American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 211 Widow: My husband’s IQ is 180, higher than Einstein! Jane: Hahaha!

"Are you poisoned?"

After Jane was speechless for a while, she asked with concern: "Or are you suffering from some incurable disease? Is it because of your husband?"


The plump woman shook her head: "I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Linda Kloster, and my husband is Patrick Kloster."

After saying this, neither Chuck nor Jane had any reaction, unlike others who either recognized or vaguely knew the surname when they heard the name, so they added: "He is a chess master."

Jane immediately looked at Chuck.

"Never heard of that name."

Chuck understood what she meant and shook his head.

"He is a chess grandmaster and has won the world championship."

The plump woman Linda introduced further.

"Have you really never heard of it?"

Jane couldn't help but stare at Chuck, confirming with her eyes that they were just talking about chess, and she knew that Chuck liked playing chess very much.

"I told you, I have never played against a professional chess player."

"And he's an American," Chuck said.


Jane is puzzled.

"America has no real chess grandmasters."

Chuck said bluntly.

"Patrick is a true chess grandmaster."

When the plump woman Linda heard this, she couldn't help but retort for her husband: "He has won the international championship."

Even if her husband wants to kill her now, her glory lies in this title plus the title of Mrs. She doesn't like others to deny this.

"Has the level score reached 2800 or above?"

Chuck looked at her.


Linda, a plump woman, was suddenly speechless. As the wife of a world chess champion, she knew more or less some common sense about chess.

Rating is an evaluation method created by Hungarian-American physicist Elo to measure various chess games. It is used in chess, Go, football and other fields. It is based on statistics and is relatively fair and objective.

The higher the level score, the more powerful the player is in theory. The international title is also determined based on the level score. Anyone with a chess level score of 2500 or above is an international grandmaster!

Those with levels of 2400-2499 are international masters.

Those with a level of 2300-2399 are chess masters.

Although the International Grand Master is the highest title, there are not many. It only needs to meet any one of two conditions: any player participating in the World Championship Challenger Tournament, and the total number of international masters or chess federation masters is not less than 24 games. Those who have achieved Grand Master status twice or more in competitions and have an international rating of at least 2450 points.

After reaching the International Grand Master, if you want to go to the next level, the level score will go from over 2500 to over 2800. The difficulty is unimaginable.

Just look at the level divisions and you will know that the Chess Federation Master, International Master, and Grand Master are all only 100 points apart, which is very close. However, the historical level of 2800 points is 300 points higher than the highest title of International Grand Master, which is 2500 points. !

It might not be as high as a five-story building, but it wouldn't be much worse.

So far, there are only three people with chess ratings above 2800: Kasparov, Kramnik, and Topalov.

Of these three people, two are former Red Bears and one is a former Red Bear hardcore. None of them are Americans. You can imagine how depressed and desperate Americans were in the field of chess during the Cold War period they just passed.

At that time, it was almost impossible to defeat the Red Bear players who were at the level of the team’s devil. It was no less than the shadow that a certain table tennis team in the previous life cast on players from other countries.

Any victory is a historic victory and will be made into a movie and a special book, as if history has completely changed from this moment... However, it has not.

No matter how good a chess player is, there will be times when he is defeated or drawn in a bad state. An occasional loss will not have a decisive impact on the overall points.

After that, you will still win if you should win, and you will still lose if you should lose!

If it were not too embarrassing and there was propaganda and confrontation, in the future, the West, which completely controls the right to speak in public opinion, would have just found a reason to kick chess, which tests intelligence, out of the competitive circle.


Because even if you change the rules of the game, it is almost impossible to win, because this is a purely intellectual competition, and the outcome is clear at a glance. It is too difficult to fool yourself by using what is correct. As long as you are not a fool, you will hardly fall for this trick.

If you can't play it, you won't play it. Anyway, as long as you don't publicize it and you are deaf and blind, there is no such thing as being unable to play it.

Chuck doesn't pay attention to any professional chess players or American chess grandmasters. The only thing he knows about is these three historical level supreme chess players.

"His IQ is 180, higher than Einstein!"

The plump lady Linda emphasized.


