American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 212 Tasty little Leonard: Hey, Beth Harmon, what are you looking at?

Just do it.

Chuck asked the plump woman Linda to start recording a video directly describing the ins and outs for later use, and then asked: "Where is your husband now?"

"He was invited to be the guest of honor at Bogan County High School today."

said the plump woman Linda.

"Bogan County High School?"

Jane looked at Chuck in surprise: "Isn't that Little Leonard's school?"

"Well, let's go."

Chuck nodded and walked out.

"Did he do it on purpose?"

Jane quickly followed and expressed her feelings: "I feel like he did it on purpose, otherwise how could it be such a coincidence?"

"So it doesn't matter whether it's intentional or not."

Chuck got into the driver's seat, Jane got into the passenger seat, and Linda, who originally wanted to drive to follow, was placed in the back seat: "From now on, until I confirm that your husband has given up his plans, and then you get divorced, it's a fool's errand." You must follow my instructions in every move, do you understand?"


The plump woman Linda nodded and hesitated: "Do I have to get divorced?"


Jane said speechlessly: "It's been like this, why don't you get divorced?"

After saying this, she suddenly reacted and looked back at Linda: "Yes, it's already like this, why haven't you divorced yet?"


The plump woman Linda opened her mouth, but no words came out.

"In that case, let's correct it."

Chuck said while driving: "From now on, until I confirm that your husband has given up his plans, every move you make must be in accordance with my instructions, understand?"


The plump woman Linda happily nodded in agreement.

Jane glanced at Chuck and opened her mouth to speak, but when she met Chuck's calm gaze, she could only suppress the complaints in her heart. The car drove to Bergen County Middle School not long after, and waited until she parked the car and got off. Finally, Jane had the opportunity to ask quietly behind Linda's back: "Is this good? Even if the idea of ​​​​crime is temporarily suppressed, it will always rekindle as time goes by. There is always a danger if you don't get a divorce. .”

"Do you think she doesn't know?"

Chuck said: "She knows what she wants better than you! A housewife who drinks all day long, do you think she has the courage to divorce?"

"You mean money?"

Jane wondered: "After the divorce, she can get a lot of money and continue to drink her wine."

Chuck looked at her and said nothing.

"……All right."

Jane was extremely uncomfortable with this look. She suddenly reacted and said with a wry smile: "He is a chess grandmaster. According to Linda, he can see through all her moves. Naturally, there is no way there is no prenuptial agreement or anything like that." Avoid having a large estate divided.”

After saying this, she was still a little confused: "Are you willing to risk being killed for this?"

"It seems you don't know what an alcoholic is capable of."

Chuck shook his head: "Alcohol addiction in the United States is comparable to child addiction. There are so many Alcoholics Anonymous Associations, and there was a vigorous prohibition on alcohol back then. What was the result? I'm still drinking even when it's time to drink! You don't have to worry about alcohol addiction even if you don't get divorced. She may not die yet, but after the divorce, the thought of not being able to continue living a life of drunken dreams and death makes her feel more uncomfortable than worrying that she will die.

And in her opinion, once a man as smart as her husband is given up on the idea of ​​killing her by external forces, he will most likely not think of killing her again.

With all these factors combined, do you still think she is stupid? "

"Not stupid."

Jane's mouth twitched.

"No, still stupid!"

Chuck's voice changed: "Putting your life and death in the hands of others, and also in the hands of a smart person who has murderous intentions for her and can completely control her, is still too stupid!"

"Then what should I do without being stupid?"

Jane couldn't complain.

Chuck didn't say anything, just gave him a knowing look.


Jane was dumbfounded. After many rounds of cooperation in scientific experiments with multiple scenes, she was already a relatively mature scientific research assistant. She cooperated well with Chuck's eyes, but this time she was really shocked.

Because what she read meant that Chuck was referring to what he said before about the most stupid thing about Linda's husband... giving his wife a chance to fight back.

"Why do you think so?"

"What was I thinking?"

Chuck asked rhetorically.

"You know what I'm talking about."

Jian said anxiously: "Even if we don't mention that this idea is illegal and immoral, it's not silly to say that if she really wants to do it, she won't be able to enjoy the life she wants to enjoy at all afterwards!"

"What do you think Linda looks like?"

Chuck still didn't answer, just asked a question.

"She's pretty and has a good figure."

Jane frowned and said, "Does this have anything to do with the problem we are talking about?"

