed: "And this is indeed not a problem with his ability."

"All right."

Jane also understood this truth, but she was very unhappy and said: "The truth may be good, but it is still very depressing. If bad people are like him, how can good people live? Not everyone can meet Chuck."

"Don't think too much."

Chuck said calmly: "There is Harrigan and Harris without Harrison. You are not the Holy Mother and you cannot control everyone. Just live your own life. As he said, just look forward to the next encounter."

"In fact, he is not as strong as he says."

Chandler joked: "It might be painful to wait until there is no one around. If it comes a few more times in the future, you will see if he can continue to pretend like this. He will definitely be hit by Chuck and become suspicious of his life."

"Then look forward to our next encounter."

After hearing this, Jane was relieved and really looked forward to the next court encounter.

New Jersey.

Inside a motel.

The news was playing on the shabby TV. It was the scene of Harrison Pwell and his wife being interviewed. A woman in her thirties was holding her long hair with both hands, her eyes were different from ordinary people, and she was a little crazy.


Following a soft call, a little girl of eight or nine years old reached out to touch the woman, her eyes full of worry.


The woman glanced at her daughter, forced a smile, took out her mobile phone and dialed a number, then looked at the TV.

In the news, Harrison Pwell glanced down at his phone, then hung up and put it away.

The woman smiled, stood up and said to her daughter, "Beth, let's go out for a walk."

The little girl Beth held her mother's hand and followed her into the car. She watched her mother drive faster and faster. She seemed to feel the fear she felt when she watched her mother dive underwater for a long time at the lakeside without emerging. She looked at her mother. , and her mother smiled at her with tears in her eyes: "Close your eyes."

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