Jane suddenly stretched out her hand to stop Linda: "Let me explain, the reason why you think you are dead is because your husband is a chess grandmaster with a super high IQ. He said he had a perfect plan to kill you, so you just Do you believe he definitely has this ability?"


The plump woman Linda nodded: "He is a chess grandmaster and world champion. He can see through every move I make. I can't even hide because he can find me within two minutes. He said he would kill me. It will definitely kill me."


Jane leaned back tactically, with a relaxed expression on her face.

"What's so funny about this?"

The plump woman Linda said excitedly: "You don't know how scary Patrick is. Every day he tells me that he wants to kill me and that he has a perfect plan. Before going to bed, he will say, good night, my dear, time is running out." He also bought a 10 million insurance policy for me."

Saying this, she could no longer hold back and cried out in fear.

"Sorry, sorry."

Jane quickly handed her a tissue and apologized while explaining: "I'm not laughing because it's funny, but because I can't die from laughing at you, so I'm happy for you!"

"How to say?"

Linda, a plump woman, wiped her tears and looked at Jane waiting for an explanation.

"Because your so-called IQ is as high as 180, which is higher than Einstein. It does look very powerful."

Jane smiled and said: "But it depends on who you compare with. Let me tell you good news. Detective Chuck also likes to play chess. He often makes little Sheldon cry, and this little Sheldon's IQ is as high as 187 !”


The plump woman Linda wiped away her tears and said in disbelief: "Is this true?"

She is not stupid enough to get hung up on Little Sheldon's small print, because in the field of chess, the most indispensable thing is young geniuses. There are teenagers who have directly won the world championship, not to mention this one's IQ is as high as 187 , 7 points higher than her horrible husband!

And such a super genius was actually made to cry by Detective Chuck... This is indeed good news!

"Chuck, tell her!"

Jane said with a smile.

"IQ values ​​have certain reference significance, but they don't mean anything."

Chuck shook his head: "Otherwise, any competition would end with a comparison of IQs."

The plump woman Linda couldn't help but wipe her tears again.


Jane twitched the corner of her mouth and raised her voice.

What she wants is for Chuck to comfort Linda who is facing the fear of death, not to take him for granted!

"You don't have to be afraid."

Chuck said bluntly: "Although the IQ value does not mean anything, and I have never met your husband, I know that he is not actually smart, but rather stupid. This is good news for you."

"He's not smart, but stupid?"

Linda, a plump woman, didn't know whether to continue crying or smile bitterly.


Chuck nodded: "A truly smart person will not expose his plans in advance. This will give you opportunities to break the situation.

First of all, your unwillingness to call the police is obviously related to your alcoholic mental state. He can evade that all this is your imagination and make the police not believe your words.

But even if I don’t believe you, this will be a big doubt after your death. After all, it’s 10 million in insurance, and the motive for the murder is too obvious. If the police don’t investigate, the insurance company will send investigators to investigate in detail. These are all It is a completely avoidable risk, and no smart person would do such a stupid thing.

And you also said that he said it every day, and you have every chance to secretly record it as evidence!

I know you want to say that he can see through you at a glance, so even if you want to record secretly, you can't succeed at all.

That's no problem either.

Since you have come to seek help with the determination to die, wouldn't it be wiser to record a video in advance and explain all the causes and consequences that you know? The perfect plan is nothing more than making it look like you died accidentally. With this Video, the person who aggrieved you can use this to apply for all useful means including a comprehensive autopsy, comprehensive search, etc.

Otherwise, it would look like an ordinary accidental death, and even a comprehensive autopsy would be difficult to get approved, and the death would be in vain.

Not to mention you saying that he tells you every night before going to bed that you don't have much time left, this is so stupid!

Maybe in his eyes, you are a chess piece that can be manipulated at any time, but this is the real world, not a chessboard!

The chess pieces on the chess board need to follow various game rules and can only be moved according to the player's wishes, but they are not used in the real world.

Everyone has a survival instinct. You may be "extremely kind and incompetent" in his eyes, but it does not mean that you have no chance to kill him. On the contrary, if you are drunk and eager to survive, you actually have a high probability of killing him.