"Then why do you think her husband still sleeps with her every day and gives her a chance to kill her when he has already said he wants to kill her?"

Chuck reminded: "Besides his arrogance and possible counterattack, is there a possibility that Linda can still interest him?"

"...What exactly do you want to say?"

Jane had a headache and didn't want to think anymore.

"Twenty-eight beauties have a soft body and a sword at their waist to kill the foolish man."

Chuck groaned: "Linda is a beauty in your eyes, and her husband seems smart, but in my eyes he is a complete fool. She has every chance to kill him reasonably and legally."


Jane was stunned, but her first reaction was: "How is that possible! How can a woman be a match for a man..."


In her subconscious, a deep-rooted idea had already arisen unconsciously, that is, there is only bad land, how can there be exhausted cows!

But then she realized that Chuck was a special case, not the general situation, and the other way around was the reality.

Linda's conditions were there. Although she was an alcoholic, she seemed to be naturally strong. The possibility of killing a foolish man with a sword was indeed not small.

This made Jane couldn't help but wander up the stairs and think about the domineering ladies in Ping'an Town. I heard that the husbands at home seemed to be good at hiding from public servants, but they were either thin or looked bad...

Bergen County High School.

"Chuck, why are you here?"

Little Leonard looked at Chuck coming over in surprise.

"Something's wrong."

Chuck was concise and to the point.

"Leonard, your school invited Patrick Kloster?"

Jane suppressed the messy thoughts in her heart and looked down at little Leonard with a smile.


Little Leonard didn't dare to look directly into Jane's eyes. He avoided it shyly and nodded: "Today is the busiest day of our middle school chess club. The tutor of the club invited a kid who is said to be very talented from somewhere. The girl came to fight us in a team fight, and she just informed us that there will be a surprise later, and someone well-informed has already found out that it is the world champion grandmaster Mr. Patrick Kloster who is coming."

"A little girl wants to fight you as a team?"

Jane asked curiously: "How to fight in a team?"


Little Leonard said unhappily: "Now everyone is going to bully us."

After complaining, he began to explain to Jane what chess team battles are: "Our middle school chess club, including high school members, has a total of 12 club members. When she comes over, she will play with 12 of us at the same time."


Jane was shocked and said: "Can it still be like this?"

"This is super genius treatment."

Little Leonard curled his lips and said: "For us, it is an insult to Chi Guoguo, but the instructor of our club said that she has this ability at the age of 9."

"Patrick does this all the time."

When the plump woman Linda heard this, she couldn't help but interject.

"Then try to defeat her."

Chuck looked at little Leonard: "What's the use of complaining in private?"

"I will!"

Little Leonard immediately blushed with embarrassment, and then promised excitedly: "I will definitely defeat her!"

"I'm talking about effort."

Chuck corrected: "The important thing is to speak with strength. Don't say anything that you are not sure about. There are people outside the world. Is it possible that Peggy is here today, and you also want to say that you will defeat her?"


Little Leonard was immediately speechless.

Young Sheldon's contempt already made him uncomfortable, but in terms of intelligence, he was actually convinced.

Because despite his IQ of 173 and Little Sheldon's 187, it seems that there is not much difference, both of which are considered super geniuses, but Little Sheldon really crushes him in the field of intelligence. I cannot accept it.

But for little Sheldon, facing Peggy is like facing the devil. Well, it's the little devil. His super genius intelligence that he has always been proud of is completely useless. He is suppressed by Peggy in every way. It's very depressing.

If Peggy like this came over for 1vs12 today, he would naturally not say that this was Chi Guoguo's insult and that he must defeat her, but that it was their honor and that he must hold on for a few more moves before losing to the little devil. Peggy looked at him differently.

"Who is Peggy?"

Linda asked Jane curiously.


Jane couldn't help but smile playfully: "Remember the little Sheldon I told you about with an IQ of 187? She is a 12-year-old girl with an IQ no worse than that of Little Sheldon, or even higher. She still admires Under Chuck’s wisdom.”

She hasn't mentioned Dr. Reed yet, who has the same IQ as Little Sheldon, also 187, and is Chuck's little fanboy.


Linda was speechless and looked at Jane with disbelief.

"You do not believe?"

Jane smiled.

"It's not that I don't believe it..."

Linda was asking for help, and said it more tactfully and with high emotional intelligence: "I just wonder why it didn't happen before. If it had, chess wouldn't always have the Red Bears ranked among the top three in the world."