He doesn't even consider this, but instead tells the person next to you that he wants to kill you every day. Isn't it extremely stupid? "


Linda, a plump woman, was so moved by Chuck's words that she even forgot to cry. In her eyes, the sky was about to fall, but in Chuck's mouth, it turned out to be such a ridiculous thing?


Jane stood aside, glanced at Chuck, raised her chin slightly and said to Linda: "Actually, these are not the stupidest things about him. The most stupid thing about him is that he dared to kill Chuck even though he knew that the detective Chuck was there. My wife’s thoughts!”

Seeing that the plump woman Linda's attention had been attracted, Jane continued to explain: "Although I don't know much about chess, I heard little Leonard said that after 4 moves in chess, there are more than 300 billion ways. The above choices and changes, after taking 40 steps, the possibilities to be considered exceed the number of all the stars in the Milky Way. But now you have only taken 1 step, but you already have infinite possibilities, because you have found Detective Chuck , the most critical and correct step to come out!"


Linda, a plump woman, suddenly had a strong hope of living again and couldn't help but look at Chuck.

"The reason your husband sees through you is because you have too few variables."

Chuck said calmly: "You don't need to use your brain to guess what you will do next, and if you come to me, either this variable is a sudden change that is not taken into account by him, or it is a butterfly effect that he did deliberately, and No matter which way, from this moment on, the chess game is no longer under his control."

"Did he do it on purpose?"

Jian was stunned for a moment, then said in disbelief: "Is he another arrogant fool who wants to compete with you?"

But this sentence brought back the memory of the last case. That braided Gold thought he was smart, but he still insisted on taking risks when he was just an ordinary artist. As a result, even the number one criminal lawyer on the East Coast was overturned. .

Could it be that this chess grandmaster and world champion lived too boringly? Even though he knew the name of Detective Chuck, he guessed that his wife might go to Detective Chuck after seeing the news, who had just successfully solved a bizarre wife-murder case. He came to help her, but still had to take action, using his wife as a pawn to have a more exciting 'chess' game with Detective Chuck in the air?

The more I think about it, the more it seems possible!

Because during this period of time, she was passively indoctrinated by Monica into some strange and unreasonable views.

For example, there is only a thin line between genius and madman, and super geniuses have more or less mental illness, and those around super geniuses also have more or less mental illness, so it is normal for them to be like this...

She used to sneer at these views, but now she is a little skeptical. When faced with this case, compared to a super genius chess grandmaster who is a fool, she is more inclined to think that the other party is crazy and arrogant, and is true. I want to play a real-life chess game with Chuck that involves an intellectual competition.

"Now how to do?"

Linda, a plump woman, felt her head hurt after just thinking about it for a moment, so she asked directly.

"That depends on your plan."

Chuck said: "If you want to insist that I redress your grievance afterwards, just record a video explaining the cause and effect and then forget about it. After you die, I will redress your grievance and bring him to justice."


The plump woman Linda and Jane were both speechless. Jane said angrily: "Linda didn't know before, but now that she knows, she will definitely no longer choose to redress her grievances after death, but wants to live!"


The plump woman Linda smiled bitterly: "If you can live, who wants to die?"

"If you choose to live, it will be a little troublesome."

Chuck said: "First of all, ensure your safety and prevent 'accidents' from happening. You need to immediately leave the area that he is familiar with and can control. It is best to record a video and immediately find a safe house to live in. I can guarantee that he will not It might take two minutes to find you, let alone create an accident."

"But I can't hide forever?"

The plump woman Linda asked the key question: "I will always come back to live, and you can't always protect me. If you don't pay attention, with Patrick's IQ, I can easily die 'accidentally'."

"That's the next step."

Chuck said calmly: "I will go to him, play a game of chess with him, defeat him, let him understand that in the field where he is absolutely good at, he will lose as long as he makes a move, shatter his confidence, and completely discourage him from taking risks. idea."

"Just like you did to little Sheldon!"

Jane shouted with bright eyes: "You can make little Sheldon not even have the courage to touch the chess pieces just by looking at him!"

Although sometimes Chuck's shamelessness shocked her, more often than not, Chuck was so handsome in her eyes!

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