These people often have IQs far above 180, and they are as young as 12 years old. If super geniuses are so easy to come out, why haven't they been there before?

You must know that the Cold War has just ended less than a year ago. In order for each camp to win, they had to compete in everything, often rising to the level of national honor.

These super geniuses were only 11 years old last year, and they were 10 years old the year before last. If they were really that powerful, at this age they would have been able to participate in the competition and win the world championship, and defeat the Red Bear with dignity and dignity.


Jane hesitated.

Yes, why is this?

She couldn't help but look at Chuck.

This is indeed strange.

"The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit."

Chuck put it bluntly.


Jane had a question mark on her face.

What does this have to do with success and failure?

Chuck did not explain that this is a comprehensive world of American TV series. Destiny is in the United States. Naturally, there are endless super geniuses like Little Sheldon. There are as many as you want (blow). Super geniuses whose IQ does not exceed 180 are embarrassed to be called super geniuses.

Even in the near future, in the world of American TV dramas, the concierge at American universities may be the down-and-out former Red Bear scientist who crushed Little Sheldon, and the cleaning lady working for the underworld may be an elite female doctor from another country.

And all of this is actually because the United States won.

Otherwise, the fighting atmosphere in this world will definitely be more intense.


At this time, someone called out Little Leonard's name, and a group of high school students dressed in a more homely style walked by. One of them waved to Little Leonard.

"I'll come right away!"

Little Leonard responded loudly, then looked at Chuck and the others: "Chuck, it's time to start. Let's go to the science laboratory? This game will be held there."

"Guide the way."

Chuck nodded.


Little Leonard agreed simply and trotted ahead to lead the way.

"I didn't see Patrick's car."

Linda, a plump woman, walked around the neighborhood just now when Chuck was talking to Jian Jian alone. She didn't see her husband's car: "But it's possible that the school sent a car to pick him up."

"Well, don't worry."

Jane comforted: "He will naturally appear when it's time for him to appear. Now it's him who should be anxious."

Science lab at Bergen County High School.

It is said to be a science laboratory, but it is actually a classroom with a science laboratory sign. It is occupied by Little Leonard and his chess club as an after-school activity room.

Little Leonard trotted forward to lead the way, keeping up with a group of high school students in front. In addition to the 11 contestants, there were also people who came to watch the excitement in twos and threes.

When everyone filed in, they saw a little blond girl with eyebrow-length bangs standing in the middle of the classroom, watching everyone come in. Behind her, a long table was placed on all sides. On the table, there were already A laid out chess board.

On the blackboard at the end of the wall, someone wrote in big chalk: "Welcome Beth Harmon!"

Little Leonard smiled at Chuck and the others, then hurried forward, walked around to the front, and followed the example of a group of club bosses, folding his arms and leaning back slightly to look at today's 'big enemy'. Nine-year-old genius chess player Beth Harmon emerges from a game with the caretaker in the basement of an orphanage in Methuen!

This means that he is not standing on tiptoes and shaking his body, otherwise he will immediately have the atmosphere of Zhou's comedy.

"What a unique little girl!"

Jane looked at Beth Harmon who was surrounded by a group of boys confronting her, and felt a different feeling in her heart.


How should I put it, there is a sense of immersion. If it were her, relying on her own strength, starting to challenge the whole world on her own, and defeating it... It would feel a bit cool to think about it.


When Jane was sighing, she suddenly noticed that the eyes and expression of the little blond girl Beth Harmon had changed, and she immediately let out a cry of surprise.

But it was Beth Harmon who was a little uncomfortable with being stared at by everyone and lowered her eyes slightly before quickly looking back at everyone indifferently. When her eyes glanced at Chuck, she suddenly stopped, and then she was stunned. Staring at Chuck, there was no one else in his eyes.

"Does she know you?"

Jane is very sensitive to this look.


Little Leonard was really unhappy at this time. He walked up to Beth Harmon, first stopped his tactics, leaned back and straightened his body, trying to block her view of Chuck. After that, to no avail, he could only stretch out his hands and wave. Blocking the stunned gaze: "What are you looking at! Let's play chess!"

"Everyone, sit down and be quiet! Leonard Hofstadter, you use board No. 1 because you are our best chess player. Everyone else can sit wherever they want."

At this time, the instructor sitting on the podium stood up and said with a smile: "Beth, let's get started?"

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